Complete Works of Henrik Ibsen (17 page)

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LADY INGER (coldly). Enough! Now I understand you.


ELINA (continuing). And that is why the gates of Ostrat must stand open by night! That is why he must remain a stranger to all, this guest of whom none must know whence he comes or whither he goes! You are setting at naught the harsh decree that forbids you to harbour or succor the exiles ——


LADY INGER. Enough, I say!
    (After a short silence, adds with an effort:)
  You mistake, Elina — it is no outlaw that I look for ——


ELINA (rises). Then I have understood you ill indeed.


LADY INGER. Listen to me, my child; but think as you listen; if indeed you can tame that wild spirit of yours.


ELINA. I am tame, till you have spoken.


LADY INGER. Then hear what I have to say — I have sought, so far as lay in my power, to keep you in ignorance of all our griefs and miseries. What could it avail to fill your young heart with wrath and care? It is not weeping and wailing of women that can free us from our evil lot; we need the courage and strength of men.


ELINA. Who has told you that, when courage and strength are indeed needed, I shall be found wanting?


LADY INGER. Hush, child; — I might take you at your word.


ELINA. How mean you, my mother?


LADY INGER. I might call on you for both; I might —— ; but let me say my say out first. Know then that the time seems now to be drawing nigh, towards which the Danish Council have been working for many a year — the time for them to strike a final blow at our rights and our freedom. Therefore must we now ——


ELINA (eagerly). Throw off the yoke, my mother?


LADY INGER. No; we must gain breathing-time. The Council is now sitting in Copenhagen, considering how best to aim the blow. Most of them are said to hold that there can be no end to dissensions till Norway and Denmark are one; for if we should still have our rights as a free land when the time comes to choose the next king, it is most like that the feud will break out openly. Now the Danish Councillors would hinder this ——


ELINA. Ay, they would hinder it —— ! But are we to endure such things? Are we to look on quietly while —— ?


LADY INGER. No, we will not endure it. But to take up arms — to begin open warfare — what would come of that, so long as we are not united? And were we ever less united in this land than we are even now? — No, if aught is to be done, it must be done secretly and in silence. Even as I said, we must have time to draw breath. In the South, a good part of the nobles are for the Dane; but here in the North they are still in doubt. Therefore King Frederick has sent hither one of his most trusted councillors, to assure himself with his own eyes how we stand affected.


ELINA (anxiously). Well — and then —— ?


LADY INGER. He is the guest I look for to-night.


ELINA. He comes here? And to-night?


LADY INGER. He reached Trondhiem yesterday by a trading ship. Word has just been brought that he is coming to visit me; he may be here within the hour.


ELINA. Have you not thought, my mother, how it will endanger your fame thus to receive the Danish envoy? Do not the people already regard you with distrustful eyes? How can you hope that, when the time comes, they will let you rule and guide them, if it be known ——


LADY INGER. Fear not. All this I have fully weighed; but there is no danger. His errand in Norway is a secret; he has come unknown to Trondhiem, and unknown shall he be our guest at Ostrat.


ELINA. And the name of this Danish lord —— ?


LADY INGER. It sounds well, Elina; Denmark has scarce a nobler


ELINA. But what do you propose then? I cannot yet grasp your


LADY INGER. You will soon understand. — Since we cannot trample
on the serpent, we must bind him.


ELINA. Take heed that he burst not your bonds.


LADY INGER. It rests with you to tighten them as you will.


ELINA. With me?


LADY INGER. I have long seen that Ostrat is as a cage to you.
The young falcon chafes behind the iron bars.


ELINA. My wings are clipped. Even if you set me free — it would
avail me little.


LADY INGER. Your wings are not clipped, except by your own will.


ELINA. Will? My will is in your hands. Be what you once were,
and I too ——


LADY INGER. Enough, enough. Hear what remains —— It would
scarce break your heart to leave Ostrat?


ELINA. Maybe not, my mother!


LADY INGER. You told me once, that you lived your happiest life in tales and histories. What if that life were to be yours once more?


ELINA. What mean you?


LADY INGER. Elina — if a mighty noble were now to come and lead you to his castle, where you should find damsels and pages, silken robes and lofty halls awaiting you?


ELINA. A noble, you say?


LADY INGER. A noble.


ELINA (more softly). And the Danish envoy comes here to-night?


LADY INGER. To-night.


ELINA. If so be, then I fear to read the meaning of your words.


LADY INGER. There is nought to fear if you misread them not. Be sure it is far from my thought to put force upon you. You shall choose for yourself in this matter, and follow your own counsel.


ELINA (comes a step nearer). Have you heard the story of the mother that drove across the hills by night with her little children by her in the sledge? The wolves were on her track; it was life or death with her; — and one by one she cast out her little ones, to gain time and save herself.


LADY INGER. Nursery tales! A mother would tear the heart from her breast, before she would cast her child to the wolves!


ELINA. Were I not my mother’s daughter, I would say you were right. But you are like that mother; one by one you have cast out your daughters to the wolves. The eldest went first. Five years ago Merete* went forth from Ostrat; now she dwells in Bergen and is Vinzents Lunge’s** wife. But think you she is happy as the Danish noble’s lady? Vinzents Lunge is mighty, well-nigh as a king; Merete has damsels and pages, silken robes and lofty halls; but the day has no sunshine for her, and the night no rest; for she has never loved him. He came hither and he wooed her; for she was the greatest heiress in Norway, and he needed to gain a footing in the land. I know it; I know it well! Merete bowed to your will; she went with the stranger lord. — But what has it cost her? More tears than a mother should wish to answer for at the day of reckoning.


* Pronounce
** Pronounce


LADY INGER. I know my reckoning, and I fear it not.


ELINA. Your reckoning ends not here. Where is Lucia, your second child?


LADY INGER. Ask God, who took her.


ELINA. It is you I ask; it is you that must answer for her young life. She was glad as a bird in spring when she sailed from Ostrat to be Merete’s guest. A year passed, and she stood in this room once more; but her cheeks were white, and death had gnawed deep into her breast. Ah, you wonder at me, my mother! You thought that the ugly secret was buried with her; — but she told me all. A courtly knight had won her heart. He would have wedded her. You knew that her honour was at stake; yet your will never bent — and your child had to die. You see, I know all!


LADY INGER. All? Then she told you his name?


ELINA. His name? No; his name she did not tell me. His name
was a torturing horror to her; — she never uttered it.


LADY INGER (relieved, to herself). Ah, then you do
all ——
  Elina — it is true that the whole of this matter was well known
to me. But there is one thing about it you seem not to have noted.
The lord whom Lucia met in Bergen was a Dane ——


ELINA. That too I know.


LADY INGER. And his love was a lie. With guile and soft speeches he had ensnared her.


ELINA. I know it; but nevertheless she loved him; and had you had a mother’s heart, your daughter’s honour had been more to you than all.


LADY INGER. Not more than her happiness. Do you think that, with Merete’s lot before my eyes, I could sacrifice my second child to a man that loved her not?


ELINA. Cunning words may befool many, but they befool not me —— Think not I know nothing of all that is passing in our land. I understand your counsels but too well. I know well that our Danish lords have no true friend in you. It may be that you hate them; but your fear them too. When you gave Merete to Vinzents Lunge the Danes held the mastery on all sides throughout our land. Three years later, when you forbade Lucia to wed the man she had given her life to, though he had deceived her, — things were far different then. The King’s Danish governors had shamefully misused the common people, and you thought it not wise to link yourself still more closely to the foreign tyrants. And what have you done to avenge her that had to die so young? You have done nothing. Well then, I will act in your stead; I will avenge all the shame they have brought upon our people and our house.


LADY INGER. You? What will you do?


ELINA. I shall go
way, even as you go yours. What I shall do I myself know not; but I feel within me the strength to dare all for our righteous cause.


LADY INGER. Then you have a hard fight before you. I once promised as you do now — and my hair has grown grey under the burden of that promise.


ELINA. Good-night! Your guest will soon be here, and at that meeting I should be out of place. It may be there is yet time for you ——
—— ; well, God strengthen you and guide your way! Forget not that the eyes of many thousands are fixed upon you. Think on Merete, weeping late and early over her wasted life. Think on Lucia, sleeping in her black coffin. And one thing more. Forget not that in the game you play this night, your stake is your last child.


(Goes out to the left.)


LADY INGER (looks after her awhile). My last child? You know not how true was that word ——
—— But the stake is not my child only. God help me, I am playing to-night for the whole of Norway’s land. Ah — is not that some one riding through the gateway? (Listens at the window.) No; not yet. Only the wind; it blows cold as the grave ——
—— Has God a right to do this? — To make me a woman — and then to lay a man’s duty upon my shoulders? For I
the welfare of the country in my hands. It
in my power to make them rise as one man. They look to
for the signal; and if I give it not now —— it may never be given. To delay? To sacrifice the many for the sake of one? — Were it not better if I could ——
—— ? No, no, no — I
not! I
(Steals a glance towards the Banquet Hall, but turns away again as if in dread, and whispers:) I can see them in there now. Pale spectres — dead ancestors — fallen kinsfolk. — Ah, those eyes that pierce me from every corner! (Makes a backward gesture with her hand, and cries:) Sten Sture! Knut Alfson! Olaf Skaktavl! Back — back! — I
do this!


(A STRANGER, strongly built, and with grizzled hair and beard, has entered from the Banquet Hall. He is dressed in a torn lambskin tunic; his weapons are rusty.)


THE STRANGER (stops in the doorway, and says in a low voice).
Hail to you, Inger Gyldenlove!


LADY INGER (turns with a scream). Ah, Christ in heaven save me!


(Falls back into a chair. The STRANGER stands gazing at her, motionless, leaning on his sword.)




(The room at Ostrat, as in the first Act.)


(LADY INGER GYLDENLOVE is seated at the table on the right, by the window. OLAF SKAKTAVL is standing a little way from her. Their faces show that they have been engaged in an animated discussion.)


OLAF SKAKTAVL. For the last time, Inger Gyldenlove — you are not to be moved from your purpose?


LADY INGER. I can do nought else. And my counsel to you is: do as I do. If it be heaven’s will that Norway perish utterly, perish it must, for all we may do to save it.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. And think you I can content myself with words like these? Shall I sit and look quietly on, now that the hour is come? Do you forget the reckoning I have to pay? They have robbed me of my lands, and parcelled them out among themselves. My son, my only child, the last of my race, they have slaughtered like a dog. Myself they have outlawed and forced to lurk by forest and fell these twenty years. — Once and again have folk whispered of my death; but this I believe, that they shall not lay me beneath the earth before I have seen my vengeance.


LADY INGER. Then is there a long life before you. What would you do?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Do? How should I know what I will do? It has never been my part to plot and plan. That is where you must help me. You have the wit for that. I have but my sword and my two arms.


LADY INGER. Your sword is rusted, Olaf Skaktavl! All the swords in Norway are rusted.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. That is doubtless why some folk fight only with their tongues. — Inger Gyldenlove — great is the change in you. Time was when the heart of a man beat in your breast.


LADY INGER. Put me not in mind of what was.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. ‘Tis for that alone I am here. You
me, even if ——


LADY INGER. Be it so then; but be brief; for — I must say it —
this is no place of safety for you.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Ostrat is no place of safety for an outlaw? That I have long known. But you forget that an outlaw is unsafe wheresoever he may wander.


LADY INGER. Speak then; I will not hinder you.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. It is nigh on thirty years now since first I saw you. It was at Akershus* in the house of Knut Alfson and his wife. You were scarce more than a child then; yet you were bold as the soaring falcon, and wild and headstrong too at times. Many were the wooers around you. I too held you dear — dear as no woman before or since. But you cared for nothing, thought of nothing, save your country’s evil case and its great need.


* Pronounce


LADY INGER. I counted but fifteen summers then — remember that.
And was it not as though a frenzy had seized us all in those days?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Call it what you will; but one thing I know — even the old and sober men among us doubted not that it was written in the counsels of the Lord that you were she who should break our thraldom and win us all our rights again. And more: you yourself then thought as we did.


LADY INGER. It was a sinful thought, Olaf Skaktavl. It was my proud heart, and not the Lord’s call, that spoke in me.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. You could have been the chosen one had you but willed it. You came of the noblest blood in Norway; power and riches were at your feet; and you had an ear for the cries of anguish — then! ——
—— Do you remember that afternoon when Henrik Krummedike and the Danish fleet anchored off Akershus? The captains of the fleet offered terms of settlement, and, trusting to the safe-conduct, Knut Alfson rowed on board. Three hours later, we bore him through the castle gate ——


LADY INGER. A corpse; a corpse!


OLAF SKAKTAVL. The best heart in Norway burst, when Krummedike’s hirelings struck him down. Methinks I still can see the long procession that passed into the banquet-hall, heavily, two by two. There he lay on his bier, white as a spring cloud, with the axe- cleft in his brow. I may safely say that the boldest men in Norway were gathered there that night. Lady Margrete stood by her dead husband’s head, and we swore as one man to venture lands and life to avenge this last misdeed and all that had gone before. — Inger Gyldenlove, — who was it that burst through the circle of men? A maiden — then almost a child — with fire in her eyes and her voice half choked with tears. — What was it she swore? Shall I repeat your words?


LADY INGER. And how did the others keep their promise? I speak not of you, Olaf Skaktavl, but of your friends, all our Norwegian nobles? Not one of them, in all these years, has had the courage to be a man; and yet they lay it to my charge that I am a woman.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. I know what you would say. Why have they bent to the yoke, and not defied the tyrants to the last? ‘Tis but too true; there is base metal enough in our noble houses nowadays. But had they held together — who knows what might have been? And you could have held them together, for before you all had bowed.


LADY INGER. My answer were easy enough, but it would scarce content you. So let us leave speaking of what cannot be changed. Tell me rather what has brought you to Ostrat. Do you need harbour? Well, I will try to hide you. If you would have aught else, speak out; you shall find me ready ——


OLAF SKAKTAVL. For twenty years have I been homeless. In the mountains of Jaemteland my hair has grown grey. My dwelling has been with wolves and bears. — You see, Lady Inger —
need you not; but both nobles and people stand in sore need of you.


LADY INGER. The old burden.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Ay, it sounds but ill in your ears, I know; yet hear it you must for all that. In brief, then: I come from Sweden: troubles are at hand: the Dales are ready to rise.


LADY INGER. I know it.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Peter Kanzler is with us — secretly, you understand.


LADY INGER (starting). Peter Kanzler?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. It is he that has sent me to Ostrat.


LADY INGER (rises). Peter Kanzler, say you?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. He himself; — but mayhap you no longer know him?


LADY INGER (half to herself). Only too well! — But tell me, I pray you, — what message do you bring?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. When the rumour of the rising reached the border mountains, where I then was, I set off at once into Sweden. ‘Twas not hard to guess that Peter Kanzler had a finger in the game. I sought him out and offered to stand by him; — he knew me of old, as you know, and knew that he could trust me; so he has sent me hither.


LADY INGER (impatiently). Yes yes, — he sent you hither to —— ?


OLAF SKAKTAVL (with secrecy). Lady Inger — a stranger comes to
Ostrat to-night.


LADY INGER (surprised). What? Know you that —— ?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Assuredly I know it. I know all. ‘Twas to meet him that Peter Kanzler sent me hither.


LADY INGER. To meet him? Impossible, Olaf Skaktavl, — impossible!


OLAF SKAKTAVL. ‘Tis as I tell you. If he be not already come, he will soon ——


LADY INGER. Yes, I know; but ——


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Then you know of his coming?


LADY INGER. Ay, surely. He sent me a message. That was why
they opened to you as soon as you knocked.


OLAF SKAKTAVL (listens). Hush! — some one is riding along the
road. (Goes to the window.) They are opening the gate.


LADY INGER (looks out). It is a knight and his attendant. They
are dismounting in the courtyard.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Then it is he. His name?


LADY INGER. You know not his name?


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Peter Kanzler refused to tell it me. He would only say that I should find him at Ostrat the third evening after Martinmas ——


LADY INGER. Ay; even to-night.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. He was to bring letters with him, and from them, and from you, I was to learn who he is.


LADY INGER. Then let me lead you to your chamber. You have need of rest and refreshment. You shall soon have speech with the stranger.


OLAF SKAKTAVL. Well, be it as you will. (Both go out to the left.)


(After a short pause, FINN enters cautiously through the door on the right, looks round the room, and peeps into the Banquet Hall; he then goes back to the door, and makes a sign to some one outside. Immediately after, enter COUNCILLOR NILS LYKKE and the Swedish Commander, JENS BIELKE.)


NILS LYKKE (softly). No one?


FINN (in the same tone). No one, master!


NILS LYKKE. And we may depend on you in all things?


FINN. The commandant in Trondhiem has ever given me a name for trustiness.


NILS LYKKE. It is well; he has said as much to me. First of all, then — has there come any stranger to Ostrat to-night, before us?


FINN. Ay; a stranger came an hour since.


NILS LYKKE (softly, to JENS BIELKE). He is here. (Turns again
to FINN.) Would you know him again? Have you seen him?


FINN. Nay, none have seen him, that I know, but the gatekeeper.
He was brought at once to Lady Inger, and she ——


NILS LYKKE. Well? What of her? He is not gone again already?


FINN. No; but it seems she keeps him hidden in one of her own rooms; for ——


NILS LYKKE. It is well.


JENS BIELKE (whispers). Then the first thing is to put a guard on the gate; then we are sure of him.


NILS LYKKE (with a smile). Hm! (To FINN.) Tell me — is there any way of leaving the castle but by the gate? Gape not at me so! I mean — can one escape from Ostrat unseen, while the castle gate is shut?


FINN. Nay, that I know not. ‘Tis true they talk of secret ways in the vaults beneath; but no one knows them save Lady Inger — and mayhap Mistress Elina.


JENS BIELKE. The devil!


NILS LYKKE. It is well. You may go.


FINN. And should you need me in aught again, you have but to open the second door on the right in the Banquet Hall, and I shall presently be at hand.


NILS LYKKE. Good. (Points to the entrance-door. FINN goes out.)


JENS BIELKE. Now, by my soul, dear friend and brother — this campaign is like to end but scurvily for both of us.


NILS LYKKE (with a smile). Oh — not for me, I hope.


JENS BIELKE. Not? First of all, there is small honour to be got in hunting an overgrown whelp like this Nils Sture. Are we to think him mad or in his sober senses after the pranks he has played? First he breeds bad blood among the peasants; promises them help and all their hearts can desire; — and then, when it comes to the pinch, off he runs to hide behind a petticoat! Moreover, to tell the truth, I repent that I followed your counsel and went not my own way.


NILS LYKKE (aside). Your repentance comes somewhat late, my brother.


JENS BIELKE. Look you, I have never loved digging at a badger’s earth. I look for quite other sport. Here have I ridden all the way from the Jaemteland with my horsemen, and have got me a warrant from the Trondhiem commandant to search for the rebel wheresoever I please. All his tracks point towards Ostrat ——


here! He
here, I tell you!


JENS BIELKE. If that were so, should we not have found the gate barred and well guarded? Would that we had; then could I have found use for my men-at-arms ——


NILS LYKKE. But instead, the gate is opened for us in hospitality. Mark now — if Inger Gyldenlove’s fame belie her not, I warrant she will not let her guests lack for either meat or drink.


JENS BIELKE. Ay, to turn us aside from our errand! And what wild whim was that of yours to persuade me to leave my horsemen a good mile from the castle? Had we come in force ——


NILS LYKKE. She had made us none the less welcome for that. But mark well that then our coming had made a stir. The peasants round about had held it for an outrage against Lady Inger; she had risen high in their favour once more — and with that, look you, we were ill served.


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