Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4)

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Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Brie, #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella

BOOK: Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4)
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Brie’s Montana Dreams

Submissive in Love

Red Phoenix

Brie’s Montana Dreams

Copyright © 2015 by Red Phoenix

Kindle Edition

This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only.

All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the author.

[email protected]

Edited by Rebecca Hill

Overall Book cover design by Viola Estrella; Phoenix symbol by Nicole Delfs

Heartfelt hugs and kisses to:

My hubby – my lover, friend and inspiration


My friends Becki Wyer, Marla Thalassinou, and Copperlynn

for their help with Montana Brie

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

Adult Reading Material

Disclaimer: The material in this book is for mature audiences only and contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and older.


Title Page

Copyright Page

About the Series

A Meal With Master

Big Sky Country

The Sanctuary

Kinky Fun

Mary’s Triumph

The Initiation

Her Challenge

The King Returns



About the Author Red Phoenix

Connect with Red on Substance B

This is the ongoing journey of Brie Bennett, a submissive in love…

To be fully caught up with her story you need to have read:

(In Order)

Brie Learns the Art of Submission

Brie Embraces the Heart of Submission

Brie’s Tokyo Tryst
: Submissive in Love #1

Brie’s Denver Desires
: Submissive in Love #2

Brie’s Christmas Pearls
: Submissive in Love #3

* Also recommended:
The Erotic Adventures of Amy and Troy
 – in this novel you will meet Master Brad Anderson BEFORE he became part of the Submissive Training Center

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Red Phoenix69

A Meal With Master

rie stared into Sir’s eyes as they lay together. He looked so serious… She sensed that he’d made an important decision but was still grappling with it. Their little ‘holiday’ from their problems hadn’t fixed the issues they faced, but it had reconnected Brie to him on a soul level—and that was vital. They could survive anything as long as they remained connected to each other.

“Did I mention I loved spending Christmas morning with you, Sir?”

He smiled, brushing a strand of hair from her eye. “Yes, a number of times.”

She turned and spooned against him, snuggling closer. “Spending time with you was the best present of all…”

Sir held her tight as they lay watching the sun slowly breach the horizon on the first day of the New Year, flooding the room with light. He gently nuzzled her ear with his lips before stating hoarsely, “I’ve decided to begin the process.”

A dark current of fear coursed through Brie. It was disconcerting when she knew it was a good thing that Sir was ready to take action. “With your mother?”

“Yes. I’m meeting with Thompson tomorrow. She has a mass of outstanding debts and I would like to know the full extent and nature of them.”

Brie turned to face Sir, caressing his cheek lovingly. “This is a big step for you.”

“I’ve given it an inordinate amount of thought. Initially I believed it best to remember her as the woman I knew as a boy. However, I’ve come to the conclusion that I cannot let her die without understanding the woman she’s become.”

“That’s courageous, Sir,” Brie said, shuddering at the thought. “But I’m afraid you may find out things that will upset or hurt you.”

He gently traced his thumb over her downturned lips. “I’m the kind of person who prefers to know the truth rather than have things that are unpleasant kept from me. Unlike most people, ignorance is not my bliss.”

She smiled, loving the ticklish feel of his touch. “I’ve learned that about you the hard way.”

He chuckled, leaning over to kiss her on the lips. “Yes, but at least you learned.”

Brie couldn’t shake the ominous feeling associated with Sir and his mother. It confused her. She knew he needed to move forward—that the only way he would be able to do that was to wade through the mess his mother had made of her life.

“I’ll be with you every step of the way, Sir.”

“I expect no less from my condor.”

She settled back in his arms and sighed as she stared at the sun bathing the city with its golden light. It was impossible not to feel hope. “Happy New Year, Sir…”

She stood in Mr. Holloway’s office a month later, anxious to show him what she had filmed so far. Brie glanced down at the diamond ring on her finger and the pleasant butterflies started. She would be marrying Sir in less than five months…

Unfortunately, that left her little time to get all the filming completed for her second documentary. Wasting time going in a direction Mr. Holloway would not support was not an option for her, which was why she’d requested the meeting.

Brie noticed that he watched Headmaster Coen’s entire spanking scene while wearing a slight smirk on his face. Afterwards he turned to Brie, shaking his head. “This one is flirting with an XXX rating, Miss Bennett. I counted four orgasms, possibly five.”

“While I know it’s obvious to you and me, I doubt the audience will pick up on it. I find most people are ignorant of the orgasms happening around them.”

“It is uniquely provocative, but I want you to edit portions of it, possibly film a few extra shots to make it less obvious. I am interested in keeping the segment, but we don’t want your work confused with a pornographic film, Miss Bennett.”

Brie felt the heat rise to her cheeks. “I’ll talk to Headmaster Coen and see what I can do.”

Next she showed him her flogging scene with Marquis.

Mr. Holloway studied it with great interest, giving Brie reason to believe he’d enjoyed it. However, he stunned her when he announced afterwards, “This will
be included in your film.”


“End of discussion.”

Brie hated the thought of telling Marquis Gray that his scene had been cut. It was a beautiful scene, and was significant to her on a personal level. The scene was every bit as provocative and artful as the spanking scene, and Brie felt the urge to defend it. Yet when she studied the producer’s face, his expression let her know there would be no budging on this point.

“Can I have an explanation?”

Instead of answering her, he stated, “You mentioned a meeting with the head trainer of the Dominant course at the Center. How did that go?”

Brie saw the challenge in his eye, daring her to ask again about Marquis’ scene. She reluctantly accepted the change of subject, not wanting to lose her documentary over one scene, although it would be a disappointment to Marquis Gray, a Dom she highly respected.

“Master Nosh was only open to doing an interview with me.”

“I leave it up to you whether you want to pursue that further. I’m interested in what he has to say, but am unsure if it will have any relevance to your film. Where are you headed next?”

“I plan to visit Mr. Wallace and Miss Wilson at The Sanctuary in Montana. I sent a wire, since I am unable to contact them by phone, and received confirmation a few days ago that I would be welcome to join the commune for a two-week stay.”

I am interested in. Send me the raw footage when you’re done.”

Brie was unsure why he was so fascinated with the commune, but thought it might have something to do with Mary. He’d shown an interest in her story when Brie was filming her first documentary. At the time she’d assumed it was for purely professional reasons. Now she wasn’t so sure…

“Certainly. I’ll send it to you first thing, Mr. Holloway. As for the rest, I plan to have all the shooting done and the basic editing complete before June.”

“Before the wedding, then? A wise choice, Miss Bennett. I have no patience for people’s personal lives interfering with business.”

“It won’t, Mr. Holloway. Sir Davis and I are agreed that the filming comes first.”

“Fine, then you may see yourself out.”

She stood up and nodded respectfully to him before walking towards the door.

“Don’t forget, Miss Bennett, I want that footage as soon as possible.”

Brie smiled to herself. He really must have a thing for Mary. Too bad the girl was already taken…

Since Sir’s meeting with his lawyer was in the same area, they met for lunch afterwards. She felt that familiar flush as she spied him at a corner table. He looked so confident and handsome sitting there alone. It was humbling to know that Sir was waiting for her, and the smile on his face when he spotted her across the room absolutely melted her heart.

“Please sit,” he said, guiding her to the chair beside him. “I’ve already ordered an appetizer.”

While Brie munched on the fresh fruit and cheeses he’d ordered, she explained how she’d fared in her meeting with Mr. Holloway. Underneath the table, Sir hiked up her skirt so he could stroke her smooth thigh.

“It sounds as if he’s interested in your latest endeavor.”

Brie smiled, unwilling to share her suspicions concerning Mr. Holloway’s true motivations. Sir hated gossips. Unless she had undisputable evidence, it was best to say nothing. “Yes, he continues to be interested in the documentary, but I’m really disappointed I’m losing the flogging scene.”

“That is a shame, Brie,” he said, slipping his hand between her legs. “I had hoped your father would see it and come to understand his daughter better.” She opened her legs to him, allowing her Master greater access.

“Me too, Sir. It was a powerful scene on many levels.”

Brie stopped eating, distracted by the electricity caused by his sensual touch.

“Have another slice of apple,” Sir commanded gently as he swirled his finger over her clit.

She suppressed the squeak that burst forth as she took a slice and nibbled it. Sir was so wickedly bad.

The waiter came up and smiled at Brie. “Miss, have you decided on a plate?”

She looked at Sir, the heat rising to her cheeks as he increased the delightful pressure on her sensitive clit. “I…umm…”

“We’ll share a plate of your cock stuffed with brie.”

“Do you mean our stuffed chicken breast, sir?”

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