Caitlin's Hero (15 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Caitlin's Hero
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Brodie sat with his parents and Caitlin, rage building in his gut as they filled him in on the horrors of the day. He was overwhelmed with gratitude for his loving parents, who had charged to the rescue on his behalf. His resourceful mother explained how she had contacted Mia’s Restaurant and convinced Angelo to give her Caitlin’s home address.

The fact that Lila had had the nerve to come to Caitlin’s home and say such venomous and untrue things to Caitlin, and in front of Riley, horrified Brodie. He figured Jack Edwards must have had a hand in arranging that visit. He wasn’t sure how he was going to avenge his angel, but he would.

“Caitlin, I need to return a few phone calls, thank some people for their help today. Will you be all right just for a few minutes, angel? I’d put it off if I could, but I promised I’d make a comment as soon as I knew you were okay.”

“Of course, Brodie. Do what you have to do. I think I can cope for a few minutes without you.” The smile Caitlin bestowed on him was the sweetest sight Brodie had seen. “I’ll go chat with your mum,” Caitlin added, kissing him quickly before moving the short distance to where his mother sat.

As it turned out, most
had decided to drop the story as it was filled with so many lies, and given that the photograph had been taken without Brodie and Caitlin’s knowledge on private property, most thought it unethical.

When everyone had finished their pizza, Brodie began to tidy up the remnants. He was surprised to overhear a conversation taking place between his mother and Caitlin.

“You know, darling, Patrick would love to spend some time around young Riley, and it’s such a long drive home. Do you think it would be all right if we spent the night here?”

“Ruth, I’d love to invite you both to stay, but I only have this sofa bed to offer you. It’s not really all that comfortable. Wouldn’t you rather stay at Brodie’s?” came Caitlin’s reply, sounding so full of apology and embarrassment, it nearly broke his heart.

“Rubbish. Pat and I will be fine on this sofa. We can play some games with Riley before we tuck him into his bed, then in the morning Patrick and Riley can go and kick a ball around in the local park. Caitlin, it will be wonderful for Pat to have a kick with the boy.”

“Well, if you’re sure… I’ll just change the sheets and then make up some sort of bed in Riley’s room for me,” Caitlin said hesitantly, as if she was trying to think of a solution to the sleeping arrangements problem.

“Well, that won’t do at all, Caitlin. We can’t have you sleeping on the floor. Why don’t you go home with Brodie and leave us here to keep Riley company? We’ll be just fine, and you and my boy can make sure you have everything all sorted out, in private. Be gentle with him, sweetheart.”

Brodie nearly choked on his own sharp intake of breath. He had never realised how manipulative his mother could be, but he certainly was glad of
it in this case.

Caitlin explained the plans for the night to Riley, who winked at Brodie and agreed. Patrick was quick to ask Riley if he knew somewhere they could kick a ball around
a few times
the next
morning before school
thinking that would make the boy more comfortable with the arrangements. JT
volunteered to give Pat a call
early on,
to see where the boys were headed
, adding that he’d drive Riley on to school so they had more time together.
Riley bounced.

Trevor offered to drop Brodie and JT back at the team grounds to collect their cars and escorted June home to her flat, also giving Caitlin time to grab some overnight requirements. Brodie noticed Caitlin’s nervousness, that ‘ready to flee’ look in her beautiful, emerald eyes that he had already come to know so well. So he hovered around in the doorway, just to be on the safe side, just in case she needed him or some reassurance that everything was going to be okay. He was pleased that, as she and his mum made up the pull-out bed, Caitlin glanced his way and smiled on more than one occasion. Brodie loved the picture of these two special women in his life working so well side by side.

Chapter Seventeen

Brodie finally had Caitlin in his apartment and in his arms, alone. She sat on his lap, sipping at a glass of champagne. He was trying to think of a way to ease her nerves. She seemed so jittery, it was making him nervous too.

“Now, this is better—having you here in my arms. I wasn’t sure that was ever going to happen after today’s debacle,” Brodie said, trying to ease the tense silence that had arisen. “I’m so sorry you got mixed up in this mess, angel. I wouldn’t have wanted that for the world, but unfortunately my very ex-wife is very vindictive and the more I think about it, the more I think she’s behind all this drama. But I promise you it won’t happen again. You are too important to me. You and Riley. I’m hoping that this, whatever this is between us, will develop into something really special, long term.”

“It’s okay now—now that I’m here with you. I didn’t know what to think at the time, but your parents were so lovely, so wonderful to come to my rescue. All of you are so
I went from feeling alone against the world—again—to being swamped with support, all in a matter of hours.” Caitlin’s soft voice held a tremor of nerves in it as she whispered in his ear. “But what I really need is for you to make me feel like you did the other night. It’s thinking about you touching me again that has me a bundle of nerves.” She giggled.

“Angel, baby, that I can help you with. Believe me, it will be a pleasure. Let me put those nerves to better use.”

And with that Brodie
took the champagne glass from Caitlin and placed it in the ice-bucket next to the bottle of bubbly. Taking her by the hand, he collected the ice bucket in his other
and headed to the bedroom.

to sit in
the middle of his bed
placed the champagne on the dresser. He slowly turned towards her and smiled. He dragged his shirt off over his head, not even stopping to undo the buttons. He tossed it to the floor. Next, Brodie pulled off his boots, dropping them one by one, the sounds reverberating around the room. He could hear Caitlin’s breathing getting faster, little gasps escaping her mouth. He drew his zipper down very carefully over his arousal, then slid his jeans and boxers from his body at the same time.

Brodie stood still, letting Caitlin see him—the natural him, with nothing more to show. He looked at her, filled with need and hunger and love. He knew it was love. Who would have thought he’d get to thirty before finally finding out what that meant?

Her happiness was what he craved, and her body. Her eyes were glassy, like jewels glistening at him, as he climbed onto the bed and crept on all fours towards her, like a lion claiming his mate.

She was so nervous, wanting him to make love to her, but also terrified. The night had been wonderful—everyone had been like a big family all crammed into her home, laughing and joking. She had felt like an angel floating around on a big soft cloud as the emotions just kept washing over her. Riley had been bouncing everywhere, so happy and vibrant, after being so devastated earlier in the day. She just hadn’t been able to stop feeling nervous about what was to come.

Now she was sitting on his bed
and her hero was naked
and so close she could reach out and touch him, if she dared.
It felt like a dream.

stood erect in front of him
tangible proof of his need for her.
he w
ould be
tonight and the anticipation of this was starting to drive her crazy with need
. Her mouth was dry, but her body was so wet. Caitlin had looked him in the eye as he’d stalked her, crawling towards her, seeming to take forever to reach her.

Now, he encircled her ankle with his hand and pulled her towards him, tugging at her so she fell back on the bed.

He carefully removed her shoes, massaging her insteps and kissing each of her toes. She giggled, but his
eyes silenced her as he slowly removed her jeans. She loved the way Brodie was looking at her lying there before him in her panties, and licking his lips. Caitlin couldn’t stand it any longer and grabbed at her shirt,
attempting to rid herself quickly of any barriers between them, but as she pulled the fabric
over her head she managed to get all tangled up in it. Frustrated at her clumsy attempts, Caitlin was a little relieved that Brodie could not see her face, which was now burning hot with embarrassment.

As she struggled with her
, Brodie calmly removed the stubborn cloth,
finally freeing her. Caitlin
undid her bra and let the cups fall into her hands,
leaving her breasts bare to Brodie’s hungry gaze
. Her nipples were
as she arched her back,
almost as an offering.

Brodie growled. Caitlin knew that sound now—it was a good one. It made her feel powerful. She had made him growl in such a hungry way, and
knowing it was the sight of her naked body
making his eyes so wild
built her confidence

Caitlin noticed a
drop of fluid leaking from
the tip of Brodie’s
cock. She felt a little racy thinking of his penis as a cock, but it gave her the courage to
reach out and touch the glistening tip. She couldn’t help herself—she caught it up on her finger and tasted it. The salty flavour was

He groaned her name and pounced on her. Almost savagely, he ground his lips down on hers. His tongue invaded her mouth, possessing it, owning it. He dragged her arms over her head and pinned them above her with one arm. She watched as he lowered his head and latched on to the left nipple, gently sucking, only to leave it
and go on to tantalise its neighbour.

Caitlin was making little mewling sounds, loving the slow, seductive torture this man was inflicting on her, but she wasn’t sure she would survive it. He had a way of making her burn, electric sparks touching her whenever and wherever he made contact with her skin. She wanted to
caress him, explore
him, but her hands were trapped,
pinned by his arms.
She just lay back and let herself feel—feel as a woman should, enjoying the ministrations of the man she loved.

Brodie made his way down to her belly button with his lips, then had to let go of her hands. He pressed them into the mattress in a silent command for her to keep them in place. He licked
, kissed and nipped all the way back down her body, her breasts, her stomach and her hips,
teasing and torturing
as he went.
Then his hands added to the pleasure. He tweaked her nipples, pulling
until they were firm and hard from his touch
. It all felt electric. Her
pulsating and wet
from the onslaught.

Just when Caitlin thought she could stand no more, Brodie moved between her thighs. He spread open her aroused, swollen pink lips with his thumbs and delved in with his talented tongue. Caitlin nearly exploded off the bed—the feeling was so intense she wasn’t sure if she could take it. He circled her bud and pushed his tongue quite firmly down.
She experienced a surge stronger than any she had felt before,
a tidal wave that overtook every nerve in her body,
leaving her gasping for some release to save her sanity.
Caitlin flew over the precipice into the glorious feeling of sensual completion.

Chapter Eighteen

Brodie had nearly come when she’d licked that drop of pre-cum off her finger. The touch of Caitlin’s finger alone had nearly been enough.
e could have gorged on her juices all night—she was like the taste of water to a parched, dying man, and her little sounds of pleasure had made him want to beat his chest with pride
. What was it about Caitlin that bought out the caveman in him or, in this case, a wild animal
The need to please and protect her was so strong in him.

She lay on the bed, sated from his attentions, and he could wait no longer. Brodie grabbed a condom from
his bedside drawer.
Tearing the packet with his teeth, he removed the latex protection from its packet and rolled it carefully onto his

He lifted Caitlin’s legs, holding them up over his elbows,
exposing her entrance,
the place he needed to
drive deep inside.
As the throbbing end of his eager,
rod prodded at her opening, he felt her
tense. Brodie whispered for her to let him in, to let him bury himself deep into her so they could be as one. He felt her relax her tight muscles and he didn’t wait—he thrust into her.

Brodie felt the barrier too late, smashing through it mercilessly, his brain not sending the warning message fast enough to stop his body in time. He went as still as he could as he heard Caitlin cry out in pain.

My God, she was a virgin
Why didn’t she tell me?

Brodie tried to hush her cries, kissing her tenderly over and over. He had been like an animal and had hurt Caitlin again. It was unforgivable—he should have been gentler, more patient. He eased into her slowly, letting her body become accustomed to his invasion. As he
held himself
there, still holding her legs up in the air, thinking he should stop and let her recover, he felt her start to move. His angel was dancing beneath him, her hips moving in a swirling motion as she moaned with pleasure.

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