Dance (31 page)

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Authors: Teodora Kostova

BOOK: Dance
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would you even buy it? It’s not an antique, it’s not a designer piece,
not even pretty!” Fenix insisted. Jared didn't answer,
pretending to be watching the film intently.

needs a clock on the wall nowadays anyway? We should get one of those cool
projector clocks and get rid of the annoying ticking...”

got it to remind me you don't live here anymore!” Jared snapped and immediately
regretted it.

the sound coming from the TV, the silence in the room was so thick that the
damn ticking felt like someone was hammering nails in a tin wall.

Fenix asked quietly.

know how the
or any repetitive, mechanical
sound annoys you. So when you left I bought the clock to remind me that you’re
not here. As long as it ticked on the wall, you were not coming back.”

could feel Fenix’s harsh breathing next to him. He was so close and yet he
didn't touch him. He didn't speak. Jared felt him stand up and followed him
with his eyes, curious to see what was going on. He caught Fenix’s fuming
expression before he took the distance to the clock in a few angry, long
strides, took it off the wall, and walked out of the front door without
bothering to put his shoes on. Jared’s mouth was hanging open – he could not
believe what he was seeing. Where was he going?

ran to the window overlooking the back yard of the building and saw Fenix stomp
to the huge rubbish container and
the clock
inside. Turning on his heel, he walked calmly back to the entrance of the
building and, a minute later, waltzed back in as if nothing had just happened.

he said with an innocent smile, flopping back on the sofa.

shook his head, deciding against asking for explanation. The message was loud
and clear – Fenix was back, so the clock had to go.


It was a
beautiful day and Fenix definitely needed a change of scenery, so they went out
and strolled around London, enjoying each other’s company. The streets were
full of people taking advantage of the hot August day and the short London summer.

starving,” Fenix said suddenly, looking around. They’d come all the way to the
Southbank. “Let’s find somewhere to eat,” he added, grabbing Jared’s hand, tugging
him along.

found a lovely Italian restaurant with a terrace overlooking the Thames. Nobody
seemed to recognise them as they were seated at their table, which was a
relief. It had been a great day and Jared didn’t want to have to deal with any
intrusions. Not today.

you even remember when
was the last time you had such a long
?” Jared asked as he seasoned his

don’t think I’ve had such a long break ever since I got
. Frankly, I think I need it.”

nodded. Everyone in the theatre business was used to the gruelling schedule and
they rarely complained. But they were only human – everyone needed a good, long
break from time to time.

you excited about going back on stage?”

I can’t wait for you
to see the show. It had a little makeover,” Fenix said and grinned.

did?” Jared was genuinely surprised.
had been a huge hit for so long, and the producers usually went by the mantra:
‘Why fix it when it

,” Fenix hummed through a mouth full of food. “There are
two new songs and an incredible new final scene. I’m not sure how they’re going
to pull it off with the health and safety issue though...”

and safety issue?” Jared echoed

“You’ll see,” Fenix said with a wink. “We
start dress rehearsals next week. The rest of the cast, staff, and equipment
should arrive over the weekend.”

tried coaxing more information out of Fenix for a while longer, unsuccessfully,
when his phone rang. Casting an apologetic look at Fenix, Jared answered.

what’s up?”

grab a beer?” Adam asked. Jared could hear a
loud rustling sound.

are you doing?”

“Putting clothes on.
You coming or not?”

can’t. I’m already out for dinner.”

Adam asked. The noise Jared could hear through the phone died down. He could
just picture Adam standing completely still, half dressed, waiting for his


“With who?
All the people
you know will be at the pub in fifteen minutes.” The suspicion in Adam’s voice
was audible.

all of them,” Jared said, casting another look at Fenix, who was eating his
meal, trying not to pay attention to the conversation.

got to be fucking kidding me!” Another loud noise came from the other end of
the line that sounded suspiciously like a shoe being hurled against a wall.

the warning clear in his voice.

is bullshit and you know it, Jared! Don’t let him worm his way in your life
again or I swear to god...”

say something you’ll regret, Adam.” Jared was getting fed up with this shit.
Adam cared for him, he’d seen the devastation Fenix had left behind, but he had
no right to tell him what to do. He certainly had no right to threaten Fenix in
any capacity. Jared would not have it.

Do what you want. Just remember this – he’ll leave again and I’ll be the one on
suicide watch.

line went dead. Jared calmly switched the sound off and put his phone back in
his pocket.

I should have gone outside to take this.”

OK. I know Adam hates me. He always has.”

was no point in denying it so Jared didn't even try. Fenix had probably heard
the whole conversation anyway. Adam hadn’t tried to tone down his frustration
and keep his voice level.

hope you know we’ll never get along. I’ll never stop being jealous of him and
he’ll never stop hating me.”

nodded. He knew. He just hoped he wouldn't have to choose between them when he
told Adam Fenix had moved back in.


Chapter thirty one



Loud banging on
the dressing room door startled Fenix. He had just finished his dance work-out
and was relaxing on the sofa, waiting for Jared who should be there any minute
so that they can take a shower together. Fenix would never get tired of seeing
Jared wet and soapy in the shower...

Bang. BANG.

rolled his eyes and decided he’d better open the door. Whoever it was, he
wasn't giving up. Swinging the door open, he was stuck face to face with Adam.
A very angry Adam.
The man’s black eyes could melt steel
right now.

Jared here?” Adam barked. Fenix thought that if the man clenched his teeth any
harder, fillings would start flying.

He should be here any minute though,” Fenix replied. He took a closer look at
Adam and saw he was clutching a magazine in his hand. “Oh,” he said when he saw
which magazine it was. “By the furious scowl you have going on I gather Jared
didn’t tell you?”

he didn’t,” Adam snarled as he brushed past Fenix to walk inside. Fenix sighed
and closed the door.

the fuck is he thinking? Declaring he loves you in front of the whole world a
after you come crawling
back?” Adam raged, not really at Fenix but to himself. He was pacing like a
caged animal, his face twisted in anger and disbelief.

don’t think this is any of your business, Adam,” Fenix said flatly, starting to
get angry himself. He got it – Adam was Jared’s best friend, he was afraid
Fenix would hurt him again, and he was looking out for him, blah
. But the way he was
acting was totally inappropriate.

don't care what you fucking think!” Adam erupted, throwing the magazine against
the wall. “I know you’re going to leave again because you’re a fucking fame
whore. The moment a better opportunity arises you’re going to dump him again,
but this time I won't be able to pick up the pieces. I barely managed it last
time. So don’t tell me this is none of my business!”

not going to leave. He’s the reason I came back. You have no idea what I had to
do to get back here.” Fenix folded his arms defensively across his chest,
glaring at Adam. “I could have stayed on Broadway and my life would have been
much easier. I came back because I love Jared and I want to be with him,” Fenix
finished, his voice rising as he stepped closer to Adam and challenged him. If
Adam thought all this macho bullshit he was trying to pull was
Fenix, he was very mistaken.

right,” Adam huffed, and laughed sardonically. “I don't believe that for a

don't give a fuck what you believe. Both Jared and I are adults, capable of
making our own decisions. You’d better back off,” Fenix said through clenched

stepped closer to him. Fenix had to tilt his head to meet his eyes. He didn't
back down though, even though Adam towered over him.

wish you would disappear,” Adam said with quiet menace. “I wish I could erase
you from his mind and he never remembers you even existed.”

So that you’d take my place instead?”
Fenix shot back.
Adam physically recoiled as if he’d been hit. Fenix took advantage of the fact
that he’d struck a nerve and continued, “It doesn’t matter if you wipe his mind
blank. He’ll never love you the way he loves me. That’s the issue here, not me.
And I think it’s pathetic that you can’t even admit that.”

saw how Adam's face transformed from angry to hateful in a second. He took a
step back, genuinely worried by the hate oozing from Adam's whole being. If the
man had a gun right now, Fenix had no doubt he’d use it.

Adam didn't have a gun. So instead he drew his arm back and punched Fenix so
hard that the force of the collision threw him back and he fell in a heap on
the floor, banging his head on the wardrobe. His ears started to ring, his
vision going black around the edges. Fenix felt disoriented and his jaw hurt
like hell. If Adam decided to strike again, Fenix would have no way of
defending himself against the bigger man.

heard heavy footsteps around him and then the door slammed shut.

felt like crying. Crying! Like a fucking baby!

tried to move his jaw, opening and closing his mouth, and was relieved it
wasn’t dislocated. But it hurt so badly. He still couldn't see well with his
left eye and hoped the damage was temporary.

propping himself on the small coffee table, he pushed himself up and immediately
regretted it when he felt dizzy. Sitting down on top of the coffee table and
putting his head in his hands, Fenix hoped like hell he didn't have a

door opened again and Fenix heard Jared walk in, talking on the phone. He
kicked the door shut behind him and Fenix winced at the loud sound.

talk and movement halted as Fenix raised his head to look at him. Jared had
stopped mid stride and was gaping at him. Making a quick excuse, he ended the
phone call and moved towards Fenix.

the fuck happened?” Jared asked as he hurried to kneel in front of Fenix. He
must have looked pretty bad because Jared stared at him like he was a moment
away from welcoming death.

I’m fine,” Fenix said, waving Jared off.

hell you are! What’s going on, Fenix?” Jared persisted.

didn’t reply. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to lie to Jared about it, but
still biding his time, he saw Jared looking around the room as if searching for
clues. He watched in horror as Jared saw the magazine Adam had thrown lying on
the floor, conveniently opened on one of the pages of their spread.

face twisted in anger and he walked out of the room without another word.

Fenix groaned, running his hands over his face, wincing at the sharp pain in
his jaw. “I’m so sick of this shit,” he murmured to himself, standing up to
follow Jared. He had a very good idea exactly where he’d gone.

few minutes later, Fenix approached Adam's dressing room and heard shouting.
His head was still pounding, but at least his vision had cleared. Feeling
confident he could take on another confrontation, Fenix inched closer to the
door that was gaping open, taking in the scene in front of him. Jared was
standing in the middle of the room, his posture stiff and ready for attack.
Adam was sitting on the
touching his newly split
lip, glaring at him.

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