Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (549 page)

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plano-convex knife
Type of later Neolithic and early Bronze Age flint tool found in the British Isles, particularly associated with burials in northeastern England. Plano-convex knives have a leaf-shaped outline and slightly elongated form, worked on large thick flakes with retouch around and sometimes all over the convex dorsal surface but a plain untouched ventral surface. Also known as a slug-knife.
Plano Cultures
Late Palaeo-Indian hunter-gatherer communities representing many different cultures found widely over the Great Plains of North America in the period 9000–6000 bc. Characterized by unfluted leaf-shaped projectile points which are generally known as
. In general, these various communities were bison hunters, although they also took pronghorn antelope, elk, deer, raccoon, and coyote. By the beginning of the Archaic Stage, however, Plano groups were developing a more broad-spectrum approach to subsistence.
Plano points
General term covering all the unfluted styles of bifacially worked chipped stone projectile points from the Great Plains area of North America in the period 9000–6000 bc. These Palaeo-Indian points have been subdivided into numerous styles on the basis of size, shape, and other attributes and include, for example, Alberta, Cody, Fredrick, Eden, and Scottsbluff points.
planted town
An urban settlement that was deliberately constructed to a preconceived plan. In some cases, for example Salisbury in England, started in ad 1219, they were established on a totally new site. In other cases they substantially enlarge an existing settlement. Some planted towns had a regular form with chequerboard, ladder pattern, or concentric street grids that determined their morphology; others were more irregular and were often built around a central open area or market-place.
plant impression
The negative cast left by some part of a plant when it was deliberately or accidentally pressed into a plastic substance such as clay or plaster that has survived to be excavated.

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