Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (553 page)

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ploughshare-shaped currency bar
Type of iron ingot found in the 1st and 2nd centuries
in southern England, typically about 0.5m long, an elongated triangle in outline, with turned-in corners at the wider end. Examples of this style of currency bar are mainly found in the Thames Valley and south midlands.
A soil profile in which the L, F, H, O, A, E, and B horizons have been mixed and homogenized through cultivation. In setting the depth of ploughing the general aim is to avoid breaking into the C horizon, although this is sometimes inevitable.
Fine sediment that is liberated from vegetation-free cultivated soils and moved down slope either under gravity or, more usually, by being washed down during rain. The accumulation of such material at the bottom of slopes is
and is also sometimes known as valley fill.
plumbate ware
A type of fine pottery made in the Mexico–Guatemala border region in early
times. Widely traded, the ware has a shiny glaze-like surface that results from the special types of clay used.
Diversity in interpretation. Because the world cannot be reduced to a series of simple conceptual categories there will always be a range of approaches, understandings, and interpretations. In this sense the world is polysemous and characterized by multiplicity. See also
pluralist theories of democracy

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