Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement (38 page)

BOOK: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life: How to Unlock Your Full Potential for Success and Achievement
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There are no real limits to what you can be, do, and have, except for the limits you place on yourself.You are a thoroughly good and extremely talented person, and there is very little that you cannot achieve if you want it intensely enough and work toward it long enough and hard enough. The key is to begin today, and then
give up!

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Abilities, identifying, 104, 115–116

Bacon, Francis, 75, 152

Absorption process, 119

Bacon, Roger, 140

Abstract intelligence, 168–169

Bankruptcies, 233



limits, and life, 80

changing, 7–8

and time, 110

and inner dialogue, 15–16


law of, 82–83, 86

goals, 45–49

removing negative, 42

high achievers and, 185

self-limiting, 181

positive feeling and, 157–158

standing up for, 243

unstoppable, 42

Benevolent worldview,
Achieving Society,The,


Acres of Diamonds
, 72–73

Billings, Josh, 57


Bill Moyers
, 106

high performance living and, 252

Blame, 21, 29

importance of, 173

Blank slate, 2–3

lack of knowledge and, 80–81


plan and, 48–49

hard assets
, 138–139

positive and optimistic, 212–213

wealth and, 137

taking in real time, 69

Brainstorming, 171, 174–176

taking on current situation, 73

Bristol, Claude M., 52

values and, 225

see also

Activities, low-value, 62

activities of success, 112–115

Adaptive worldview, 144

bankruptcies in, 233

Adolescence, personality problems in, 3–4

building relationships and, 132


and competition, 230–231

fear of failure in, 4

crisis anticipation and, 204–205

personality problems in, 3–4

and sales, 214–215

Affirmations, positive, 186, 188–189, 191

Butterworth, Eric, 108

Age of the mind, 52

Ambition, 91

Campbell, Joseph, 106–107

Amnesia, 1–2

Capital, starting, 137–138

Anger, 21, 29–35


Apple Computer, 61, 142

advancing, 122

Applied Imagination
, 174

preparing for, 206

Aristotelian Principle of Causality, 55

Carnegie, Dale, 105


Cause and Effect, law of, 47, 55

brainpower, 138–139

Chance, 116, 198

most valuable, 110


Associations, benefits of, 122–123

business, competition and, 230–231

Identification in inner world, 119


knowledge and, 141

hardening of, 144

life and, 79–80

positive mental, 180

opportunities and, 54

Attraction, law of, 47, 49, 84–85, 86, 124, Character

174, 211, 212, 251

self-discipline and, 242

Auditory learner, 170–171

truthfulness and, 234–235


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fear of, 4

action taking and criticism in, 79

rules for success and, 22

fear of failure in, 5


and the future, 104–105

building relationships with, 132

Children, 2–5, 10, 29, 235, 237

identifying, 114

Churchill, Winston, 237

Cohen’s Law, 202

Decision making, benchmark for,

Comfort zone, 79–80, 243




courage and, 242

about goals, 45–46

power of, 50–51

to become rich, 253


fear of not approving, 26

interpersonal intelligence and, 166–167

wrong, 147–148

wireless, 53

Dedication, serving others and, 14–15

Communications age, 137

Dell, Michael, 168

see also

Dell Computer, 142

crisis anticipation and, 204–205

Denial, stress and, 219–220

failure of, 162


marketing new product in, 161

as antidotes to fear, 81

Compensation, law of, 133–134

talents and, 108


Detachment, 24–25, 44

core, 102

Development, personal, 148–149, 151

demand and, 103

Dialogue, inner


beliefs and, 15–16

business and, 230–231

control of, 11–12

outperforming, 68–69

negative situation and, 216–217

thriving, 54

positive, 13

Competitive advantage, 99–101

Differentiation, 112, 113

Complacency, 79–80

Direction, sense of, 218

Computers, personal, 142, 143

Disappointment, 201–203, 215–216,

Concentration, income and, 112,



Discover the Power within You
, 108

Conceptual intelligence,
Abstract Disidentification, 24


Disraeli, Benjamin, 97

Conditional love, 5

Dreams, 40–51, 75, 87, 196, 242, 253

Confidence, 2

Drier, Thomas, 249

desire, knowledge, and, 81

Drucker, Peter, 142, 206

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