Claiming Emerald (18 page)

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Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Claiming Emerald
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She ran her fingers up the taut lines of his chest. His muscles were perfectly formed from years of hard labor as a farmer. Rory’s arms were thick, his chest flaring down into his hourglass waist. Em traced the groves of layered muscles over his ribs and abdomen. When she hit the waistband of his jeans, she slowly unzipped them. Em slid them off. She was about to take his cock between her lips when Russell lifted her into the air. He had her by her stomach, the top half of her body remaining rigid only through vampire balance. He carried her across the room and she thought that he was going to put her back in the pillory. Em really wasn’t in the mood to be confined in such a way. He put her down on the floor and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around her eyes. She heard him moving and when he lifted her arms she knew that he was in front of her. Russell clasped her hands together and then bound her wrists.

“We are going to play roulette. You are going to spin and when you stop, whoever you are pointing to gets your pussy. Then you spin again and that man gets your ass. Whoever is left gets your mouth.”

“It sounds simple enough.”

Russell turned her around and smacked her on the ass with the palm of his hand. Em lurched forward from the impact. He obviously wanted to play rough. It was not unusual for him to return from a hunt with his blood boiling. Part of his nature was animalistic and although he stayed in human form for the most part, his animal side was always present.

Rory smacked her with the paddle. “Turn at least ten times. If you move too slowly you get whacked again.”

Em purposely pranced around in a circle. Rory cracked her hard. Salt snapped his cattail across her ass and then Russell smacked her with his hand. Em moved a bit faster on the next round. It obviously wasn’t fast enough. She shifted into high gear, spinning around and around as she tried to count out ten complete rotations. She hit ten, stopped and went down to her knees.

“I was afraid of that,” commented Rory. He removed the blindfold, stroking her cheek. “Are you okay or are you sick again?”

“I think that I’m okay. Why is my brain freaking out when I spin around?”

“I do not know. I didn’t even think about it until you were spinning. Luckily when you fell, you were pointing to me. Russell and Salt can figure out another way to decide who gets what.” He offered his hand and pulled her to her feet. “Shall we, or have you lost your mood?”

“I never lose my mood.”

He led her over to the bed and when she took a look back at Russell and Salt they were doing something where they were flashing their fingers at one another. She frowned. “What are they doing, Rory?”

He looked and chuckled. “It’s an old custom. It is called rock, paper, scissors. Remind me sometime. I will explain it.”

“Okay.” Em flopped down onto the bed. Rory untied her hands and then spun her by her ankles. He removed her jeans, throwing them on the sofa.

“Why are we not doing something kinky with you?”

“I have no idea. Kinky is your department.”

Rory chuckled, his snow-white teeth glimmering. “Yes it is. I also don’t feel like being kinky. Do you really like the dress?”

“I love it.”

“Maybe we can get married tonight and then have a big thing in the summer like you wanted.”

A smile flashed onto her face. “I would love that.”

He crawled over her, leering down at her and then changed his mind. Rory gestured to Salt who strolled over and shrugged. “If I saw the game correctly, you won the bottom. Go for it.”

Salt frowned. “Then how is Russell going to get involved?”

“You’ll see.”

Salt shrugged and dropped down beside Em. Rory grabbed her hands and pulled her into a sitting position. Salt slid over and lifted her by her ass. She cringed as he lowered her over his cock. Salt hadn’t put any oil to make the passageway slippery. A moment later she realized that she was wrong. He hadn’t oiled her anus, but he had coated his dick. It was nice and smooth as it slid into her.

Russell stepped up onto the bed and then knelt down beside her. Rory got up and walked across the room. He grabbed one of Russell’s twines of rope and walked back over, looping it through the top support of the bed and tying a knot. He let it hang as he moved to the opposite post and stood waiting for Russell. Russell forced Em to lie halfway back over Salt’s body and slid the sling under her armpits. It put her at the perfect height to reach Russell’s cock. Rory tied off the end and then with a single jump, landed between Salt’s splayed calves. “All fixed. Comfy?”

Em rocked her upper body and looked downward. “Only one problem.”

“What’s that?”

“Your dick is not in my pussy and it’s lonely.”

Rory chuckled and crawled closer. He suckled her nipple, nipping softly at the skin as he built pressure with his mouth. He filled her with the coolness of his cock as Russell grabbed her hair and turned her head. His dick was hard and ready for attention and Em was happy to oblige. She drew him between her lips. Rory set the rock between the hard feel of himself and Salt. She wondered what it would feel like if they both flashed her and then gasped when they did. It was almost like having a hummingbird in her pussy and ass. The sensation it created was so intense that she whimpered around Russell’s cock. Her pussy was screaming, her ass sizzling as if the friction they were creating was starting a fire within her.

She turned her reaction on Russell, moving her head faster and faster despite his handhold on her hair. He finally let go, arching his body to lean back and enjoy the movement of her mouth. She built to a flash, but knew that she couldn’t keep it up for long. It was putting too much stress on her neck.

Her cunt began to throb, the inner pressure building until her flesh began to beat around their dicks. Russell expelled his hot fluid into her mouth, the swiftness of his climax surprising her. Salt grunted and stopped, his hips slamming into the base of her spine as his release came.

Rory, however, didn’t stop or even slow. He continued to move, her muscles and the position of her body trapping Salt within her. He was an unmoving presence against the racing thrust of Rory. Em felt her body building again, the glorious pulse of inflamed nerves. She was quivering, her hips twisting as she pivoted her pussy to accept Rory fully. She wondered if she could move her hips in actual time with him, but it was impossible. She could rock her head into a flash, but not her ass. It didn’t matter anyway. Her mouth opened, her fangs snapping out of her jaw. She laid her head back on her shoulders, lost to the growing flames within her cunt. They rippled and flashed, hotter and hotter before slamming around Rory’s cock in an explosion of pulsing muscle. Rory thrust completely into her and then stopped. He gritted his teeth, his upper lip rolling into a snarl as his climax hit. It was obviously as intense as hers and she struggled to get her fangs back in so she wouldn’t pierce her lip with them.

Russell leaned in front of her, offering his throat. It was rare that she indulged in the glorious wild taste of his overly hot life fluid, but Em didn’t turn him down. She bit into his flesh, sucking greedily. Russell tasted like finely cured meat and a blood that was almost gamey. He had obviously partaken in the raw meat while they were out. His warmth flooded through her, sinking into her muscles and making her pussy throb even harder. Salt howled and pushed her upward. “You’re crushing my dick, Em.”

She released Russell and the sensation instantly started to cool. Her body was using his blood far too quickly. She wanted more.

Chapter 20


Em stood looking in the mirror. She looked truly lovely in her white dress. Salt had braided her hair and it was wrapped in multiple strands around her head. Mia had brought her a small flower for her hair with a red charm in it.

Rory, Salt, and Russell had taken their clothing to Joel’s old room to get changed. A knock at the door surprised her. She didn’t think they were starting just yet. Em went to open it, hiding her gown as she looked into the hall. Her bottom lip dropped. “Hi. What are you doing here?”

Gaelic pushed the door open and walked in. Joel followed him, staring at her. “You look lovely.”

“Thank you.” She had assumed that Vidar was coming. Had the premonition been about Gaelic and Joel? “I’m surprised to see you.”

“I’ll bet,” replied Gaelic. “We were surprised to hear that you were getting married.”

“How did you hear?”

“You have a human traitor in your midst. He is one of Vidar’s pets. He also isn’t too bright and he told us before he realized who he was talking to. We caught the traitor at our fortress.”

“I thought you spoke freely with Vidar because he gave you your freedom.”

“I don’t trust Vidar for shit. The less he knows about New York, the better.”

Em nodded in agreement. “Do you know the name of my traitor?”

“No. We think he is human, though. It is not Dennis. We know his voice.”

“I’m glad to hear that. We will find him.” Em knew she should probably tread carefully, but she didn’t feel like it. “Are you here to make trouble?”

Joel shook his head. “No. I can’t say we are thrilled about your commitment, but we will cause no trouble. We are only here because we weren’t invited. Are you sure this is what you want to do, Em?”

“Yes. Why?”

“This is not a human wedding and vampires don’t get divorced. What you are making is a pact that will imprint upon your brain. You will be committed to them forever.”

Gaelic glared at him. “It will only happen if they use the ancient text. If they just say human wedding vows, it won’t be dramatic.”

Em had no idea that there was a difference. She had never heard of vampire vows. “I’m already imprinted on them because of our blood.”

Joel nodded. “Yes, you are. This is different. You have my blood also, but we are not together. That will not happen with Rory or Salt. Once you take those vows, you will feel physical pain if you try to leave one another. I’m not saying that you can’t be apart for short periods, but if a time comes when you want to go your separate ways, all three of you will walk in the sun. As I said, there is no divorce and no separations. You will be physically and mentally unable to end things.”

She had no intention of ending things. Of course, it was not so long ago that she had felt the same way about Joel and Gaelic. She still adored them both, but she had changed and so had they. “You will have to discuss that with Rory. I’m not sure which vows he had in mind. He didn’t mention it to me. Of course, things got put on the fast track because I was warned that someone was coming here and they were angry about the wedding. I certainly didn’t expect the two of you to show up. I was thinking more like Vidar.”

“Why would he come here?” Joel raised his eyebrows to accent the question.

Em shrugged. “Um, because he wants me. I’m still not sure why he even let me leave the caves. I have to go back in a few months to try and get his humans to conceive. I don’t think he will appreciate the fact that I’m now married.”

Gaelic pushed back his hair angrily. “Something needs to be done about them. Since the sonic the governors are really getting out of hand. Did you know that they hunt down any vampire who reaches the age of three hundred? The vampire then has the option to join them or die.”

“So I have been told. Luckily you and Joel have a hundred or so years to go.”

Joel chuckled. “Gaelic has had a hard-on for the governors since the issue with Maryann. I agree with him, but I have no idea what to do about it. It’s not like we can hold a revolt or anything.”

The idea had crossed Em’s mind. “Why not? I can’t imagine we are the only ones to hate them. If we could get enough vamps together we could wipe them out. They are old, not indestructible.”

Gaelic gave her an inquisitive smile, but Joel simply harrumphed. “We need to go talk to Rory.”

Joel turned to walk back out the door and for a second, Em wondered what had happened to the man who had turned her. He had once been such an authoritative figure. Now he seemed kind of lost.

Gaelic grabbed her by the front of her gown and kissed her hard. Em felt herself going limp at the long forgotten magnitude of Gaelic’s touch. She fought the urge to melt into his arms and pushed him back. “I’m getting married tonight.”

“I know.” Gaelic turned and walked out the door.

Em let her shoulders sag, her entire body throbbing from Gaelic’s touch. She had refused to be taken down when they had walked out on her. Em loved them, but they were no longer a part of her life. They were the past, back in her beginnings as a vampire. Back in her beginnings of the woman she had now become. She had changed so dramatically since her life as a human. She was no longer the levelheaded businesswoman. Maybe she was, but her business was now making her men happy and overseeing the fortress. The sonic had changed her life forever. Joel and Gaelic had changed her for an eternity. It was Rory and Salt who had brought her happiness and turned her into a BDSM queen.


* * * *


Rory heard a knock on the door and opened it. He was stunned to see Joel and Gaelic standing on the other side. “To what do we owe the honor?”

“I think you already know the answer to that. Gaelic and I want to know which vows you are taking.”

Rory gestured them in with the palm of his hand. After all, the bedroom did belong to Joel and little had been changed in it.

Joel looked around. “My room is still intact.”

“Yes, it is. A few items have been removed, but no one is actually using it.”

Joel nodded and returned his attention to Rory. “Which vows?”

“Vampire vows. Wesley is going to speak them for us.”

“Maybe you should have discussed them with Em first. She seemed clueless.”

He had intended to do that, but time had been turned on him. “I’m aware of that. As a matter of fact, I intended to have someone bring her the vampire book with the page bookmarked. I’m not trying to pull anything shady with her. It is just that time ran out. Things have been kind of busy here for the last few days.”

“The hall looks nice. Very festive and colorful.”

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