Colonial Prime

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Authors: KD Jones

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Colonial Prime by KD Jones




Colonial Prime


Katieran Prime





by KD Jones




© Copyright November 2013 JK Publishing, Inc.


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Copyright November 2013 by JK Publishing, Inc.

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Edited by
ML Hill

by JK Publishing, Inc.

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JK Publishing, Inc.


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Life's Journey


As we journey through our lives,

We all take separate paths.

Sometimes they’re filled with sorrow,

Other times they
’re full of laughs.

’s no exact destination,

We just follow where it goes.

We travel until our journey ends,

When that is, nobody knows.

We all make big decisions,

As to different roads we
’ll take.

We all learn from accomplishments,

And mistakes that we will make.

What will lie ahead of us?

No one can make that call.

But we all need someone with us,

To pick us up, after we fall.

In life our paths will cross,

We won’t always be alone.

’ve seen what’s behind us,

But our future remains unknown.


Jon M. Nelson



Come and take this journey with me. 


KD Jones

The Katieran Cu
lture Guide Book




It is with great honor and pleasure that we are able to provide a written form to educate the Earth’s refugees on the culture of the alien nation of Katiera.  After having given over 2000 culture classes on board the transport ships, we feel there are repetitive questions we deal with each time and also areas we don’t get a chance to cover.  With the approval of Prime Leader RendEL and the Katieran High Council, we will hopefully be able to address all of these issues in detail.

Thanks to everyone who helped in the process.




Dr. Katrina Morris M.D. and Dr. Elizabeth Connell, PhD

Special Thanks to the Author KD Jones


Contents at a Glance




Cultural Beliefs

Political Syste
m and Katieran Laws

Current Primes

Technology in Science and Medicine

Katieran Clothing Styles and Non-monetary System

Definitions and Slang

Common Questions and Answers





To start with, how do you pronounce Katieran?  It is pronounced as “cuh tear an”.  According to Katieran recorded history, they originated from another alien race known as the as Maratians.  Yes, sounds like Martians right?

These people were advanced to some degree.  They preferred living in huts and caves, hunting and fi
shing and gathering for their food.  Yet, they had space travel technology.  They used their technology to explore other planets that offered natural resources.  Some of the Maratians settled in what is now the Katieran Solar System.

The Katieran Solar Sys
tem is a Binary Solar System, meaning that it has two suns.  One large yellow sun and a small red sun.  There are six planets in the Katieran Solar System.  Each planet is habitable and has their own Luna or moon that orbits around them.  Most of the moons have oxygen and natural resources.



Kappan the blue planet

Liskan the yellow planet

Ratran the r
ed planet

Satrine the white planet

Traquana the orange planet

Katiera the green planet



Plant Life



Most plant life is reflective of the planet it originates from.  For example, most of the plants that come from Kappan, the blue planet, will look mostly blue in color.

The plants and flowers are exotic looking and similar to what you would see in a rain forest on Earth.

The flowers resembling orchids and birds of paradise are predominant.

All vegetation is edible, except for the red fruit called Tarana, on the red planet of Ratran.

You can find fruits, berrie
s, and nuts that are similar to what is on Earth, except for the coloring and the taste.  Most fruits are sweet.



Animal Life


There is a variety of animal life on the different planets.  Most are a source of food.

Most common on all planets are the flying corcas.  They look exactly like swans but are red in color.  The Katierans eat these birdlike creatures on special occasions.  It is said they taste much like turkey.

There are pig-like creatures called grunts that populate most of the Lunas.

Katierans have what is similar to zebras without the black and white stripes called torpis.  They have colorful spots instead.  Some Katierans ride the torpis for recreation.






Each planet and Luna have their own source of water.

The Katierans do not believe in contaminating their water or food sources, so they do not swim or bathe in the water on the planets.  However, there are springs on the Lunas that they use recreationally.

The water color is usually reflective of each planet.  For example, the waters of Katiera are green.



Power Source


The main power source that is used throughout the Katieran Nation is solar power.

With Katiera’s two suns; they never run out of power.

The oth
er positive aspect to having two suns is the weather.  The temperature never gets below seventy-five degrees on Katiera.

The large ships use a different type of fuel that aids with space travel.  The Tija stones are mined from several of the Lunas and turn
ed into a fuel source viable for space travel.


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