Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (550 page)

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planum method
A soft pliable mixture of sand and lime or crushed gypsum, sometimes mixed with organic matter such as hair or chopped straw to improve strength and bonding, which is spread onto walls and ceilings in order to produce a hard smooth surface when dry. Fine plaster can also be moulded into decorative features and panels.
plastic style
's scheme for the subdivision of pre-Roman Celtic art in Europe this relatively late style is characterized by an exuberant, three-dimensional quality seen especially in ornate bracelets or animal representations in ornamental metalwork.
A shallow vessel whose height is not greater than one-seventh of its diameter.
plate armour
Protective armour in the form of sheet-iron fittings tailored to the shape of the body and strapped in position. This type of armour was current in the 15th–16th centuries
in Europe.
In earthworks, a space that has been artificially levelled to receive a building.
platform mound
Flat-topped mound constructed of earth and/or stone and rubbish, usually surmounted by a building, found on many sites of the Woodland Stage in North America. Some platform mounds supported residences, other were ceremonial.

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