Cirque Du Salahi: Be Careful Who You Trust

BOOK: Cirque Du Salahi: Be Careful Who You Trust
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Copyright © 2010 Diane Dimond

All rights reserved.

ISBN: 1439273294

ISBN-13: 9781439273296
Kindle ISBN: 978-1-61550-770-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2010911655

Also By Diane Dimond


Be Careful Who You Love:
Inside the Michael Jackson Case

Published by Atria Books, a Trademark of Simon & Schuster, Inc.



This book is dedicated to the memory of my parents Allen and Ruby Hughes, my soul-mate and husband, Michael Schoen and to my dearest daughter, Jenna.

This is also for Ruby, Luke and Owen. May they come to understand that being happy within makes true good character, that loyalty to friends and trust in others can be the greatest gifts. May they also know someday the passion and satisfaction that comes with pursuing full truth.

The book is also dedicated to the notion of individual, critical thinking and the idea that one must employ their own common sense—refusing to swallow mainstream gossip—when forming opinions about others.

To do otherwise diminishes us all.


Once Michaele and Tareq Salahi got caught in the savage media vortex and were branded the White House “Party Crashers,” they became targets of a metastatic brand of scrutiny that no mortal could survive. Were the Salahis social climbers who rightly earned some tweaks of ridicule? Of course, but they have endured a flaying usually reserved for serial killers, not the uninvited.

Veteran investigative reporter Diane Dimond is uniquely qualified to flip the camera around to examine the proverbial town square where we Americans stone our witches—especially those who commit the crime of getting caught engineering their own exposure. Dimond discovers that the Salahis’ punishment was done under the chin-scratching banner of journalism, but shows that there was something sociopathic about the viciousness of their takedown and why consumers and retailers of what poses as “news” shouldn’t be let off the hook so fast.

Cirque Du Salahi
is a riveting slice of contemporary anthropology.


—Eric Dezenhall

CEO, Dezenhall Resources, Ltd.

Damage Control

Table Of Contents









CHAPTER ONE - Michaele Ann Holt

CHAPTER TWO - Tareq Dirgham Salahi

CHAPTER THREE - Two Become One

CHAPTER FOUR - Politics—Use and Be Used

CHAPTER FIVE - Going to the White House

CHAPTER SIX - Politics 101

CHAPTER SEVEN - Twisting in the Wind

CHAPTER EIGHT - Fools on the Hill

CHAPTER NINE - Media Gone Mad

CHAPTER TEN - Gift That Keeps on Giving

CHAPTER ELEVEN - Multiple Sclerosis—The Elephant in the Room

Premiere Day and Night Tightrope

Why We Hate Them So

Reality TV—Who and Why?





This book would never have been possible without the sweat-equity and wonderful friendship of many people who believed this story had to be told—in full.

Sharlene Martin of Martin Literary Management was the vital engine at the forefront of the project, the one with the creative foresight to make it happen in this new world of modern-day book distribution. What Martin has done to get this time sensitive material to the public will surely be a template others will follow.

Anthony Flacco, Author and Editorial Director of Martin Literary Management, provided encouragement, inspiration and razor-edged editing. His insightful contributions and polishing of this manuscript gave it depth and texture it otherwise would not have had. Also from Martin Literary Management, heartfelt thanks to Associate Agent, Bree Ogden, who so carefully crafted the photo section of the book among other things and Copy Editor, Judy Weiland who somehow managed to drop everything and skillfully edit this manuscript. Everyone at Martin Literary stepped up in amazing ways against the punishing deadline schedule we set for ourselves. We are trailblazers.

For John Flannery Esq. of Leesburg, Virginia, my greatest admiration, respect and appreciation for all your help on this project; we couldn’t have achieved it without you. Thank you, John, for the legal vetting and all your other most valuable services.

To the teams at
and CreateSpace—no words can thank you enough for your assistance or express my awe over how you’re turning the world of publishing on its ear.

To publicist extraordinaire, Justin Loeber and his entire team at Mouth Public Relations and to Web Guru Timothy Hurley at Hudson Moon Production huge thanks for helping us get the word out to the public about our project.

Much gratitude also goes to Todd Dombrowski and Sandy Rea of Book Candy Studios, producers of our fantastic video book trailer and our post-publication Teleconference Book Events. And finally, to my intern Dave Imbriaco, who may really be a musician way down deep in his heart, who provided me with research, backup documents and other information that helped make this book a reality.

My deepest appreciation goes to the entire team.

To the over seventy people who graciously allowed me to interview them for this book, many thanks. Your contributions were invaluable. For those who could not be named you know who you are.

Finally, and most importantly, special thanks goes to Michaele and Tareq Salahi who decided to trust one person with their innermost thoughts, feelings and mounds of documents and photographs. That person was me and I’m humbled at their trust.

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