Choose Wisely (18 page)

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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              “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I’m on vacation from work. I thought it was time I came home to see my family and friends,”

“That’s good. Have you seen your parents yet?”

“Yeah I actually just left my mom’s house. I also talked to your boy today,”

I knew he was referring to Darius. But I chose not to entertain his statement. Instead I gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

              “It was nice seeing you. Tell your mom I said hello,”

He gripped my wrist before I could take another step.

              “You know he loves you right?”

“He has a funny way of showing it. Besides I have a man,”

Without another word, I turned and raced back to my father’s house. I knew it was getting late and I needed to get home to get ready. I approached the screen door to find Tyrone standing on the opposite side staring at me.

              “Are you ready he asked?”

“Yes just let me say goodbye to my dad and David,”

He opened the door and I ran upstairs.
I walked inside my father’s room. He was getting David dressed.                                                       

“Daddy I’m going home to get dressed. I’ll meet you th
ere. If you get there before me please save me two seats,”

“Okay I will!”

I kissed my two favorite men and made my way back downstair
s. Once we settled in the truck I immediately felt tension. I would’ve addressed it but he turned the car stereo up so loud, I could hardly think. I was glad when he pulled into my apartment complex. He was driving like a bat out of hell.

I unhooked my seatbelt and quickly jumped out of his truck. I had no idea what had pissed him off. I was just thankful we made it home in one piece. He followed me upstairs. And neither of us had uttered a word.

I unlocked my door and threw my keys on my kitchen table. He was going to tell me what his problem was, whether he wanted to or not. I turned to face him.

“What the hell is wrong with you? You could’ve killed us!” I snapped.

“Listen I don’t feel like talking right now,”

I chuckled.

              “You don’t feel like talking? Well that’s not my problem. I deserve some sort of explanation, for your behavior,”

“Explanation, I don’t owe you shit! If anything, you need to tell me. Why your hot ass was all up in some nigga’s face?”

I stood there in shock. I had no clue what he was talking about.

              “You can’t be serious!” I shouted.

He moved closer to me, pointing his finger in my face.

              “You need to lower your voice when you’re talking to me,”

I smacked his finger out my face.

              “I don’t need to do nothing but stay black and die!” I yelled.

“You know what? I’m sick of your smart ass mouth,”

He grabbed both my wrist. I was squirming trying to break away from his grip.

              “Get your damn hands off me?”

“Shut up!” He hollered.

“You shut up! And get off me with ya crazy ass!”

I guess he had finally had enough of my mouth. He released my wrist and struck me so hard across the face, that I fell backwards. I crawled to the nearest corner and balled up and cried.

              “You see what you made me do! Why couldn’t you just be quiet? I need to get some air,”

I lifted my head and watched him disappear out the door. I quickly stood
, running to the bathroom. I observed my face in the mirror. My cheek was red and swollen, and when I spit in the sink. I saw blood. I rinsed my mouth out with warm salt water. I checked my teeth and noticed my one bottom tooth was loose. I had never been hit by a man before. I wasn’t sure what to do. I decided to continue on with my day. I took my shower, ironed my clothes and was about to fix me something to eat when I heard a knock at the door.

“Who is it?” I yelled.

It was Tyrone holding red roses in his one hand. I cautiously, opened the door and let him. He tried to touch my face. But I avoided him by stepping back. I turned to head into the kitchen and he grabbed from behind. I could feel my body trembling, and I couldn’t seem to make it stop.

              “Baby I’m so sorry. I was angry. Seeing you hugging another man, and the way you spoke to me earlier had me vexed. I promise this will never happen again. Please believe me,” he begged.

That’s why he was so upset. He saw me hug Scooter earlier.’
I thought.

I removed his hands from my waist. I turned to face him.

“I love you. You don’t have to worry about another man because there is none. But you do need to learn to keep your hands to yourself,”

“I promise Melissa it will never happen again. Do you believe me?”

I could see the remorse in his eyes. I took both his hands and closed my eyes. Our lips touched gently. I whispered in his ear.

              “I believe you.”



I stood pressing my finger on Shay’s mom’s doorbell. I waited almost five minutes and was about to leave, when Jason finally came to the door.

“How are you?” I asked.

“I’m doing okay. Come in,” I took a seat waiting to hear what he had to say.

“Do you want anything to drink?”

              “No I’m fine,” I really wanted him to tell me what was up.

I still had to see my father and go home to get dressed. He sat beside me, taking a swig of soda from the glass, sitting on the coaster in front of us.

              “So what happened?” I asked.

“It was my boy Tank’s birthday. He said he had never been to
Hollywood Casino.
So we decided to take him,”

Hollywood was where a lot of Harrisburg’s ballers would hang out. It was located outside of the city. And
it was a benefit not having to drive three hours to Atlantic City. I listened as he continued with his story.

“Everything was going good. I had hit playing Blackjack and I had met a woman. Around four o’clock my boys’ headed back to the city. I went to the
Comfort Suites
; where girly told me she had a room. I get there we start getting busy. Next thing I know someone hits me over the head with something,”

“Wait a minute so there was more than just you two in the room?”

“There had to be. I guess they were hiding in the bathroom or closet. I don’t know. I didn’t realize there was anyone else until it was too late,”

“So they robbed you?”

He looked at me like it was a crazy question. It probably was. But I had to ask. I needed all the facts.

              “Yes they robbed me. I woke up butterball naked. They even took my diamond stud out my ear. I had to call Shay to bring me some clothes,”

“Speaking of Shay, where is she?”

“She said she was going to the mall. I’m not really sure. You know I only told you this because my sister begged me to. It’s over I just want to move on,”

I took his hand and squeezed it.

              “I know you want to forget about it. But whoever hurt you needs to brought to justice. I’m glad you came forward. I told Shay it’s not much I can do. But I will pass the information on, so the proper authorities can handle it,”

I stood and he escorted me to the door.

              “Thanks for stopping by, and congratulations on your big day,” he smiled.

I turned giving him a huge hug.

              Thank you Jason, you take care of yourself okay.”

I hopped in my car and rode to my father’s house. He was my last stop, before going home to get ready. I parked my car, waving to Mrs. Bailey who lived three doors down from my father.

              “How have you been Sandy?”

I’m great Mrs. Bailey I can’t complain,”

“That’s wonderful dear. Your father told me about your graduation today. He is so proud of you,” she stated while sweeping her porch. Hearing her words made me happy. All I wanted to do was make my father proud. I opened his front door peeked inside.

“Hey daddy!”

“Girl get your behind in here and close my door! You’re letting my heat out,”

I laughed as entered.

              “Calm down daddy. You’re goin to lose your voice one day, with that hollering,”

I plopped down next to him, giving him a big hug and kiss.

              “How’s my guy?”

“I’m fine. How are you? Are you excited about today?”

“Words can’t explain how I feel,”

I leaned my head back and closed my eyes. I had been up since this morning, sitting down might have been a bad idea. My father tapped my knee and said he would be right back. He went upstairs and came back down, with a small white box in his hand.

              “Daddy what’s that?” He sat beside me, handing me the box.

“This is for you,”

I opened the box and pulled out a gold chain with a locket. I opened the locket and saw a woman holding a ba
by. Before I could say anything my father spoke;

“This necklace belonged to your mother. I was going through my photo album and found that picture of you and your mother. We had just brought you home from the hospital. I know why you wanted to become an officer and I’m here to tell you. Your mother would be just as proud of you as I am,” he said as he wiped away my tears.

“Don’t cry baby girl, this is a happy occasion,”

“I know daddy. These are tears of joy,”

I put on my necklace and stared at the beautiful woman in the picture. Even th
ough she wasn’t here physically, she would always live on through me.

I excused myself and went to the bathroom. I wanted to wash my face. My eyes were red from crying. I threw some cold water on my face and dried it with a hand towel. My father was sitting at the kitchen table when I approached him.

“Daddy I’m going to head out,”

“I want to talk to you about one more thing, how much time do you have?”

I looked at the clock on the wall. I still had about two hours to kill. I pulled out a chair and took a seat. I was actually curious about what he had to say;

              “You know I had a talk with Dontae. I know you care about him. But I think you two getting married isn’t a good idea,” he stated frankly.

I loved my father and his opinion meant the world to me. But when it came to Dontae I didn’t care what anyone had to say.

              “Daddy I respect your feelings, but I’m grown and I’m going to do what feels right to me,”

“What about the other women?”

“I know he cheated in the past but it takes two,”

My father wasn’t trying to hear what I had to say. All he knew was Dontae had hurt me and he wasn’t feeling him.

              “Daddy I know Melissa told you the reason Dontae and I had broken up was because he cheated. That wasn’t the entire story. I didn’t break up with him. He broke up with me; I was the one who cheated. So you see everything doesn’t fall on him,” I never wanted to tell my father the truth but it was time he knew I wasn’t an angel.

We sat in silence for a moment.

“Are you okay daddy?”

“I’m fine,”

“Please don’t be mad at me,”

My father still thought at least one of his daughter’s was a virgin. If I would have told him my first time was with someone I barely knew, and I was drunk. He probably would’ve had a heart attack right there at the kitchen table.

              I reached across the table and took his hand.

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