Read Crescent Bound Online

Authors: Karli Rush

Tags: #Fantasy, #Romance

Crescent Bound (50 page)

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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Sinfully, I smile at
g my hands through my hair I whisper

raibh maith agat, mo deigh fear
in Gaelic to him.  I was taught to speak like this as far back as I can remember.  I wait eagerly to see his response.  Crossing my feet, I rock them back and forth like the ticking of a clock.  Marc rolls to his back slowly and crosses his arms behind his head, with one of his legs over the
he begins moving his bare foot to
same rhythm. 

A mischievous grin curves at the corner of his mouth,

taw foyle-cha row -ot, mo deigh banrion. Graim thu.

I try not to look as shocked as I feel, but apparently, Marc has been brushing up on his Gaelic, because he just told me

your welcome

in response to me and then he calls me his

ice queen

as I had called him my


, but
what really astounds me is he just told me in Gaelic he loves me as well.

I move closer to him and bring my lips to his, tenderly brushing them together.  Opening my eyes I make them shine a bit brighter, as he pulls me across the short distance between us.  The next thing I know, I lay now on my back as he leisurely crawls over me. His soft lips press against mine, tempting me to run my fingers through his golden hair. Our passion starts out innocent at first, but quickly turns sinfully provoking as
teeth nip at my towel.

I raise a tantalizing brow at him, slowly pulling the towel away, exposing all for him to do as he wishes. He grabs me by the hips picking me up easily as I wrap my legs around his awaiting body.  He smiles with greed
iness behind his dark gaze. T
next passing moment time freezes as our bodies heat up with intensity.
The night is quickly vanquished by the time our bodies lay in complete defeat from our love and lust. 

I awake in bed with light filtering through the curtains as the song,
Break The I
bellows out of my nagging cell.  I roll over, with a pillow over my head trying to pretend I

m not hearing it.  A few minutes pass and I hear Marc

s deep sexy morning voice answer,

, Megan?

Relentlessly, I get up and shift to the bathroom, when I come out, Marc is sitting on the edge of the bed with only a sheet covering his lower half.  He looks up at me incredulously holding out my cell,
he quietly

I tried.

Taking my cell, I straddle across his lap



I lay my head on his shoulder as he gently caresses my back.

Hey, yourself, what the hell have you been doing all morning that keeps you from answering your cell?

  I smile as I remember Marc and I a few hours ago and reply with a slight laugh,


could swear I hear
her snort.

... right, well babe we

ve got a party to arrange, so Lisa and I will be there in ten.


That got my full attention,

What? Come on, can

t a girl get a little
beauty rest before the big shin


Her laughter flows through the

Nope, now make it eight minutes, just to let you know, I

m driving as we speak,

nd then she hangs up.  I peer over to Marc and ask,

Would you cook for four instead of two my love?



We invite about sixty
from the Arcane and our house overflows with witches
as the evening settles in.  We have speakers throughout the house so that when we play music its ever
ywhere.  Megan deems herself DJ
for the night
and music emerges throughout. 

David and Dawson move everything out of our living room so we can use it as a dance floor slash mingling area.  I have David go around with his fire element and light the candles that are nestled all about our home.  I even have our patio loom
with white glowing lanterns
, making a path down to the pool.  Marc sets out large snack trays with a variety of foods on the island, and mixes up a few frozen drinks as our guests come in.

When we lived in California, Megan, Lisa
and I were always at the clubs dancing like our life literally, depe
nded on it, and Megan became
hooked on making remixes for all our favorite songs, her concoction of song
s is pretty much my entire play

Leaving her tonight in charge of the music is a good thing as she plays


by Sun lounger and Zara.
I mingle like a good hostess,
and then
my dad grabs me and starts introducing me to some of the prestigious witches from the Arcane. 

Alyssa, keep an eye out for a couple with a young boy, I invited them here tonight to meet some of the coven members.  They

ll soon become part of the coven and I think this
is a great chance to meet them,

He states quietly to me as we visit with everyone.

When we have new families or just a new member my dad always wants them to feel completely comfortable within our coven.  The more we feel like family the better we are able to learn from and protect each other.

I start walking back to the kitchen when my dad shifts in front of me and leans against the wall.  He holds between his two fingers a small white envelope in front of me grinning from ear to ear.  I cautiously take it and look at him with an inquisitive brow
and ask


s this?


He smiles even brighter and motions fo
r me to open it.  I open it
a ven
omous snake wanting to bite me.
Immediately, I realize
not a snake
, but
something great.  A request, on a white formal card, written in elaborative words in black script,


Alyssa Worthington,


The Abscond
Raceway is requesting your participation in the upcoming annual qualifying and ranking event.


Before I even read the rest of the invitation, I scream and hug
.  He gives me one of his bear hugs.  All my life I have watched my dad enter these events and now I am doing this with him.  He puts his arm around my shoulder as we walk into the kitchen together, he turns asking me,


I laugh shaking my head at him,

I mean how…when… did you
  I know you had something to do with this

  He gives me a quick wink and
strolls over to where my mother is sitting.

Alyssa thinks I had something to do with entering her into the Abscond Raceway, darling.

I can see why my dad adores my mother
, she

truly and absolutely beautiful inside and out.  She always reminds me a bit like Sandra
.  I guess you could say I have her hair and my dad

s famous electric blues. 

her rich brown eyes over at my dad and softly replies,

Now why in the world would she think that, darling?


He just stands there
shaking his
head in disbelief,

Alyssa Lee, you know very well that I would never interfere with something like this, they just see a great driver, and simply want to see how you will rank.

  I roll my own disbelieving eyes at him when Marc shifts into the kitchen with us.

ning, I give him a knock-your-socks-
off kind of kiss.  Once I re
lease him he smiles in a daze.

What was that for

mind, what
ever it is I want more.

  We kiss again and then when we finally grasp some
, I hand him the request proudly.

He looks at me grinning bewitchingly,

Are you going to drive our grocery getter?

My dad quickly speaks up,


ll have the
back by then and have the trailers to haul them down to the track.

Marc glances back at me with a fake disappoint,

So, I guess the Camaro is out of the question, huh?

I shrug my shoulders gently and reply,

Sorry baby, maybe next time.

Marc turns back to my dad and says with complete honesty in his tone,

I really think I need some help with my car because there are just some things a man sho

t feel inadequate about.

Instinctively, I slide my arms around Marc and beam up to him,


ll teach you everything you need to know.

My mom and
both say at the same time,


  I tiptoe up and tenderly kiss him then turn back to my parents.


m talking about cars.

oll my eyes.

Alyssa, Marc, I hate to say it, but we have to run,
we will see you two a bit later,

ad announces.


I say t
elling them goodbye in Latin
and giving
them both a hug. 

Better keep an eye on her, she

s riding such a high right now it may make her float away.


Marc laughs,


ll shut all the windows right now,

he jokes back.

As soon as my parents leave I reach over and grab Marc

s ass.

m gonna go change.

at him and bite
my lower lip sensually. 

Want some help

e offers.

Hey, Marc, can you come here?


s voice booms from the other room, and when he glances back, I shift away laughing. 

In our walk-in closet I have an old wooden box that is made from ancient
Kauri, which I have all my keep
sakes in. I really do feel incredible and I decide to change clothes to more of a night club style.  So I find my designer black slim jeans and a white silk top with glitter outlaying it, and the sleeves hang off my shoulders, draping my arms with pure silk.  I hear Lisa knock on my door,

Come in Lisa, and guess what, I

m going to the big Abscond annual race and ranking event.  You
the one I

m always pouting about never being invited to.  Check this out.

Lisa the invitation.

BOOK: Crescent Bound
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