Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1)
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“Yes,” Grannie said. “That was
actually quite brilliant of me as well. Mrs. Walberg was so nice and
accommodating. She whole heartedly agreed with me that you should bring your
fiancé along to make the final arrangements.”

“What?” I sat back down and crossed
my arms lightly over my chest. “You can’t take credit for that. It was their
policy. Now I think you’re just getting a little cocky.”

The cat-like grin that spread across
Grannie’s face made me wonder if Grannie was, in fact, a genius as Derek had
said. “Mrs. Walberg just told you it was policy so you wouldn’t argue the point
with her.”

JT laughed and shook his head. “It
wasn’t enough that you threw us together twice a week for her dates? You needed
to get us alone on a date as well? I had no idea you’re so sneaky Grannie.”

“Can you blame me?” she asked. “Three
weeks had gone by without any material change. I needed a catalyst.”

“Did you plant the photographer?” I
asked and felt a blush rush up my neck.

“No,” Grannie admitted. “Why? What
does that have to do with anything?”

I caught JT’s eyes and he nodded his
head for me to fill them in. “Well he was your catalyst. He wanted one intimate
picture of us and told JT to kiss me.”

Grannie smiled. “Like I said—nature
did the rest.”

Derek clasped Jared on the shoulder.
“Sorry you’re bummed about it, man, but I can’t say the same. I’m so happy to
see JT with Jordan. They’re a ton of fun together. And she knows how to handle
him. Really puts him in his place. She even got him to agree to pay down his
student loans with my left over college funds, you know, because of my
scholarship and all. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, Jared.
They’ve got staying power.”

I turned to JT in surprise and caught
the wink he gave his brother. My heart felt on the verge of bursting with joy.
JT had agreed to use the money. When had that happened? Though I thought Derek
was giving me way too much credit. He had made a solid argument. Derek must be
elated. I felt so proud of JT for finally acknowledging how important it was to
his brother to have a voice and be able to show his gratitude.

Mrs. Billette sighed and walked over
to pull JT out of his seat for a hug. “I would say welcome to the family, but
you’re already a part of the family. So let me just say that I’m glad Grannie’s
scheming days are over and all is well that ends well.”

“Or did you have some plans for Jared
that you need to talk to me about Grannie?” She chuckled at Jared’s horrified
expression. “No? Ok, then we should break this party up and all get some rest.
It’s been an emotional roller coaster tonight.”


That’s LIFE



I could feel the corner of my mouth
curve upwards as JT rambled down the basement stairs and then sauntered across
the room towards me with a lazy smile on his face. A black t-shirt clung to his
shoulders and revealed well sculpted arms. I knew a muscular chest and six pack
abs lie just beneath the thin material. But it was the ripped thigh of his
relaxed fit jeans, with a hint of hair peeking out with each stride, which
caught my attention. I wanted to reach my hand inside of it and feel his skin
on mine.

“Where’s Derek?” I asked as he leaned
over to give me a lingering kiss.

It was wonderful to have our
relationship out in the open. No more schooling my features while around Jared
or resisting the urge to stare at JT’s gorgeous body. Jared was still smarting
from the revelation but seemed to be slowly warming up to the idea. I hoped a
night of playing games with the gang would help Jared feel more comfortable
around us as a couple.

“Dragging your brother out of his
room,” JT said and plopped down into the seat next to me. “Leah just arrived as
well. She’s chatting with Grannie—she’ll be down in a minute.”

I pursed my lips and then leaned over
to slide my hand provocatively into the rip of his jeans. We had a few minutes
and needed to take advantage where we could. Finding alone time was proving
difficult between JT’s work hours, Derek still living at home and Jared
suddenly monopolizing JT’s time as if to prove to himself that he was still his
best friend. JT’s hand shot out and stayed my roaming fingers.

“Easy babe,” he murmured and pulled
my hand out to kiss it softly. “I won’t be able to stand sitting here all night
with a woody. Just one more week and then Derek will be in the dorm.”

“Ugh,” I sighed and leaned my
forehead against his shoulder. “I can’t wait.”

“You can’t wait for what?” Leah asked
from the bottom of the stairs with Derek and Jared hard on her heels.

My head jerked towards the stairs.
Leah wore a lovely red tank top with fringe running vertically down the center and
dark wash skinny jeans. A wide buckle belt and brown leather boots combined
with her messy ponytail and swooping bangs gave the outfit a sassy vibe. I
stared in envy and wished I could master that perfect blend of messy

I put on my best smile. “I can’t wait
for this game to get started. You are H*O*T girl! You didn’t have to get all
dress up for me, honey.”

A light blush stained Leah’s cheeks.
“Who else do I have to get dressed up for?”

“I brought the entertainment,” Jared
said, waving five beer bottles in his hands before setting them down in the
center of the table. “Lay off your brother, JT. He’s in the comfort of our
basement. One beer won’t kill him and no one will know but us.”

“Fine.” JT nodded his head. “Welcome to
the adult table.”

Derek punched JT in the shoulder on
his way to the open seat next to me. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. “Hey
Jordan. What’re we playing tonight? A little Texas Hold’em? Black Jack?”

I got up to grab a board game from
the bookshelf. “Maybe later, but first we’re going to indulge in a good ole
fashioned game of LIFE.”

Jared threw his head back and glared
at me. “I know what you’re trying to do Jordan. You think I’m still not on
board with you and JT. Shit happens in life and you have to learn to deal with
it. Is that your message?”

I felt a slight blush creep up my
neck. Was I that transparent in the way I thought about things? It was exactly
the point I was trying to make. But there was no way I was going to let Jared
know he nailed it.

“Don’t be stupid,” I said, frowning
at him. “It’s just a fun game that we all haven’t played in years.”

“Am I going to have to chain you two
to your seats and gag you?” Leah asked with arched brows. “I’m not interested
in a repeat performance of last weekend.”

I smiled sweetly at Jared. “Nah, Jared
is just sore because I always beat him at this game.”

He stuck his tongue out at me. “All right
then, little sis, bring it on.”

JT was elected to be the banker and
we all pitched in setting up the board while agreeing that the youngest would
start, which meant I would be last to take a turn. Jared smiled wickedly at me,
reveling in the fact that as the second player he would have an early
opportunity for becoming a doctor. We both knew the doctor was a near shoo in
for the win.

As luck would have it, Derek had
first choice of the career cards. He hooted in triumph at his good luck,
“Doctor! Doctor! I’m the Doctor! All you suckers are going down. What do I get
for winning anyway?”

“How about a swift kick in the ass?”
Jared asked while spinning for his turn. He drew his career card and groaned
loudly before sinking down into his seat. Laying his career card on the table,
he covered his face with his hands in shame. He was the hairdresser.

I snorted and smiled at Leah from
across the table. “See? He is a poor loser. Maybe you’re right about men in the
medical field.”

“What’re you talking about?” Derek
asked as he grabbed a bottle of beer and took a sip.

“I refuse to date guys in any medical
profession,” Leah said. She drew the teacher career card and laid it down with
a satisfied smile. “They’re egotistical jerks with a God complex and only care
about money and themselves. What woman wants to play second fiddle to her man’s
career for her entire life?”

“Ouch.” JT said with a raised brow
and reached out to grab his career card. “Seems kind of harsh; don’t you think?
There must be one or two good guys in the lot of them.” A broad smile suddenly
appeared and he waived his career card in the air. “Second best career. I’m the

“That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever
heard,” Jared said and folded his arms lightly over his chest while staring at
Leah. “Who does that anyway? You’re stereotyping. There are some career paths
within medicine that don’t require complete personal sacrifice. Just because
you think your father is an asshole who doesn’t care about his family, that
doesn’t mean I’m one.”

I silently wondered if I was going to
have to chain Leah and Jared to their seats soon. Leah was unlikely to be
influenced by what the guys had to say about her aversion to dating men in the
medical field. Lord knew I had tried countless times to help her see the
absurdity of her resolve. I picked my career card and smiled over at JT.

“We’re going to be quite wealthy,
honey,” I said and flashed my card at him. “Only you’re supposed to be the

JT rolled his eyes at me and
chuckled. “Does that mean you’re ruling out all men in business as well, Leah? Most
Chief Executives have ‘EGO’ as their middle name and travel extensively. Why is
your bias only towards medicine?”

“Well for one thing, you don’t have
any control over when others get sick. It makes it impossible to plan.” She
shrugged her shoulders. “At least in business there are few situations that are
true emergencies and you can plan around important events in your life.”

I listened with half an ear to the
on-going debate and clapped when I finally came to a full stop in front of the
wedding chapel. Grabbing a blue peg, I brought it to my lips for a soft kiss
and winked at JT. “Hi hubby. I think I’ll name you Justin. You look dashing in
your tuxedo.”

I leaned over and gave JT a quick
peck on the lips. Jared put his finger down his throat and began making gagging
noises while Derek and Leah snorted in disgust as well. JT slapped me on the
leg under the table while shaking his head at me lightly. I knew I shouldn’t
antagonize Jared this way. I had meant for this evening to make him more
comfortable with my relationship with JT, not less comfortable. It was simply
too easy to tease him. But I resolved to try and behave myself.

“Why is it that men have to wear a
tuxedo at their wedding anyway?” JT asked. “Who wants to look like a penguin?
No thanks. I’m wearing a suit at my wedding. Or maybe a pair of jeans. Better
yet—make it a beach wedding and wear a pair of swimming trunks.”

“Guess you’re not the man of my
dreams after all,” I said, folding my arms over my chest. “My husband is
definitely wearing a tuxedo on our wedding day. I’ve already got the dress and
it needs a tuxedo to set it off perfectly in our wedding pictures.”

JT grabbed my hand and gave it a
kiss. “So you’ve decided I’m a frog instead of a prince already?”

“Humph!” I grunted with a smile
splitting my face.

On the next round Jared reached the
wedding chapel and placed a pink peg in his car, then glanced over at me. “I
think I’ll name my wife Leah. It’s such a beautiful name, don’t you think?”

And to everyone’s utter shock Jared
drew Leah’s face to his for a feathery kiss on her lips. He pulled away and
gazed into her eyes. “When is the honeymoon, baby?”

Derek was the first to break out into
peals of laughter followed closely by JT.

“You know you asked for it with your
teasing, right,” JT said, glancing sideways at me.

“Very funny Jared,” I said, flipping
him the bird.

But I didn’t find it very funny at
all. In fact, seeing Jared kiss my best friend was rather disturbing, and for
the first time I felt sympathetic to his situation. He had taught me a tough
lesson. I wouldn’t be teasing him anytime soon about my relationship with JT
because I didn’t care for a repeat performance. Glancing over at Leah I could
see the flush of embarrassment stain her cheeks. I would apologize to her
later. She had endured quite enough of my brother’s antics over the past couple
of weeks. Now it was my fault he had repulsed her with a kiss.

I focused my attention on winning the
game. Enough with the goofing around. I hadn’t been joking when I said I always
beat Jared at LIFE and I wasn’t going to stop my winning streak now. My journey
was slow but I wasn’t complaining; it ensured that my car was filled with

JT grabbed his bottle of beer and
gawked at my loaded car. “Geez, Jordan, give it a rest. You have four kids

I laughed and slapped him on the leg.
“I get to cash them in at the end. Don’t you know anything about LIFE?”

“Yes,” he said, chuckling at me. “And
in real life kids completely suck your cash out of you. In what world do kids
give money back to their parents? I say the fewer the kids the better.”

“Hey,” Derek objected. “Two kid
minimum. Otherwise Jordan and I wouldn’t exist.”

“Yeah!” I chimed in.

“Five is fun,” Leah said and then
chugged her beer. “I get along great with my siblings. There’s never a dull
moment. That’s for sure.”

JT shook his head in disagreement. “Two
max; one on one defense is the best way to go. Once you cross the line to three
kids you’re looking at zone defense, bigger cars and more money. I want to be
able to retire someday.”

“I’m all right with five,” Jared said
casually and leaned back in his chair. He glanced at Leah and continued with a
sassy edge to his tone. “And I’ll be able to afford five kids with my salary in
the medical field.”

Leah grinned and shook her head. The
rest of the game progressed slowly with long theoretical debates about what
we’d do in the various situations that presented themselves throughout the
game. I marveled at how much a simple board game could teach me about my
compatibility with JT and the happy life we would one day forge together. In
the end it was Leah who won the game on a teacher’s salary and a whole lot of
luck. So typical in life.


BOOK: Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1)
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