Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4) (2 page)

Read Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Brie, #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella

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“Exactly,” Sir replied with a smirk.

“A fine choice,” the waiter complimented, turning to Brie and giving her a wink before leaving.

“He seems to be smitten with you, my dear,” Sir growled hoarsely, slowly sinking his finger into her. Brie held her breath and remained still, every fiber of her being concentrated on the pressure of his finger. “Eat,” he reminded her.

She lifted the slice of apple to her lips, her gaze locked on to Sir’s. In a crowded restaurant, in the middle of the day, he was having his way with her. It was insanely sexy.

When the waiter returned with their dish, Sir pulled his finger from her and sucked it in front of the man. “I do enjoy the taste of Brie in the afternoon.”

“Certainly, sir.” The waiter placed the dish in front of them, adding, “The creamy texture of a good brie enhances the culinary experience.”

Brie giggled, looking at Sir as she quipped, “So I’ve been told.”

“If you require anything else, miss, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

She felt her Master’s hand return between her legs and let out a satisfied sigh. “Thank you, but I have everything I need.”

“Very well,” the waiter answered, obviously discouraged by her dismissive tone.

After he left, Sir leaned over and whispered in her ear, “I do believe you just broke his young heart.”

The heat in Brie’s cheeks increased as Sir resumed his forbidden caress. “Cut off a piece of that breast and feed it to me, téa.”

She picked up the fork and knife with trembling hands, and attempted to slice through the bird while her pussy caught fire with need. She bit her lip in concentration as she brought the piece of succulent meat oozing with brie to his lips.

“Look into my eyes,” he said before taking the bite.

Brie gazed into them, a chill settling on her as her body primed for release.

He nodded slightly, giving her permission… With a tiny squeak, she gave in to the fire. Her whole body shook as a wave of intense pleasure washed over her.

Sir swallowed his bite and smiled. “Good girl…”

He sucked his finger again, relishing her taste before taking the fork and knife from her. “Let me cut you a piece now.”

Their meal was sensual and private, even though they were in the midst of a crowd. Sir had that unique and beautiful effect on her. She was sad when the check was paid and they were forced to go their separate ways.

“I want you to set up your travel arrangements for the Montana trip when you get home. Unfortunately, I will not be able to join you this time.”

“Traveling is much more pleasant when you’re with me,” Brie said, silently pleading he would change his mind.

“However, it’s not a reality for us. As a film director, you will often find yourself traveling alone. The secret lies in how we structure our time apart.”

Brie sighed with resignation.

“You must keep a tight schedule if we are to wed this June,” he reminded her, taking Brie’s hand and kissing the ring on her finger.

“Well, when you put it that way, Sir… I guess I’ll be making those arrangements as soon as I get home.”

“That’s better. We’ll discuss the logistics of our separation tonight.”

Brie fought off the sense of sadness that washed over her as she walked to her car once they’d parted ways. Any time apart was hard on her, but she was determined to succeed with this second film. The world would be a better place because of her sacrifice and dedication; she had to trust and believe that.

Big Sky Country

lthough she faithfully wrote to Tono Nosaka every week, it was rare for him to respond. She impatiently opened his letter, anxious to learn how Tono was faring in Japan.

Dear Brie,

It pleases me to hear your meeting with Mr. Holloway went well and that you’ve been given the green light to continue filming. Naturally, if we should meet again, I would be honored to film a session of Kinbaku for you, although the opportunity seems highly unlikely at this point.

Despite my best efforts, my mother has become more discontented with time. To preserve my sanity, I took your recommendation to continue working on my modern take on Kinbaku. Chikako and I have made steady progress. It’s brought me much-needed peace and I thank you for being forthright in your suggestion.

Against my mother’s wishes, I have passed on my father’s studio to a well-respected bakushi, a man worthy of continuing my father’s legacy. I have neither the time nor the interest to run it. If I am completely honest, I did not want the responsibility, knowing it would cement my fate here in Japan. Although I fully accept my duty, I still hope to return to America. It is a purely selfish desire, but to deny it would be foolish.

I have not said anything until now, but I find it touching that you wear my orchid whenever you film. As you know, I admire your talent and am proud to be a part of the process—even if only in spirit. Please continue to send your letters. They are something I have come to look forward to each week.

Enjoy your time at the commune. I’m certain it will be a fascinating experience. I trust Mr. Wallace will behave himself while you are there. I would be remiss if I did not admit my concern. However, I know your Master is invested in your wellbeing and would not put you in harm’s way.

In all things, toriko, I wish you continued growth and peace. Give my best to Sir Davis.


Ren Nosaka

Brie sighed as she placed Tono’s letter inside the silk satchel, along with the others he’d sent. She saw a vision of his warm, chocolate-brown eyes and smiled.

“I’m praying you return home, Tono.”

To her delight, Sir had insisted on taking her to the airport despite the earliness of her flight. He reached out as he drove, tenderly caressing her cheek. “Don’t fret. It is only a temporary separation.”

“I know, Sir, but I dislike leaving you, especially now, because of what’s happened to your mother.”

“Although I appreciate your concern, I’ll be fine.”

“But if you need me to return for any reason, do you promise to contact me?” she pleaded. “It’s going to be hard enough not talking to you while I’m at the commune, but I won’t be able to focus on this assignment unless I am certain you will let me know if things get worse.”

“If her condition changes, I will send for you,” he assured her.

“Not having daily contact with you is going to kill me, Sir.”

“However, we must abide by the rules of the commune,” he told her. “It’s not as if we haven’t been down this road before, when you were under Nosaka’s care, and we have our protocols set. It will not be as difficult as you think.”

Brie wiggled in her seat, feeling the comforting presence of her jewelry as it pressed against her clit. Wearing the intimate jewelry would definitely help to comfort her when she found herself missing him.

“Keep your eye on the prize, Brie. I expect you to pursue it with dogged vigilance.”

“I will, Sir,” she said, smiling sadly, “but my heart will be pining away for you.”

“As long as it doesn’t affect the quality of your work,” he chided teasingly.

“I promise to come back with footage that will amaze and astound you.”

Sir chuckled as he parked the Lotus. “Mr. Holloway is the only one you need to impress, babygirl.”

Before he left her at the airport, Sir kissed her deeply, prolonging the kiss so that all her attention was focused on him and nothing else. When he finally broke the contact, he smiled down at her.

She sighed. “Your kisses are like magic for my soul.”

He grazed her lips with his fingertips. “I’m in agreement.”

Sir walked away, moving through the airport with a confident stride that caught the attention of those around him. She allowed herself a moment to mourn their separation before turning away and walking in the opposite direction with an equally confident stride. She was a film director. All her focus and energy needed to be centered on that for the next two weeks. There was no time for sentimentality.

Brie was surprised how far out the commune was from Whitefish, Montana. Truly, no one would stumble upon the place by accident. She knew she’d finally made it to her destination when she saw the gate, but there was no signage other than a warning posted on the gate that stated,
Trespassers will be shot
. She wasn’t sure whether it was meant as a humorous warning or a true threat.

Brie saw there was a rusty intercom, and rolled down her car window to press the red button on the keypad. It crackled to life and a male voice with a distinctive drawl said, “State your name and order of business.”

“Hello, I’m Brianna Bennett. Master Gannon is expecting me.”

The intercom went dead. After several agonizing moments, the intercom crackled again. “You may enter.”

The gate creaked and complained as it slowly swung open. The secluded environment, the warning sign, the old equipment along with the thickly wooded area made Brie think of the movie
. She suddenly wondered if she should be concerned for her safety as she drove through the rusty gate.

As Brie drove down the winding dirt road, images of rustic cabins, rocking chairs and men with overgrown beards crowded her mind. When she rounded the last bend, the wooded area opened up and revealed a delightful surprise.

The commune was not a rundown cabin community at all. Oh no…this establishment looked like a high-class resort. The main building was covered in scenic windows, multiple balconies and an elaborate stone patio that surrounded the entire building.

When she saw two men approaching her on the road, she slowed the car to a stop and unrolled her window. “Is either of you Master Gannon?”

“No, I am one of the Gatekeepers. Hand over your keys and your cell phone. Both will be returned to you when it’s time for you to leave.”

Brie was startled by the demand, but got out of the car, grabbing her suitcase and camera equipment before handing over her keys.

“Rajah will help with your luggage.”

Rajah looked nothing like the mountain men she’d expected to see. He was tall and tan, with long dark hair and mischievous green eyes. Without asking permission, he grabbed her luggage and all her equipment before starting towards the building.

The Gatekeeper noticed the concern on Brie’s face and assured her, “Rajah will take care of your belongings.”

“But my camera equip—”

“Gannon is waiting for you, Miss Bennett.”

Brie understood that to mean she was wasting Master Gannon’s time. The last thing she wanted was to make a poor impression on the leader of the commune. It had been highly unusual to be invited as a guest, so she quickly hastened towards the building.

An older man who looked to be in his sixties stood waiting for her on the steps. He had the unusual combination of one brown and one blue eye, which instantly drew her attention. She had to force herself not to stare in order not to appear rude. Brie held out her hand and was relieved when he shook it cordially.

“Thank you for letting me visit your commune, Master Gannon.”

“That’s simply Gannon to you.”

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