Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles) (41 page)

BOOK: Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles)
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I release his cock, not wanting to push him over the edge too fast and he tries to replace my hand. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers, holding his hand. His eyes meet mine and his confession of love is written all over his face. The look in his eyes tells me everything I thought I would never get to see, let alone have, and the pleasure soars.

I take his other hand in mine, holding on to him as I continue sliding in and out. My thrusts become more urgent, more desperate with each passing heartbeat as I look into his eyes. I lean forward, releasing one hand to brace myself, not wanting to pin him down below me. He raises his head and I slant my lips over his.

Desire intensifies the moment we make contact and I can’t help sliding into him a little harder, wanting to bring him to orgasm without allowing him to touch himself. I want to take that pleasure.

I slide my tongue along his and swallow his cries of pleasure and I feel him tense and relax a few times. I am so close. I want to bring him over with me so I pull back from our kiss and take his cock into my palm. “I’m so close,” I breathe, “But I need you with me.”

He nods and I stroke up on his cock and slide back down as I pull out, up - in, down - out. Over and over. His body starts to shake and he cries out, “Eric, damn it…fuck me.” I shudder and push into him harder and faster. “Oh fuck, I’m there,” he cries out and I push in, pull up and down in and out.

“Fuck, Calvin,” I cry out as my orgasm takes me over the edge, pouring myself into him and his cock hardens, jerks and explodes all over him as he screams my name.

I give him a few gentle strokes as I milk out the last of my orgasm. I look at him, and his eyes are closed, satisfaction and bliss are written all over his face and I start to extract myself slowly and he grunts. A little pain, a little… I watch as he swallows hard. Not good. “Cal, talk to me.”

“I…I don’t know.”

I wait on baited breath for the pain of that statement to hit me and it never comes. I realize that it’s because at this moment, whatever is flying through his head has nothing to do with me. I watch as he flinches as the head of my now soft cock comes out and I finally release his cock as I take a deep breath.

That’s when he launches off of the bed, headed straight for the bathroom and I hear the heave and my heart sinks.

I felt the roll as soon as my orgasm subsided. It’s a roll I’m not entirely unfamiliar with, but damn it. What a fucking way to ruin pure bliss.

I heave again, but this time nothing comes up, thank god.

I sit down, making sure that I’m not going to hurl again and as my stomach settles, I remember Eric. “Eric, can you come here?” I call out and it doesn’t take but a few heartbeats before he is standing next to me.

“Forgive me.”

“For what?” His voice is concerned, scared even.

“For throwing up. It…that was fucking amazing, Eric.” That’s all I can say when I see the hurt expression on his face. “Without throwing out my past, this um, this is kind of normal for me.” I look up at him. “I can usually suppress it and move past it without actually throwing up, but,” I give him a smile, “But I’ve also never felt anything like that before. I’ve never been taken over the edge like that and…and I didn’t get a handle on myself. I’ve always prepared myself, been able to fight it…but I’ve never been so lost in myself that I couldn’t-” He leans down and silences me with a finger against my lips.

“Calvin, if I have to deal with this after having sex with you for the rest of my life, I will gladly deal with it if it means I can be with you,” he tells me. His voice is sincere and the love I feel when I’m around him and that I feel for him is reflected back at me.

I give him a half smile. “I don’t want to keep doing this, but…for the first time in my life, Eric, I…I feel normal, I feel happy, blissed out, at peace. I feel so much right this moment that I don’t even have the words for it. That, that was pure magic,” I tell him and I watch as a smile spreads across his face and his eyes light up.

“Really?” he asks and I nod. He leans in to kiss me and I turn my head. “Hey,” he grumbles.

“Dude, I just threw up, you don’t want to kiss me,” I laugh.

He joins in and stands up. “Come on, let’s get your stuff and,” he wraps his arms around me, “Take a shower with me?”

I kiss his shoulder. “I’d love that,” I tell him and he kisses my forehead before letting me go and leaving the bathroom.

I step into the shower, turning the knob and adjusting it as the water warms up and Eric comes back, one of my bags in his hand. The one I usually keep all my bathroom crap in and he sets it on the sink before coming over and wrapping his arms around me while I finish with the shower.

I turn in his arms and kiss along his jaw, up to his ear and down along his neck. “Brush your teeth,” he growls at me and I smirk, nipping at his chin before releasing him. He lets me go so I can go to the sink.

When I start brushing my teeth, he is standing behind me, watching me. “What?” I say with toothpaste covered lips and my toothbrush still in my mouth.

He chuckles. “Nothing. Who knew something so mundane and every day could be so sexy?”

I laugh and spit toothpaste from my mouth and clean myself up before I turn around and I barely get there when his lips land on mine. I chuckle again as he kisses me hard.

I wrap my fingers in his hair and hold him to me as he continues kissing me like nothing I’ve ever had from him before and it steals my breath.

During our shower, Eric washed me. It was sweet and unexpected. You know, I never saw myself as the receiving type of person, but with Eric it just comes naturally to me. He’s like a big-ass teddy bear who you just want to snuggle next to all night, which I get to do.

When we got out, I dressed in some sweatpants and a tank top. We both decided that we just wanted to stay in and order room service and watch some TV or whatever strikes our fancy and I’m good with that. Sure, I like to drink and go out and party and have a great time, but for the first time in my life, hanging out with him sounds like more fun.

“What do you want to eat?” Eric asks as he hands me the hotel binder.

“You,” I tease him and he blushes a little.

“For dinner? Hmmm, protein? Might work.” He smirks. “Pick something.”

“Yes, sir,” I tease him and he gives me a Cheshire grin. “Oh no, don’t you dare get used to that,” I tell him and he laughs.

“I won’t. It’s kind of weird.” He gives me a scrunched up look that makes me smile. He looks so young and innocent when he does that and given what we were doing an hour ago, I know that’s far from the reality.

I take a few minutes to look over the menu while Eric gets comfortable on the couch. I tell him what I want and he picks up the hotel phone and places our order while I snuggle into him on the couch. We flip through the pay-per-view movies and settle on some comedy. I didn’t really pay much attention. I was too absorbed in being snuggled up to him, we could have watched Titanic for all I cared in that moment.

When our food arrived, we ate, or rather scarfed down our food. I didn’t realize until the food was right in front me just how hungry I was. Staying in was an odd novelty for me because usually when we’re on the road, we’re always out and about, but by the looks of things, no one was heading out for the night.

I snort.

“What’s so funny?”

“Have you ever thought about how much has changed since we started this tour?” I ask him, still smiling from my snort.

“No, not really, why?”

“Well, think about it. We’re pent up in a hotel.”

“Better than the bus,” he mumbles.

“True, but we’re not the only ones staying in tonight. No one seems to be going out. Dex is wrapped up in Raine, and I’m pretty sure the same goes for Talon, Kyle and Addison.”

“But it’s been that way since New York.”

“True, but now we’re included in that list. Rather than hitting some bar somewhere in a new city, we are sitting here, finishing dinner with no plans of going out,” I tell him.

“Do you want to go out?” he asks, raising an eyebrow at me.

I shake my head back and forth with gusto and he laughs. “I just think it’s kind of weird how much one little tour has changed all of us in ways we would have called someone crazy for before we started.”

“Huh, you’re absolutely right. But it’s also probably a good thing. I mean, if you think about it, we’ve all grown up a lot on this tour.”

He frowns at me. “What?” I ask.

“Well, I guess we all always knew that eventually we’d settle down with someone.” I snort because I hadn’t thought about it until I made the decision to get over my fears of being with Eric, to work at this. “Okay, most of us,” he corrects with a snicker.

His cell phone rings then, ending our conversation and he looks at it, frowns and puts it down, “You’re not gonna answer that?”

“It’s Jess.”

I shrug. “When was the last time you talked to her? Answer it, I don’t mind.”

He continues to ignore it. “Nah, come here,” he says and I crawl back up on the couch and snuggle into him. He wraps his arm around me protectively before kissing my forehead. “She’ll leave a voicemail if it’s important,” he says before turning the movie back on. I smile. Feeling warm and protected is something he has no problem doing for me. He makes me feel like I can conquer anything, regardless of what it is life has to throw at me, no matter what demons I may possess, he’s going to deal with me as I am.

“I love you,” I whisper and his hand comes up to my chin, lifting my head so that I can see him.

“I love you,” he breathes before claiming my lips in a soft, sensual kiss that quickly turns me on, driving me toward the desire of being back in the bedroom with him. Only this time, it’s my turn to claim him.

BOOK: Defining Us: The Calvin & Eric Story (69 Bottles)
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