Commitment (53 page)

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Authors: Nia Forrester

BOOK: Commitment
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“She’s with Chris and Jodi,” Shawn answered the question he hadn’t yet asked.

“Chris and Jodi,” Brendan said.
He gave a short laugh.  “And you left her there?”

“She a’ight,” Shawn said with more confidence than he felt. “
Even though
Cameron was tryin’ to act stupid awhile ago.”

“Act stupid how?”

I walked away for a minute and when I come back, he was all up in
, hands all over her . . .

“Then w
hy you still here, Shawn?”

“We squashed it,” Shawn said.

“I know Cam, and I know you.”

Brendan didn’t sound convinced.

“And what does that mean?”

“That it ain’t squashed.”

Shawn laughed.
“Where’s the bar around
Let’s get a real drink.”

For the next hour, h
purposely avoided going back in and checking on
Instead, he did what he originally came to do –
chit-chatted with
some industry folks and kept his ears open for the buzz
on Glock.
Having them on the trip with him in California had confirmed
they were a
lready hot, and getting hotter.
of their
had been leaked
on the internet, so the
y already had a small following
that was growing
every day
Since it looked like he would be spending a lot more time with them,
Shawn was relieved that they hadn’t been invited tonight – he needed a break from
the unrelenting
There was no
question though that their one-
year development deal with Chris was going to turn into something a lot more concrete.
And when it did, he would have to consider whether
and how to reposition himself.

Brendan thought the best strategy was for him to give them nothing but praise and cast himself as
being wholly unconcerned about
his own position
And there was something to that;
to challenge or criticize them wo
uld only make him look scared.


Brendan was nodding in the direction of the pool house, s
o he turned to see what was up.
His eyes wide
ned in disbelief for a second.

Oh h
ell no

Brendan laughed.
“Talk about your past coming back to haunt you.”

It was Stephan
ie and she was headed his way.
But he had
to keep some perspective.
He’d been neither married nor engaged to
when he and Stephanie had their night together
in Pittsburgh
This was a big nothing, and
that was how he
would treat it.
then Stephanie was in front of him, and wrapping her arms about his neck,
kissing him square on the lips.
Shawn stepped back and holding her by the wrists, pried her arms loose.

“Now that hurt my feelings,” she said, pouting

,” Shawn said shaking his head.
“My wife is here.”

“Tell her
I’m an old friend,” she said.
She sounded just past tipsy.
an old friend.
Aren’t I?”

“Stephanie, do I
to be worried about you?” Shawn asked slowly.

“I don’t know what you mean,” she said breezily.

“Do I have to worry that
if I tell you
you need to back off, you won’t listen?”

Stephanie laughed shrilly.
“You mean like, am I a

“Why are you in New York, Stephanie?”

“I co
me here maybe once a month now.
I’m i
n the music business, remember?
Just like you.”

Well, g
ood to see you.”

“Good to see you too. And please get over yourself,”
she said before she walked off,
just the tiniest bit unsteady on her feet.

Shawn exchanged a look with
Brendan and they both laughed.
He looked up from his laughter to see
, just across the pool standing next to Jodi.
Chris was gone but now they’d been joined by
the host

The smile
dissolved from Shawn’s
face and he watched as Cameron
raised a
hand – it almost
seemed to
be moving in slow motion – and
finally, almost too casually
placed it
low on
his fingers pressing
the bare skin exposed
just above the waistband of
her pants
For a
second, Shawn was vaguely aware of B
rendan’s hand
on his shoulder in a fruitless gesture urging restraint
he rest
like an out-of-body ex
He actually saw red.
Not figuratively; everything
seemed to
turn red.
And then all hell broke loose.




Dust-up in the Hamptons


at the most popular event
report that
it all started when rapper
showed up with his fetching new bride, New York writer,
Apparently, no one told the host – the pugnacious Cameron Cole
– that she was spoken for. Or perhaps he didn’t care.
In any event, there was
some unwelcome and inappropriate touching, a brief verbal altercation and ensuing
Fighting at a par
ty hosted by a gangsta rapper?!
Yes, we know this is hardly newsworthy, but nonetheless, we couldn’t help
ourselves – the absence of gun-
play makes thi
s an amusing New York vignette.
After all, can you imagine all of those
Manhattan soci
alites stampeding for the exit?
Serves them right
ost have
heard Cameron Cole’s music, and would almost certainly object to their children listening to much of it!


“I hope you’re happy,”
She balled the paper up,
across the room where it came to rest at Shawn’s feet.

was sitting on the bed, throwing the last few things into his bag b
efore heading to the airport for
his flight to
It had taken Page Six a couple days to get wind of what happened at Cameron’s but now that they had, Riley
anger had flared once again.
For the entire day following the party, she’d given him the silent treatment, and for another 24 hours after that,
she was decidedly distant.
It was on
y last night that she’d

Good thing too, since the idea of leaving home again without getting any first was
more than
a little
And then this morning
when he thought it had blown over
, she’d picked up the paper to find that she had become notorious.

I bet he won’t try that shit again

“You don’t think you overreacted just a
He had to get stitches.

“So did I,” Shawn
reminded her

He held up his righ
t hand, still wrapped in gauze.
It would be tough to
get a solid
the mike without taking it off when he performed.

ell you hit a man in the mouth.
I think you assume that risk voluntarily,” she snapped.

“You don’t know
like I do

“I don’t care!
I’ve never been so humiliated in my entire life.”

“What would it look like if I let him gro
pe you in front of all those
people and didn’t
o shit about it?”

So ultimately
it’s more about you
and some crazy, macho rapper thing
than any of these othe
r sham reasons you come up with.

“No, it’s about keeping you away from that bullshit
think you can go to a party like that in a
little see-through top
and not
have dudes pushin’ up on you?


Riley said.
“So n
ow it’s about what I was wearing.”

He said nothing.

“I am not a child, Shawn.
I’m perfectly capable of telling a man who’s b
eing touchy-feely to get
his hands
off me.
Regardless of what top I’m wearing.

“It’s not about you not being
capable; i
t’s about me looking out for mine.”

What does that even mean?
Like I belong to you?”

Shawn bit his tongue and continued
throwing things into his bag.
The argument had begun this morning
when she’d first seen the clip
and continued on and off whenever she thought of something else that pisse
d her off about the situation.
Her boss would see it
; h
er co-workers, h
er mother.
She wouldn’t be taken seriously as a writer. 

She stood directly in front of
her feet planted apart, arms folded across her chest. Rather than look up to her, Shawn stood so that the opposite was necessary.

It’s a figure of speech, Riley.

But she was already off on her rant.
“Is that w
hat this marriage means to you?
That I belong to you?”

Truth be told, that’s
what it meant to him
Shawn walked around her, carrying his bag into the foy
er and dumping it on the floor.
He pulled out his phone and called Brendan, confirming that he was waiting

“I’m talking to you,” she said when he hung up. 

,” he said

For about ten seconds
said noth
Then she looked up at him
, momentarily dumbstruck

Yes, what?
” she asked quietly.

I’m your partner and your wife.
Not something you own, Shawn.”

He shook his h
“As usual, y
got this all twisted
. . .”

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