Cut Cords of Attachment (10 page)

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Authors: Rose Rosetree

BOOK: Cut Cords of Attachment
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Tim-Tim could be “physically” standing there, in his spirit body.

What will motivate Tim-Tim to keep talking? He needs to be recognized. Otherwise, he might act like a fish that gets away. If, during a reading, a note of desperation creeps into a medium’s voice, you can sympathize.

Courageous Explorer, when you do “Questioning,” that’s different. You are using energy literacy skills, reading something right there, something that won’t flit away any time soon. The information is located in your client’s aura.

The same goes for all the 12 Steps to Cut Cords of Attachment. Instead of fishing for something in the future or past, you can read deeper into here-and-now reality.

So relax and do “Follow-Up Questioning” Round Two or Three or even Four until you find something that makes sense.

No Torture Allowed

Have you been tempted to repeat one cycle of “Questioning” simply to test yourself? I’ve had students ask themselves the same question repeatedly, just to make sure they would receive the same answer.

Hello, you are not seated at a piano, practicing scales. Nor are you in chem. lab, forced to repeat your scientific experiment. Healing is a here-and-now flow, unique in the moment, sacred in its very human way. Healing is based on trust.

Your job is to make an Energy Sandwich, then open up trust. Whenever you test yourself or belittle something you have received, you block yourself.

So ask today’s questions once only. Receive as much as you can at this time. Give thanks for that. Gratitude will help you do better next time, since trust and skill are cumulative.

A first grader doesn’t criticize himself because he doesn’t read like a college student. The only way that will happen is if he allows reading skills to develop, beginning with whatever degree of literacy he has right now.

Occasionally one of my students can’t stop the self-criticism. If you, too, are inclined to torture yourself, guess what? You might seek help from a professional at Rosetree Energy Spirituality. It might make all the difference in the world to cut cords of attachment to critical authority figures from your past. Investing in a few sessions now will help you to grow faster as a practitioner. (Not to mention, have a better life in other ways as well.)

But sometimes there is no deep reason for putting yourself through unnecessary testing. It can just be a bad habit. You might be able to bypass the problem simply by remembering the purpose of cutting cords of attachment. Do you want to help yourself and maybe some friends... or not?

Would you really prefer to wait until you know for sure that you are absolutely, totally perfect?

With Step 2 to Cut Cords of Attachment, all the “Perfection” you need is reasonable comfort at doing the techniques in this chapter. Rosetree Energy Spirituality is unfolding, bringing its own kind of grace. You are learning to allow this.

If, inside, you are willing to say “Yes” to making an Energy Sandwich, you are perfectly ready to proceed to Step 3.

Chapter 5
Activate the Aura


Step 1. Create a Sacred Space

Step 2. Make an Energy Sandwich

Step 3. Activate the Aura

Discover Your Gift Set

Start Reading Auras

Call It, Read It

Before-and-After Pictures

See It, Read It

Touch It, Read It

To help clients:
Insist on Reaching the Soul

Step 4. Choose Which Cord to Cut

Step 5. Locate the Cord

Step 6. Give Permission

Step 7. Remove the Cord

Step 8. Bandage to Rebalance

Step 9. Write the Dialogue Box

Step 10. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences with the Cordee

Step 11. Discuss the Client’s Logical Consequences for Other Relationships

Step 12. Assign Homework

Cords of attachment are made of the same substance as most of your aura —psychic-level energy encoded with bits and bytes of data. So aura reading is indispensable for cutting cords intelligently.

Not only will aura reading keep you from cutting blindly. You will
an aura by reading it, in preparation for physically cutting a cord in Step 7. Step 3 prepares you or your client to receive the fullest healing possible.

Whenever you pay attention to someone, it subtly wakes up the aspect under scrutiny. For instance, when someone stares at you, don’t you notice? The one who stares can avert her eyes, but you might still notice. Why? You feel an energetic activation.

happens whenever you pay close attention to someone. This will trigger greater self-consciousness.

Why not do this in a beneficial way? Activation has certainly been done to you in the past, beneficial or not.

For instance, when a woman stares at you as a sex object, don’t you feel it? If you stare back, she might pretend to be fascinated by the nearest wall instead of your body. Yet subliminally (and maybe consciously, too) you will respond to the sexual charge, sensing an energetic activation.

What about someone who pays close attention to the status value of your clothing, checking for designer labels? Or how about being evaluated professionally, when the stare means hunting for any possible signs of incompetence on the job? Friendly or hostile, admiring or critical, however someone pays attention to you, don’t you feel it? Being more awake inside, you will feel it more.

So what happens when, as a healer,
pay attention to someone and your attention is aimed directly at that person’s aura? You can activate a highly beneficial kind of self-awareness.

Receiving attention can make a client self-conscious. But if the healer has an appropriate intent, that will be felt, too.

Activation can be either partial or holistic. Have you ever looked in the mirror and seen, mostly, a zit? As if one zit were all that mattered! That’s an example of partial activation. In Step 3, you do the holistic version. Aiming deep, going all the way to a client’s soul, you can activate the whole person, not just his problem.

TALE: Aware and Activating

Before turning pro as a practitioner of Rosetree Energy Spirituality, my last full-time job was working as a secretary for AARP, the largest association in the United States. During the years I worked there, I had several bosses including Horace Deets. After I left AARP, Deets was promoted to Executive Director.

Although I liked Horace a lot, we never exchanged a word after I stopped working for him. I had, however, made friends with another AARP executive, Elliott Carlson. Years after I left AARP, he invited me over for lunch. To begin our visit, Elliott gave me a tour of AARP’s new national headquarters.

As we entered an extremely long hallway, I saw Horace Deets from the back. He, too, was walking all the way at the opposite end of the hallway. Deets appeared to be deep in conversation with another AARP executive.

Recognizing him, I smiled affectionately. Of course, I wouldn’t have dreamed of asking him to turn around and talk to me. The man was now one of the most influential CEOs in America, while I had been his lowly secretary, and for just a few months at that.

Abruptly Horace stood completely still. He turned around. Then he scanned the hall until he saw me and locked eyes for a second as if to say, “Oh, that presence belongs to you.” Executive Director Deets didn’t stop to wave or smile. We weren’t officially friends, after all. Having satisfied his curiosity, he turned around and kept walking.

Haven’t you had experiences like this, too? Here is how I explain it. When someone is very aware, he recognizes the energy presence of people he knows well. I believe that my brief but affectionate gaze at Horace Deets activated awareness within him.

My presence was familiar because we had worked together closely for months, although five years had passed since then. Because Horace had a highly developed level of consciousness, he felt someone checking out his aura, recognized my presence and turned around just long enough to satisfy his curiosity.

Activating an Aura in Your Role as a Healer

What, precisely, is the effect of appreciatively reading a client’s aura before cutting a cord? I leave that research project to the scientists involved in Rosetree Energy Spirituality. What I can tell you is based on my experience as a practitioner:

Clients feel deeply validated. They remember their strengths. Even skeptics begin to respect the healing potential of what lies ahead with the remaining Steps to Cut a Cord of Attachment.

In Step 1, you harnessed the power of intention. In Step 2, you positioned your awareness to make an Energy Sandwich. With Step 3, you can direct that appreciative, focused awareness toward your client’s aura, where a cord of attachment lies waiting.

What if you do not feel quite comfortable yet reading auras? This book will supply some basics, perfect for cutting
cords of attachment. Before you cut any
cord of attachment, it would be smart (and respectful to yourself) to develop full Stage Three Energetic Literacy.

I could definitely teach you, through self-paced methods in either
Read People Deeper
Aura Reading Through All Your Senses.
Or use any method you prefer, so long as you are able to read auras in depth and detail. Doing so is your birthright, so don’t settle for less.

What is an Aura?

are three-dimensional bodies, made of electro-magnetic energy, layered all around your physical body.

Aren’t they also colors? Isn’t the whole point that auras are colors?

Definitely not! Sadly, in today’s metaphysical marketplace, most people would define auras as colors. OK, it’s a start. But, with all due respect to those who haven’t been taught anything more, equating auras with colors is a kindergarten understanding, like those color-by-number paintings back when you were a kid.

Equating auras with colors makes about this much sense: Imagine that The Mighty Aura Reading Authority enters the room where you are right now, glances at your skin, hair, and eyes, checks out your outfit, and then announces, “Okay, I’ve seen your colors. Now I know everything about you.”

Seeing auras doesn’t matter nearly as much as
them. After you perceive something about an aura, what then? Courageous Explorer, you can think of aura reading like an equation:

Perception + Interpretation = Aura Reading

means receiving information. Seeing is just one way for senses to register a perception. However it comes will depend upon your personal Gift Set. But even the clearest perception has no value without
This turns a simple perception into something meaningful.

The human energy field is crammed with bits and bytes of information, and the senses through which you get that information don’t matter nearly so much as making that knowledge your own. Think about helping your client. Is the goal having your client say, “My session was really valuable because the healer saw my colors”?

Or would you prefer something like this? “My session was really valuable because the healer accessed profound and accurate information about me, and that became a basis for improving my life.”

Having helped thousands of students to have breakthrough experiences with aura reading, I can tell you another reason why reading matters far more than seeing:

You can definitely be good at reading auras.

Will you excel at seeing auras in color? That’s more chancy. I don’t, for instance.

God has given each person a distinctive built-in Gift Set for learning—and that applies throughout life, not just aura reading. However you are set up to process Deeper Perception, that’s what I will help you to discover as part of Step 3.

Now, if you already read auras in depth and detail, you know that popular fantasies about aura reading don’t do justice to its usefulness. While, if you haven’t had that treat yet, let the discoveries begin. Consider the following counter-culture ideas:

The most valuable information in auras is located in the concentrated sources of data called
(You can pronounce this like CHA-kraz or SHAH-kraz. I prefer the former because it sounds more like “chocolate.”) Right in front of your body, at different locations, you have a full collection of data at each chakra.

This data storehouse is organized into databanks. Yes, each major chakra contains 50 different
chakra databanks.

We can make an analogy to savings accounts, where each chakra is like a savings bank. Your Solar Plexus Chakra could be like Lloyds of London. You might have several accounts there: One for savings, one for checking, a Christmas Club to save money for holiday gifts.

Databanks in a chakra are valuable, too. They contain information.

People who define auras as colors rather than information don’t know the best-kept secret in aura reading: Information is the point of reading auras, not having a particular perception.

How “Questioning” Changes Your Aura

In Step 2, you began using the “Questioning” technique. Now that we’re bringing auras into the picture, let’s deepen your understanding about how “Questioning” works.

Each chakra databank projects a certain distance from your physical body. Depending on how much you use that particular databank, its size will fluctuate. However you position your consciousness, how often you use speech and action, whichever ways you allocate time: All of this automatically affects the size and quality of your chakra databanks.

Now, Courageous Explorer, remember how “Questioning” has you consciously release a question in order to receive the best answer? An aura reader, observing you do the technique, could tell if you were cheating by not releasing that question. Your aura would shift, depending on whether you did regular thinking about the question, analyzing it, or truly letting go.

An example of
regular thinking
is asking a question inside like, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Normally, you would answer this by using your everyday conscious mind.

Doing this, concentrating pretty hard, you would activate the related databank at your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Analyzing Life. Out would pop that chakra databank, extra big.

By contrast, consider
analytical thinking,
the mental process used to solve puzzles. As an example, you might think, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Hmm, I already know that he is controlling. What has happened between us? What has been especially upsetting?”

With several seconds more of focused analytical thinking, your Solar Plexus Chakra Databank for Analyzing Life would expand even more.

Now, let’s say that you ask that same question, only this time you really let go with consciousness. Using the “Questioning” technique, you think, “What are the dynamics of my cord of attachment to my neighbor, Joe?” Then you follow up with two Vibe-Raising Breaths, which help you to release the question completely.

Which chakra databank expands most now? It’s the Third Eye Chakra Databank for Compassionate Understanding of Your Human Life. “Analyzing Life” and many other chakra databanks would simultaneously grow smaller.

What fun, cutting cords of attachment with a great big forehead!

Myth Versus Gift Sets

Ready to learn more about your distinctive Gift Set for aura reading? Start by releasing
The Myth About Auras.

Supposedly, talented healers see auras. One quick look instantly reveals everything important.

What a weird idea this is. Limiting! Confusing! Wrong!

In the light of common sense, such a notion might even seem comical.

Auras aren’t some TV show with the sound off. They’re energy bodies around your physical body, encoded as abstract bits and bytes of information. Each human being has been given an instrument for decoding these bits and bytes, but here’s the tricky part: Each person’s instrument has a unique way of working.

Not fully using your instrument yet? I know I can help you. Here is the single most important thing I’ve learned from teaching aura reading over the past 20 years. Everyone has a complete
Gift Set
for Deeper Perception.

This is a collection of abilities and sensitivities. Your Gift Set has been hard-wired into your mind-body-spirit system. Like your handedness or your sexual orientation, your Gift Set is no mere whim. It deserves respect as a sacred expression of who you are as a person.

Courageous Explorer, you can trust that your set of gifts is perfect. It’s related to your SPIRITUAL MISSION, ways that you have come to Earth to serve humanity.

What does it mean to respect your Gift Set? Be willing to accept these basic facts of life:

  • Everyone was created equal, given a perfect and complete Gift Set.
  • Yet everyone was not created identical.
  • What matters is that you trust everything you experience while doing a technique for aura reading. Because spontaneously you will be using your personal Gift Set.

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