Dance (32 page)

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Authors: Teodora Kostova

BOOK: Dance
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stay out of my life, of
life! You
have no right to question my decisions,” Jared barked at him.

can’t believe you punched me over him! What, he needs you to fight his battles
Since when are you the white knight saving the princess?”
Adam shot back.

decided against letting his presence known. That was their fight. Adam had
lashed out at Fenix because Jared hadn't been there. Maybe it was a good thing
Adam had punched him – Fenix could bet Adam had fantasised about it for a long
time. Now that it was out of his system maybe he’d leave them alone.

no battle here,” Jared spat out. “We don’t need your approval.
don't need your approval. There’s
nothing to fight over – I love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with
him. If you have a problem with that, feel free to never speak to either of us
again. And I swear to god, if you ever touch him again I’ll kill you,” Jared
said flatly as he turned to leave.

kept his mouth shut for the first time in his life. Jared met Fenix’s eyes and
went to him, wrapping an arm over his shoulder and pulling him close.

OK?” he whispered, kissing his temple.

nodded and they left without looking back.


Chapter thirty two



Time flew by
when the whole musical arrived in London. The cast had an immense amount of
promotion and rehearsing to do, and Jared barely saw Fenix during the two weeks
before opening night. Most days they met only in bed at night, but Jared wasn’t
complaining. He knew it was all part of the job.

had also tried to coax some information from Fenix on how he’d managed to
convince the producers to move back to London. Fenix had promised to tell him
everything after opening night. Jared had no idea why but decided against
dwelling on it.

didn't really matter. Fenix was

still couldn’t believe Adam had punched Fenix. His friend was impulsive and hot
headed, but he’d never been cruel and violent. After their fight, Adam had
apologised, but things hadn’t been the same since. They both kept their
distance. Jared was sad their friendship had taken such a nose dive, but he
would not tolerate
Fenix like that.

sighed and turned off the water. A hot shower had been exactly what he’d
needed. It relaxed him after the show and calmed him before Fenix’s big night.
was about to premiere on Queen
Victoria’s stage in an hour. Fenix had been shaking with nerves all day even
though he’d been playing that role for almost four years.

Jared wasn’t allowed to watch
dress rehearsals. Fenix had been very secretive about it, mentioning some new
special effects and a couple of new songs, but nothing else. Jared was excited
and couldn't wait to see it. He shaved, styled his hair, got dressed in black
slacks and a button down shirt, and walked out the door with a huge smile on
his face.

like the last time he’d seen
open at Queen Victoria, Fenix had insisted on him watching the show from the
Dress Circle instead of backstage. Jared took his seat – no Adam to sit beside
him this time – and waited.

audience hummed excitedly around him, but the moment the lights dimmed and
Fenix’s voice came through the sound system, everyone quieted down and watched
mesmerised as the show started.

had been right – it was bigger, louder, and better. Jared couldn't take his
eyes off Fenix – he’d gone out early that morning, claiming he had an
appointment at the hairdresser’s before rehearsals, and Jared hadn't seen the
result until now. Fenix’s long, blond hair had been cut shorter at the sides, while
the rest was tousled in a messy, uneven style. The eye make-up he wore on stage
was bolder too – the simple black eyeliner had been exchanged for black,
sparkling eye shadow that covered most of his lids.

was striking.

was wearing his usual tight, leather pants that could be easily mistaken for
leggings, and a black t-shirt. When he started singing and moving, Jared wished
the show would never end. He could watch this gorgeous, talented, amazing man
perform on stage till the end of time.

had seen the
show so many times that even
the smallest
change was noticeable to him, but there were a few quite significant ones. What
made a huge impression on him was a new song – a ballad – that Fenix performed
while three barely-dressed women danced around him, touching him seductively.
It was the part where his and Joy’s character had separated, and Fenix’s
character had started sleeping with as many women as possible, often all at the
same time.


Wanting... waiting....burning...

Walking towards
the pleasure.

Sensing it... smelling
it... tasting it...


low, seductive voice started singing in a slow, sensual rhythm as the women
weaved around him. Jared instantly got hard. That song was sexy on its own, but
Fenix singing it brought it to a whole new erotic level.


Finally reach it.
Touch it. Want to grab it, squeeze it,
it all at

But touch it slowly,
softly, gently...

Enjoying every
piece of it, every single part.

Burning... playing...


god! Jared was so turned on. Right then, Fenix was the epitome of sex.


Wanting... to stay
there forever.

Never let go, never
let it slip away.

Loving while tasting
it... licking it...

Smiling... crying...


song picked up in rhythm, as if depicting the culmination of a sexual act, and
the more Fenix sang in that breathless voice, the more Jared’s cock pushed
uncomfortably against his zipper.


Pushing it hard...
harder... harder...


You’re mine! Want you!

Stay with me, be with
with me.

Slowing it
down...touching it softly... gently...

Kiss me! Taste me!
Hold me!

Hugging... warming...
breathing...... calming... whispering...

Tired of pleasure...
sleeping.... dreaming.... of you.


he actually trying to make Jared come in his pants? A few times Fenix had met
Jared’s eyes directly, as if he was singing only for him.
that song...
God, that song sounded so much like Fenix was describing
their own
love making.

had a hard time concentrating for the rest of the show. He noticed a few more
changes here and there, but the biggest difference, besides that fucking sexy
song, was the final scene.

started when the stage went completely black, staying like this for a few
agonising moments. People around Jared started murmuring in confusion, but
before they had a chance to brace themselves, the stage lit up again and water
started falling along the back wall. It was pouring! A light mist started
raining on stage as Fenix walked out, alone, dressed just in black leggings.
His skin gleamed as droplets of water slid down his chest, his back, his

started dancing like Jared had never seen him before. He looked so composed, so
relaxed, and so... free. After a few minutes, the water sliding down the back
wall of the stage erupted in fire and the whole audience gasped simultaneously.
Jared was amazed – it was incredible! How had the theatre even allowed that?
And how the fuck did that fire burn in water?

started singing and tiny drops of fire,
, began raining on him. He didn’t seem to mind which meant it was not
actual fire, but it looked so real.



Telling me
everything without a single word.



Seeing him in
everything, in my own reflection.



Giving me all the
tender love I’d ever need.



Joking, laughing,
All the time.
With me.



Teaching me how
to break all the rules.




The combination of the vision Fenix was in those tight leggings, his voice, his
movement, the water, the fire... It was incredible.

the song drew to a close, the lights dimmed, the fire disappeared leaving just
the water and the rain. Fenix dropped to his knees, arched backwards,
supporting himself with one arm extended to the floor behind him and tangling
his other hand in his wet hair. He breathed heavily as he kept his pose, his
chest heaving up and down, until the lights dimmed again and the curtain fell.

were a few seconds of stunned silence. Nobody moved. Nobody even breathed.

then the theatre erupted in applause. It was so loud and enthusiastic that
Jared could feel the walls vibrating.

lights in the hall came back on and people started standing up, applauding and
whistling until the whole cast, including a very wet and sexy Fenix, appeared
on stage and bowed deeply.


Chapter thirty three



Jared kissed
Fenix deeply, he couldn't help it. They’d made love three times that time after
’s premiere and Jared still
couldn't get enough. The man was intoxicating. Jared thanked life, fate,
– whoever was responsible for bringing Fenix into his
life. He felt like the luckiest man on earth.

love you so much, Fen,” he whispered as Fenix curled around him, burying his
head in the crook of Jared’s shoulder.

you, too,” Fenix said against his skin, his lips brushing the sensitive spot
where Jared’s pulse beat erratically.

new songs... Wow! They were amazing, Fen,” Jared said for the first time
tonight. They hadn't managed to get much talking in, besides Jared telling him
how much he loved the show and pouncing on him first in the dressing room, then
again at home.

really like them?” Fenix asked, raising his head slightly to look into Jared’s
eyes. Was it him, or did Fenix look a bit sad?

course I did, love,” Jared said and smiled, brushing his thumb over Fenix’s
chin. “That first one almost made me come in my pants! You were so hot... And
the final one – the whole production was incredible! I couldn’t believe what I
was seeing. The song was so touching, but combined with the water and the fire
and you, almost naked, it was breathtaking.”

grinned and leaned down to kiss Jared again.

did you do that, by the way?
The fire?”
Jared asked.

not real fire. It’s some synthetic
-effect they
developed in Japan. It was a pain in the ass to get all those special effects
on the show,” Fenix explained, rolling his eyes as if having water pouring down
the stage wasn’t such a big deal. “I wrote those songs,” Fenix said quietly,
almost shyly.


Wrote them for you.”

Jared didn’t know what to say. He choked up, remembering the songs, replaying
the lyrics in his head. They were for
“I... I don’t know what to say.”

looked at him with that same sadness again.

wrong?” Jared weaved his fingers in Fenix’s hair and pulled him down for
another leisurely kiss.

I promised I’d tell you how I managed to convince the producers to move back
here?” Jared nodded. “I threatened them I’d pull out of the show and they
wouldn’t have their award winning star anymore. But that wasn’t enough. Thanks
to Joy’s big mouth, they knew I was writing songs and choreographing some
dances, but I refused to use any of them in the show. Those two songs and the
final dance scene, which, by the way, was also inspired by you, were the
condition. I had to sign the rights over to them. Now, they can use them even
if I’m not in the show anymore.”

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