Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (700 page)

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A self-defining group within a society which holds different values and norms to those of the majority. This may be represented by specialized types of material culture or the differences in the way material culture is used.
Subject Committee for Archaeology
A representative body of the 30 or so university departments of archaeology in UK universities, which seeks to represent the collective interests of higher education archaeology to government agencies and other official bodies. Established as SCFA in March 2001, the organization is a direct descendant of the Standing Committee of University Professors and Heads of Archaeology that was founded in January 1986 under the chairmanship of Professor Rosemary Cramp in the face of continuing government cuts to higher education.
submarine archaeology
submerged forests
Areas of peat bed, sometimes with in situ broken or uprooted tree stumps, that are exposed in the inter-tidal zone at low water. These are the remains of terrestrial landscapes that have become inundated during periods of sea-level rise. Around the Atlantic coast of northwest Europe many submerged forests are of Mesolithic and Neolithic date.
subsistence economy
That aspect of social life that revolves around securing food resources.
Material at the base of the
, usually slightly discoloured parent bedrock.
BOOK: Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
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