Caitlin's Hero (16 page)

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Authors: Donna Gallagher

BOOK: Caitlin's Hero
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Knowing it would only take a few thrusts to finish him, Brodie
one of Caitlin’s legs to the bed and placed his thumb on her clit, pressing and swirling as he
slowly rolled his hips.
He stretched her
tight pussy
not sure if she would be able to take all of him comfortably just yet,
becoming part of her before retreating and
repeating the measured pace again, all the time fighting against his own urge to just bury himself inside her
. The friction of his movements and his finger on her clit finally made her scream his name in pleasure. Brodie thrust again, trying to wring out all he could from her, prolonging her orgasm as he exploded inside her, yelling her name to the world just before he collapsed on top of her.

Caitlin had tensed when
he’d prepared to enter her,
but she had been brought to such fulfilment by this man that she’d wanted to have him inside her. He had asked her to let him in. Caitlin had already let him into her heart, and this was all that was left. She just hadn’t been expecting the pain to be so sharp, had tried not to cry out, but it had all happened so fast that she hadn’t been able to stop herself.

When Brodie had stopped and gone so still, she’d started to cry at the frustration. She’d wanted to satisfy him and make him soar as she had.
The sensations she had felt, the pleasure he had brought her after that initial stab of pain, had been so much more than she could ever have imagined.

As he lay on her now, she knew she had indeed satisfied him, could feel the rapid beat of his heart as he pressed down over her. Caitlin enjoyed the weight of her man on her body. He was heavy, but she was in a state of bliss. She was startled when he withdrew from her—her body clenched at him, trying to trap him inside her, but he continued his withdrawal. Caitlin felt the loss so intensely that unstoppable tears trickled down her face as the emotions of the day took control. She wasn’t hurt or sad, just overwhelmed.

She watched as Brodie rose from the bed. It was the first time that Caitlin had seen his muscled back and firm butt close up and naked, and she took full advantage of the view as he walked away. He was the sexiest man she had ever seen. After Brodie had left the room, s
hear him moving around the adjoining bathroom
the sound of water running
Now she was alone in the bed, her tears became more like sobs as the impact of what she had just experienced sank in.
for her parents, that they would never meet this wonderful man, this man who had made her a woman.

Standing in
bathroom, having disposed of the used condom, Brodie tried to comprehend the magnitude of what had happened. Caitlin was his—she had
slept with
no other. The selfish man in him loved that exclusivity
and was determined for that to never change. He wanted to be the only man she would ever want.
Brodie returned to the bedroom, ready to explain the depths of his feelings for her, for the gift she had bestowed on him…only to find her sobbing.

“Angel… Caitlin, angel, please don’t cry. I’m sorry I hurt you. I should have known better.”
Seeing her in tears was really upsetting him, and the fact that it was because of his actions just made it worse.
“Oh, baby, I love you so much. It will be better next time, I promise. It only hurts the first time. Please, baby, you’re killing me here.”

Brodie stroked his hands up and down her back as he held her, dying a little more with every sob that racked her beautiful little body.

Caitlin sniffed loudly, the sound cutting a sob in half. “Brodie, I’m fine. It’s all okay, really. It didn’t hurt that much. It was more the shock than anything, and I was so worried that I wouldn’t be good… You know, be able to satisfy you. I was just a bit emotional. Wait—what did you just say?”

Caitlin sat up abruptly, wiping at her eyes. She looked at him, wide-eyed and so sexy, her hair all mussed. Even her red, tear-stained face
could not diminish her beauty as far as Brodie was concerned. S
he seemed so startled at his words, maybe a bit confused, and he felt no hesitation as he repeated his declaration of love. The woman was all about pleasing others, caring for others, worrying whether she would please him. It was amazing. She only had to be
near him
to make him grin like an idiot. It was time she knew.

“Caitlin, I know it’s too soon, but I can’t lie to you. I’m thirty years old and this is the first time anyone has ever made me feel like you do. If this isn’t love, I don’t know what is. Baby, you couldn’t not satisfy me if you tried. One look at you, and I’m already so hard I could come without so much as a touch to my cock. I just hope that one day I can mean as much to you as you do to me.” Brodie’s confession was heartfelt, brutally honest. He’d never imagined putting his heart back out there again, not after Lila, but Caitlin was worth the risk.

As Brodie sat still, waiting for her reaction, he noticed the glimmer in her eye. He knew that look, knew what her next movement would be. What he didn’t
were the words that accompanied her actions, because as she threw herself on him and placed little kisses up and down his jaw, she whispered the words he was hoping for.

“I love you, Brodie. I love the way you make me feel so beautiful. I love the way you care for me. I love the way you have taken Riley into your life and I think you are the sexiest man I’ve ever seen, and I especially love the way you make my body sing.”

Chapter Nineteen

Caitlin awoke to the most spectacular scenery—and the water view was nice too!

She lay in a warm bed, watching Brodie sleep. His face was relaxed,
as though he was smiling at her
. The creases around his closed eyelids were nearly gone. She loved the way his cheekbones were so prominent, high in his face. She couldn’t help herself—she ran her fingers lovingly over those cheekbones and across his slightly crooked nose, then touched the faded lines around his eyes.

As he opened his eyes drowsily, Brodie smiled at her and took her breath away again. He was smouldering hot and he was hers. Caitlin could not believe how much her life had changed in such a short time. To be loved by someone like Brodie James, who was so accomplished, so handsome… It almost made her cry. Not to mention his friends and family. They were so caring, such nice people.

And here she was in bed, completely naked, with such a temptation within reach. Although she was
feeling slightly sore
from the previous night’s activities, Caitlin felt her body respond at once as the naked, warm, muscular man reached out and fondled her breasts gently.

“Mmm, I love these beauties. Perhaps I should practice some of my handling techniques with them. The headlines are always going on about my handling skills.”

Caitlin did not really understand the football term, but loved the way Brodie said it with a twinkle in his eye. After reassuring him that she wasn’t fragile and not only wanted, but
him to make love to her again, Caitlin placed her hand around his
He felt so warm, and the skin covering the rigid form was so soft. Caitlin ran her hand up and down, getting to know all of him. She loved the
of the skin around the tip of the bulbous head and traced her finger around it, feeling the vein that bulged beneath the skin.

She spread the drop of liquid that seeped from him around the tip, ran her finger down the long shaft and cupped the round sacs beneath it. Brodie groaned and growled the whole time, making little jerking motions beneath her explorations. Caitlin loved those sounds he made. They reassured her that she was doing the right thing—not having had
experience of lovemaking, she was not sure what to do.
She positioned herself closer to his erection, close enough that she could run her tongue around the satiny tip, but
she could continue her sensual journey, and learn the way Brodie liked to be held and licked and sucked, she was surprised to find herself lifted and placed once again on her back.

Although disappointed to be interrupted—exploring Brodie was beginning to be one of Caitlin’s favourite pastimes—she was not at all sorry at the attention he was giving her.
Brodie did live up to his promise of not hurting her again—unless, of course, the torturous build-up of pleasure he managed to inflict on her, before bringing her to completion with another wave of satisfaction, could be called pain. Each of them shouted the other’s name as they came.

Showering together was
to start with
for Caitlin. To be standing naked in front of Brodie in broad daylight was embarrassing. Brodie was having none of it, had picked up on her shyness.

“No way should you be thinking about hiding that body from me, angel. You are
a very
desirable woman
Never be ashamed to show yourself to me.”

“I know it’s silly after all we just did…” she started to say, but was silenced by Brodie’s lips.

He touched her everywhere—soaped up, lathered and washed every tiny bit of skin on her body, paying extra attention to her breasts.

“Let the shower wall take your weight and spread your legs, angel.
I want to taste you, suck on your clit till I make you come all over my tongue.”

Brodie’s voice sounded gravelly to her ears and she melted
at the heat in it.
As Brodie reached her sensitive spot with his tongue and clever fingers, she saw stars.

“Oh, my! Don’t stop! I’m so-o-o close. That feels so incredible,” she murmured as the orgasm began to
Her legs were shaking, and she was unsure she would be able to remain standing as the wonderful sensations hit full force. Brodie began to make stabbing motions with his tongue, massaging and probing with his fingers, and she flew. Flew over glorious mountains and sparkling rivers, swamped by the most amazing feelings she had ever experienced.

After being towelled dry so lovingly, Caitlin was almost ready for even more lovemaking at Brodie’s expert hands, but unfortunately she had to admit she was feeling worn out down below. Of course, Brodie halted any further adventure, would not hear of her having even the slightest discomfort on his behalf.

* * * *

They stopped off at a
café for breakfast on the way back to see how Brodie’s parents were coping with Riley’s energy. Brodie assured her that all would be fine as they drank cappuccinos and ate eggs Benedict. Caitlin had never tried eggs this way and really enjoyed her breakfast, although she probably would have happily eaten sawdust on toast, just to prolong the morning with Brodie.

It was quite unbelievable the number of people who approached Brodie for autographs as he ate or, embarrassingly for Caitlin, mentioned the photograph in yesterday’s paper. Had it only been yesterday? It seemed a lifetime ago that her world had nearly collapsed.

Every time someone approached them, Brodie was cheerful and happy to oblige in any way, putting down his knife and fork repeatedly. Caitlin knew his breakfast went cold while he kept the fans happy. She sighed as the full impact of this man’s busy life started to become clear to her. He was always under scrutiny, people ready to complain if he ignored them, or if he somehow didn’t live up to their expectations. Caitlin felt annoyed that the interruptions caused Brodie to stop eating so often. Would she be able to cope with this sort of life? With all the interruptions and scrutiny that came along with Brodie?

The thought was so terrifying that her breakfast suddenly wasn’t sitting well in her stomach.

After such a fantastic start to the day, it might have been a mistake stopping for breakfast. Yesterday’s news and photograph were still a hot topic. All through breakfast, Brodie had to put down his knife and fork to sign autographs or listen to well-meaning, but intrusive, fans who wanted to show support for him and Caitlin. Each comment made Caitlin shrink before his very eyes.

Brodie quickly paid the bill and was relieved to finally put her back into the privacy of his car. He knew she was upset, and he didn’t know how he was going to make it any better for her. His life tended to be very public.

An uneasy feeling began to creep under Brodie’s skin, chilling his heart. Brodie took both of Caitlin’s hands in his. He looked into her eyes, trying to find the right words to ease her fears.

“Angel, baby, please—I need you. Don’t let these people, or what I do for a living, frighten you away from me. I can’t let you go now that I’ve just found you,” Brodie begged. “I’ll do what I can to protect you from the scrutiny. But if you can’t cope with this life, I’ll retire. Now. Today. I am not giving you up.”

With the offer made, Brodie pressed his lips to Caitlin’s.

Chapter Twenty

Caitlin was shocked at the emotion in Brodie’s voice, the almost pleading way he’d spoken, and his offering to give up so much, just for her. She felt small and petty. This man was loved by so many, did so much good because of
his celebrity status
and the game he played, yet he loved her enough to give it up. Of course Caitlin didn’t want that. She loved him and she would learn to live with everything that came with
having Brodie in her life and heart,
good or bad. She’d be fine—and anyway, Riley would disown her
if she was the reason Brodie retired from the game he was so passionate about.

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