Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (296 page)

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Chinese dynasty spanning the period 206 bc to ad 220 with an interregnum between ad 9 and ad 25 which separated the early (western) period from the later (eastern) period. The Han Dynasty was the first centralized state in China after the unification of the separate kingdoms by Qin in 221 bc. During the Han Dynasty trade routes to the west were opened and the court instituted monopolies on iron and salt. Some aristocratic burials of the period are extremely rich.
Characteristic stone core-tool of the Palaeolithic period consisting of a large core of flint or other stone, typically 8–30cm in overall length, worked on both sides to form a point at one end and a rounded butt at the other. It was probably held in the hand and used as an all-purpose tool for clubbing, skinning, piercing, chopping, and digging.
Egyptian god. See
Egyptian god, god of the Nile inundation, represented as a man with breasts, a clump of papyrus on his head, and carrying heavily laden offering tables.
Harald Finehair
King of Vestfold (Oslo Fjord ) who from the late 890s
made himself master of the whole of Norway. The consolidation of his rule induced many Norwegians to emigrate, especially to Iceland. Harald died
ad 930.
Harald Harefoot
King of northern England from ad 1035 and of all England from ad 1037. He was the son of King Knut by his mistress Aelgifu of Northampton. Harald died in ad 1040.
Harald Haroradi
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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