Crimes and Mercies (42 page)

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Authors: James Bacque

Tags: #Prisoners of war, #war crimes, #1948, #1949, #World War II, #Canadian history, #ebook, #1946, #concentration camps, #1944, #1947, #Herbert Hoover, #Germany, #1950, #Allied occupation, #famine relief, #world history, #1945, #book, #Mackenzie King, #History

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Senator Capehart, CRS, 5 February 1946, p. 878.

‘Protokoll Zusammenkunft mit President a.D. Hoover’, 13 April 1946, Geiler Papers, Staatsarchiv, Wiesbaden, in Gimbel,
American Occupation of Germany
, p. 55.

The Land of the Dead
, p. 31.

Ibid., p. 32.

K. P. Kirkwood, Chargé d’Affaires, Warsaw. In RG 25, Vol. 5719, File 7-CA-14, NAC.

All from CFM Papers, Murphy Boxes, HIA.

It might be thought that Königsberg, because it was taken over by the Soviets, is outside our range of investigation, but it must be remembered that the statistics of deaths among the refugees who did arrive in the Soviet zone of Germany are mainly estimates, which depend largely on assessing from outside the Soviet zone, how many refugees remained behind and alive in the seized territories. And, of course, the statistics from Murphy and the census comparison all include the statistics for the Soviet zone.

Gabriele Stüber,
Der Kampf gegen den Hunger
, p. 285. Minutes of the meeting are in the Bundesarchiv Bonn 1/253.

Vital Statistics, Hansestadt Hamburg, 1938, undated British Army Report. In FEC Papers, at or near Box 14, HIA.

Pope to External, 4 July 1947. External Affairs Records, File 8376-K, NAC.

Address by Surgeon-General, Navy Day, 27 October 1947, Bethesda. In Behnke Papers, Box 1, HIA.

Lucius Clay,
The Papers of General Lucius D. Clay
, p. 96.

Red Cross report reproduced in Kurt W. Böhme,
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der deutschen Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten Weltkrieges
(Munich: Verlag Ernst und Walter Gieseking, 1973), p. 282.

The population figures on which the percentages are based come from the Allied Census in October 1946, quoted in Gustav Stolper,
German Realities
, pp. 22ff.

Smith in
Deutschland zwischen Krieg und Frieden
(Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung), p. 110.

Archivist Edward Reese, NARS, Washington, to the author in conversation, 1987.

Taped interview in front of a witness with the author, Munich, June 1991.

See Böhme,
Gesucht wird

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