Defender (Battle Born Book 4) (19 page)

BOOK: Defender (Battle Born Book 4)
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“That was…unbelievable.” She sounded almost sleepy, but when he tried to pull his hand away, she grabbed his wrist and shook her head. “More. Show me more.”


Chandar held tightly to Raylon’s shoulders as his fingers filled her core. It felt natural, pleasurable, and so utterly different from the things she’d endured aboard the
It became easier and easier to ignore the insidious whisper trying to resurrect her fear. Rayon held her. Raylon touched her. And her mate would never intentionally harm her.

She sped the motion of her hips, taking his fingers deeper. His thumb hovered over her clit, stroking the sensitive nub at the apex of each stroke. She watched his eyes, reveling in the hunger she saw in his gaze. Even his prosthetic eye seemed to smolder with sexual need.

“I’m not afraid.” She squeezed his fingers with her inner muscles. “I want you inside me.”

“I am inside you.” He curved his fingers and dragged the front wall of her passage.

Sensations radiated out from some inner trigger and she gasped. He’d already given her pleasure with his hand. She wanted to feel their bodies join, to know for sure that their bond was stronger than the demons haunting her past.

She wiggled away from his hand and pushed him over onto his back. “I need this, Raylon. I really need this.”

A deep sigh escaped his mouth, but desire blasted across their link, assuring her that he was more than willing to accommodate her needs. She quickly unfastened the front of his pants and he did the rest, twisting and kicking until he was as naked as she. “If you want me,” he said with a challenging smile, “come and get me.” Then he raised his arms and buried his hands behind his head.

He spread before her like a buffet, all toned male flesh and gold-tinted skin. Unable to resist the temptation, she started at his elbows and ran her hands down his body. His breath hitched when her thumbs passed over his nipples and she paused to investigate.

“Are your nipples sensitive like mine?” She caught one between her thumb and forefinger, gently rolling until the knot of flesh peaked. “Apparently so.” She bent and mimicked his technique, holding his hardened nipple between her lips while she teased the tip with her tongue.

“Keep that up and I’ll come without you. I don’t think I’ve ever been this hard before.” His voice sounded gravely, harsh, yet his gaze was warm and caressing.

The ache between her thighs had never been this intense and she’d just had the best orgasm of her life. She looked at his cock and the darkness swelled into view. No! She would not be defeated by fear. She ran her hands down his chest, across his well-defined abs and onto his hips.
Every amazing inch of Raylon belonged to her. His fierce personality would protect her. There was no reason to be afraid.

“Touch me, angel. I need your touch just as badly as you need mine.”

The sensual plea made her bold. For Raylon to ask rather than order was delightfully telling. Only with her was he this gentle. She curved her fingers around this thick shaft and slowly lifted it away from his abdomen. “Your skin is so soft.” She caressed him with her thumb, fascinated by the contrast. “But underneath is
hard.” She stroked his entire length then teased the flared tip with her thumb. Moisture leaked from the tiny slit and her gaze flew to his. “Did you just come?”

His eyes were tightly closed and his jaw obviously clenched. “No, but if you don’t stop that, I’m going to.”

It was thrilling to realize the power she had over him, but it was power he willingly surrendered. The most feared warrior in the battle born rebellion was allowing her to command him, control him. Humbled by his trust and selflessness, she swung one leg over his body and straddled his hips.

He caught her wrist as she reached for him. “Let me get you started.”

She wasn’t sure what he meant, yet she moved her hand and let him show her. He guided his cock to her opening, but rather than push inside, he circled her, rubbing against her clit and lubricating himself with her cream. Only when she was squirming and he was completely covered did he position himself for their joining.

“Now lower yourself onto me.” He moved his hands to her hips. “Take as long as you need.”

What she needed was his fullness to banish the empty ache. She sat up then slowly slid her knees out, lowering her body in the process. He slid deeper and deeper, spreading her, filling her until their bodies were completely joined. She watched his face and felt his pleasure meld with hers as their bodies fused.

“Oh gods.” His fingers dug into her hips, his entire body tight as a bowstring.

He was trying not to rush her, trying to allow her to remain in control, but it was obvious he was dying. She slowly raised her hips, then lowered them a bit faster. He maintained their alignment, while allowing her to set the pace. She braced her hands against his shoulders and found a better angle as she used her knees to create the rise and fall.

“Try this.” The words were so distorted by need that they were barely recognizable, but his hands guided her, showing her how to roll her hips rather than bounce up and down.

She soon found a gliding motion that had them both gasping out loud. His hands moved to her breasts, lightly squeezing as she took him deep with more and more force. Her eyelids kept drooping as sensations blurred her vision, but she didn’t want to close her eyes, didn’t want to lose the comforting sight of his face, his eyes.

He sat up suddenly and wrapped her legs around his hips. Then he slid his hands beneath her, firmly cupping her ass. “Watch.” He motioned to where their bodies joined then moved her as easily as if she weighed nothing. “That’s me, only me, filling you, loving you.”

Loving you
? Did he love her already? All he’d seen was the broken shell the others had left behind. How could he possibly love her? But affection washed over her along with his words and she needed to look away. So she hesitantly did as he said. She watched his shaft disappear into her body, over and over. It was stark and overtly sexual, but it represented something so much deeper. She’d found her mate, or more like her mate found her. In the darkest moment of her life, Raylon lifted her into his arms and carried her to safety.

“Now close your eyes and summon the image.”

With her lips pressed together to hide their trembling, she closed her eyes. It was all too much, too poignant, too perfect. How could it possibly be real?

Darkness overshadowed her mind, but then she saw Raylon filling her, forcing away the demons, claiming her as his own. She surrendered to the intense rush of warmth blasting from his mind as well as his body. They moved together, graceful as dancers, the movements older than time. His body surrounded her and filled her. There was no room for anything else. She moved with him and rubbed against him, finally unafraid.

One of his hands pressed against the side of her face and his mouth covered hers. She returned his kiss and abandoned herself to the sensations rolling back and forth across their link. Without fear tainting the experience, each sensation was more intense, each emotion more meaningful.

Tension wound through her, propelling her toward release. She wanted this to last forever so she fought back the urgency. Raylon tore his mouth away from hers and grasped her hips, thrusting up into her with almost frantic need.

“I can’t wait, love.” His harshly panting breath fanned her parted lips. “Come with me. Now!”

He drove his entire length deep into her body as pleasure contorted his features. She felt the warm gush of his seed and her control snapped. Arching her back, she let the sensations claim her, safe in the knowledge that her mate was soaring at her side.

They clung to each other, breathing in unison. His hands moved up and down her back as she rested her forehead against his shoulder. The staggering pleasure had barely begun to recede when images burst into her mind. Flashes of light then gasps of pleasure as lovers wrestled on a narrow bed. A man’s fist tangled in spiky, green-tipped hair as he pounded into the woman from behind.

Chandar forced her mind to focus, to analyze the images as they rolled through her mind. The vision pulled back, briefly showing her the room, clearly an officer’s cabin on a Rodyte spaceship. But was it the
as they thought? So many of the ships looked similar.

Milanni cried out, jerking Chandar’s attention back to the bed. The man held her arms at the small of her back with one hand and fisted her hair with the other, but the expression on her face made it obvious she was not being abused. Chandar tried to release the image, to move on through the ship and ultimately identify the location, but she couldn’t look away. Their bodies strained, movements violent as they surrendered to the darker side of passion.

Then just as suddenly as the vision had started, it ended. She lifted her head and looked into Raylon’s eyes.

“I thought you went away there for a minute.” He brushed her hair back from her face. “Did you have a vision?”

She nodded. “I saw Milanni. She is on a ship, but I wasn’t able to determine which one.”

“You will.” He framed her face with his hands and kissed her gently on the mouth. “We’ll just keep doing this until you do.”

Danvier pinged her mind and she tensed. Had he sensed her vision or the fact that she and Raylon were finished making love? It didn’t really matter. She wasn’t ashamed of either. Carefully lowering her shields, she allowed her brother’s thoughts to reach her.

What did you see?
he asked without preamble.

Okay, it was the less embarrassing of the two. She still needed to reinforce her shields.
Nothing helpful, I’m afraid. Milanni is on a ship, but I couldn’t tell if it was the

If your visions have returned, it won’t be long.
He paused and she sensed his hesitation even though he was shielding his emotions.

What’s wrong?

I’ve been trying to reach Garin, but he hasn’t responded. I think he finally passed out from exertion. Would you… Are you with Raylon?

She smiled at Raylon then used their empathic link to pass Danvier’s signal into Raylon’s mind.
Go on, Danvier. He can hear you.

I hate to disturb you, Commander. But I’ve been unable to reach Garin. I had a vision a short while ago and I’m not sure what to do with the information.

Give us a few minutes
, Raylon told him.
We’ll meet you in the courtyard.

I’ll be waiting.

She raised her primary shields, then muted her link to Raylon without closing it off completely. Until she regained control of her abilities, it was a wise precaution to allow Raylon immediate access to her emotions. That way, if anything threatened her, Raylon would know. She was far from helpless now. Still, she was honest enough to admit he was better at keeping her safe.

With obvious reluctance, Raylon separated their bodies and crawled off the bed. She followed him into the utility room where they quickly washed up. He offered to help her, but she wisely refused. The sooner they found out what Danvier needed, the sooner they could return for round two.

By the time they’d made themselves presentable, Danvier was pacing the courtyard. Danvier’s concerned gaze took in her flushed cheeks and Raylon’s arm possessively banding her waist. For a moment, Chandar feared he’d object.

Instead, he smiled and said, “You look well.”

“I feel well,” she assured him. “Now what did your vision reveal.”

Danvier’s features blanked as he looked at Raylon. Harbingers were taught to reveal only what they wanted others to know. The technique was obviously second nature with Danvier. “Javin Aidentar is dead. Haven Tandori has been acting in his stead, without anyone’s knowledge, for the past four months.”

Raylon scratched his chin as his mind filled with possibilities. Chandar could almost see the synapses firing inside his brain. The Integration Guild was the largest and most powerful Guild on Rodymia. Quinton might consider himself planetary leader, but whoever controlled the Integration Guild was the true ruler of the Rodyte people.

“Does Ulrik Tandori know,” Raylon asked after a long pause, “or has Haven concealed this from everyone?”

“Vinton knew,” Danvier told him. “I’m not sure about Ulrik.”

“What about the canine shifter?” Chandar asked. Daughters often knew more than brothers, though few Rodyte males were willing to admit it. Besides, Berlynn Tandori had been there when her father died. If anyone other than Milanni understood why she’d visited that cabin, it was Berlynn.

Danvier shook his head. “I don’t know. The shifter was not in my vision.”

“This could be the opportunity we’ve been waiting for,” Raylon mused. “Javin was a stanch isolationist. He refused to become involved in any political conflict. But many within the Integration Guild disagree.”

Chandar hated to argue with Raylon, especially in front of her brother, but she didn’t understand his position. “Even if Javin has passed beyond, what does the Integration Guild gain by supporting the battle born rebellion?”

“That’s what we need to figure out.” Without further explanation, Raylon turned back to Danvier. “Have you spoken with anyone else?”

Danvier shook his head, making his long silver braid shimmer. “Shall I wake Garin?”

“Not yet. Let me do some digging first. We need more information.”

Danvier nodded to Raylon then turned toward his sister. “Sleep well.” He paused for a knowing smile. “It’s wonderful to see that your strength is returning.”

Impulsively, she stepped forward and gave him a quick hug. “We need to have lunch sometime soon so we can catch up.”

“I’d like that.” He kissed her on the cheek then returned to his suite.

“Your suite or mine?” she asked Raylon, but she already knew the answer. Each fact Danvier revealed left them with unanswered questions. As soon as Raylon’s curiosity engaged, Chandar knew she’d lost him for the rest of the night.

BOOK: Defender (Battle Born Book 4)
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