Delicate (25 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Campbell

BOOK: Delicate
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I swallow.  And
then I
do a mental countdown to work up my nerve.


“Do you want to stay for a while?”

Grant nods and follows me back into the living room. There’s some old 70s game show rerun on that I have zero interest in. But there’s no way I could concentrate on anything anyway, so I don’t bother looking for something better. Still, we both sit
there. Quiet. Feigning interest in the show. Like a couple of middle
schoolers on their first date.

“So, my mom mentioned
going to pick up shooting of your show in the next week or so, right? Are you okay with that?”

“Yep,” I say. I pull my hair back and twist it into a knot on the back of my head.

“I mean, I just worry that…” Grant doesn’t finish.

Drama. Trevor. Yeah, I get it.

“You worry a lot,” I say.

“Sorry ‘bout that.” He smiles.

He reaches over and tucks a piece of hair that’s already fallen from the loose knot back behind my ear. And it’s then, when the familiar goosebumps cover me, that I realize how much I’ve come to crave it.

I suck up my nerves and rearrange myself so that I’m sitting cross-legged facing him. Only a few inches separate us now.


“I’m sorry you had to see all of that today. I’m so freaking embarrassed.” I try my hardest not to look away from him. To maintain that constant eye contact that he specializes in.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for.”

He runs his thumb along my arm.


“Yeah, I really do. Trevor shouldn’t have caused a scene like that. And I shouldn’t have let you get so involved.”

“The thing is, I want to be involved. If you’re a part of something, I want to be there. I can’t for the life of me understand why you’re even involved with that guy, but I can’t change your mind. It doesn’t mean that I don’t want to be there for you, though.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.” I finally have to look away.

“Sydney,” he breathes. The way he says it and the warmth of his breath inundate me. There’s so much emotion behind those two syllables. I can’t make sense of how he does it. Grant leans in and wraps his hand around the back of my neck, his long fingers tickle and tangle the baby fine hairs. Softly, he pulls my face in toward his and rests his chin on my forehead.

“You’d never have to
for anything from me
. I’d do anything for you
, you know
And then some.”

He tips his head slightly and presses his lips to my forehead.
warm and electric. But it’s his words that stun me. Wrap around me. Leaving me tumbly and
with an inexplicable longing. I don’t think about what I’m doing for once. I don’t calculate risk. Or weigh options. I don’t think about deductions for imperfect form. I just do it.

I press my lips to his. At first he’s frozen. But it only takes a second before his mouth and the rest of him reacts. He pulls me in by my hips and crushes his mouth onto mine. It’s warm and intense and everything I’d expected it to be. And better. All of the months of pent
up attraction and fascination
and the result
s nothing short of exhilarating.

His grip on my hip is firm and protective, without feeling possessive. It’s so different
from what
I’d experienced before. He parts my lips gently and his warm breath fills my mouth. One of his hands moves to my face and the other rests just under my tank top on the bare skin of my back.

This is a completely new feeling. Even with Trevor, I never experienced this level of desire. Something about our connection is so different. It’s just so much more than physical with Grant. But the physical stuff is amazing. Right now, in this moment, in these arms, I understand just how hard I’d been fighting it.

I lean back on the sofa and pull Grant down on top of me without releasing his lips. He lets out a low, soft moan and positions himself carefully so that he isn’t actually putting any weight on me. I wouldn’t care if he was. I
to be near him.

He unlocks his lips from mine and moves them to my neck. My entire body is tingling at the feeling of his mouth on my skin. I don’t ever want it to stop. I wonder if he has any idea how amazing it feels to be so close to him. Or how good he is at what he’s doing. He moves his lips to my collar bone and
from there, down the length of my arm. The kisses
slow and he intertwines his hand in mine.

“Sydney,” he sighs. He’s stopped kissing me, but the room is still spinning. He’s not holding me anymore, but is sitting on the floor, kneeling
beside me on the sofa, but
might as well be a continent away now.

“What’s the matter?” I ask self

He exhales sharply. “We can’t do this.”

“What? Why not?” My insecurity takes over and the room comes to an abrupt halt.

“Trust me, there’s nothing I’d rather do.” He leans in and kisses the top of my nose. I won’t look at him. “But you’ve got to figure out what you want for yourself. I told you, I don’t want to complicate things, and that’s exactly what
is doing.”

Please stop trying to be a good guy and just go back to kissing me.

“I don’t want to stop.” I let the words tumble out before I can stop them. He lets out a deep chuckle,
apparently my honesty is amusing.

“You have no idea how much I don’t want you to.” He breathes in my ear. His voice is nearly hypnotizing me again.

“Did I do something wrong?” I ask.

“Sydney, be serious. I’ve made it completely clear how I feel about you. I’d like nothing more than to be able to kiss you every second of everyday. And then some. But you need to make up your mind about what you want. And
you want.” He’s still holding my hand and rubbing it along the side of his face.

But he cheats on his own rules and lightly kisses my ear, causing the pleasure
filled vertigo to return.

“Will you at least stay with me tonight? I mean, just sleep?” I ask. I don’t even recognize my own voice.

He doesn’t respond right away. He just looks at me, thinking about what the right thing to do is. He’s forever trying to do the right thing.

When he speaks, he sounds unsure, and maybe a little pained.

“I would kill to be able to wake up next to you in the morning, Syd. But with Maisy here…it’s just not the best idea.” It dawns on me that it’s actually hard on him. He’s trying to convince himself just as much as he’s trying to convince me.

I frown, a big, childish pout.

“You’re making it incredibly difficult for me to be the good guy right now,” he says with a soft laugh. He lightly breezes his thumb across my pouting lip. “Let me at least get you up to bed.” Grant effortlessly scoops me up into his arms. My first instinct is to argue that it’s not necessary to carry me, but I decide against it. It likely wouldn’t do any good, and I want to be close to him. So this time, I don’t shy away from his grip on my thighs, and instead, bury myself into his strong chest and his clean, warm smell. He takes the time to walk to each of the lamps while he holds me and turn them off before heading up the stairs.

“You’re going to have to point me in the right direction,” he whispers. Maisy has already gone to bed, and the hallway is dark. I point to my bedroom door, the second one on the right, and Grant carries me inside, holding me as close as possible.

“So, this is your room,” he says. He glances all around
, t
aking in the trophies and photos. I cringe when he stops to inspect a photo of Trevor and
. Happy. Close. Grant doesn’t flinch, or otherwise react. I get the feeling he’s not intimidated by Trevor —or my relationship with him, whatever that is.


Finally, Grant carries me to my bed and sets me down. I pull my down comforter up over m
y body
. I catch his eyes drift over to the alarm clock on the nightstand and
frown, anticipating his next move.

“It’s getting really late. You’d better get some sleep…big party tomorrow, remember?” he says.

“I guess,” I concede with a heavy shrug. I can already feel my eyes getting heavier now that I’m in bed. It’s been a draining day.

“I’ll lock
up on
my way out. Call me tomorrow.”

I nod and let my eyes close. I feel the warmth of his lips on my forehead. I can’t even dream anything this good.



The next day is one of those busy days that leave you euphoric from having been so productive. Maisy and I clean the house, grocery shop
and rearrange the living room. Thanks to Grant breaking the ice, she and I talk more than we have in a long time.

“Hey, Syd,” she says. We’re folding laundry on the couch. It’s nothing serious, but her face is thoughtful. “I’m sorry your plans got messed up this weekend. Sorry you have to stay with me.”

I toss the t-shirt I was folding back into the wrinkled pile.

“I’m not,” I say.

“And I’m sorry I’ve sorta been a jerk lately.”

“Maisy, you haven’t,” I say. It’s a lie. She has. But she’s my sister. My only sister.

“Yeah, I really have. It’s just that I get jealous of you.” She’s analyzing three different socks to decipher which are matches.

“Why in the world would you be jealous of me?” I’m flo

“You have everything. Gymnastics. The cool boyfriend.
Or two
,” she says with a broad smile. “And you had mom…”

And there it is.

“Maisy… I work really hard at gymnastics. That’s not something that comes easy. You could do really well at things, too
if you tried. As for Mom, you’re right. I feel guilty about that every single day. The boyfriend stuff, well, that’s a lot more complicated…

She shrugs.


Maisy’s friends show up later that night. Dad had talked with each of their parents before he left to let them know that he’d be out of town and it was just me at home,
but still, they all came to the door to check on things, and talk about gymnastics and the show. I hate being a spectacle. I debated whether to call Quinn and Tess to come stay with me and the girls, but decided against it at the last minute. I hadn’t really been a great friend to either one of them lately. I’m glad there’s only a week of school left, then I’ll have some more free time to devote to my friends.

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