Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (26 page)

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Chapter Twenty Three



I had fallen for it again. What I thought would be one last adventure for Finn and I instead quickly turned into another opportunity for him to be fawned over. This was his reality and I was so stupid to believe anything different. Stuck at the makeshift party without any real chance of escape, I needed to try and find a way to enjoy myself. One look at Vida marking Finn as her territory gave me some joy though, she had no idea that I could still feel his warmth and size inside of me. Not having the courage to let her know, I figured booze and boys might just help me feel better.


"Oh hey, what's your name?" I heard my words slurring as they left my mouth and I patted some dude on the chest. It was a thinly veiled attempt to make Finn jealous so imagine my delight when I caught him watching. Another drink down the hatch and I was practically climbing on top of "Mike" or at least that's what I thought he said his name was. Cute, nice smile, gave me all his attention, this was the kind of guy I should be focusing on.


As I snuck glances over at him, I saw that Finn trying to match me, playfully putting his hands all over Vida who of course didn't object. Those two looked like the celebrity power couple everyone believed them to be. Another drink down the hatch for me and as I felt it burn down my throat, I grabbed Mike by his shirt and brought him right to me, surprising the boy with a full kiss on the lips. My new friend was more than receptive, sending over a little more tongue than I was ready for but nonetheless, happy to serve the role I needed him to. When I sent him off for more drinks, I realized that I was all alone and probably looked pathetic so I found more boys to openly flirt with. More drinks down the hatch and I could feel Finn's eyes burning holes through me. The thought of such delighted me to no end. The drinks were catching up with me but I didn't slow down, for some reason believing that I needed them in order to be this entertaining. Dakota's looks became judgmental but she needed to see how the grownups let loose.


Try as I might to ignore them, Finn and Vida's increasing public displays of affection were driving me nuts and led to me continuing to try and match them. Without care or concern for their feelings, I made sure to makeout with several boys, selecting the ones I had hoped would make Finn the most jealous. My head started to spin from the many drinks I had put down and thankfully, Finn cried "uncle" first.


"What the hell are you doing?" he shout-whispered into my ear while grabbing my arm. I was more concerned with making sure he didn't spill my drink and outright laughed at his concern.


"We're at a party," I told him, "so mind your business, bucko!" With precision unlike your typical drunk person, my index finger found the tip of his nose and gave him a "boop", delighting me but infuriating him. Seeing as he wasn't going to get any reason out of me, Finn released his grip and ran off somewhere, leaving me to flirt and drink some more. When I saw Dakota, Vida and Finn in a secret huddle, I clung to a nearby boy, trying to show them that I was having the time of my life. Their twisted looks let me know that they were about to put an end to that. It was Finn who marched over alone, acting like he owned me or something.


This was the reaction I had wanted, I had sought to make the hottest guy in the world jealous. Still though, I found it insulting that he felt entitled enough to come over and start yelling at the guy I was with.


Finn didn't even pay any attention to me, instead screaming and shouting at the guy I had been talking to. Boys will be boys and soon they were challenging each other to a fight. The whole rooftop was staring at us and I wanted to die. Once the manager of the country club got involved, I knew I had to get away. I begged Dakota to get me out of there and she happily obliged while Finn was still having his dick measuring contest with the guy I had been talking to. The intern drove me home in silence; her embarrassed by how I had acted and me, unable to tell her the truth.




Chapter Twenty Four



It's no secret that my life has changed considerably over a short amount of time. Everyone knew it, Finn Aikens was famous now. I can't turn it on and shut it off whenever I want to. There are perks and drawbacks but that's the life I have gotten into and nothing was gonna change that. That's why it confused me so much when Allie immediately recoiled once we were in public again. People want to be around me now that I was a celebrity and she knew that.


At first I took the less mature route and tried to engage Allie in a game of chicken. If she wanted to get drunk and all touchy-feely with whoever was around her, fine, I could do that too. The problem I soon found was that she wasn't willing to back down, instead continuing to throw back drinks and hang on random guys. While I was overtly watching her at many points I realized I'd have to change tactics.


Vida and Dakota were confused when I asked them for a private huddle and even more bewildered when I asked what we were going to do about Allie.


"Leave her alone, let her have fun," Vida spat at me with the most annoyed look she had ever given me.


"So you can do what you want but because she's a woman, she has to act a certain way?" Dakota followed up with. The two ladies were pissed off because they clearly didn't understand where I was coming from, no matter how much I tried to explain.


Dakota and Vida soon went off together, making clear they would be of no help. Not even a second later I was swarmed by a group of pretty ladies, all trying their best to get me to address them personally, to answer questions or take a picture. I went through the motions with them while unable to keep my eyes off of Allie for more than a second. When I happened to witness one particular slimy guy bring Allie a large drink and then put his hands all over her, I couldn't take it any more.


"Excuse me. Sorry, excuse me for one moment, I'll be right back," I told the girls. Who knows what they actually heard as the words fell out of my mouth and I rushed over to Allie's side.


"I think she's had enough, pal," I explained to the shady guy groping my soon-to-be stepsister. Allie looked up at me with indifference as her new friend squared his shoulders.


"Take a hike, pal," he said after looking me up and down and stepping toe-to-toe. At that moment I saw he had a squad with him, a group of sorry looking dudes who instantly perked up once they heard the tone in their buddy's voice. This was an interesting situation I had found myself in, nobody had told me 'no' or talked back to me in I don't know how long. It was time to find out if I still knew how to answer a challenge.


"Finn...just don't," Allie begged while trying to suggestively drape her body over the man who wanted to fight me. He didn't soften or stand down, his chest remained puffed out and his chin lifted high as I brought myself even closer. The two of us were as close as we could be without touching, our nostrils flaring as sharp breaths were brought in and out, waiting for a tipping point.


"Get lost, buddy. Seriously," I warned him one last time. To help get my point across, my hand, the one needed to strum my guitar, landed flat on his chest with a definitive shove. This guy just looked down as his shoulder only gave way slightly, his feet remaining firm in his spot and keeping him planted right in front of me. When his head rose again, his eyes met mine and we both had fires blazing inside, eager to pound the shit out of each other. His circle of boys started encroaching, coming even closer in a weak intimidation move. When I saw my foe's arm cock back, Allie dove on his arms to prevent him from punching. "C'mon, do it. Do it, you pussy," I taunted him, enraging him in the way I had hoped it would. We had reached a breaking point and I began to wonder if I even remembered how to fight.


"Whoa whoa whoa whoa," a voice called out and everyone saw Claus pushing through the crowd to put an end to this. The petite man put himself in between us, using his wingspan to push us far apart from each other. I kept my eyes on the greasy dude and he kept eyes on me, neither of us willing to admit to backing away. The only thing possible that could've made me drop it soon appeared at my side.


"You're such an asshole," Allie said with heavy disdain as Dakota whisked her away. I watched them hurry off of the roof and through the door that would lead them downstairs, hopelessly dying for a chance to try and make it better with her. It was too late though, they were gone and I couldn't go and run after them.


"Fucking pussy," the stupid prick yelled from the safety of being yards away. Anger caused me to mock charge, to pretend that I was going right for him before stopping suddenly. The only positive of this encounter was that they guy reflexively flinched and looked like a weakling in front of the whole party. My status as alpha of the rooftop remained in place, my challenger defeated with a simple move. I was all that was man and would lay waste to any and all challengers.


Sadly though, a king is nothing without his queen.



Chapter Twenty Five



On the rare occasions where I drink, I always end up having a rough time staying asleep. This occasion was no different. In between a few brief cat naps where I tossed and turned, the events of that night ran through my head in an endless loop.


Memories as brief images started to flash in my brain as I tried to piece together every event of only a few hours before. A quick image of Finn looking hot, a gaggle of random boys...a flash of Finn fighting some guy. That's when I started to make connections, remembering my aggressive flirting, the anger I had for Finn. When I started to visualize the many drinks I had thrown down, I could practically taste the alcohol stinging the inside of my mouth and almost started to dry heave. I felt equally sick remembering that Finn had been fighting that guy because of me. Remembering that I had started it made my stomach twist in a way much worse than any alcohol could've done.


Turning in the bed and attempting to let the covers bury me forever, I had another memory. Finn and I in his dressing room, doing what I swore we couldn't ever do again. A dull ache formed between my legs as I cursed myself for not having the willpower to stay away from him. Before leaving for his show, I swore I was strong enough to stay away, strong enough to not give in to the temptation that I couldn't figure out why I wanted. So stupid, Allie.


"Hey there, feeling ok?"


Dakota's voice pierced through my ears and made me burrow even deeper in the safety of the blankets. Ignoring her didn't seem to work as I could feel that she was still waiting in the doorway, waiting for a response.


"Um, cool. You know your mom is here? Says she texted you?" Dakota continued. "I didn't tell her you were hungover though. I'll go tell her you'll be right out."


My body was too weak to object and now I had no choice but to pull myself out of bed and face my mother who could never, ever know the real truth of why I felt so bad.


Needing some time to put myself together, I headed for a hot, steamy shower to help sweat out at least some of the bad stuff that was making me feel so ill. The piping hot water poured down on me as I bowed my head and relished the therapeutic heat washing over me. When I opened my eyes a little as water streamed down my face, I saw a small mark on my left breast. Little, purplish, like a bruise. Very vividly I began to recall Finn's lips pressed on that very spot, causing the discoloration with suction that drove me wild. All of the emotions from our little tryst flooded my memory and I remembered Finn taking control of my body and merging us together as one.


It took a herculean effort to insist to myself that this was wrong and I needed to stop even fantasizing about him. Just when I thought I was successful, it surprised me to find my arm wedged between my legs, my wrist located in the perfect spot for my mound to grind on. I had positioned myself so without even realizing it, oblivious to the needs my body was insisting on. In an attempt to do the right thing, I jumped out of the shower with a quickness, eager to move on with my day without any more taboo thoughts of him. My clothes were on just as quick as my mind tried to remain pure.


"There she is," my mother announced as I stood only feet away. My eyes squinted, trying to adjust to the harsh, bright lights. I joined her at the table in hopes she had made a nice, greasy breakfast but instead found her organizing many sheets of paper. Mother went on to explain that I had agreed to help her pick the music for the band to play at the wedding.


"And I know what you're thinking," she told me without any clue that no, she didn't have any idea what I was thinking. "Why not just have Finn and his band play, right? Well, we're going for a different kind of music, that's all. Something more wedding appropriate."


Before I could even nod in agreement, my heart practically stopped when I heard him enter the room.


"Aw, c'mon Marybeth, SharkFin is wedding appropriate!" Finn said through his typical cheeky grin. He had an apple in his hand that he was taking bites from and he couldn't have looked more pleased with himself. Every emotion known to man coursed through my veins as I stared him down. I hated him, hated his smug face, hated that he was forcing himself into my family, hated that he called my mom by her first name, hated how much he loved himself. Still though, I also felt a flutter in my stomach every time he spoke and hated him for that. His hold over me could only weaken with distance, if I could get these days behind us, I'd keep myself away from him forever.


My mother was just as flustered, having been caught stating she didn't want Finn's music anywhere near her wedding.


"It's lovely Finn, really. It's just...it's not
music, you know? Wedding's are about love," she insisted. Kill me now, is this conversation really happening between them, right in front of me?


Finn wasn't going to let it go. "You must only know some of our songs, Marybeth. There's quite a few that may surprise you. But hey, maybe not. Sometimes I try to say what I mean but it comes out all wrong." Nobody seemed to notice that Finn was looking right at me as he spoke those words. He may have an easy time bullshitting me but I was anxious to see my mother tear him to shreds, as she would've if I had tried to same hackneyed routine on her. “Hear me out,” he continued, “see if you can tell what my heart is trying to say.”


To my absolute horror, my mother asked him to go get his guitar. He readily obliged and when he wasn't even that far away, my mother tried to share a secret squeal with me, as if I could possibly share in her enthusiasm.


“There's just something about a man with a guitar,” she winked and made me pray for a piano to come and fall on my head.





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