Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4) (5 page)

Read Brie's Montana Dreams (Submissive in Love, #4) Online

Authors: Red Phoenix

Tags: #Brie, #Erotica, #erotic, #Romance, #Novella

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Mary’s eyes took on a dreamy look. “Being rammed by three cocks at once… Fuck, does it get any hotter than that?”

Brie shook her head. “I can’t even imagine it, but I guess I won’t have to.”

“So you’re willing to film it?”

“Sure, why not? As long as Todd’s cool with it.”

“Fuck, he’s open to me trying anything.”

“Hmm… I notice your language slips a lot when he’s not around. Should I enlighten him?”

Mary tilted her chin up and sneered. “I only clean up my language for him. You, on the other hand, don’t matter to me.”

“It’s no wonder you don’t have any girlfriends here, based on the way you treat me.”

“I like putting you in your place—someone needs to.”

“I feel the same way about you, Mary the Mediocre.”

“Because deep down I know you’re jealous of me, Brie.”

“Jealous of what?”

“Not having to deal with idiots who judge you and having the freedom to explore my wildest desires. What’s not to be jealous about? You’re missing out, and you know it.” Mary put an arm around her. “I actually feel sorry for you.”

Brie forcefully removed Mary’s arm from her shoulder. “Just because this is right for you doesn’t mean I would thrive here. I like knowing Sir and I are exclusive…for the most part,” she added with a grin, reflecting on their threesome with Rytsar.

Mary shook her head in disgust. “Being stuck with the same person for the rest of your life? I can’t think of a worse punishment.”

“I find knowing Sir on such an intimate level—one that no one else shares—is the greatest turn-on.”

Mary patted Brie’s cheeks, making a kissy face at her. “Oh, my poor little Brie, you’re still such an innocent.”

Brie pulled away from her, unamused. “I still maintain that you’re the one who is secretly jealous. Face it—you can’t stand the fact that I’m collared and you’re not.”

Mary huffed. “As if…Faelan and I are having the time of our lives. Why would we ruin it with a collar?”

“You really don’t want to wear his collar?” Brie asked, not quite believing it.

“Hell, no! It would feel like a noose around my neck.”

“Well, I can’t argue with you, because whatever you two are doing seems to be working. I’ll admit, you seem more content than I thought possible.”

Mary eyed her suspiciously. “What the hell do you mean by that?”

Brie laughed. “You seem sweet together…like an old married couple.”

“Old married couple! Do you think you could be any more insulting, bitch?” Mary looked ready to deck her, but Brie didn’t flinch.

“I actually meant it as a compliment, Mary.”

Her nostrils flared in anger. “It’s not!”

Brie put her hands in the air. “Okay, I take it back. You’re not sweet together.”

Mary wasn’t satisfied, and decided to throw Brie a curveball. “So, Stinky Cheese, what’s the real story between you and Sir? Something’s up, I can tell. Not everything is sweetness and light in Brieland.”

Brie did not appreciate Mary’s intuitive nature, and skirted the issue. “Both of us have been extremely busy, so that’s made it hard to connect as much as we want.”


“And…things have happened.”

Mary scooted closer. “Ooh, do tell! It’s got to be juicy.”

Brie wasn’t about to expose herself to Blonde Nemesis after all her razzing. “Seriously, why would I tell you? It’s obvious you’d just use it to harass me.”

Mary’s eyebrows crinkled into a frown. “Hmm…you may be right. Let’s forget all this sensitive girly crap and talk about my scene.”

Brie took a deep breath, reminding herself why she’d come to the commune. It wasn’t about reconnecting with Mary, or Faelan for that matter. Her sole purpose was to film segments for her documentary.

Although the scene Mary wanted to film would not be part of that, it might make the other participants more open to filming.

“First, tell me where you plan to do this foursome so I can plan how best to film around it.”

Mary grinned, throwing her hands up in the air and gesturing to the sky. “Out here in the great outdoors.”

Brie raised her eyebrow. “You? Out here in the open?”

“No, there’s this perfect rock dubbed the Gang-Bang Altar that’s the perfect height for what we have planned.”

“I think I need to see this legendary rock.”

“I can take you there now,” Mary said, standing up. “We can map it all out now so you won’t distract me with stupid questions when the time comes.”

As they walked through the woods, Brie asked her, “Todd mentioned an initiation for subs. Can you give me details, or is it a big secret?”

Mary’s laugh was insulting. “It’s not like we’re part of a cult, Brie.” She gave a wicked smile when she added, “The Initiation… OMG, it’s the hottest thing ever. I swear every woman should experience it—including

“Fine, you’ve got me curious. Spill the beans.”

“Before they can be accepted into the community, every submissive is required to go through the Initiation while his or her Dominant watches without participating.”

“That sounds kinky.”

“Trust me, it
.” Mary spoke about it as if she were retelling a favorite fairytale. “First, you fast for twenty-four hours. Then they cleanse you to make you ‘pure’ for the community.”

“What does the cleansing entail?”

“A bath, a thorough shave and an enema.”

“I bet that enema was fun,” Brie chuckled.

they do on that day is sensual and decadent,” she insisted. “You’re made to feel like a queen, with several attendants to take care of you for the day.”

“So after you’re made whole and pure, then what happens?”

“You’re introduced to the community by your Dominant. He binds you to the ceremonial bed and then sits down to watch as you are tested.”

“Tested? Okay, now you have my mouth watering.”

Mary nodded. “I haven’t even shared the best part. Your Dominant sits directly in front of you, so he can observe your reactions as every Dom in the commune scenes with you.”

“What? Like a giant gang-bang?”

Mary shook her head slowly, a smile curling on her red lips. “Oh no—they play with you one at a time with a specific goal in mind.”

Brie felt goose bumps rise on her skin. “You’re killing me, Mary. What’s the goal?”

“Each Dom uses his unique set of skills to try to get you to orgasm, but the catch is that if you come, you will be punished.”

Brie stopped walking in the middle of the trail to face her. “Holy crap. Did you come?”

Mary’s smile grew wider. “I came again and again.”

“On purpose?”

“Fuck, no! The punishments hurt like hell. But as much as I didn’t want to, it just made my orgasms that much more intense. Knowing I was going to be severely punished just as I hit the peak of my orgasm…” She visibly shuddered. “Yeah, that’s a feeling I’ll never forget.”

It was easy to see that Mary relished her memories of the experience, but then the girl was weird to begin with. “What kind of punishments, exactly?”

“Paddles, canes, nipple clamps, anal hooks, suspension, humiliation…you name it. They want it to hurt, because they want you to be scared when you orgasm.”

Brie’s heart raced at the thought. “I can’t imagine. It sounds terrifying, but kinda hot.”

Mary patted her on the shoulder. “Even you, my wimpy friend, would love Initiation. Every Dom showcases his or her skill on you, determined to make you orgasm in front of the community. In one night I scened with every Dominant in the commune. The ceremony is pure genius!”

“Genius how?”

“I connected with every Dom on a personal level, experiencing their expertise as well as their favorite form of punishment. In one night, I became a real member of the community.”

Brie could see how it was brilliant for the submissive, but what about their Dominant? She imagined Faelan watching Mary orgasm under the hands of other Dominants, only to see her repeatedly punished for it.

“I don’t understand what’s in it for the initiate’s Dominant. I mean, how did Todd benefit from it?”

“It’s an honor to share your submissive with the commune, Brie,” Mary said in a condescending tone. Then she elbowed her in the ribs, adding, “It also doesn’t hurt that he gets to play with every future sub who joins the commune. Whereas we poor subs only get one glorious night, the Dominants get to join in every single Initiation.”

“And you don’t have a problem with that?”

“Why would I? It’s only right that the new subs get to enjoy the same experience I had. And guess what? We’re having an Initiation next Friday. Although you’re not allowed to film it, Faelan has already discussed it with Master Gannon, and he has no issues with you watching as long as you don’t intervene in any way.”

Brie kicked at a rock on the trail. “I wonder if I can handle it.”

“Better bring a couple of towels. I’m telling you, Stinky Cheese, you’ve never seen anything more erotic. Only thing sexier is being the lucky girl herself.”

Brie realized she was far too possessive to ever enjoy it, but getting to watch? Well, that would be a rare treat indeed.

“After you see an Initiation, you won’t want to leave…”

That evening, Mary and Faelan asked Brie to join them at the communal fire after dinner. She had watched the entire commune come together and share a meal, talking and laughing like a giant family. Although no one spoke to her directly, there was still a feeling of belonging as she consumed the meal the community had grown, harvested and prepared together. Brie understood why Master Gannon insisted on these community dinners. It allowed the group to connect on a different, less formal level.

She joined Mary and Faelan behind the main building, around a giant fire pit encircled by rows of comfortable chairs. The group seemed even more relaxed and friendly as they shared stories and sang songs to the strum of a lone guitar.

It reminded Brie of nights spent at summer camp, except for one major difference. Throughout the night, couples openly played with each other. Some left the group to finish their scene alone, but most stayed by the fire to play in front of the group.

Brie watched covertly with lowered eyes as a couple beside her began their sexual dance. It started with a simple command for the sub to put her hands behind her back. The man ran his hands over her breasts complimenting her on the feel of them. The woman moaned into Brie’s ear, making her an accessory to their scene.

He nibbled on the sub’s neck while he continued to massage her breasts. Brie saw his hand slip under her pants. The sub’s wiggles and jerking motions let Brie know he was hitting just the right spot.

Soon the clothes became too limiting for him, and he slipped her pants down below her knees, commanding her to lean on Brie’s chair for support. Brie continued to stare at the fire, but all her senses were focused on the couple. Brie soon heard the slippery sound of the sub’s excitement as her Dom began pumping her with his fingers.

The woman purred into Brie’s ear, begging him to use her. The Dom was cruelly playful and continued to stimulate his sub’s clit with his fingers, taking her close to climax without allowing her to come. It was not just his sub he was teasing, because the woman’s close proximity and her eager noises had Brie just as invested in her sexual release.

Brie glanced to her left and saw that Mary and Faelan were playing with a female. Mary was kissing the girl passionately while Faelan used a small switch he’d found in the woods to make the sub squeal and wiggle as he whipped her fleshy ass.

Looking up at the bright stars twinkling in the clear mountain air, Brie thought this would be heaven on Earth if she wasn’t alone and unplayed-with. To survive, she took on the attitude of a film director, noting the sounds and sights around her. Master Gannon had mentioned that she could film outside. If she could get a couple to agree, filming by the fire might prove the perfect way to capture the erotic nature of the outdoor play she was experiencing now.

She suddenly had an image of Rytsar taking her by the fire on the night of her first auction and her pussy began to pulsate around the glass of her clit jewelry. Was it possible to come without any type of physical stimulation? Brie remembered how susceptible she was to games of the mind and suspected that if she wasn’t careful she could unwillingly defy Sir’s order not to orgasm, and on her very first night there.

Oh, the humiliation!

The sub on her right was commanded to straddle the Dom and their sexual dance became a rock-and-roll session. He thrust his cock deep into her as she rolled her hips in sensual circles, stimulating his shaft more intensely. The two let out groans of passion as they played with one another.

Brie diverted her attention back to Mary and Faelan, which wasn’t any help. Mary was under the girl, the two making out enthusiastically while Falean plowed his cock into the sub. Both girls moved in unison to the rhythmic impact of his thrusting, which was a visual turn-on for Brie. The fact that Faelan stopped every now and then to admire the two girls and to play with Mary’s clit was too much.

Brie stared at the fire, but the sounds of passion were impossible to ignore. She got up and hurried into the woods, needing the silence of the forest. However, she quickly stumbled on a noisy threesome and decided to head for the bridge, hoping the rushing water would drown out any sound.

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