Colonial Prime (13 page)

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Authors: KD Jones

BOOK: Colonial Prime
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We are wasting time!” AshOR raised his voice.

Twenty-four hours will not make a difference especially when the Morins still do not have the coordinates to Earth!” LarIS yelled back.  He was losing his control.  Something that he rarely ever did.  People’s thoughts started to rush at him.  He needed to find a quiet place.

We will meet on Katiera to make plans,” Prime Commander KydEL agreed.  TylOR said something to his brother, which started the two of them yelling at each other.

End transmission,” LarIS ordered as he left the command center.  His head felt like it was going to explode.

He walked down the corridor wobbling a bit and headed for the observatory.  He entered the sanctuary and started to feel a little better.  He rested a bit but when he left for the shuttle, he could barely stand up straight. 
What in Kitana?


The Morin Leader smiled.  “Well done.  We are on our way to Earth at last.  Any word from our other two ships?” 

Commander Zurk reports that transport 1101 has been destroyed.”


The explosion as we managed to get inside the wormhole was the transport,” the lieutenant told him.

Katieran scumbags!  They will regret the day they went against the Morin Nation.  We will find this Earth and rebuild our numbers.  Then we will go back and show those cretins what it is to suffer.”

Chapter Nineteen



Lola was told that LarIS was returning to Katiera.  No one was going to stop her from going to the landing field to greet him.  She paced back and forth d
riving everyone else that came along crazy.

Lizzie decided to sit on the grassy area overlooking the field.
She watched Lola pace back and forth.  She sighed.  It must be nice to have someone that you care that much about like Lola had LarIS.  The two of them were made for each other.  Lizzie would probably be alone for the rest of her life.

Lola looked around at the others that came to the landing field.  Prime Leader RendEL, Prime ConEL, and Prime Leader KadEN were all there.  All the men had serious fa
ces, which did not alleviate her fears.  What if LarIS had gotten hurt?  There weren’t any medics there so maybe that was a sign that no one was hurt.

LarIS?  Are you okay?'
She had hoped he would be close enough to pick her up telepathically.  This was the first time she had actually wished for the connection that had always seemed a bit intrusive.  She didn’t have his abilities, but he said her mind was strong enough that if she projected her thoughts, he would be able to catch them.  But that wasn’t happening today.  Why?

The shuttles are arriving,” Prime Leader RendEL announced.  He made sure to get Lola’s attention when he said it.

She looked up and watched on bated breath as five shuttles landed first.  She could see more coming and frowned.  She l
ooked at Lizzie and asked, “Why so many shuttles?”

They’re probably from the transport that is coming from Earth with the other Earth women,” Lizzie signed to her.

Lola nodded and turned her attention back to the first four shuttles.  Commander TylOR came
out of the first shuttle.  The second shuttle had Prime Commander KydEL.  The third shuttle had some Katieran man with salt and pepper hair and two Earth people she didn’t know.  The fourth shuttle’s door opened and LarIS walked out.

Thank God he was alri
ght.  She tried to wait for him to make his way to her, but the fact that he still hadn’t connected with her mentally despite her projecting thoughts to him had her worried.  She began to make her way to him.  He looked pale and he was rubbing his head like it hurt.

  She sent her thoughts to him but he didn’t respond.  Something was wrong.  She took off at a run.  He almost staggered.  She had just reached him as he started to go down.  He had passed out.  She caught at his waist but he was too heavy for her small frame to hold up.  They both slid to the ground.

LarIS!  What is wrong, honey?  Please answer me.'
She was nearly in tears as she tried to get someone’s attention to come help her. 

His weight was lifted from her and she looked up into t
he concerned eyes of the handsome man with the salt and pepper hair.  He was speaking to her too fast and at an angle, she couldn’t read his lips.  She shook her head.

Female, I have him,” JadEN repeated again.  The female wouldn’t let go of the male and he was worried that she would be crushed under the weight.

She cannot hear or speak,” Prime Leader RendEL said as he came up to help JadEN with LarIS.

JadEN blinked in surprise.  “
Is she from the Colony?”  The male was Leader LarIS so he assumed the female with her mutation would be from there as well.

No, she is from Earth but she is newly mated to Leader LarIS.  If you look directly at her she can read your lips.  Also, her friend communicates with her using a silent language.”  RendEL motioned for Lizzie to come forward. 

JadEN made sure to look directly at the female.  “
We have him, let him lose so you do not get hurt.”

She nodded her head and let go of LarIS.  All the men were there lifting him up and began carrying him insi
de the Prime building.  She prayed e would be okay.  She couldn’t live without him.  She was completely in love with him.

By the time they had gotten to the Medic Wing, several more medics were there including Prime Medic SydEL.  “
What happened?” SydEL asked.

Lola had to stand back and let someone else explain.  Medic JadEN explained to him what he saw.  “
He got off the shuttle and started walking.  I just happened to glance over and saw the female catching him as he began to fall.  By the time I got to him he had passed out completely.”

SydEL looked at Lola and spoke.  “
What did you notice?”

She signed and Lizzie was there to interpret for her.  “
I saw him wobbling and looking pale.  He was touching his head like it hurt.  I haven’t been able to link with him mind-to-mind.”

JadEN looked at her surprised.  “
You can communicate with him telepathically?”

She nodded her head.  “
But I haven’t been able to since his shuttle landed.  He seems so tired.”

Commander AshOR pushed his way into
the room.  “He used his abilities while we were fighting the Morins.  He usually has a good deal of control on blocking thoughts, but when he exhausts himself like this, he cannot build the blocks to keep others thoughts from bombarding him.  It will make him sick.  He overextended himself and will need peace and quiet away from everyone.  I suggest taking him to a remote location away from everyone so the pressure on his mind will ease.”

We can’t send him off alone,” SydEL said.

I will go with him,” Lola signed and Lizzie interpreted. 

He needs to be monitored,” SydEL added.

I will go with them as well,” JadEN spoke up.  He turned to ask AshOR, “How long does it usually take him to recover from these episodes?”

He’s never been this bad before.  Normally he could recover in a few hours.  I think this may take a full day or two.”

We can send him to the Prime Residence on the East coast.  It’s only an hour away,” RendEL offered. 

That was the best plan they could come up with.  Lola hoped it would work.


The next day TylOR approached the landing where his brother's ship was anchored.

“Is your ship ready?” TylOR asked his younger brother, AshOR.

Yes.  Most of the repairs are finished.  I’ll be leaving tomorrow morning early.”

You will…be cautious?” TylOR asked.

You sound like you are worried for me, brother.”

Our sister would be devastated if something happened to you,” TylOR responded.

Well, you can reassure our sister that I will be careful.”

TylOR nodded his head and walked off.


Two days later,
Lola was on the balcony overlooking the waters of Katiera.  The Prime Residence was a beautiful coastal home.  It was remote and peaceful.  All the things that LarIS needed.  But he hadn’t yet woke.

She brushed her long curly hair out.  The
tresses fell down her partially exposed back. She sighed. 


Lola turned around when she heard his voice in her mind.  It was a raspy glorious sound. 
He stood at the opening of the balcony staring at her with hunger in his eyes.

She rushed to his side. 
Let me get Medic JadEN to check on you.'

No.  I don’t need a medic.  I just need you.'
  He reached out and cupped her face, bringing her lips to his.  He devoured her in a kiss that took her breath away.  His mouth pressed down warm and firm and he didn’t hesitate to push his tongue between her lips. 

Lola hesitated for a moment afraid she might hurt him.  But then her body lit on fire with need for him.  The images he sent to her mind of what he would like to do to her had her p
anting with need. 

He lifted her up into his arms and walked back toward the bed.  His hands were busy tearing her nightgown off her.  She had on only a silky pair of panties and with one yank, LarIS had it shredded.  He tossed
the pieces to the floor. 

We need to go slow.  You have been out of it for almost two days.'
  She tried to push away so she could look into his beautiful eyes.

Two days too long.  I need you now.'
  To emphasize his urgent need, he placed her hand onto his tented pants. 

Oh yeah,
he was definitely needy.  She squeezed his cock, making him moan.

Fuck!'  LarIS pushed her hands away and quickly removed his pants.  His cock sprang free and Lola reached for it again, stroking him up and down.  He pushed her firmly down onto the bed and then covered her with his large body.  She felt so amazing.

He began to kiss her again but this time he trailed his kisses across her cheek, down her neck, then he nuzzled her neck.  Kitana!  Her scent was driving him crazy.  He had to claim her or he w
asn't going to hold it together for long.

He reached down between their bodies and stroked her pussy lips.  She was already wet and ready for him.  He slipped on
e of his fingers inside of her.  She was so gloriously tight. 

Lola moaned lifting her hips up
to rock against his hand.  He scraped his teeth against a spot on her shoulder causing her to gasp.  '
She arched closer. 

He kissed his way down her body.  He stopped to suckle her
, which caused more of her juices to flow.  He continued kissing her until he reached her apex.  He took her legs in his big hands and moved them apart so he could fit his shoulders there.  He pressed his mouth to her tasting her essence. 
Goddess, she tasted so good

He licked and suck
led her.  He used his tongue and made love to her, plunging in and out.  He growled when Lola reached for his hair and held onto him.  It wasn’t long before he had her screaming out her orgasm.  It amazed him that she couldn’t normally speak but she had a very sexy sound when she had her release.

LarIS couldn
’t wait any longer.  He moved up her body slowly savoring the feel of skin on skin.  He looked into her eyes.  '
You are mine, Lola.  My mate, my bond mate.  I feel much love for you.'

A tear traveled
down her cheek.  '
I am in love with you too.'

He pressed his thick cock into her slowly, filling up her pussy.  He rocked himself in and out
, picking up speed and depth.  He set a pace and made sure that when he released, she did again as well.  Afterwards, he held her against his body and caressed her.

I would like to have a mating ceremony as soon as we return home,'
he said in her mind.  He half expected her to argue with him—she didn’t.

She snuggled closer and answered. 
Yes, my love.  As soon as we get home.'
She went to sleep dreaming of a ceremony with the jungle in the background. 





Lizzie walked the sandy shoreline.  The twin suns were setting and it set a golden glow upon the green waters of Katiera.  It
was a beautiful view.  She enjoyed being on Katiera.  She also loved the Colonial Planet.  But the truth was, she didn’t really feel at home anywhere. 

’s why she volunteered to go on the transports to help educate the Earth refugees. That was her plan, to go on the next transport back to Earth.  She needed to get away from all these happy couples.

Why are you out here all alone?” 

Lizzie jumped at the sound of a deep male voice from behind her.  She turned and looked up and
then up more at the tall mountain of a man.  “Commander TylOR.  I was just taking a walk.”  She looked past him to where the Prime building was.  Maybe she should try to head back.

You shouldn’t come out here without someone accompanying you,” he told her.

She frowned up at him.  “
Why?  I’m perfectly safe here.”

A male might attempt to convince you to share sex with him.”  His eyes lingered on her large breasts.  He licked his lips and his breathing became more rapid.

Lizzie felt her body respond instantly
to his perusal.  Her nipples were hard points rubbing against the rough material of her shirt.  She blushed.

It’s no big deal.  Not like I haven’t been hit on before.”

He stood straight and stiff.  “
Someone has hit you?”

She laughed.  “
No, it’s an Earth saying.  What it means is that I have had men ask me out before.  It’s no big deal.”

TylOR narrowed his eyes and took a possessive step toward her.  “
Who are they?”

She shook her head.  “
No one.”  She started making her way back to the Prime building.  They were out here nearly in the dark, and completely alone.  “I have to head back.” 

TylOR watched the female leave.  Her hips swaying side
-to-side.  He wanted to call after her, invite her to his suite.  Lizzie was a beautiful woman.  She had the right curves, so luscious.  Every instinct he had screamed to take her and mark her as his. 
He was going to have to be careful, and keep his distance.

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