Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark) (2 page)

BOOK: Consumed (Keeping her in the Dark)
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He wanted to control me, he had rules, punishments, and
wanted me to submit to him in everything. The part I really couldn’t explain
was that I liked it. He had introduced me to this world I knew absolutely
nothing about but felt completely safe and comfortable in it. I wanted to serve
him, I wanted him to Dominant me, in the bedroom as well as in my life. I
didn’t understand these feelings myself, so I certainly couldn’t explain them
to her. Our relationship was a sea of situations and feelings only Liam and I
could understand. I knew when he needed me to let him take control, I knew when
to shut my mouth and do what he told me to do. I liked it when he became
forceful with me, and even deliberately provoked him sometimes. But he knew my
limits as well. He knew when to push me and when to back off. He knew when he
could control me and when he had to let me make my own decisions. We truly had
a give and take relationship. We both gave and took a lot from it.

 I couldn’t even begin to explain it to her. Leaving it the
way it was in her mind was enough.

“Well now I understand the conflict a little better,” she
exhaled. We sat in the quiet for a while. She went back to walking around the
room and going over her thoughts in her head.

 I leaned back on my bed and turned on my TV. I tried to
engross myself in a ridiculous reality show about ‘Swamp People’.

“Are you sure he really doesn’t want you anymore?” she
asked. I muted the TV.

“That’s what he said in October. He said he didn’t want to
look at me for the rest of his life knowing he had bought me. He said it would
make him think he owned me.” I paused and walked across the room to grab a
blanket off the chair in the corner. “But then he kinda flipped his story and
said I belonged here with my family and not with him.”

“Maybe he just didn’t want to keep you away from your family
Norah. Maybe he thinks you’re happier here with them than you would be in
London with him.” I shrugged my shoulders. “Maybe.” She sat down on the bed
with me again.

“Do you think he’ll be at that wedding?” I shrugged my
shoulders again. I knew he was invited, but I didn’t know if he would be there
or not. I feared he would be there…..with someone else. He knew Rebecca and I
were friends, but he didn’t know we had stayed in touch for this long. I was
sure he had no idea I was one of her bridesmaids.

“Well I say you go to that wedding, and if he is there you
let him see just what he is missing. Let him know what he left behind. Make him
want you back so bad he can’t control himself.” We both laughed, but then her
face became serious again. “But then you have to decide something, Norah. If he
does want you back, do you want him?”

Chapter Two


I walked in the reception tent and
saw her pacing back and forth near one of the bars. The tent was huge and
hustling with servers running around trying to get everything ready. Most of
the guests were over in the garden waiting for the ceremony to start. She
looked more beautiful than I remembered, although she did look like she had
lost some weight. Her hair was cascading down her back and when the sunlight
hit it I could see the red highlights that made her dark curly hair look
burgundy. Her dress was nude in color, probably meant to match her olive skin
but slightly lighter. It was form fitting and knee length, without straps and
hugged her waist to show off her curves. It had layers that kinda looked like
bandages wrapping around her, which helped with the illusion of her being
naked. She turned and talked to a young man in a bow tie and I saw a long sash
going down her back all the way to the floor. She rubbed her temples and turned
to me. Our eyes locked as I walked closer to her.

“Beautiful doesn’t even begin to describe how you look this
evening, Norah,” I said as I walked closer, stopping about a foot away from her.
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” she huffed. “I’m actually surprised to see
you here.”

“As one of my many jobs, I work on the board of Stackhouse
Industries now, thanks to you. Mr. Stackhouse invited all the board members.”

“I haven’t forgotten.” She sounded very cold.

“I guess I’m a little surprised to see you here as well,” I
stepped closer trying to close the distance between us. She stepped back and I
knew she was trying to protect herself with the distance.

“Rebecca and I are friends. We’ve kept in touch since the
banquet. I’m one of her bridesmaids.”

“Oh, so you do know how to keep in touch. I thought since my
20 or so emails have all gone unanswered that you didn’t know how to reply.”

“17,” she said.

“17 what?” I asked.

“You sent 17 emails, not 20, and I did reply to one of
them.” She was counting.

“Yes, you replied to tell me to stop emailing you. That
isn’t the reply I wanted.”

“What did you want, Liam? For me to drop everything and jump
on a plane for you? Because I think you made it clear back in October that you
didn’t want me to do that.”

“I’ve changed my mind about a lot of things,” I snapped.

“I imagine that you know I don’t give a rat’s ass about what
you have changed your mind about, but I’ll put that right on top of my ‘who
gives a shit’ list.”

“Norah, don’t be rude. It isn’t nice.”

“You don’t understand, I’m not being rude. I’m telling you
that you, and changing your mind, are number one on the list of things I don’t
care about.” She stepped closer to me and put her hands on her hips. “Of all
the things I don’t care about in this world, you’re first in line. You should
feel good about that!”

I couldn’t take it anymore. Her and that smart mouth ignited
the fire, passion and anger in me. I had to tell her that I wanted her back,
that I needed her back. My life wasn’t the same without her and I would do
anything to have her again. Seeing how much anger she still had for me told me
she still cared for me too. Watching her snap at me, stick her hip out and have
so much attitude made me hard. I wanted to take her over my knee and let her
know who was the boss right there, and I didn’t care who was around. I stepped
closer. But before I could say anything Mr. Stackhouse rounded the corner.

“Liam Hastings! It is so good to see you! I’m glad you made
it!” We shook hands and he patted me on the back. “Norah, sweetheart! You look
lovely!” He kissed her cheek, which pulled us closer together. “I’m so happy to
see you two kids still together.”

“Ah, Mr. Stackhouse, Norah and I are,” but before I could
finish she stepped closer to me and grabbed my hand.

“We are so happy we could be here for you and your family,”
she said. I looked over at her, but she wouldn’t look at me.

“Well I know Rebecca is happy you’re here for her. She’s
very fond of you, Norah. I’m glad you girls get along so well.” He touched my
shoulder. “Look at you two, you look so happy.” I hadn’t noticed but with
Norah’s hand in mine, I was smiling. I looked at her face, and she was smiling
too. “Who knows, Norah, maybe this summer I can cross the pond and attend a
ceremony like this for you two?” He laughed. I looked at Norah again and she was
laughing too.

“What do you think, Liam? Don’t you think you should take
this girl off the market before she realizes what a bastard you really are?” He
laughed again. “I had to sweep Mrs. Stackhouse off her feet by the third date
so she wouldn’t realize she could do a lot better!” We all laughed.

“Well Mr. Stackhouse, I’m afraid Norah knows all my dark
secrets already,” I tried to gauge her reaction to my comment. Her smile had
dropped, but she was looking at me. “But I do think you’re right about taking
her off the market.”

“That’s the spirit, son!” He patted my back again. “I’ll see
you after the ceremony,” he shook my shoulder and then walked away. Norah
instantly dropped my hand and stepped away turning her back to me.

“What was that?” I asked. She turned back to look at me.

“Mr. Stackhouse is a sweet man. He liked that you and I were
together. I wouldn’t want to disappoint him, not on his daughter’s wedding
day.” I nodded.

“Was that all?” I asked.


“Do you still love me, Norah?” I had to know.

“Don’t do this,” she held up her hand. “I can’t do this
here.” I stepped a little closer and she stepped back right into the bar.

“It’s a simple question, little one. Either you do or you

“Stop! Don’t call me that! You can’t do this here!”

“I can do this wherever I want! I want to know how you feel,
dammit!” I was harsh but used a quiet voice so only she heard me.

“Liam and the lovely Norah, what are you two hiding in here
for? Don’t you know it’s rude to only talk to your date at a social function?”
I turned around and saw Mr. and Mrs. Redman standing behind me. I had forgotten
that I introduced the Redman’s to Mr. Stackhouse last fall and they were now
doing some business together.

“Oh you know me, trying to keep Norah all to myself,” I said
as I reached out my hand and shook with Mr. Redman. “How are you doing this
evening?” I asked.

“Oh, we’re fine. I think I got some bad directions though.
This doesn’t seem to be where the wedding is taking place.” Norah stepped up
behind me and hooked her arm in mine.

“No sir, the wedding is just over there in the garden,” she
said with a huge smile on her face.

“Well thank you my dear,” he nodded at her and walked toward
the garden. I turned to her and grabbed her arm.

“Answer the question Norah!” She snatched her arm away from

“Get off me!” She stepped around me and walked out toward
the main house. I walked right behind her. Her stubbornness and defiance were
turning me on so much I welcomed a fight from her. I grabbed her arm and made
her look at me.

“Don’t you know you can’t run from me? We are going to talk
about this if I have to hold you down, Norah!”

“Leave me alone!” she snatched her arm away again and walked
faster up some stairs and opened a glass door. Another girl in a dress similar
to hers was on the other side.

“Norah, there you are! Rebecca asked me to find you. She
wanted me to tell you that your ex-boyfriend is here somewhere, just to give
you a heads up.” I took Norah’s hand in mine.

“Thanks, Mellissa. Do you know how much longer until things
get started?” she asked.

“About 30 minutes, if we’re on time,” she laughed. “But you
know Rebecca has never been on time for anything.”

As Mellissa walked away, Norah snatched her hand away from
mine and started walking down the hallway. I followed right behind her.

“Your ex-boyfriend? Well I hope she is referring to your
friend Mike, because I know she is not referring to me.” I walked next to her
with my hands in my pockets. She stopped and looked right at me.

“Mike was never my boyfriend. And you made it very clear in
October that we are over, so yes she was referring to you.”

“Stop playing these stupid games with me!” Hell flew through
me. I looked and saw an open door to the right.

“Oh come on, Norah, you love my games!” I grabbed her arm
and pulled her in the room. It was a small changing room with a couch, two
chairs and a dressing table with a mirror. I pushed her on the couch and
slammed the door behind me. I turned and locked it to make sure we would not be
interrupted, then turned back to face her.

“Is that what you think? You think we are over? You think
you can talk to me anyway you want and get away with it?” I crawled on top of
her and pressed my body against hers.

“Get off me!” she yelled as I grabbed her arms and held them
over her head.

“Go ahead and fight me, Norah. You
won’t win, you know that,” I breathed in her neck. “Now open your legs like a
good girl,” I kissed her neck and traveled up her jaw line.

“Fuck you!” she snapped back. “Well I’m trying to fuck you
at the moment. Please be a good girl and do as I ask, little one. Don’t make me
get ugly.” My voice was calm.

I kissed her hard and slowly her legs opened. I released one
of her arms and ran my hand down her body. She didn’t move the newly freed arm,
but moved her neck so it was more exposed to me. I licked her neck as I pushed
her dress up to her waist. I quickly unzipped my pants and pressed my shaft
against her panties.

“You can take them off, or I can rip them off, which do you
prefer?” I tried to kiss her mouth again, but she snatched her face away and
turned her head to the cushion.

“Do what you want! This is your game!” she shouted.  I
released her other arm, leaned up and grabbed both sides of her panties with my
hands. “If you want it rough, Norah, I will make it rough!” I ripped them off
her body and threw them next to us on the floor. Despite the fact both her arms
were now released, and I was no longer completely covering her body, she did
nothing to fight me off. She was laying there, legs open, arms over her head,
panting. I knew she wanted this as much as I did, she just didn’t want to admit
it. I ran my hand over her sex and she was wet. Yes, she wanted this. I rammed
myself in her and she gasped. I covered her body and I pumped myself in her.

I tried to kiss her but she kept turning her head away from
me. I grabbed her breasts through her dress and kissed her neck.

“Is this how you want it, Norah? You want it rough? You like
it hard and fast?” I panted in her neck and I felt her arms lower and her hands
were on my butt. She pulled me closer to her and I pumped faster. “That’s it
you naughty girl, make me work for it, baby.” I rammed myself in and out faster
and faster. I saw her eyes close and she started biting her bottom lip. “Are
you gonna come, Norah?” She gripped my hips and arched her back. “That’s my girl.”
I slammed in her a few more times until I came hard. “Damn you feel so fucking
good, baby.” I stood up and walked to the dressing table. I grabbed some
tissues and cleaned myself up then tucked myself back in my pants.

“Fuck that was good, Norah. I needed that, and I think you
did too. I hope you’ve been keeping up with your shots.” I turned to the mirror
and ran my hands through my hair. “But don’t think this conversation is over.
We can talk some more after the ceremony.” I handed her the box of tissues and
walked out of the room.





I stood up and straightened my dress
out. Thankfully this was wrinkle free material. I picked up my ripped underwear
and put them in the trashcan in the corner, then sat down at the dressing
table. I fluffed my hair and wiped the corners of my eyes with the tissues. I
looked at myself in the mirror. I couldn’t believe what had just happened. I
told myself to keep a wall up between us, and he had me on my back in 20
minutes. I had no defense when it came to Liam. As much as I hated him right
now, as much as I wanted to slap his smug face, I just wanted him more. I
couldn’t help the things he did to me. I tried to fight it, but my body
betrayed me every time. He knew where to touch me, how to touch me, and what my
body wanted. I couldn’t hide my feelings from him no matter how hard I tried.
He didn’t scare me when he grabbed my arms and forced me in the room, it turned
me on. I couldn’t explain it. There was a point when I stayed scared of him or
what he could do to me. But deep down, I liked his dominance over me. It was
something I craved. If I had learned anything in the last four months, I had
learned that submitting to Liam was something I wanted to do.

The ceremony was long and my feet were killing me. I stayed
focused on the minister and my bridesmaid duties and never once looked over at
Liam, even though I could feel him looking at me.

I deliberately held my groomsmen’s arm tight, and pushed my
body against his as we walked back up the aisle. Instead of finding Liam in the
crowd, I thought if he wanted me so bad, he could find me. I went with the rest
of the wedding party down to the pier to take pictures. I posed with the rest
of the bridesmaids and Rebecca, then stood to the side while the photographer
took some pictures of the groomsmen. As I walked back to the pier to take
pictures of the group I saw Liam walk up and stand behind the little crowd
watching us. We took some serious pictures and then some funny ones as well.
Liam’s face never cracked a smile. He didn’t like that Chad, my groomsmen
touched my leg in one picture, threw me over his shoulder in another, and stood
way to close to me in all of them. I just kept smiling.

When the pictures were done, I walked back to the tent but I
didn’t see Liam. I sat at the bridal party table through the first dance,
through the Father/daughter dance, and the Mother/son dance.

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