Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (39 page)

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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Colton worked his strong hands all along Katy’s body, moving slowly and gently. His hands were rough with blisters, and each time he touched her it amazed Katy how gentle he could be, how soft his touch was.

“Oh, Colton,” moaned Katy, as Colton’s hands worked themselves over her breasts.

Soon they were past the thing Katy loved about Colton’s love making was how much attention he paid to foreplay. Some guys she had been with didn’t do it at all. And others seemed to know women liked it, but did it like it was chore, meanwhile they were just waiting to stick their dicks into something.

With Colton it was completely different. She could tell he liked it, or loved it, just as much as she did.

Soon Katy was down on her knees, and Colton was standing above her. He caressed her hair, then her shoulders. He reached down and cupped her breasts. Katy leaned down and took his big erect cock in her mouth.

She had never liked going down on any of the other guys she had been with. It had been her chore during sex…since every guy now seemed to expect it, due to pornography increasing its hold on the culture in general.

But with Colton it was different. She simply loved having his cock in her mouth and sucking on it. She loved trying to use her tongue to create different amounts of pressure, different sensations.

That’s one of the ways Katy really knew she was in love, as callous as it sounded…she had heard that before as a saying once when she was in college, that you aren’t really in love unless you love his cock in your mouth.

She also loved it when Colton fucked her mouth….

He would hold her head gently and thrust his powerful bull-riding hips slowly…pushing his cock deep inside of her mouth.

“Oh yeah,” said Colton, letting out a big grunt as he pushed his cock deeper inside Katy’s mouth.
Its tip spasmed as it touched the back of her throat.

She was careful not to let her teach touch his cock, but in this instance she let them just graze his cock.

It felt wonderful and painful to Colton at the same time. He let out another groan.

“My turn,” he said greedily, drawing his cock out of her mouth. He pushed her down on the bed, somewhat roughly, although she trusted him and knew that he was always in control, and would never hurt her.

She was lying flat on her back, with her breasts sticking practically straight up. He loved the way she looked.

He got down on his stomach, and with his strong hands pushed apart her legs…he needed a taste, a taste of her juicy treasure,
treasure between her legs…

He licked and licked…

Katy moaned, and began cumming.

Normally it took her much more effort to cum. But with Colton it was easy.

He knew the right techniques, sure, but there was something else to it too.

Meanwhile, Colton was slowly beginning to hump the bed…

He did it
simply unaware of what he was doing. His large cock made a little gully in the mattress as he humped away.

“Looks like you need to be inside me,” said Katy, breathlessly from her orgasm. “Come here on top of me, baby. I need you inside me. I need your big cock.” Katy had never been able to master dirty talk before…it was only with Colton that she felt comfortable enough to actually say all these ‘dirty’ words and phrases. It was really quite liberating.

Colton licked and licked away. He loved the taste of Katy’s juices…they were foaming wildly around her legs.

She actually had to tear him away from licking her. She grabbed his hair and pulled hard, so that he would come up on top of her.

He mounted her, pushing his cock deep inside her…very slowly and carefully.

Despite being used to the size of his cock by now, Katy gasped in spite of herself.

It felt wonderful for both of them.

For Colton, as soon as he entered Katy, it was as if he saw stars.

It was almost a religious experience for him…that’s how intense it was.

He rode Katy hard...for close to ten minutes. They had already tried out all the other positions in their other sessions, so now they just stayed in the typical missionary position.

They had both admitted earlier that they actually liked that position the best…at least for each other…they loved being able to look each other in the eyes as they fucked and as they came together.

Colton moaned as he came, his cock shooting its load deep inside Katy.

Katy came at exactly the same moment. She let out a groan.

Their eyes were locked.





“Wow,” I said, as Colton rolled off of me. He nuzzled up to me, cuddling against me. I loved the feeling of his body against mine.

“Wow,” said Colton, beginning to nibble on my ear.

“We still have enough time to make it to the park?” I said.

“Let me check,” said Colton, rolling over and reaching out for the alarm clock on the bedside table. “Shit,” he said. “I don’t think so. It’s already four o’clock. Just enough time to catch some dinner before going dancing.”

“What?” I said, in complete surprise. “We’ve been fucking for literally the whole day?”

“I guess so,” said Colton, giving me a sheepish look.

It had felt like a long session, but it was hard to believe we had passed away the entire day in bed with one another, enjoying our bodies to the fullest extent that we knew how.

I lay in bed as I watched Colton get dressed. I loved watching him pull his tight jeans over his thick and muscular thighs. I loved watching him button his pants, and buckle his thick leather belt. I even loved watching him pull on his shoes.

“You going to be ready soon, baby?” said Colton. “I’m going to grab a cup of coffee before we head out.”

“OK, baby,” I said. “I’ll be ready in a couple minutes.”

Colton left for the kitchen, blowing me a kiss.

I decided it was time to try a new outfit.

Especially if we were going out dancing…I had an idea of the type of place that Colton wanted to go to, probably one of these cowboy theme country bars with live music.

I picked out the appropriate clothes from my closet.

I put on tight jeans that really showed off the curves of my ass and my thighs.

I found a country style button down shirt and put that on. It was a little tight on me, but I liked the way it accentuated my breasts. I was feeling a little sensual, and wore only my sports bra underneath, which made my breasts look even more buoyant than usual.

Lastly, I found some tall cowboy boots my Father had given me years and years ago…I don’t think I had ever worn them before. They were a little uncomfortable, and had a somewhat high heel to t
hem, but they really completed
the outfit. The boots, along with a leather belt, made me look just like the girlfriend of a rodeo champion.

“Wow,” said Colton, coming back into the bedroom. “You look perfect!” He was beaming, and holding a cup of the cowboy style coffee that he drank every morning…or afternoon, depending on when we finally got out of bed.

“It’s a new look for me,” I said, grinning.

“You look perfect,” said Colton, again. “Now let’s get going. I thought we could head out there on my motorcycle.”

“Your motorcycle?” I said, hesitating a little. I’d thought maybe he’d forgotten about taking me on the motorcycle.

“Yeah,” said Colton. “I thought it’d be a good time to take you for a little ride on the Triumph.”

“All right,” I said. “It’s not something I would ever normally do. Honestly, the idea of riding on a motorcycle has always scared me half to death…but with you, I honestly feel a little safer....”

“Great,” said Colton, slapping my ass. “You look great in those jeans, Katy. Really sexy.”

“Thanks,” I said, blushing a little.”





It felt nice to Colton to have Katy riding behind him. He made sure she was wearing a protective motorcycle jacket and also a helmet that fit her well. That had always been his thing about motorcycles…to do things right. It’s not like he was a safety nut, or anything like that. It was just that he believed in having the proper equipment to do the job. It would be the same thing if he were trying to fix a car’s engine…it wouldn’t make sense to do the job without the right wrenches.

“You feel OK?” yelled Colton, turned his head back to try to speak to Katy.

From the little he saw of her face, Katy looked completely terrified. She was holding his back tightly with her legs and hands. He could feel that her body was completely tensed up.

“I’m all right,” yelled Katy, as loud as she could, over the wind.

Colton later would regret what he did next. But he just couldn’t help himself. He knew that Katy was scared, and he should have known that she was just saying she was OK, even though she was deadly terrified.

He had it in his mind that the motorcycle would be fun for the both of them, and when reality didn’t match his expectations, he tried to force reality into the mold of his expectations, rather than modifying his plan.

Colton also wanted to get to dinner quickly…it was an Asian steak house that was a little ways away, and his mind the evening wouldn’t go perfectly unless they ate some wonderful steaks before dancing…and he didn’t want to miss the opening band that he knew was playing that night.

He should have just relaxed…the important thing, he would remember later, was that he was with Katy, the love of his life.

“I’m just going to gun it a little but,” yelled Colton, turning his head just slightly to speak to Katy.

“What?” yelled

Colton didn’t have time to explain.

They were at a traffic light, and Colton could see from his vantage point on the Triumph bike that there was traffic for blocks and blocks. The traffic in recent years had gotten terribly bad, to the point of making driving almost impossible.

Colton was glad that he hadn’t taken his truck.

So he did what he did when he would have done if he had been alone.

He gunned the engine, shifting down to get more torque, then rapidly shifting gears as the bike rocketed forward. The motor was really a mechanical marvel, allowing almost unparalleled acceleration.

Colton expertly weaved through the cars in front of him until he was driving the bike on the shoulder.

A police siren sounded behind him.

“Shit,” he thought.

But again, he did the least responsible thing. He did what he would have done if he had been alone. In effect, he wasn’t taking Katy’s feelings into consideration.

Katy was griping him as tight as ever. It was almost hard to breath. Her knees were digging into his body in such a way that was hurting his abdomen.

But he pushed the motorcycle forwards, faster and faster, weaving in and out of the cars.

He knew that not only would the police not chase a motorcycle as fast as his, but that there was simply no way they could weave through the traffic the way he was.

,” cried Colton in joy as they finally made it out of the mess of traffic and onto an open roar that led to the Asian steak house.

Colton parked the bike neatly in the parking lot.

“Some ride, eh?” he said, smiling to himself as he took off his helmet.

“You bastard!” cried Katy, uncharacteristically mad. He had never seen her like this.

She took off her helmet it one swift motion and swung it like a bowling ball...when it completed its pendulum-like arc, the top of the helmet connected with Colton’s abdomen.

“Oh shit,” cried Colton, doubling over in pain.

The blow would have hurt anyway, but it hurt Colton even more because Katy had hit him right where the bull had gored him. Since he had been faking that he wasn’t still experiencing pain from the goring, Katy had no way of knowing how much pain she had caused him.

But she found out soon enough as Colton fell to the pavement, doubled over, clutching his abdomen.

“Oh no, Colton!” cried Katy. “Are you OK? Colton, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I really didn’t I was just so scared and so angry that you did that…that you…”

“I’m OK,” said Colton, finally managing to speak.

Katy bent down and tried to help Colton up.

It took a few minutes before he was able to stand with her help.

They made there way into the restaurant, Colton limping and walking slowly, most of his weight supported by Katy. She was stronger than she looked…even though she had an athletic body, most people wouldn’t have suspected that she could not only put so much force behind a motorcycle helmet swing, but also support almost the full weight of the reining US rodeo champion.

They sat down and studied their menus in silence for a few minutes.

“I’m so sorry, Colton,” said Katy again. There were tears in her eyes, and Colton knew that she really was incredibly sorry.

“It’s OK, Katy,” said Colton, and he meant it. “I shouldn’t have pulled that stunt with the motorcycle. I really should have taken your feelings into account more…it’s jus that that’s what I would have done if I had been on my own.”

“I know that,” said Katy. “But you’re with me now. You’ve got to think of me too, especially when I’m on your motorcycle with you. You put all that motorcycle gear on me, all that protective gear, and then you pulled a stunt like that. We could have been arrested…or even killed.”

“Well, I have to say I think I knew what I’m doing on a
…” said Colton. But he saw the look on Katy’s face, and changed his words. “I mean, you’re completely right, Katy. The thing about it is that I’m not used to being a couple, I guess. I’m not used to riding my bike with someone else, so to speak.
Both on the road and in life.
Everything I’ve ever done has been a solo project, whether it’s been riding the bull or riding the bike. I’ve been alone.”

“I’ve been alone, too,” said Katy, a despondent look coming across her face as she remembered all the loneliness she had felt in her life before meeting Colton.

BOOK: Deep End: A Bad Boy Sports Romance
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