Chaste (McCullough Mountain) (46 page)

BOOK: Chaste (McCullough Mountain)
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started attending church and was still working on his penance from his last
confession. There were a lot of women to repent for.

brother’s birthday was tonight and they’d all be going to the big house for
cake. He arranged for the time off, but hated that it had to be spent in a
group setting. As much as he loved his family, he missed spending one-on-one
time with Ashlynn.

left his office and found Sue at the bar. “You got this covered?”

All good. Tell your brother I said happy birthday.”

pulled his keys from his pocket. “Will do. Don’t forget to lock the back door
when you leave. Call me if you need anything.”

had gone to his parents’ early. He’d be the last to arrive because while
everyone else finished work around five, that was when his day typically
started. When he pulled up to the log cabin the lot was full. He spotted
Ashlynn’s truck near the split rail gate and parked beside it.

he entered the kitchen he was greeted by the mayhem that was his family. People
crowded around the long farm table shouting over each other. Laughter mixed
with the cries of babies and the arguing voices of his older nieces and

his wife’s spiky blond hair he headed that way. He bent and placed a kiss on
her temple. “Hello, beautiful.”

smiled up at him and he saw she held little Liam in her arms. His finger gently
brushed his cherub cheek. “Hey, wee knight.”

blinked her lovely whiskey brown eyes at him. “Isn’t he precious? He’s been
sleeping here for almost an hour.”

a prince.” And he was. “How was work?”

shrugged. “All right. How was your day?”

seemed all so superficial, these polite niceties they always broke the ice
with. He wasn’t complaining. They had a very respectful way with each other,
but it didn’t seem to mesh with the flesh slapping, heart pounding intimacy
they shared each night once they were in bed.

day was good.” He settled into the chair and Luke nudged him.

are you gonna give us one of them?” his brother asked, tipping his chin at
little Liam.

working on it.”

brother gave him a knowing look. Luke had been single since he blew out his
knee in college. He should have been recruited to the NFL but that all changed
the moment he was injured.

his brother returned home he was miserable for the better part of two years.
Then Tristan showed up and they seemed to form a friendship that pulled Luke
out of his depressed shell.

was a flirt to anything with tits, much like Tristan, but Kelly knew Tristan
was all an act. Something about all that flirting and never sealing the deal
told Kelly it was a cover. Kelly would know, since he talked to a lot of women
Tristan blew off and also because he ran the pub they all fraternized at. It
wasn’t Kelly’s place to share, but he wondered if Luke knew his friend was gay?

began to fuss and Sammy came over to collect him. “He’s probably hungry.”

gently handed the baby over and smiled longingly as his sister-in-law carried
him into the other room.

love, when did you get here?” his mother called as she placed a tray of mugs
and coffee on the table.


slapped his cheek lovingly and turned to say something to Kate. His older
sister yelled into the den for her kids to calm down then returned to whatever
she and his mum had been discussing.

Kelly took in the scene he noticed a sort of rightness he usually overlooked.
His family was amazing. Generations were growing and they all were close in
some form or another.

considered Ashlynn’s family. What was Roy doing right at that moment? He should
tell Ashlynn to invite her father to family events. There was no reason for him
to sit home alone in that big house when the McCulloughs had plenty of family
and love to spare.

hand covered hers and she glanced at him questioningly. He squeezed her
fingers, telling her he loved her without words. Her lips gently curved and she
squeezed back.

was served and Sheilagh was her normal obnoxious self once the whiskey came out.
They were closest in age so they had the greatest rivalry. He loved her to
death, but sometimes he wanted to kick her ass.

should’ve been graduating from college this year, but she’d never gone off to
school. It pissed him off. His sister, unlike him, was a genius. Something kept
her here and he didn’t know what. His parents didn’t seem to mind, but they
should have. She had so many offers and scholarships thrown at her she could
have wallpapered her room with recruitment letters.

ten o’clock the snow had begun to fall. Colin stood at the door with a sleeping
Tallulah in his arms. “We’re going to head out.” He bent and kissed Sheilagh’s

smiled up at Colin, her cheeks rosy from the booze. “Goodnight, Father Colin.
Drive safe.”

rolled his eyes at the endearment and their mother said, “Should you be driving
in this? The roads have only been salted.”

helped Sammy with her jacket. “I have the plow on the truck. We’ll take it
slow. We’re only a mile from here.”

bid them goodbye and the drinking and merrymaking continued. Ashlynn’s eyes
were getting heavy. This was way past her bedtime. Kelly pulled her under his
arm and whispered, “Do you want to go home?”

yawned. “No. You’re enjoying yourself. I’m fine.”

don’t you do a shot of Telly, Ash?” Sheilagh yelled, strong-arming the bottle.
“It’ll wake you up in the

was about to remind his sister that his wife didn’t drink, when Ashlynn quietly
said, “I think I’d like to try that.”

brows lifted in surprise and he smiled. “Give my wife a glass.”

grin broadened as she tipped the bottle over the shot glass and slid it down
the table like an old pro. Kelly caught the glass and pushed it in front of

strong,” he warned.

sniffed it and crinkled her little nose. Everyone cheered her on and held their
breath as she lifted the glass to her lips. “Just swallow it in one gulp?”

nodded and she tossed it back, sputtered, and wiped the tears from her eyes.
“That tastes like turpentine!”

all cheered and his father yelled, “She’s a McCullough now!”

noted the quick effects of the whiskey in Ashlynn’s posture and the softening
of her eyes. A little while later he asked if she’d like another.

you do one with me?”

considered the snow. They could always stay at his parents’. Shrugging, he
said, “Sure. Line ‘em up, Shei.”

shots were poured and slid their way. He tapped his glass to Ashlynn’s and they
threw them back. Her mouth opened the moment she swallowed and he pressed his
lips to hers. He kissed her and whispered, “Another cherry broken.”

one needs to see that!” Mallory snapped playfully.

just bitter you can’t drink.”

don’t drink that crap,” his pregnant sister-in-law said, tipping her chin in
the air. “Once I get this kid out I’ll show you what good alcohol tastes like,

wife giggled and he knew she was getting tipsy. His palm rested on her knee and
playfully massaged her thigh. She sighed and leaned on his shoulder. Sometimes she
looked at him like a teenager in love.

hour later no one was making sense. Everyone was shouting and laughing. There
must have been ten different conversations going on. Sheilagh was tanked and
giving Luke the stink eye for reason’s Kelly didn’t understand.

father took his mother off to bed and told them to lock up. Mallory, who was
sober, drove a slurring Finn home. Luke eventually said goodnight and walked
back to his place, which was the old barn across the yard.

head seemed too heavy for her neck. As she propped her cheek up on her fist she
said, “It sucks Bray couldn’t be here. Do you think he’ll get that job in

hope. He wants it pretty bad,” Kelly said as Ashlynn giggled at nothing. He
smiled at her. “You all right, love?”

feel all tingly and loose.”

snorted. “

looked shocked. “No, I’m not.” Then she hiccupped and laughed. Turning her eyes
on him, she held up her hand and confided, “

laughed at her slurred speech. “I believe you are.”

?” She
frowned, her brows lowering behind the rims of her glasses.

have a higher tolerance from years of breaking in my liver.”

brown eyes shut and she smiled on a breathy sigh. “I love you, Kelly McCullough.
I have for a very, very,
long time.”

whose face was now in the nest of her arms, mumbled against the table, “You
guys are so cute I could puke.”

kissed his wife’s whisky flavored lips. “Why don’t we go to bed?”

head tipped back. “Bed’s far.”

sleep here. Come on.”

guys are leaving me?” Sheilagh moaned.

helped Ashlynn stand and patted his sister’s head. “Sorry, sis.”

locked the front door and helped Ashlynn up the stairs. As he shut his old
bedroom door he heard Sheilagh stumbling to her own room. Ashlynn collapsed on
the bed. Her leg lifted and her foot slammed back on the ground.

you do this?” she whined.

lifted her boot and untied the laces, tossing it and its twin in the corner.
Next he unbuttoned her flannel and peeled off her jeans. He placed her glasses
on the nightstand where she’d find them in the morning. Once he had her down to
her skivvies he pulled back the covers, stripped, and climbed in beside her.

had no intention of doing anything in his parents’ house with his wife drunk,
but once the lights were out her little hand found him and got his attention.
He rolled to his back and stared at her through the shadows.

lips curved in a mischievous smile. “Do you know how pretty you are, Kelly?”

stretched, placing his hands behind his head as she stroked him. “Not nearly as
pretty as my wife.”

How come you never flirted with me before?”

don’t know. You always seemed too good for me.”

sighed and grinned in the moonlight. “And now you’re my husband.” The covers
pulled away and she looked at him. “You’re even pretty here,” she said leaning
over to kiss the head of his cock.

arched and groaned. Her lips teased over him as he was engulfed in the heat of
her mouth. His hand went to her hair as she sucked him off slowly. She moaned
around his length, sending sharp little vibrations up his shaft. His fingers
curved around her little ass and squeezed. She was so good at this.

he felt himself getting close, he whispered her name. “Ashlynn.”

moaned and took him deeper. Not wanting to make a mess his mother would find,
he pulled Ashlynn off and flipped her to her stomach. Rising behind her, he fit
himself to her slit and plunged deep. She cried out and he laughed with


can’t help it. It feels so good, Kelly.”

lifted her to her knees and kissed her neck. His hips snapped upward, shoving
his cock into her with hard, sharp thrusts. When she cried out again he laughed
and gently covered her mouth.

her back to his chest, his other hand found her clit. He teased her there and
soon she was shaking and tightening around his dick as his own release took
hold. They collapsed to the bed and he pulled her close. She snuggled into his
side. “I love you, Kelly. I always have.” And then she fell asleep.


Chapter Seventeen


groaned as her eyes peeled open. She wasn’t in her bed. Slowly sitting up, she
blinked at the room she’d slept in. This was Kelly’s room.

foggy head cleared and she slid out of bed without disturbing her sleeping
husband and found her clothes. After slipping out to locate the closest
bathroom, she freshened up and climbed back in bed.

car was there. She could go home. Restless, she stood and went to the window.
The snow was still falling. A blanket of untouched powder covered the land and
trees in the distance, making a picturesque morning.

hoped she’d secured her plants well enough to keep what she could alive.
Usually snow didn’t come until November or December. Losing these last two
months of the year was going to hurt her bottom line.

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