Bush League: New Adult Sports Romance (25 page)

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"Well, hello, Allie," he said with a big grin that made his teeth appear from under his bushy facial hair. He graciously offered me his drug straw which I soon regretted politely declining. Not that I wanted to partake but my refusal immediately gave off a vibe that I wouldn't be worth his time.


"Are you with the band?" I asked, pressuring him to please continue a conversation with me.


"Roadie," he gruffed while turning his attention back to his beloved drugs. I leaned in closer as he snorted, so close I heard the air and stimulants rush up the straw and into his face. Out of the corner of my eye, I looked towards Finn to see if he was watching. He was.


"That's fun. Tell me about your job."


This man took a minute to try and enjoy the rush he just shoved up his nose, staring at me blankly as he relaxed his face and released a deep breath. He stroked his red-speckled beard for what felt like forever before he said anything.


"You're not a writer or anything? Trying to get me in trouble?" His paranoia was within reason but he didn't know my actual motives.


"I am," I confessed, "but I assure you, anything we talk about is strictly off the record."


I wasn't prepared for this man to unload right then. He started talking, and talking, and talking about everything under the sun. It wasn't clear that he even took a breath. As he babbled on, I checked on Finn again and to my dismay, I watched him, Vida and the young group disappear behind another door, going who knows where. While I really wanted to go follow, my new friend wasn't ready to  let me go.


"Where ya goin'?" he asked with just enough hurt in his voice to make me feel guilty.


"Bathroom that way? Too much beer!" I giggled and after a few moments, he did too. The second man I had used that night pointed me in the way of where the bathroom was, directions I ignored while I went to find a place to clear my head.


Though I wanted to go find where Finn went off to, a large part of me was screaming that I needed to run far away from him. What was I doing? Not only was the connection I had felt between Finn and I a proven sham, not only was he the exact kind of person I didn't need or want in my life, but, and this is a big but, he was about to become my stepbrother. No mental gymnastics could get around these facts and I was going to have to retrain my brain to forget all traces of him. Forget the way he smelled, the way he smiled at me, the way he made me feel safe as well as recklessly wild at the same time.


While wondering around the VIP floor, I found a little, unoccupied room off to the side. Desperate for some privacy, I ducked in there in hopes of finding some. It didn't take long to figure out what I had found; it must've been Finn's dressing room, where he got ready to go conquer the stage. Before I even realized it, both of my hands were caressing the leather jacket draped over a chair, letting my fingers feel all around the contours of the rough and cool coat. Each hardened fold comforted me as my hands inspected where they went. Even though I should've known better, I liberated the leather from its perch and brought it to my face, pressing it against my skin as I inhaled deeply, welcoming the scent of the bad boy into my consciousness. The flavors he left behind danced in my brain as my eyes pressed closed and I envisioned him on stage, controlling the audience with his guitar and voice.


"What are you doing?"


The sound of his voice froze me in place. I had only a moment to figure out what to do and reacted by violently throwing his jacket down before even opening my eyes. When I did look towards the sound of his voice, I saw Finn standing there amused, delighted that he had caught me.


"N-nothing. Nothing. I was lost, that's all," I weekly tried to assure him.


"Uh huh," was all he said before turning around and closing the door behind him, the sound of the lock turning soon echoing throughout the room. My legs trembled as I watched him start to slowly approach me, his shirtless torso and tight leather pants weakening my new resolve with each passing second. It was a true fight or flight moment and if I was going to have a shot at what I promised myself I wanted, I would have to get out of this quick, no matter how hard.


"Shouldn't you go off and find Vida?" I meekly asked while turning my back, pretending to be preoccupied by the trinkets I found on a nearby table. If he would only leave me alone then I would make sure to never, ever be alone with him again. Instead I felt him coming closer, the heat from his body soon merging with my own in an unholy union. The rest of my body began to shake like my knees when Finn's stiff body soon pressed against my backside, the two of us returning to a familiar stance that only ever lead to trouble. Finn began to run his fingers up and down my arms, barely making contact but just enough to start a wildfire in my brain.


"You know that's fake, right?" he asked. "It's for show, it's not real."


There was plenty I didn't know and plenty I hadn't experienced but even so, I knew Finn was about to speak the words of a horny committed man who was looking for a little side action, someone to use and refuse as fast as possible. Whatever was going on between him and Vida wasn't my business and he'd have to be a fool to think I was going to fall for it.


When I had made up my mind to squirm out from under him and put some distance behind us, my body wouldn't cooperate. The way he felt behind me felt too right, too much like what I wanted so badly. For all of the differences that made Finn someone I should stay far away from, those differences were what set him so far apart from each and every other guy I met. He was unique and special, someone that connected with me in a deeper way than anything I had ever known. But it was wrong, for so many reasons.


"Every day I miss what we had," he whispered in my ear after brushing a few strands of hair back. When Finn's lips landed delicately on my exposed neck, goosebumps ran up and down my entire body, a surge of warmth and excitement finding the tips of extremities and making it extremely difficult to speak.


"I...I...um, we...we should...," I stammered, trying as hard as I could to push him away.


"We shouldn't...we shouldn't be apart," Finn declared as his hands wrapped around my front and clung to my tiny body as if for dear life. I so badly wanted to believe what he was saying, wanted to forget everything that had happened but was still feeling betrayed. My butt pressed back against the raging hard-on protruding from his body as my head objected, a civil war having broken out inside of me with no clear winner emerging. Finn's hands slid up to my chest and his massive hands, the same ones that were able to so masterfully control his trusty guitar, enveloped and held my aching breasts that longed for him.


"Finn...we..." more words failed to come and I even let out an audible exhale as Finn's fingers skillfully undid the button on my jeans. With his hands wrapped around me he was able to get my pants open in less than a second even as my body continued to press back firmly against his manhood, desperate for more of him.


My arms splayed out and grasped the corners of the table as Finn pulled my jeans down further, his hands soon running up and down my exposed inner thighs, dancing around everywhere but where my body screamed for him the most. He toyed his finger along the waistband of my thin panties, waiting for me to beg for him.


"You know you want this, Allie," he told me. "And you know it's all I've been able to think about."


The thoughts running through my mind were coming in at a mile a minute. As I maneuvered my covered pussy against his still hidden cock, I tried to rationalize any way that I could give my body to him in a way I so badly wanted. Maybe instead of a random fling, I could instead satisfy the craving right here, backstage with Finn. Ok, but this is it, I warned myself.
After this, no more. Use this very moment as the last time with Finn. Get it out of your system because, in just a few days, he will be completely off limits for more reasons than he already is. Let him enter you, push himself deep inside of you as you two embrace, feel the two of you move as one just one last time and then it's over. Forever.


As quickly as I had found a way to make this ok, my hands raced behind me and lowered those panties, presenting myself for my soon-to-be stepbrother to take me. When my arms reached out for the corners of the table again, I felt Finn's warm, bare skin right between my legs. His fingers dug into the softness of my ass as he began to press himself inside of me. The goosebumps returned, running up and down my entire body as he slid more of his thickness into my tight opening, my toes curling as the pressure of my world splitting began to build. I pushed myself back down onto him, taking all that he had to give.


It wasn't long before my wetness provided him the opportunity to slide in and out with ease, my head tilted back as he pulled gently on a strand of my hair while burrowing deeper inside of me. When he suddenly stopped, I worried that our last time together had ended prematurely.


"Turn around," he told me. "I want to see your face."


With absolute quickness to ensure he would return to me at once, I spun around, hoisted myself up on the table and opened my legs for my rock star stepbrother. I watched as he steadied his cock with one hand and placed the other behind my neck. As his manhood began to slip inside of me once more, Finn brought us together for a deep, forbidden kiss, only broken when I couldn't stifle a moan any longer. As I tried to concentrate on the pressure building inside of me, on the fact that I was finally getting what I had so desperately craved for so long, on the sensation of his thickness stretching me in the most perfect way, Finn looked deep into my eyes.


"I love you," he told me and brought me crashing right back down to reality.





Chapter Twenty Two



My hips pushed into Allie as she grasped the back of my neck, pushing our foreheads together. The sheer bliss I felt as her warmth and wetness enveloped me caused my mouth to blurt out things I shouldn't have said but Allie was kind enough to move on and focus the grand release we both so desperately needed.


"Oh God," she yelled more than a few times. By the way her legs opened even wider to accept me even deeper, I knew something big was happening. Our cheeks soon pressed together and she fought to hold as much of me as possible as I looked down and watched her thighs began to shake. Soon her whole body was convulsing as I felt her pussy clamp down and grip me even tighter than before. When she held us in position for a moment, me deep inside of her and held tightly by her arms, I couldn't hold it any longer and had an explosion of my own. This wasn't a normal finish but instead felt all throughout my body in several Earth-shattering bursts. My mind cleared and I realized that nothing, absolutely nothing mattered except Allie. The world was a beautiful place but senseless without her. Pointless without her to complete me. This is why I had been so lost and confused, she had been out of my life.


The two of us struggled to catch our breath, our chests heaving up and down as I remained inside of her. It was a moment neither of us wanted to ever end. After she let out a silly giggle, I slowly slid out of her, my dick glistening with shine from the two of us. Though I had spent my load, I was still harder than Chinese math, my swollen manhood unwavering in her presence.


Allie pulled her pants back up and into place and I followed suit though I was not eager in the least bit to join the rest of the party and go our separate ways. I wanted more of her, more time with her than I knew I was going to get. I tried to wrap my arms around her and lie with her on the table but she quickly removed my hands from her body.


"Finn...we can't. This," she pointed between the two of us, "this can't happen any more. That was the last time. I mean, we're no good together, you have a girlfriend and,” she let out a grunt,  “we're going to be related. We can't, we just can't."


She wasn't saying anything I wasn't aware of but Allie seemed to accept the facts that I tried to deny.


"So...this is it. We only have tonight?" I asked earnestly.


"Finn..." her voice trailed off.


"Let's have tonight. Me and you. If this is it, let's make the most of it."


Her face twisted. "Finn, I don't want to go out there and face everyone judging me. I won't be the other woman."


She should've known that I had an answer for everything. "You think I don't have an escape route?"


After moving a few awkward furniture pieces, I showed her the window I was aware of the whole time. A window that led to a fire escape, which led to the parking lot, which led to our freedom. Allie was having a hard time coming up with a way to shoot this down too and after a moment, seemed resigned to the fact that she was allowed to have fun.


"Just tonight," I told her before taking her hand and leading her to follow me out the window.




The motorcycle that had been provided to me was proving to be a godsend. As we drove down the highway with anonymity, I felt I was in heaven with Allie clutching me tightly from behind, her head resting on my back. Part of me wanted to drive us off into the night, off to where nobody could find us again, where we could be together like we both wanted. Knowing full well that she would loudly object after a few missed exits, I got us off the highway in search of a good time.


Claus and the country club had been so hospitable, I was hoping they'd be open to letting us hang out on the roof and watching the stars. While Claus didn't object, he hadn't picked up on my hint that I wanted it to be just me and Allie up on the roof. Before long the drinks were flowing and about forty of Claus' close friends had joined us.


"Sorry, I, um, thought we could be up here alone," I apologized to an annoyed looking Allie. She just shrugged and scanned the room for anyone that might blow up her spot. It didn't take too long, we had only been up on that roof a short time before I heard the familiar voices of Dakota and Vida calling our names.


"How the hell did you find us?" I demanded Vida explain.


"Twitter, dude," the social-media wizard Dakota let me know. Damned Claus didn't give us access to the roof for free and his guests were less than discreet. Peering over the edge, I saw crowds gathering below, all tipped off by one Twitter post. The turn in events had ruined my hopes for the evening but I wasn't ready to give up on it just yet. Even when Vida wrapped her arm around me like her possession, I was more interested in what Allie wanted to do. People from all over were trying for my attention, to have a conversation or take a picture but I remained focused on Allie.


"Say, um, you want a..."


The words had barely left my mouth when I watched Allie shaking her head towards me, as if this was somehow all my fault. Her and Dakota went off together, off to find something other than me. Vida had her intentions set and made sure to be a part of each conversation these random people wanted to have with me. I answered in short answers and grunts as I watched Allie obtain a few drinks and talk to many of the sketchy guys on that roof. My blood boiled but I kept it under control to give her her space though it was the last thing I wanted to do. I saw her look over at me for a brief second, our eyes met and I used mine to plead with her to come back. Instead she downed the drink she was holding and playfully rested her hand on some shady dude.


"Finn..." Vida tried to get my attention. "She asked you a question."


I tried my best to give the fan the attention she craved but could barely keep my eyes off of Allie all the way on the other end of the roof.





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