Charming The Warriors (The Charmer) (34 page)

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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Chapter 26


I sob into the grass outside the house, Screaming with anger that has filed my entire being. Ruk picks me up and sits on the porch step with me straddling him. I Hold on so tightly I may be hurting him. He lays his head in my neck, knowing the closeness helps.

“Shh, we will figure something out beautiful.”

“I know. I just don’t want her to go through this alone?”

“She won’t, I promise you.”


              We sit silent for an hour, my mind going from Dallah to Sallack. I lean back a little and look into Ruk’s beautiful eyes, which are clouded in desire. I want to be close to him, to feel him, to give us what we both need to forget. Nevertheless, I climb of from him, not wanting to change what we have. He pulls me back down on to the hardness, speaking calmly he says,

“I know you’re not meant for me Zara, but let me help you forget him, just for a while. Let us just be together one time. We love each other.”

“Yes, I love you Ruk, but I can’t hurt you like that? I don’t want to give my whole self to another man again like what I did for Sallack. I’m scared.”

“I know what you saying, but I want you, I need you. Nothing will change. Let’s make each other forget, just kiss me, I won’t push you to make love to me Zara?”

“Ruk it’s not that easy, you could be….” Ruk’s silent’s me with a tender, mouth watering kiss. I open to him, our tongue’s glide over each other’s like silk. It is Ruk I am kissing holding onto, not Sallack, Ruk. He stands holding me tightly to his body, carefully carrying me up stairs and laying us on the bed, keeping our bodies pressed together. My heart beating rapidly, I have not had such a feeling for so long, my body is craving this so desperately. Ruk is giving me back the beat in my heart, the love we both need ignites into passion. He pulls my top over my head breaking the kiss. He sits up on his knee’s unclipping my bra letting my breast’s fall free as he lets a sexy growl escape his lips as he removes his shirt I take a deep breath through my mouth readying myself to close to such a stunningly handsome man. He leans back down on me taking my mouth again and holding my breast that fits perfectly against his hand. I hold onto his wide shoulders needing him desperately as his mouth travels down my neck to my breast and gently suck’s. The pain is gone, I only feel need. I push Ruk to a sitting position, he looks at me eyebrow raised, getting up on my own knees, moving forward slowly I climb onto him opening my legs to wrap around him. His mouth descends on mine as his tongue darts into my mouth and I willingly let him enter; my nipples harden from the amazing feel of our naked chests rub together. One of Ruk’s arms hold’s the back of my hair gently pulling while the other hand slips down the back of my jeans, massaging my buttocks. I moan louder as I’m pushed harder into him. My hand is holding on to his powerful shoulder as the other is laced in his hair, pulling him harder into me. I just want to climb into him and feel him all over me, safe, loved. Ruk’s pushes his erection against me, even through our jeans the feeling is orgasmic. All negative thoughts now replaced with the joy of being here with Ruk. I want to be locked in his embrace for the rest of my life, feeling nothing but pleasure. We carry on this way for at least 20 minutes and every second is as breathtaking as the last.

“Zara, you here?” Den shouts out. I pull back from Ruk the both of us in a state of lust.

“I’m with Ruk, we will be down in a sec,” I tell him, my voice deceiving me completely.

“Ok babe,” He reply’s having no idea what’s happening between Ruk and I. I kiss Ruk’s mouth again and hold him tightly not wanting to let go.

“Beautiful we need to go down.”

“I know.” However, we both have not moved, I don’t want to let go of him, but I know I have to.

“Ruk you are amazing.”

“Ah, beautiful Zara,” He says, with real emotion behind it. We both find our tops dressing quickly and quietly. Once we are dressed, I step up to him unapologetically aroused, feeling as if I’m dreaming.

“I will cherish this moment all my life Ruk.”

“You took the words out of my mouth beautiful.”

We lean into each other, lips gent
ly touching as his tongue plunges into my mouth; we pull apart hearing Den banging about down stairs.


              We head down stairs to the kitchen, where Den is always found cooking or eating after work.

“What you two been up too?” He asks suspiciously.

“Ah you know, just hanging out.” Ruk say’s shrugging his shoulders, Den walks over to me and kisses my head and holding my shoulders to look down at me.

“You look a little better babe?” He says sniffing the air discretely.

“Yeah, I’m good.”

I give him a smile, but just the thought of why I look better takes my mind of Ruk and back to Sallack. My smile fades as does
Den’s, he walks back to the pan on the stove banging around and growling lowly. Ruk holds out his hand to me with a smile, I take it happily, as he pulls me to sit on his lap. The contact is easy on my pain, I have to stop myself from leaning in and kissing him again, he is so tender towards me.

After speaking with them for an hour, I take myself out on the porch and look upon the woods by the house, lost in thought, when Ruk comes to me, looking a disheartened.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him worried.

“Do you want me to come back tonight or have I ruined our friendship?”

“You couldn’t ruin anything Ruk. You made me forget, even for a little while, I love you for it Ruk. I want you to stay here, if that’s what you want to. Waking up with you makes me feel safe, you make me feel safe Ruk.”

I lace
my arms around his middle and tilt my head to see his handsome face.

“Tell me what going on, Zara please tell me what is happening?”

“I'll tell you Ruk, you have heard and seen too much. Once I tell you. Please don’t hate me for keeping it from you?”

“Why would you say such a thing, no matter what it is, my feelings will never change towards you. I will stand at your side. Always.”

“Let's find somewhere to sit, this might take a while!”


              I tell him everything I know about myself, about Dallah being my sister, Angus and our connection, my new found gift of dream walking, everything I have been told, and everything I have learned. I had to tell him, I needed him to know, to understand. After all, he had seen and heard, it was not fair to keep him in the dark. When I finish, he just stares at me with a blank expression.


“I’m so sorry, you have had to go through all this. Us fighting over you, your heart ache. I knew there was something special about you. I won’t let any man break your heart again beautiful, it won’t happen.”

“God you’re amazing Ruk, you know that right?”

“I do now beautiful.”

He presses my head to his large chest, holding me tightly.


Sitting in a room full of people I love unconditionally, are Den, Ruk, Julian, Dom, Mickey, Angus, Parrise …,

“Where is Sallack?”

A collection of
growls echo through the sitting room. Even saying his name, wondering where he is hurts deeply. Den walk’s over to me by the window and speaks quietly,

“We thought it best he didn’t come, we can’t see you like you were last time babe, it breaks our heart.”

“I’m sorry, but I need him here. He should be here.”

“Ok he will be here any second.”

“I wanted you to know before this Den, I’m sorry I have been keeping things from you, from you all.”

“I trust your reason’s babe. I’m here for you

Den goes back to lean on the wall, I feel before I see Sallack enter the room as his power overwhelming me.


I turn to lock eyes with him. W
hy does he have to be so stunning, so perfect? Why did he have to rip me apart in the worse way? I want him with me at my side kissing me, telling me he wants me and only me. For him to tell me he won’t hurt me again and really mean it.

“Go now!” Parrise says harshly from my left, only two steps away. I walk up to him with my hand on his cheek.

“Parrise, I can do this I need to do this?” I whisper close to his ear

“Little one, I need to know if it gets too much.”

“It already is Parrise.” I tell him as I walk back to the window looking out, trying to catch my breath and dull the tears. Turning round, Sallack is staring at me with his intense eyes while everyone is looking upon him with anger, and disappointment.

“I need to tell you things, but first I need you to stop being so hard on Sallack, I know your angry with him for what he did, but it was to me. He is your Alpha and brother, it hurts to see you like this. If you forgive him then maybe I can.”

“I want you Zara, all of you?”

“Please Sallack! You’re killing me.
abandoned me!”

I shut my eyes to clear the vision of his beautiful face. Strong arms wrap around me and his mouth comes to my ear.
shivers runs through my blood from his closeness.

“You can do it babe, I’m with you all the way,” Den whispers in my ear. I turn around seeing them all looking distressed. Where the hell do I begin! Will they hate me for keeping it from them? Will Dallah be angry with me? Yes! However, she is not here and I need them to understand, I want them to understand.

Ruk stalks up to me, I already know he is not happy about me telling the others, he thinks it’s too dangerous for me, but I don’t care. I need to get Dallah away from Richard so if telling my secret help’s them understand then it’s what I will do.

“Please Zara, not this way?” He whispers almost silently.

“They have to know, to understand. she needs me Ruk,” I whisper back, tiptoeing to kiss his cheek as a tear slips from my eye.

“I love you Ruk.” I tell him honestly.

He nods his head
once, stepping to the right of me. If I tell them I am a Charmer, they will understand the connection I have with Dallah, then I can explain to them why she is giving her life for ours. I won’t involve them I just want to tell them I will be going to find and bring her back.

“NO!” Parrise’s voice boom’s through the room, making everyone jump. With speed not seen by the human eye, he is standing not an inch from my face.


“No, you will not speak of this. Come with me.”

I do
not get time to reply before he takes me from the room, leading me by my hand out side under the moon light. When we are out of earshot he speaks,

“My little Zara, how could I not see the truth in you my love?”

His finger
s lace through my hair, bringing me close to him. Our lips nearly touching, his eyes glossing over as he speaks gently to me.

“Zara, I know you trust all the men in the room, but a Vampire with power much like mine could read this information of any mind belonging to any one of the brothers’. You need to trust me my love, do not speak of this to anyone. I will teach you to block your mind also. Ahh Zara, I can’t lose you ever again. I love you little one.”

How could I be so stupid? I didn’t even think about any one finding out in the way Parrise reads me. He is right I
can’t put their lives in danger like that.

“I didn’t think it through, I’m so desperate to get Dallah back, she needs me Parrise. I can’t, I won’t give up on her.” I cry, feeling ashamed I was about to put their lives in dander.

BOOK: Charming The Warriors (The Charmer)
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