Choose Wisely (19 page)

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Authors: Michele V. Mitchell

BOOK: Choose Wisely
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“Dontae and I have both made mistakes. We have hurt each other in the past. But we’re both ready to put those days behind us and start over. All I’m asking for is your support. Please support me on this!” I pleaded.

“I will always support whatever you do even if I don’t agree,” he stated leaning over the table, squeezing my hand.

“Daddy I’ve got to get home. I’ll see in a few. I love you!”

“I love you too baby girl,”

I left my father’s house knowing, I had is support no matter what. I was truly blessed. God was working overtime in my life.



There I was sitting on my couch waiting for Lexi. She sent me several texts last night saying she needed to talk to me. She even sent a picture of herself completely naked. I was glad Sandy was sleeping when the texts came through because that argument would have been ten times worse than the one we had this morning.

I was trying to keep things cordial between us. Now I was going to have to put my foot down. If she didn’t stop her nonsense, I was going to cut all ties with her including her job at the club. I looked at my watch. I was getting impatient. I had about an hour to get ready for the graduation. She needed to hurry up.

Finally my doorbell rang. I went to the door to find Lexi standing on my porch smiling at me. I had to admit she looked fine. I invited her in and helped her take off her coat. She was wearing a red fitted Hollister t-shirt, skinny jeans, and a pair of red stilettos. She grinned when she saw me staring.

“You like what you see?” She asked seductively.

I ignored her question. Instead I offered her a seat on the couch.

              “You said, you had something important to tell me. What is it?”

“I do but what’s the rush? Can I at least get something to drink?”

“I’ll be right back,” I sighed.

I went to the kitchen
, grabbing two bottled waters out of the refrigerator. I handed her one and sat in my leather recliner across from her. I wanted her to tell me what was going on.

“Do you mind if I use the bathroom?” She asked.

“No go ahead,”

I tried not to watch as she sashayed into the bathroom. But it was something about her that I was drawn too. Lexi returned to the living room with a serious expression on her face.

              “So are you ready to talk?” I asked.

She came over to me with tears in her eyes.

              “What’s wrong?”

“Dontae I’m pregnant!”

I heard what she said, but it felt like my world had suddenly stopped. I didn’t know what to say or think. Suddenly I blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

              “Is it mine?”

I must’ve pi
ssed her off with that question because the next thing I knew she was throwing water in my face, from the bottled I gave her earlier. I wiped the water out my eyes and tried to calm her down. By this point she was crying and yelling hysterically. I held both her wrist so she could stop throwing blows to my chest.

“Of course the baby is yours!”

‘I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any harm by asking. But I had to know,” I let go of her wrist and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“You believe me? Don’t you?”

“Yes I do,” I placed my hand in hers and lead her to the couch.

I knew she said she had something important to tell me. I never expected this.

              “So what are we going to do?”

“I’m going to take care of my child,” I confirmed.

“What about me? I don’t want to raise another child without being a family,”

“You know I’m with Sandy,”

She jumped up and stood in front of me.

              “I don’t give a damn about Sandy! She’s not the one carrying your child. She ain’t giving it to you like a woman should. We can be a family. I love you Dontae I can make you happy,”

I sat hypnotized as she started stripping her clothes off right in front of me. By the time she was done, she only had on her black panties and red stilettos.

              “Papi I’m having your baby. All this belongs to you. Don’t you want it?” She stated turning around so I could see all she had to offer.

At that moment I was filled with emotion. She was carrying my baby, and she was looking fine as hell. Without another thought, I picked her up, kissing her luscious
lips all the way to my bedroom. I threw her on my king size bed. If this was what she wanted. I was going to give it to her. I couldn’t deny how she made me feel. She satisfied me in ways no women ever had. Her sex was like air, and I needed it to breathe.

I laid still as she maneuvered her body on top of mine. The feeling she gave me made me weak in the knees. She tossed her hair back and started exploring my body with her tongue. When she reached my right ear she whispered; “I love you!”

Those three words brought me back to reality. I didn’t love her. The woman I loved was going to be graduating soon. I needed to be there with her. I pushed Lexi off me. I didn’t want to hurt her. But I had to be true to myself. I was in love with Sandy and no woman could ever take her place.

              “I’m sorry Lexi. I can’t do this. I will be there for you and the baby. But this right here, I can’t do,”

She snatched the sheet, covering her naked body. I felt awful, but I had to tell her the truth. I didn’t love her. I could never love her. My heart never belonged to me. It always belonged to Sandy.

“So you’re not trying to be with me?” She questioned.

I’m…….” Before I could utter another word she was stomping out the door.

“Fuck you Dontae! I don’t need you and this baby ain’t yours anyway! You ain’t nothing but a clown! You will regret the day you ever met me!” 

Once I heard the front door slam, I got up to get ready.

              I stepped out the shower feeling guilty. I had let my urges get the best of me. I almost slept with a woman I knew my girl couldn’t stand. To make matters worse there was a chance she was pregnant. I heard her say the baby wasn’t mine. But she was angry. She would have said anything to hurt me. My mind was racing. I had to get a grip.  This was Sandy’s day and I wasn’t going to spoil it.

I was dressed and almost ready to go. I picked up my wallet and put it inside my pocket. I was about to check myself out in the mirror when I heard a noise downstairs. I grabbed my bat, and crept down steps. I scanned my living room there was no one there. I looked at my front door and it was locked.

I was going crazy. I left the bat on the bottom step, heading to the kitchen. I looked around and everything was still in place. I turned to walk out and was caught off guard. The picture above my fireplace had been moved. The safe behind the picture had been opened.

I raced to the safe, realizing it had been emptied. I turned to see her facing me with hurt and anger in her eyes. I tried to say, I was sorry but it was too late. Without warning she swung my bat I had placed on the bottom step earlier, striking me as hard as she could.

With that one blow, she released all the pain and humiliation she had suffered by me. I felt my head hitting the wood floor. This was serious. I tried to speak but nothing would come out. I watched as she walked out the door. She left me there to die alone. And how could I blame her?



I sat looking at the huge crowd in front of me. Everyone who meant the world to me was there except one.  My graduation was almost over and there were no signs of him. My emotions were all over the place. One minute I was happy with what I’d accomplished. The next I was pissed because he wasn’t there. He knew how much this day meant to me.

‘What if something happened to him?’ I thought. There I was only thinking of myself and he could be dead in a ditch somewhere. I had to get my emotions in check. The ceremony was almost over and I honestly had no idea what was said in the last hour. It was time to receive our awards and be sworn in. I listened carefully as my fellow cadet’s names were called. When I finally heard my name, a rush went through my body.

“This next cadet will receive her certificate of completion, and the award for being the most inspirational cadet. Sandy Price,”

I walked across the stage fighting my tears. I shook my captain’s hand and held my certificate close to my heart. This was a moment I would never forget. I smiled as the photographer took a picture of me and my captain. It was the only sincere smile I had all night.

              After my graduation I took pictures with close family and friends. I searched the room hoping to find Dontae. As I looked around I bumped into my captain.

“Are you okay cadet?

“I’m fine sir. I was just looking for someone,”

“You don’t seem okay. I thought you would be more excited. Look around at all these happy faces,” he said while pointing at the other cadet’s smiling and laughing.

“I’m fine sir really. I just have a lot on my mind,”

“Does this have to do with what we discussed earlier because you don’t have to worry, I took care of everything!”

I had almost
forgotten I told him about Jason’s situation.

“No sir it’s not that at all. Someone was supposed to be here and they’re not. I’m just a little concerned that’s all,”

“Well maybe you should go. Go check on your friend. If you need me just give me a call.”

I thanked my captain and raced to my car. I forgot Melissa had my purse. I ran back inside the building frantically looking for my sister.

              When I reached her I was out of breath and could barely speak.

“I need my keys!” I gasped.

She handed me my purse, while pulling on my coat sleeve.

              “What’s the matter with you?”

“I have a feeling something is wrong with Dontae. He would have never missed this. Something is wrong! I need to find him!”

“Okay calm down. You’re in no condition to drive. Let me get Tyrone and will all go,”

I impatiently waited with the feeling of dread coming over me.

              “Lord please let him be all right,” I prayed quietly.

I dashed for the exit when I saw Melissa and Tyrone running towards me. We hurried to his truck and sped out of the parking lot. My instincts told me to check Dontae’s house first. I sat back as Melissa directed Tyrone to
Dontae’s house.             

We pulled in front of Dontae’s house. I jumped out before Tyrone could park. I noticed his car was parked across the street from his house. I ran up the steps jumping two and three steps at a tim
e. When I reached the last step I paused, I was having trouble breathing and my stomach was in knots.

I jumped, feeling someone’s hand touch my back. I turned to find my sister and Tyrone right behind me.

“Are you going in?” She asked.

I looked at the screen door, which was closed. What made me uneasy was the front door was wide open. Dontae never would leave his door wide open in the middle of winter. Melissa took my hand and we walked in together.
I wasn’t prepared for what I saw next.

Dropping my sister’s hand I rushed to Dontae. He was lying on the floor in a puddle of blood not moving. I felt his vitals they were weak. He was still alive but for how long? I thought.

“Oh my God baby who did this to you?” I screamed.

I knelt down beside him rubbing his back. The tears fell down my face like rain.

              “Don’t move him,” Tyrone yelled.

He tried to pull me away from him but I wouldn’t move.

“Call 911!” Someone yelled.

I stayed by his side until the paramedics came. They asked me questions but I was too distraught. I just stood there crying. I was thankful my sister was there. She did all the talking she even rode with me in the ambulance.

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