Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology (702 page)

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sun disc
Decorative circular plate of gold or bronze, typically less than 50mm in diameter, found widely in Copper Age and Bronze Age contexts in northern Europe and believed to be some kind of dress fitting that symbolically represented the sun.
A tall annual herb (Helianthus annuus) which grows to a height of 1.8m or more and has a very large showy golden-rayed flower which contains abundant small edible seeds. The seeds can also be pressed to obtain sunflower oil. Native to parts of the southeastern United States. Domesticated by
1500 bc for its seeds, dye, and oil. Introduced into Europe in the 16th century
Sung Dynasty
A Chinese dynasty ruling during the period ad 960 to 1288, with the northern Sung reigning from the foundation until ad 1121, when north China was overrun and conquered by the Chin Dynasty which was a regime of the Tartar tribe, the Juchen. The southern Sung continued to reign for another century and a half in Hangchou, Chekiang Province, over the whole of southern China, which in this age became highly developed and very wealthy. Porcelain manufacture developed, navigation was aided by the adaptation of the compass to marine uses, and there was extensive trade with southern Asia. The Sung were finally conquered by the Mongols under Kubilai Khan in ad 1280–8. The period is also famous for the development of landscape and other painting.
sunken-floor hut
The realm of culture or behaviour considered as a thing in and of itself, independent of human beings.
supine burial
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