Colonial Prime (6 page)

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Authors: KD Jones

BOOK: Colonial Prime
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Lola tried to ignore the way his thoughts about her affected her.  But he
r body was responding against her will.  The man was too sexy for his own good.  Why did he have to make her feel this way?  Then she realized, this was her chance.

LarIS, I have something I wanted to say to you.'
  She called his name through the mental link.

Yes, beautiful.  What is it?'
He caressed her cheek.

I wanted to tell you…thank you for saving me.'

Chapter Six



What are the security details for the Colony?” the Morin Leader asked his lieutenant.

All three nations have increased their security around their planet.  The Colony is the least protected.  There might be an opening but it will be a small window in which we can act.”

What about the wormhole the strange females came from?  Have you located it yet?”

We have tried to track their communications from the Katieran home world to their transports.  But it is encrypted and kept too short to track.”

I want that location of the wormhole!” the Morin Leader yelled, causing spittle to shoot from his mouth.

Yes, sir.”


“I was not that bad!” Lola signed, disagreeing with Lizzie who was teasing her about their first training session with Lt. Daniels.

Lizzie laughed and signed back
, “You looked like you were a mouse trying to tackle a giant.”

It’s not my fault the Lt. has legs a mile high!”  Lola laughed with Lizzie.  It was good to have a friend she could be herself with.

She is strong too.  I thought I had her in my grasp and she tossed me like I weighed nothing,” Lizzie added then took a sip of her water.

She is strong.  I will have bruises tomorrow for sure.”  Lola agreed.

Did you want to go to the Medic Wing and have them treat us for our aches and pains?” Lizzie asked with concern.

No.  It’s actually good to feel the small aches.  It reminds me that I have a body and it still can function.  It’s a good thing.”  Something moved up next to her as she sat there.  She turned and looked up.  It was Leader LarIS.

LarIS hoped he didn
’t mess everything up.  He had been practicing for a while.  He lifted his hands and signed, “May I join you two for the Evening Meal?”

Lola was shocked.  He always spoke to her mind
-to-mind.  He was making an effort to speak to her in a way that was more comfortable for her.  She nodded her head at the empty seat next to her.  She tried not to smile when he turned his seat at an angle so he could communicate with her.

When did you learn sign language?” Lola asked him.

Miss Connell gave me some videos to watch and has been giving me some private sessions in the afternoons.”

Lizzie blushed.  “
He’s a quick study.”

Lola felt for a moment the bite of jealousy.  Why would she feel that?  What did it matter that he spent time with another woman, her best friend in fact.  She shouldn
’t feel anything at all. 

I did it for you.  I have no interest in your friend though she is quite attractive.  She has not capture my attention as you have.'
LarIS spoke to her using his telepathic link to her.  He had sensed the change in her mood immediately and sought to find the cause.  It secretly pleased him that she was jealous that another woman might want him.  That had to mean something right?

Don’t read my mind without my permission.' 
She glared at him.  Then her temper flared into something else entirely when she glanced down at his full lips. 
No man should have lips that kissable.
  She realized her thoughts had strayed into dangerous territory and glanced up to see if he caught her slip.  By the twinkle in his strange yet beautiful eyes and the lift at the corner of his lips, he had.  '
Damn you!'

I would apologize but I am enjoying this too much.'
  He laughed at her discomfort.  Her face turned a very appealing pink shade.  She had the most beautiful complexion, much lighter than his own tanned skin.  She had high cheekbones and the cutest bow lips.  Her dark brown hair curved down around her lovely face in waves.  And those eyes of hers.  Dark brown with the strange black pupils were so different from his own with the gold pupils.  She took his breath away.

Are ya’ll talkin' with your minds?” Lizzie asked out loud.

Yes. My apologies for leaving you out, Dr. Connell.”  LarIS used sign language so Lola knew what they were saying.

Call me Lizzie please.”  Lizzie gave him a bright smile.

Lola felt that uneasy feeling of jealo
usy return.

If you will call me LarIS.”  He was looking at Lola when he signed it.  He noticed Lola collecting her silverware preparing to leave.  He had to stop her.  He gently touched her shoulder to get her attention. “I am actually here for a reason.  I wanted to see if the two of you would be willing to help me with some of my people who reside in the mountains.”

Help them in what way?” Lola asked, feeling a little bit intrigued.

The Colonists are what the Katierans and the Kiljorns would have referred to as rejects, the most extreme of the mutations caused by the Morin Virus.  The ones that chose to move themselves to the mountains are some of the rejects of the rejects.  Some have no sight but have other abilities such as seeing the past or future.  Some cannot speak and some cannot hear.  There are some I do not even know what mutation they have because they keep it so secret.”

Why are they so remote from everyone?  Do the rest of you guys treat them badly?” Lola signed.

Of course not.  They are just as much a part of our society as the rest of us.  But it is hard for them to communicate and sometimes their differences become a hindrance to them.  They made the choice to live in a small village on the mountainside.  I and a group of people take them supplies every two weeks to check on them.”

Ya’ll have such high techy stuff, can’t something be done for ‘em?” Lizzie asked with a frown.

It was Lola that replied.  “
Technology can only do so much.  It doesn’t fix everything.  Even if it gave people their sight back, that would cause more trouble with their other senses that have grown and compensated for the loss of a sensory.”

LarIS smiled.  “
I knew you would understand.  That’s why I was hoping you would agree to come with me tomorrow.  Meet them, maybe help them find a different way to communicate.  Maybe teach them your silent language.”

Lola nodded her head.  “
I can’t speak for Lizzie, but I would love to accompany you.”

’s smile grew wider.  “Wonderful.”  Remembering the other female was there, he turned his head her way for her answer.

Count me in.  Sounds real interesting.”


The next morning Lola and Lizzie met LarIS outside the main Colonial building.  He was standing there with Commander TylOR and AshOR.  The three men were quite a sight to behold.  They were all tall, well built, and good-looking.  But it was LarIS that held Lola’s attention.  He was simply gorgeous with the sun shining down on his red hair.  Her breath caught when he looked up and locked eyes on her.  Then he smiled and she felt the world tilt a little. How the hell was she supposed to be around a man that made her hyperventilate with just a look?

Good morning.  Are you ready to leave?” LarIS greet the two females. 

Lola couldn
’t take her eyes off LarIS.  She nodded her greeting to the other two men but didn’t look their way.

Are ya’ll coming too?” Lizzie asked with a frown on her face when she saw Commander TylOR and his brother.

I will not be able to attend, but AshOR is going to accompany you,” TylOR responded, glaring at his brother.  He was not happy with the arrangement at all.

gave the two females a very charming smile, but he winked at Lizzie and bent to take her hand in his.  “It is my pleasure to be your escort for today.”  TylOR growled from the side.  When AshOR released Lizzie, he turned toward Lola making an attempt to grasp her hand but he was blocked.

LarIS moved to stand between Lola and AshOR.  He turned so Lola would
n't be able to read his lips.  “Miss Marquesa doesn't like to be touched.  You will keep your hands to yourself or I will remove them from your body permanently.”

AshOR looked at his old leader
with mild shock.  He knew the male favored the damaged female, but he had no idea it was this serious.  He held up his hands and backed away.  “Yes, Leader LarIS.”

LarIS turned back to Lola and pointed in the direction of the waiting shuttle.  “
Shall we go?”

Lola nodded and walked ahead of him.  She turned to watch Commander TylOR tracking Lizzie closely as she walked past him without giving him a second look.  His brother gave her another wink
, which caused his brother to whack him in the back of his head.  She giggled.  They were definitely brothers.

What is so funny?'
LarIS asked, using his telepathic link to her.

It’s kind of funny to see adult siblings acting like young siblings,’
she told him, pointing back at the two men in question.

LarIS looked b
ack at the two brothers who were arguing and then as AshOR stormed away with a frown on his face.
'It is hard to believe they haven't known each other barely a year.'

I had so many siblings we couldn’t stand one another,'
Lola admitted.

How many siblings do you have?'
  This was the first time she had spoken of her family.

There are eight of us kids.  Even by Earth standards it is a lot to have.'
  She took his hand as he helped her onto the shuttle. 

He showed her to a seat that was diagonal from his c
o-pilot’s seat.  It would allow him to look back at her easier.  '
Were they upset that you chose to come to Katiera?' 

She shook her head. 
My mom got pregnant again.  She and my father argued over the pregnancy.  It was an unauthorized pregnancy and they already had eight of us.  The government decreed that if you got pregnant prior to having approval, you had to apply for a license in order to keep the baby.  My mom wanted to get the license but my dad didn’t.  It was becoming too financially hard for them.  So my leaving actually helped them.  They wanted me to bring my younger sisters but they were underage for the application and I wasn’t their legal guardian.'

I do not understand how the Earth World Government can have such laws.'
LarIS made sure her seat belt was secure before he sat down in the co-pilot’s seat.  AshOR sat in the pilot’s seat beside him.

I don’t agree with everything they did, but you have to understand the combined world governments were desperate to save the planet.  Our planet is dying, and it cannot provide enough natural resources to support the overpopulation problem of its inhabitants.'
  Lola looked at Lizzie who raised her eyebrow at her.  She signed the question, “What is it?”

Are you guys talking mind-to-mind again?  You both get this weird expression on your faces, it's kind of cute because they match,” Lizzie told her half laughing as she faced Lola so she could read her lips.

Shut up, Lizzie.  You want to explain what’s going on with you, Commander TylOR, and his brother?”

Lizzie stopped laughing.  “
Nothing is going on.”  She turned away.

Lola immediately felt bad.  Lizzie was a true friend and had been only kind to her.  She touched her friend
’s arm to get her attention.  “I’m sorry.  It’s none of my business.  Please don’t be angry with me.”

Lizzie patted her knee reassuringly.
“Na, I’m not mad.  But I can’t talk about them right now.”

Okay.  Just know that I am here for you.”

Lizzie nodded h
er head and turned to look at the viewing screen.  “Wow, what a view.”

Chapter Seven



That was an understatement.  Lola watched the viewing screen as the shuttle flew over the Colonial city moving toward one of the nearby moun
tains.  It was incredible.  All the lush green trees and the strange colored flowers.  She wanted to go exploring through the trails.  But that would be too dangerous to do without a guide to go with her.

She watched as the
y flew high up over the mountain.  It was so far from the Colonial city, so remote the only way to the village was by shuttle.  She saw the landing field, which was a cleared area.  Smoke stacks further away showed her where the village was probably located.

Lola felt a little nervous. 
She wasn’t sure what to expect.  Normally she always researched a place before visiting, she even read everything she could about Katiera before ever applying to relocate.  She didn’t like going somewhere she didn’t know what to expect.

The shuttle softly
landed and LarIS unbuckled his seat belt.  He turned to her.  “Stay here until I explain to the village leader who you are.”

Lola nodded her head.  Lizzie also agreed to remain seated.  She watched him as he ordered AshOR to unload the supplies.  It was cl
ear to her the two men had been here numerous times.  That did make her feel a little bit better.  LarIS wouldn't let anything happen to her, she felt that to her core.

Of course I will protect you always.  But I promise there is no danger from the villagers.  However, they will be curious about you,'
LarIS said to her using their telepathic link.  He wanted to reassure her.

Stop reading my mind, LarIS,'
she reprimanded him even though his words made her feel secure and safe.  She heard his laughter in her head.  It made her smile. 

About fifteen minutes later
, LarIS came back onboard the shuttle and helped her and Lizzie off.  She noticed a really tall man stood to the side with his arms crossed across his chest.  He had one blue eye with gold iris and one brown eye with the gold iris.  She tried not to stare at him but he was giving her and Lizzie a thorough inspection.  LarIS was there at her side and gently took her elbow in his hand as he led her over to the stranger.

Leader ZenIM, I would like to introduce you to Lola Marquesa and this is Lizzie Connell.”  He motioned to both women.  “Lola and Lizzie, this is the Leader ZenIM from the village.”

The tall
man bent at his waist.  When he stood back up, his eyes zeroed in on Lola.  They were a little bit disconcerting.  She wondered if he was one of the ones that had problems seeing.

It is a pleasure to meet the two of you.”

He had a very pleasant voice.  L
ola gave him a tentative smile.  She raised her hands and signed, “It is a pleasure to meet you as well.”

The man looked at her hands confused.  Lizzie interpreted for her.  “
She says it’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”

She speaks with her hands?” he asked Lizzie.

Yes.  She lost her hearing at an early age and the translator implants do not work right.  She can also read your lips so you can speak directly to her.”

He quickly turned his head toward Lola.  “
My apologies if I offended you.  We have people here that have similar mutations.  Did the Morins cause this for you?”

No.  I had this before I met the Morins.”

You’ve encountered the Morins?”  He seemed shocked and concerned.

Lola didn
’t want to talk about this with a stranger, but she didn’t know how to not answer without offending him.  LarIS stepped in.

Unfortunately, both of these females have encountered the Morins when they attacked a Katieran transport.  But let’s not discuss unpleasant things today.  Let us get the supplies to your people.”  LarIS motioned AshOR to pick up the supplies.


The village wasn’t what Lola expected.  Back on Earth a village would be shacks or huts and the people undernourished.  What she found was lovely cottages made out of logs on either side of a stone pathway.  The pathway led to a circular opening like a courtyard where there was one two-story building surrounded on both sides by what looked like shops.  It was quite lovely.

The people were all waiting at the stone courtyard.  They watched her with
curiosity and suspicion.  She tried to smile to reassure them.  Most of them looked like the other Colonists, Kiljorns, and Katierans.  But there were shadows by the windows that were peeking out to watch them.  She assumed those would be the more heavily mutated ones.  She sighed.  It was a shame when people didn’t feel accepted among their own kind.

Leader ZenIM stood with their group in a half circle.  “
Villagers, Leader LarIS has come with supplies.  He also brought new visitors.  Come and greet them.”

Lola tried to give the people a reassuring smile as the outside crowd slowly made their way toward her and Lizzie.  A line formed in front of her.  Some approached her and nodded then moved on.  A few of them clasped her forearm.  Some of the older women
tried to talk to her but they weren’t directly facing her so she missed most of what they were saying. 

ZenIM must have spoken up and explained that Lola could
n't hear but could read lips and communicate with her hands.  Soon after he spoke, the shadows disappeared from the windows and more people came out of the cottages and buildings.

A little boy who had to be about seven years old came up to her with his mother.  He looked at her shyly.

Lola waved and moved her mouth to say hello.  The little boy looked at her with curiosity.  Then he mouthed, “I cannot speak but I can hear.”

She knelt down to be able to look at him directly in the eyes.  LarIS was close by and translated what she said to him with her hands.  “
Well, I cannot hear and it is difficult for me to speak.  This is usually how I communicate.”

The little boy watched her hands and then looked up at LarIS.  Lola knew he was communicating telepathically with the boy.  It was strange to watch someone else have that connection with LarIS.

“He wants to know if you would please teach him and his mother the silent language so they can communicate with each other better.”

Lola nodded her head with a smile.  The little boy
’s face lit up with excitement and his mother who stood behind him looked relieved.  The mother then spoke to LarIS but Lola focused more on the little boy.

LarIS knelt down beside Lola to get her attention.  He then signed
to her, “The mother says there is an outside area with chairs and tables they could use so you can help teach them.  I have to help ZenIM repair cottage roofs and AshOR will be assessing their security.  Will you and Lizzie be okay for a few hours without us?”

Lola turned her head to look at Lizzie who nodded her head.  “
We’ll be fine.”

LarIS had to fight his instinct to
reach out and touch her.  She was so beautiful in the sunlight.  But if he touched her, he wouldn't be able to stop.  He longed to find out just how soft her skin really was. 
Kitana, she was lovely!

He sighed and stood.  He would have to put thoughts of her and her lovely skin to the side.  His people needed his roof building skills.  He nodded at ZenIM to lead the way.  He gave Lola one last lingering glance and then turned to follow the other male.


Lola and Lizzie spent the next two hours working with the small group of villagers on finding ways to communicate with one another.  But in truth, she felt she was learning from them as well. 

It would take many more visits to teach them to become fluent in sign language, but she was grateful to learn that though they were at a remote location, they still had some of their technology.

Do you have the tablets?” Lola asked.

We have one tablet.”  She and Lizzie took the tablet and downloaded several sign language tutorial programs for them so they could practice. 

At lunchtime the women prepared the food and had trays they carried to the men who were repairing damages done to the cottage from a recent storm.  Lola and Lizzie both carried trays with fo

She almost stumbled when she looked up and saw LarIS on the roof of a cottage without his shirt.  His body gleamed under the sun and there were beads of sweat running down his torso.  He turned in her direction and gave her a dazzling smile. 
Damn him

No man should look that good
.  Unfortunately, she was not the only woman to notice him.

Lola watched as LarIS climbed down from the roof.  As soon as his feet hit the ground he was surrounded by several beautiful village women.  They all tried to get hi
m to take food from their trays. She found herself almost growling.  Where did this possessive feeling for him come from?  She had never felt this way about a man before.  She tried to turn away but couldn’t.  She noticed that LarIS was polite with the other women.  He smiled at them and shook his head.  Then he made his way toward her.

She looked around for a place to sit the tray down.  She was disturbed at how jealous she was over the attention that LarIS received.  It wasn
’t like her.  She was never possessive over a boyfriend. 
Fuck!  He wasn’t her boyfriend
.  She was treading on dangerous ground here.  She turned to leave but was stopped by a gentle hand on her elbow.  She knew who held her.  Heat spread instantly from her elbow where he touched her skin throughout her whole body. 

Will you eat with me?'
he asked, using their telepathic link.

Lola turned back toward him.  He still had his shirt off and she had the strangest urge to lick
him all over. 
Crap, did he hear that?
  She glanced up and saw his eyes darken with desire.  He had heard it. 

We can do that later if you want…but let us eat for now.
I have built up quite an appetite.
'  LarIS pulled her to sit on a nearby log.  He sat next to her and picked up the food from the tray.

The wome
n had made some kind of sandwiches and a stew of some sort.  It smelled delicious.  But she didn’t pick up a sandwich at first.  She was too busy watching LarIS take a bite.  Her attention focused on his lips, plump and kissable.  She needed to look away, but she couldn’t get her body to act.

LarIS smiled at her and continued to eat while he spoke mind
-to-mind, '
You are not eating your food.'

I…will later.’
She couldn’t move, she was frozen in place helpless but to watch every move he made.  He had such grace for such a large man. 

Allow me to help you.'
LarIS picked up a sandwich and lifted it over to her mouth. 

She looked from his hand to the sandwich.  She opened her mouth and he placed the sandwich closer.  She bit down i
nto it and pulled back.  She chewed it, savoring the flavors.  It had a tomato like vegetable and a type of cheese.  But it was the special condiment that had her eyes closing and her moaning with pleasure.

  LarIS’s cock went stiff in his pants.  The sounds the female was making while eating food seemed to wrap around his manhood and stroke it to full arousal.  He shifted on the log trying to become more comfortable.  There would only be one relief for the state he was in.  That would be to take her fully and thoroughly.  He wasn’t sure if she was ready for that yet but he needed to find out.  They just needed to be alone to do it.

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