City of Gold (15 page)

Read City of Gold Online

Authors: Daniel Blackaby

Tags: #Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Christian, #YA, #Fantasy, #Christian fiction

BOOK: City of Gold
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Cody couldn’t help but smile. “If that were true then you wouldn’t be here, risking your life for me….”

Tiana shook her finger at him, but was momentarily speechless. “My parents didn’t want
me. Never even met them. I’ve
been on my own. Always. If they represent what love is, then I want nothing to do with it.
. What good is joy if it only intensifies the inevitable pain? Anytime I show such childish weakness and begin to develop that wretched feeling, I flee.”

“Is that what happened with you and Xerx? Is that why you abandoned him and left the Monastery?”

Tiana smirked. “Xerx is a fool. We had a perfect thing going. I finally had a friend who could keep up with me. And then, with one foolish question, he ruined everything. That’s why I don’t understand…”

“Don’t understand what?”

“Why you would risk your own life on this rash mission to rescue Jade, a girl who will only break your heart. Give me
reason how that makes
logical sense?”

Cody gazed at Tiana, her beautiful blonde hair sticking out like a haystack and her eyes full of so much hurt and pain. The answer to the question came to Cody unexpectedly, but was as familiar as if he had always known it. “It’s not logical—but it makes perfect sense,” he muttered. His face was glowing, vanquishing every shadow in the room, “Because I love her.”


The Journey Continues

Cody gazed at the roof of his hut. He felt lightheaded as though sleeping on the moon.
Am I crazy?
! His revelation had disarmed Tiana. She had stumbled out into the night speechless and dazed. Cody was no less stunned by his own revelation.
I love Jade?
The words had exited his mouth by their own accord, as though his heart had grown impatient with his bullheadedness. His thoughts raced back to the last time he had seen her, standing in the battlefield.
What had she said?
Her last words were unheard, lost in the clamor of battle.

He rolled over in his bed as his eyes drooped. He smiled to himself; for the first time he felt confident filling in her missing word:
. His breathing was deep as his body drifted to sleep. For the first time in weeks, he wasn’t visited by nightmares.

Two Days Remaining…

The horses were loaded and ready. Cody rubbed his horse’s muzzle, happy to see him again. The prickle of a thousand eyes struck him from behind as the mob of children crowded around the convoy.

Dace mounted his horse and headed toward the group. “Our detour through the caves has left us no room for further delay. If we don’t reach El Dorado in two days’ time then this mission will have been in vain. With luck we can reach the Borderlands before nightfall.”

Tat pulled alongside Dace. His face was stern. “We ride hard—without stopping,” his eyes pinned to Chazic as he paused briefly for emphasis. “We know not the location of the golden golems or whether the Garga has abandoned its territory in pursuit. Above all, we do not know where the Hunter rests. We ride our horses into the grave if we must!”

Cody’s horse reared onto its powerful hind legs and bellowed. With a graceful leap he bolted forward, leading the charge from the courtyard. The children chased after the horses.

Reaching the edge of the city, the stallion propelled Cody through the blue bubble. It was like passing under a waterfall of slime. As soon as he emerged, Cody instantly felt the energy from the Book pumping through him. He sighed in relief—it was good to be immortal again.

The Labyrinth Mountains. They dwarfed any structure Cody had ever seen as they dominated the horizon like New York’s cityscape. The mountains appeared to march toward them as The Company rode steady all morning, through the afternoon, and into the evening.

The horse’s flaring nostrils snorted in a back-and-forth dialogue with Cody’s growling stomach.

Then, on the break of evening, it appeared. One moment there were only mountains on the horizon—the next, a mighty fortress. The giant wall filled the break in the rocks like outspread arms holding the colossal mountains at bay. Beyond the city rose a dense pillar of smoke—Lilley.

Dace pulled his mount in front of the convoy bringing them to a halt. “We will reach the walls of Flore Gub by darkfall. Our rides are going to give out at any moment. We must rest for the final push.”

“Rest within sight of the fortress? We will get new horses if we must, we should push on!” urged Tat.

Dace dismounted. “Wolfrick. Sheets. Fall back and watch our rear.” The two soldiers nodded and took off in the opposite direction. Dace turned back to Tat. “We are all sensitive to your situation, but as the leader the call is mine. We will rest and tend to the horses.”

Chazic stepped forward. “Captain, our circumstances have been valid, but we have neglected the Orb’s Hymn. Perhaps now would be an opportune time to give honor.”

again?” Tat huffed, the only member of the Company still in saddle. He pointed to the billowing pillar of smoke. “How can you, in clear sight of such evil, maintain your self-righteous devotion and childish rituals? I can’t comprehend it.”

Chazic knelt to one knee. “Just as I can’t comprehend abandoning your faith at a time when hope is most needed.”

“Hope is just a coward’s excuse for inaction. Have it your way. I volunteered to lead you to Flore Gub and I have. I owe nothing to any of you.” Tat spat to the ground before Chazic. “Nor your orb.” Spurring on his horse, Tat took off toward the mountains. The rest moved toward their horses but Randilin brought up his hand. “Let him be….”

Cody stretched his stiff legs and watched Tat ride out of sight. He felt no anger toward the guide for his departure. If their places had been switched, and Jade’s fate awaited him, he had no doubt he would do the same.

Cody looked up and jerked. Xerx was standing in front of him, dragging his feet in the sand. “Um…do you need something?” Cody asked hesitantly. He folded his right hand into a fist, preparing for anything.

Xerx opened his mouth several times as though to speak, but each time he closed it without uttering a word. Finally he muttered in a rushed voice, “I’ve been thinking about what you said the other day, when we were with the Garga…I can train you. That is, if you still want me to…oh, never mind…. ”

Cody grinned. “I’m just two days away from facing the most powerful creator in Under-Earth. I can’t think of anyone I’d trust more to prepare me than you…seriously,” he added as Xerx seemed unsure whether to take the comment as a jest.

“Well, my first lesson would be to lose the dramatics. No offense, but sending balls of fire is entirely cliché and predictable.”

Cody shrugged sheepishly. “But it sure looks impressive, doesn’t it?”

“A fight is not won by style, it is won by smarts. You actually did this when you saved me from the Garga.”

“I didn’t have time to think. I did the first thing that came to my head and just filled their lungs with sand.”

“Exactly! You did so instinctively because you didn’t have time to bog it down with finesse. It was an
move. Spouting geysers of lava may make an impression, but they can be extinguished by water. Instead, you need to use your head. For example, instead of drenching someone with water, create the water in them. Cause it to burst some of their veins and you defeat them quickly and easily

“I’d never thought of that, Xerx.”

If Xerx’s grin had grown any bigger it would have leapt off his face. Something triggered a thought in the back of Cody’s mind. “You’ve known Master Stalkton for a long time now. You probably know him better than anyone, don’t you?”

Xerx nodded. “Yeah, I suppose so. Why?”

Cody hesitated. “Did he ever mention anything about…

Xerx’s smile instantly vanished. “Where did you…?”

Cody shook him off. “Stalkton mentioned it, but vowed never to speak of it again; said that the Golden King was close to discovering it. Do you know what he was talking about? Did he ever mention it to you?”

Xerx looked around making sure no one was within earshot. “Yes.” He sat down beside Cody and spoke in a whisper, “You know how Stalkton can be, spends more time talking to himself than anyone else. Well, one night I heard him muttering and it caught my attention. The next couple nights I’d loop back around after my lessons and eavesdrop. Every night was the same; he would get himself worked up about
. Kept going on about
—whatever that means. I couldn’t sleep at night. My curiosity was too great. Finally, after a lesson, I casually brought it up.”


“Nothing. Probably told me the same thing he told you. Something about it being the doorway to destruction and such. He’s never spoken of it since. I’ve been searching for clues, but no one ever has anything to say.”

Cody bit his lip. Before he could say anything further Dace called out from atop his horse, “Mount up! We can’t wait any longer. Next stop—Flore Gub.”


Changing the Board

CAPTAIN TALGU’S BLOODSHOT EYES GLAZED as they stared unblinkingly at the battalion map on the table. He was by no means a fool or childish dreamer. One does not get personally appointed by General Levenworth without a reputation for rational thinking. It was that very intellect which had led him to the map’s inevitable outcome:
we can’t win
. The red chips within the outline of Flore Gub were outnumbered twenty-to-one by the golden stack outside it.

The Captain flinched when he heard a rattle on the door. His arm slipped on the table and knocked the red chips to the floor.
How quickly they fall
, he thought grimly. “Come in.” A youthful, well-postured soldier marched in and saluted. Talgu returned the gesture. The soldier spied the fallen chips.

“Father, where is your hope?”

Talgu huffed, “Nocsic, my boy; where is your prudence? There is no cowardice in accepting reality. We both know we are no more than a picket fence—a meager gesture declaring that no trespassers are desired, without power to actually stop them when they decide to cross.”

“Yes, Father, but that is precisely why I have come…he has arrived.”

Talgu’s eyebrows jumped to his hairline. “
The Book Keeper?

“Yes, Father. He and his convoy just arrived at the east entrance. How shall we proceed?” Talgu paced back to the map.
The board has changed

“Prince Kantan’s orders were clear. You must ensure that it is done as planned.”

Nocsic shifted. “And if the Book Keeper resists?”

Talgu pulled a dagger from his belt. He slammed it onto the map in the center of the golden chips, sending them flying. “That’s not his decision to make.”


Flore Gub

CODY GAZED AT THE SCENE IN WONDER. The massive walls of the fortress would make even the great ramparts of Atlantis appear as little more than a dollhouse. Large towers jutted like skyscrapers. Situated sporadically atop the immense walls were wooden catapults.

Unlike the grubby peasants of Atlantis’ Outer-City, every person in the fortress was adorned in full battle armor and well armed. The soldiers cast curious glances at the new arrivals as they marched past. Every one of their faces registered fear.

“Your arrival is
welcome,” shouted a stranger who was the most handsome man Cody had ever seen. His fine black hair was neatly tied in a small ponytail. His chest was broad and his muscles toned to a level Cody had not seen before. The man walked with the confidence of someone well aware of these traits.

“Well, if it isn’t the notorious Captain Dace Ringstar—look who finally got a vacation from the slums of Atlantis,” the man called.

Dace threw his arms around the man. “Knowing
be here, Nocsic, I’d almost swear Levenworth sent me here as

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