Date Night (Wish Come True Book 1) (18 page)

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And then Jordan was there; an angelic
vision in creamy white satin, her gorgeous dark locks swept off her face with a
satin band and tumbling down her shoulder in thick, soft curls. My breath
released in a resounding whoosh and I caught it again, holding it in an effort
to stay the tears sparkling in my eyes. Lord how I loved her smooth olive skin.
I had secretly hoped for a strapless dress that hugged her perfect form and
this one delivered in spades. The women would likely gush over the intricate
beading, but it was the sweetheart shape curving over her full-bosom that
caught and held my attention. She was a vision of loveliness.

And she belonged to me…forever.

Or she would in just a few minutes,
if Mrs. Billette and Grannie would stop with the crying and pick up the pace.
Jordan would probably knock me upside the head if she knew, but I just wanted
to rush through this next part and make it official. Solemn vows with no
turning back.

I watched Jordan walk slowly down the
aisle, the wide flowing skirt of her gown swaying prettily around her, and her
head nodding in recognition to this guest or another as she inched her way
closer to me. She wore an elegant smile and paused for Mr. Rogers to get the
perfect picture of the ladies. I shifted my position slightly so I could keep
her in my line of sight. I wasn’t missing a single moment of this day. 

When they were within a few feet of
the gazebo, I walked down the steps to greet them. Grannie and Mrs. Billette extended
their cheeks for a kiss before placing Jordan’s hand in mine so I could lead
her up the steps. Whether true or not, I would come to think of her brilliant
smile as belonging wholly to me; the one that lit her face up like stars
shining on a dark night. The one that had me wrapped around her little finger;
exactly where I wanted to be.

“You take my breath away,” I said,
gazing down at her smiling face and pulling her hand up to my lips for a gentle

“You stole my words,” she teased.
“The penguin look suits you.”

I resisted the urge to swat her on
the bottom and chuckled instead. We stood quietly at the precipice of the gazebo,
facing each other and holding hands, while the officiator spoke words of love
and commitment. I couldn’t keep track of the words, not when my eyes were lost
in Jordan’s dark brown mesmerizing pools, and the little smile that played on
her lips. What did that little smile mean?

My heart skipped a beat before taking
off like a race car from zero to sixty in a matter of seconds. In the
excitement of preparing for the wedding today, I’d all but forgotten about our
deal.  Tonight we would be man and wife and share the marital bed. At last. I
tried to repress the burst of joy that ended in a wide toothed smile and deep
rumble in my chest, but there was nothing I could do to hold it back. Let
everyone stare and shake their heads at me like I was a besotted fool. They
would be right.

When it was finally time to exchange
rings, I recited my vows quickly and placed the ring on Jordan’s finger. Her
hands trembled as she slid my ring over my finger. I squeezed her hand before
we faced the crowd.

“With the power vested in me, you are
now pronounced husband and wife.” The officiator leaned into us and murmured,
“You may kiss the bride. And
may kiss your Prince Charming.”

Jordan and I turned together to stare
at Grannie who winked back at us. I wasted no time wrapping my arms around
Jordan and dipping her low for a long, passionate kiss to a round of resounding




At the tinkling of silverware on
glass, I reached out to pull JT’s head over to mine and planted a juicy kiss on
his smiling lips. I should’ve brought some chap stick in my little purse. Bring
it on. Who was I to complain about the opportunity to kiss my husband so often?
JT was my

I gazed out at the banquet hall from
my vantage point at the head table. My family had thought of everything. The
simple white calla lily arrangement in a stout, round vase contrasted
beautifully against the deep red table cloths with white place settings. My
favorite decoration was still the white lights twinkling at us from the
rafters. It lent an undeniable romantic quality to the room.

I didn’t want the evening to end. The
meal was delicious and there was still the cutting of the cake, dancing to the
awesome tunes of DJ Mikey Mike, and throwing of the bouquet. My bouquet was
gorgeous with the alternating red and white roses and dark green foliage. But
it was the white pearls resting in the center of each red rose that made it
truly unique. Thank goodness my mother had remembered to buy a tossing bouquet.
I wondered who the next lucky girl would be.

“How did we do?” Grannie asked,
taking the empty seat next to me.

“It is perfect.”

My mother leaned up against the table
from the opposite side. “Anything we missed?”

“Nope,” I smiled. “I couldn’t have
done better if I’d planned it myself. Well the parts that had not yet been
planned anyway. I love the wedding bands you picked out Mom.”

“I picked out,” JT corrected while leaning
over to marvel at his handy work. “This is my wedding too and I wanted to
contribute to it.”

“Well I know one thing you didn’t
think about Prince Charming.” Grannie said, pulling an envelope out of her
purse and handing it to me. “Lucky for you I have your back. This is my wedding
present to both of you.”

I stared at the bold words written in
fanciful letters across the envelope—
Destiny Cruise Lines.
I perused the
contents—one week Caribbean cruise leaving from Miami—starting tomorrow. My
head snapped up and I shook my head before the words came spilling out of my

“No Grannie,” I said emphatically.
“You’ve already done too much for us. This wedding cost a fortune. I’m not
leaving you for that long. Your birthday is next Sunday. Did you think about

dan. Now you know your
mother pitched in a large portion of the wedding cost. And I’m not going
anywhere in a week’s time. I booked the early return flight so you could be
back in time to celebrate my birthday.”

I sighed and closed my eyes while
taking a deep, calming breath. I recognized her tone of voice. Grannie was not
going to budge. I could sit here and argue till I was blue in the face but I
wasn’t going to win.

“What’s a marriage without a proper
honeymoon?” Grannie asked. “Right, JT?”

“Keep me out of this.” JT laughed and
sat back in his chair, giving Mrs. Billette a wink. “I’m not choosing between
two of my favorite ladies.”

“I always knew you were pretty smart,
despite the fact that you married my sister,” Jared said as he poked JT in the
shoulder from around the chair. “I’ll take those tickets off your hands if
you’re going to sit there and whine about it all night, Jordan.”

I stuck my tongue out at my brother.
“Right, like you know anyone who’d want to be cooped up in a honeymoon suite
with you all week on a ship out at sea.”

“What?” he said with a smirk playing
on his lips. “You don’t think the chicks dig me? Well let’s just see about
that. Leah has been checking me out all night. See, she’s smiling over at me
right now. Not that you would’ve noticed, Jordan.” Jared rose from his chair
and started in Leah’s direction.

“Jared,” I hissed from my seat,
stopping him in his tracks. “She’s my best friend.”

“I know.” He flashed a devilish smile
at me and sauntered away, but not before calling out over his shoulder,
“Turnabout is fair play. Excuse me while I go work on Leah’s catching skills.”

I turned with gaping mouth to my
mother and Grannie for support, but they held up their hands in surrender, and
by the silly look on JT’s face, he was going to be no help at all.

“We’re going on the cruise.” I yelled
after Jared, but he was already out of earshot.


The Unveiling



I unlocked the front door to
house and then swept Jordan up into my arms to carry her over the threshold. I
couldn’t help but indulge in the traditional gesture. We probably should have
stayed overnight in a hotel closer to the airport to catch our early morning
flight to Miami. But I wanted our first time to be in my bedroom…our bedroom. I
had promised Jordan we’d make it back there eventually and tonight I would make
good on my promise. What was the point in spending the money on a hotel room
when we had no intention of sleeping? There would be plenty of time to sleep on
the airplane.

Jordan let out a surprised gasp
followed by a throaty chuckle. “Don’t drop me,” she said as she wrapped her
arms around my neck tightly and snuggled her face into my shoulder.

“We need to work on your utter lack
of confidence in my abilities.” I said drolly, gazing down at her with a smile.

“I’ve no doubt about
your abilities,” she teased. “But I step on a scale every day and the dress
can’t be helping the cause.”

I began to pant, as if her weight was
simply too much to handle. “Then I better hurry and get you out of it.”

“Finally.” She sighed and gazed up at
me, her eyes dark with desire.

All thoughts of teasing melted away
and were replaced with vignettes of the pleasurable fantasies I had been
conjuring up over the course of the past two weeks. Although I had been cockily
confident I could break down Jordan’s defenses and get her to cave into having
sex, she had proven quite stubborn in her will to make me cave first to an
earlier wedding date. It seemed to me we were both the winners now as I stepped
into our bedroom and set her gently on her feet.

My nerves popped aimlessly around my
gut, like the die caught in the bubble of a
board game
Every time I thought I had my nerves under control, they would pop up again and
land in another section of my gut. I wanted this first time to be perfect.
let it be perfect.

“Don’t move.” I said softly and then
walked over to open the blinds, allowing the light of the full moon to wash
over us and bathe the room in a warm glow. I turned Jordan around to begin the
daunting task of undressing her.

“Shouldn’t we turn on the lights?”
she asked softly. “You’re never going to get this dress off of me in the dark.”

“No. I’ll manage. I want to see your
full body by the light of the moon. Just like the night when you asked me to be
your fiancé. It’s really quite sexy.”

“Is that right,” she giggled while
smiling at me over her shoulder, as I slowly worked the tiny buttons open along
her back. “You were checking out the moonlight on my skin?”

“After I had already checked out your
ass, but you already know that. The best part was the way the moonlight
glistened on your wet bottom lip,” I said, dipping down to place soft wet
kisses along her neck and across her bare shoulder. “I was so close to touching
your lips that night.”

I could feel her body respond with a
slight shudder and my hands paused in their labor to reach around and pull the
bodice down just far enough to free her heavy breasts into my waiting hands.
Her nipples were already hard buds, screaming to be rolled lightly between my
fingers. I tugged and pinched each bud until she relaxed against my body and
let out a husky moan that sent blood rushing to my groin.

In that moment I knew she was already
wet for me, but I wasn’t done paying homage to her perfectly round mounds.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, I twirled her around and drew her nipple into
my mouth, sucking and licking one and then the other, over and over while
varying the intensity of the pressure of my tongue, flicking and then sucking
again. The little mewling sounds she made drew a smile to my face.

“Did I just make you purr like a
kitten?” I asked with a soft chuckle.

I felt quite pleased with myself at
the idea and it must have shown on my face because as soon as Jordan pulled
away and gazed down at me, she began giggling uncontrollably. Her large bosom
bounced and jiggled, causing me to join in laughing until my gut ached. Tears
rolled down her cheeks and she sat down next to me until we both were able to
finally catch our breaths. I continued the arduous task of undoing her dress,
anxious to see what was hiding under the satin skirt.

When the last of the buttons was
free, Jordan stood and stepped out of her gown to reveal the yellow lace
panties she’d worn the night of our hallway tryst. Only this time it was
accompanied by lace trimmed thigh highs and four inch spiked heels. I lost all
coherent thought as I lapped up the lovely vision she made and silently
motioned for her to turn around so I could get the full effect of the moonlight
glowing on her skin.

“You wore the yellow lace,” I said
with a hoarse voice. “I never saw them from behind.  It’s a fabulous view.”

She came and stood between my legs,
wrapping her arms lightly around my neck. “I had to improvise. I never planned
my wedding undergarments. I could’ve done much better.”

“I like these,” I said as I tugged on
the thigh highs. “Leave them on—the shoes too. Maybe you’ll get a purr out of

She chuckled and then stepped back to
unbutton my shirt, but I had lost patience for clothing and stood, yanking it
out of my trousers and then over my head together with my undershirt. Within
seconds, I was down to my boxer shorts and socks. Jordan slowly ran her hands
along my bare chest from my heart outward to my shoulders and then rounding
back to the center to slip casually down to the line of my boxers.

“It’s my turn to worship,” she
murmured while slipping her hands into the waistband and pushing my skivvies
over the round hump of my butt until they fell to the floor with a whoosh. With
a strength which belied her small frame, she pushed me back onto the bed and
kneeled at the edge, removing one sock at a time, but keeping her eyes locked
on mine.

“Socks aren’t very sexy,” she said
with a small smile lifting the corner of her mouth.

Spreading my legs, she lay on her
belly and propped herself up with her elbows touching my thighs. I rested my
head on my crossed arms and enjoyed the view of her lacy round bottom, with her
legs swinging in the air, and four inch heels swaying back and forth.  Very
HOT. But not as hot as her slightly parted lips which looked keen on drawing my
full length into her mouth.

“I could watch you like this all
night,” I said, smiling lazily at her. “Wish I had a camera.”

“Oh, hell no,” Jordan said, shaking
her head, “only in your dreams, babe.”

“Let the dreaming begin.”

I watched in breathless anticipation
as her hand enclosed around me and began to slowly rub my full length. Blood
raced to the spot and I grew even harder and longer. Her eyes popped up to mine
in a moment of utter amazement.

“You’re quite exceptional, JT,” she
said before she lowered her head and covered me completely in the hot wetness
of her mouth.

The force of it took me by surprise
and I shuddered lightly as I lay back flush against the bed, allowing all
thoughts to drift away, except for the sheer bliss of feeling her mouth licking
and sucking. She suddenly drew her knees up to her chest, propping herself up
on her hands and allowing for a better angle to draw me even further into her
throat. She was relentless, up and down my shaft in long, deep motions. I could
feel the pressure building, bringing me closer and closer to release, and
drawing a prolonged guttural moan from the depths of my gut.

“Don’t stop,” I cried out when she
lifted her head to gaze at me.

“That sounded more like a lion’s roar
than a kitten’s purr,” she said with a satisfied grin playing on her lips.
“I’ll take it.”

I lunged up at her, taking her by
surprise and flipping her deftly onto her back. The panties were disposed of
within seconds. “You want to hear me roar, just give me one minute buried
inside of you. You ready? I can’t be slow this first time. Maybe after the
second or third but I’m begging you to let it be fast.”

She nodded her head and I spread her
thighs with my legs, leading with my finger to make sure she was ready for me.
The hot, wetness greeting me nearly made me cum on the spot and I wasted no
time plunging into her depths.

“Holy…” she gasped and lifted her
hips to meet my thrust.

I stilled immediately. “Are you

“Don’t stop.” she cried out and
pulled my head down to hers to kiss me as I continued to pump into her, picking
up speed as our tongues dueled furiously. I felt her hands grasping at my back,
making their way to my butt and drawing me harder and quicker into her until I
suddenly burst into flames, my orgasms overpowering me and robbing me of my
ability to think. I collapsed next to her on the bed, trying my best not to
crush her.

“Fuck me.” I moaned. What the hell
just happened?

“Again already?” she asked with a

“Damn that was good. It was good,
wasn’t it?” I glanced over at her, suddenly worried that maybe I had miss-timed
the climax for her.

“Amazing,” she said and rested her
head on her elbow while she raked her gaze over my naked body. “I’ve never climaxed
so fast. But you’re just…too good to be true.”

“Ditto, babe,” I said and then a wide
grin spread across my face. “Thank God we didn’t suck at sex together; kind of
dangerous to wait until we were married to make sure we’re compatible.”

“Did you really have any doubts?”

“Not really.”

“Even if,” she said, “then we’d just
have to practice. I’m a perfectionist.”

“Maybe we should practice anyway.” I
ran my hand along her neck and then over her shoulder, making a slow but
definite trail down to the apex of her thighs. She was warm and wet and I
massaged gently, watching as her eyes darken with every stroke. I was hard
again within seconds.

“I think I lied earlier,” I whispered
as I slid back into her. “Maybe four times before I can take it slow.”

“We’ve got forever,” she said,
smiling up at me. “Just don’t stop loving me.”

“Never,” I sighed and wrapped her in
my arms.


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