Claiming Emerald (16 page)

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Authors: Kat Barrett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Claiming Emerald
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“No. What is on level six?”

“It is a test facility. Granted they create things like the glass for the garden. They also do tests on the humans to see if they can force their bodies to make blood faster. If you commit a crime or even do something that the governors don’t approve of, you are sent down for testing. Then you are brought up to the lower courtyard and staked up so that everyone can see that you have done wrong. It tends to keep everyone honest to see one of their friends starving to death, as they die a slow death. There is no reprieve. I hated it there. Be proud of what we have created and know that in the caves, they do not have freedom and equality. We have that. We have friendship. Our humans are not slaves. Children are not bred to create more feeders.”

Em shivered. “Is that why he wants me there? Why didn’t you tell me?”

“And what? Have you live the rest of your life freezing to death?”

“There have to be other old vampires in other places. I could have gone looking for one.”

Rory shook his head adamantly. “Not in the United States. Once you reach the age of three hundred, you join the governors or they kill you. That may change now, but maybe not.”

Em was stunned. They were killing off their own kind? “Why is this allowed?”

He grunted. “Who is going to stop them? They are the strongest vampires on Earth.”

“There has to be a way.”

Rory lifted her under her arms so she was eye to eye with him. “Don’t even think about it. You will get yourself killed. You will get all of us killed. Others have tried and failed.”

The conviction on his face was unnerving. “Okay. I will let it go for now. I will not let it go if Vidar fucks with me.”

“We will deal with that when the time comes.” He put her down outside the tub and stepped out himself. “Can we start over? I’m really happy that you said yes, even though you hurt my precious feelings. I’m just being an asshole.”

“I would like that. I was being secretive. Why didn’t you tell me that you had been to the cave?”

“It was a long time ago. I had hoped they had changed. Maybe they have.”

She considered what she had seen and Vidar’s adamant desire for the humans to have children. The stores upstairs were filled with nice clothing, but the humans hadn’t been particularly well dressed. “Do you know a vampire named Christian who lives in the caves?”

“He’s a governor. He has no respect for humans or for women. He is also an egotistical, opinionated moron. Why?”

“Vidar sent me running with him.” Em also had a feeling that Christian was the one who had come to her in a dream. “Is it possible for a vampire to come into another’s dream without exchanging blood?”

“If the vampire is old enough and strong enough.”

“How old is Christian?”

“I don’t know. I have to think around a thousand. I think he is just slightly younger than Vidar. Why?”

“He told me that he was four hundred. I guess he’s an asshole.”

Rory chuckled and nodded in agreement. He swept her into his arms and carried her back to bed. Salt and Russell were lying on the quilt, stark naked.

“Is your pussy feeling better?”

Rory dropped her on the mattress and she slapped Russell. “Don’t ever put peppermint on my clit again. Damn, that shit burns.”

“Sorry. I figured it would tingle and feel good. Would my tongue feel better?”


He gave her a soft kiss and then continued down the center of her body. Russell’s lips were warm, his soft caress leaving a line of naturally tingly flesh between her rips and over her stomach. When he parted her pussy lips with his fingers, a warm glow radiated back upward. Russell’s tongue was so hot, he lapped at her clit, making her jump in reaction. This was overwhelming and unusual, even for Russell. “What did you do now?”

“Feel good?” asked Salt.

Em nodded with tiny shakes of her head. Russell was sucking on her clit, drawing the flesh into his mouth as he wiggled his tongue over it. “It feels incredible, amplified somehow. “Oh, Russell.”

Salt bit his finger and put it to her lips. She knew what he had done. Russell had combined his overheated mouth with Salt’s blood. The reaction of the two was amazing. Her pussy was singing its praise of every stroke of his tongue. Salt leaned forward, sucking her nipple into his mouth. He matched Russell’s movements, tugging on the flesh as he licked it. Rory lay down beside her. He turned her head with his palm, stoking her face as he put his lips to hers. His kiss was soft, a question to see if she was still angry with him. Em didn’t think it possible for her to remain mad at Rory. She parted his lips with her tongue, meeting the wetness of his mouth.

The soft pulse of her pussy that had receded with the peppermint was back with vengeance. She moaned against the overwhelming qualities of her men. They were hers, all three of them. They loved her and Em suddenly realized that the idea of being committed to them in such a traditional way was enticing. She really did want to go through with the wedding and be their bride for eternity.

Russell slid downward, his tongue lapping at the outer ring of her cunt. She wanted them to take things further and be with her. Em remembered how horrible it was to do without and now she welcomed the inner sensations of rising arousal. The muscles of her cunt were twitching, tightening in expectation. She had no idea what positions they would assume, but she was looking forward to them doing it.

Her nails skimmed over Salt’s back, her lips pressed hard against Rory’s. Russell pulled back and then knelt between her thighs. The feel of his hot cock slowly sliding into her was amazing. He had such a nice dick. Salt and Rory backed off and she was left alone with Russell. Em was slightly disappointed that they were going to take her one at a time. She had wanted more.

Russell urged her legs up around his waist and began to rock gently. It was too gentle for Em. She thrust her ass upward, forcing him to rub the right spots inside. Russell leaned forward onto his elbows. “In a hurry?”

She grinned, releasing a snort of laughter. “Kind of. It feels as if it has been forever.”

“I agree. Any time away from you seems like forever.”

Em ran her fingers through his long whitish hair. It was odd that it didn’t make him appear older. Instead the color reflected light, making it appear blond and silver depending on the angle. It was a perfect match to his amber eyes. He smiled and then tilted his head, kissing her with just the perfect pressure of his mouth and tongue. Russell picked up the pace, rolling his dick up and down as well as forward and back. Em moaned, her pussy grabbing at his flesh with ever stronger throbs of sensation. He felt so good.

Russell pulled out to the brink of her pussy, holding there with only a portion of his tip inserted. Em felt as if forever passed and when he filled her again, she felt every tiny particle of it rubbing inside her. Em gasped, slamming her hips upward as Russell came down. He was stuffed inside her, her cunt pounding around him with wave after wave of thrilling sensation. She could feel the heat of his fluid as it drummed against her muscles and then Russell was gone.

Salt grabbed her hands and flipped her over. A second later he dragged her hips upward and filled her with his dick. The contrast of his chilled flesh was notable, her pussy still throbbing in aftermath as Salt held her hips and began to flash. Watching had obviously turned him on. He slapped the cheek of her ass, spanking the right and then the left. It was a synchronized action, one hand leavening the front of her hip to smack her as the other pulled her into his body. Salt went back and forth, his dick flashing in and out of her burning pussy. It was more than she could handle in such a short time. The contrast between hot and cold. The difference in how they were fucking her. Em arched her back into him, her pussy again exploding in a rush of muscles slamming around his dick. Salt didn’t slow, the friction created sending her tumbling into a shuddering mass of overheated flesh.

Rory was in front of her, his mouth meeting hers, his tongue thrusting between her lips. Salt slowed, his final thrusts hard and solid within her. He kissed her throat, sinking his teeth into her skin.

He was taking her life fluid, forcing the flood of his climax into her still quivering pussy. Salt was gone from behind her. Rory’s hands were on her back, holding her to his body, enveloping her in his grasp. She thrust her fingers into his jet back hair. It was shoulder length and so incredibly soft in her hands. The kiss seemed to go on for an eternity, giving her body time to cool.

Rory pulled back and slid off the bed. He put his hand out to her and Em smiled as he pulled her to her feet. He lifted her, letting her slide down so her pussy was slowly filled with his cock. It was so nice to feel the power in his body as he held her. His arms were muscular and strong, the backs of his shoulders flexing with the weight of her body.

Rory set the pace, controlling her, lifting her, and then allowing gravity to slide her back over his dick. The slowness of the movement seemed to give it more clarity. She could feel the inner skin shifting around the heavily veined ridges in his cock. It was an amazing sensation that made her purr softly. She opened her eyes slightly, catching his adoring gaze. Rory, her Rory. He was her savior when she was starving. Her teacher when she needed to learn the finer points of using a sword. Her was at her side and always had her back when she needed him. He had gotten her through the nights of tears when Joel and Gaelic had been taken away from her. He had brought Salt into their lives when she was longing for the sensations of dual sex. Now he was to be her husband.

His body flexed against hers, his chest rubbing against her breast, his hands grasping the line between her ass and thighs. Rory was moving faster, filling her deeply, hitting that small spot inside that always sent her over the edge. Her nails were digging into his scalp. Rory filled her to the base of her pussy and stopped. Em rocked her hips from side to side, shifting around his dick. It was amazing. It felt wonderful. The pressure building again, the hot ache flaring, faster and faster. Rory grabbed her tighter and pushed her downward. Em slammed her hips into him, the jarring shift of his hard flesh sending her spiraling into oblivion. Em screamed, the sound echoing off the walls of the room. Rory spun, slamming her into the wall as he thrust into her. He slid to his knees. Em straddling his thighs as Rory’s climax came, hard and chilled within her overheated pussy.

She could feel her head lulling back on her shoulders, but had no desire to stop it. She was home and the sun was up.

Chapter 18


Salt was cursing his big mouth as he worked with the others to craft huge flowers out of multicolored paper. The paper had been in the storeroom, and Kay had jumped at a chance to help with the wedding. She had once worked in a craft store and had taught a class on how to make paper flowers. Russell and Rory were out hunting and he would much rather be with them.

He glanced up and saw that Em was grinning broadly at him. She got up from her seat and strolled over. She was so beautiful and had been the perfect fiancée. She had returned from Vidar a woman set on making her men happy. It really wasn’t all that hard to do. They didn’t ask much of her and Em had always had a stately way about which to handle daily life. Salt couldn’t accurately put words to how he felt about her. She was proud and yet submissive in bed. Well… she was submissive about being tormented. Em was never truly submissive as a woman. She liked to take charge sometimes and make them change positions or switch up what they were doing. A single whimper from her that relayed true pain would stop all three of them dead in their tracks.

She sat down beside him. “What are you thinking about? You have an odd expression on your face like you are confused. Is it the flowers or the fact that you would rather be out hunting?”

She knew him too well. “I suppose it’s a bit of both. I had actually stopped bitching to myself and I was thinking about you.”

“What about me?”

Salt leaned his head back, smiling. “About how perfect you are. I was trying to put into mental words what it is about you that is so wonderful.”

“It is that you love me. Love makes your vision perfect. Of course it can also shadow it more than any fog that nature can create. I love you back, so I suppose you are seeing things clearly.”

“I hope so. You are like an angel with shimmering white skin and just the tiny bit of rosy blush. Can I do your hair for the wedding?”

Em appeared truly stunned by the question. “Do what?”

“I think that you should have a crown of braids.”

“That’s an interesting idea.”

“You are the queen.” The title was hers and there was no one in the fortress who would question that. She seemed to have a logical answer for any question or problem. She had so many ideas for ways they could improve things. Her ideas of the windmills had worked out perfectly. The growth around the fortress was still small enough to let a constant wind blow over the skies where the windmills were placed. Of course it had been Adrial, Holden, and Jace that had gotten them running, but it had been Em’s idea to begin with. It seemed that any suggestion she made was always something that could be done and have a positive outcome. It was Em who had originally suggested the gardens on the roof. Now she wanted to improve them and her ideas sounded fantastic. “You deserve to look like what you are. Are you aware of the stature you portray or the way everyone listens to you?”

“I guess. I really don’t think about it. I am who I am. They listen to you, also.”

“Not the way they listen to you. I’m not jealous or anything, but it’s as if every word that leaves your mouth is gold on occasion.”

She giggled at his comment but he was completely serious. Of course, Em was not vain in her power either. She simply accepted things the way they were. “I love the way you said that.”

Mia tugged on Em’s shirttail and Em turned to her. “Good evening, Mia. Why aren’t you sleeping?”

“I was making flowers.”

“Were you now? I would very much like you to be my flower girl. Would you be?”

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