Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) (11 page)

Read Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series) Online

Authors: Setta Jay

Tags: #Erotic Paranormal Romance

BOOK: Denying Ecstasy (The Guardians of the Realms Series)
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His body jolted as if he’d been shocked. What the fuck was going on with his beast? Electricity wasn’t one of his abilities, and he didn’t know what the fuck it meant, other than his beast was turning against him.

He dove into the crystal-clear waves, his body changing as he slid into the soothing liquid. He felt the transformation in his bones and enjoyed the rush that relieved some of the biting pain. His teeth grew sharp, his body got longer, muscle thickening. His tail wasn’t like the others of his race, not shiny and iridescent. His was a sleek steel grey dotted with a line of spikes up the back. He shot through the water, all other sea life giving him a wide berth. They knew he was a predator that could rip them apart if they dared venture into his territory. He cut through the water, moving first around the island and then down, diving deep to the dark tunnels below. He needed to refuel his energies, and this was his private space. He tunneled through until it opened into a big cavern that glowed with rock in blues and green. A shallow ledge spanned twenty feet, where he could lay with his back in the water and look up to the ceiling above. He retracted the fin spikes and lay there in partial shift, soaking in the world’s energies, fuel all Immortals needed as much as humans needed food. He imagined her body. His female. He shook his head. No, not his. Never his. He could never trust a female even if he allowed himself the thought of happiness. He knew he would find a way out of it, but regret was starting to bite at him. He was beyond thinking clearly.

He closed his eyes and stroked a hand over his hard cock through the silky-smooth second skin. It wasn’t enough to pull it free, he needed to spread his legs and tug at it hard, so he changed back to human form. It had become more and more difficult to come as of late. Like his body was storing it for his mate. He frowned. Immortals needed release to keep at optimum levels. Jacking off wasn’t the best or most effective, but it helped a little. Or used to…

Visions of her filled his mind. Her eyes flashing in anger, or glazed in pleasure as he held her small body tight to his, and then slowly the images changed. It was as if he was seeing through her eyes. She was in a tub, looking down through the heavy swells of her tits. His lids shot open. Fuck, he
seeing through her eyes. What they’d done, his tasting her lips, had obviously tied them closer. His chest rose and fell and his heart pounded at the implications. If he’d taken her, it would have been stronger yet.

He closed his eyes again, seeing so easily through her; why wasn’t he hearing her thoughts? His brothers had heard their mate’s thoughts. He didn’t like that somehow it was different for him. Had the little mortal shielded from him? Not if he was seeing through her eyes. He’d made sure to protect his own mind from her in the hallway. He shook his head and closed his eyes again. She was lying in a white tub, her smooth legs bent, and he watched as water caressed her heavy breasts. The way the spray moved wasn’t natural. His eyes shot open, and he cursed. Water was her element. All mortal Mageia had an element, and hers fit him perfectly; it wasn’t always the case in Mageia-Immortal pairings. The water moved in a hard stream now, beating against her flushed breasts. Her small hands lifted and caressed the heavy mounds as the spray focused on both nipples at once before moving and sliding over her skin like a lover’s hand. Her body moved and slid inside the space, causing his dick to pulse in his hand.

He could show her just what that water was capable of doing to her. Shit, he needed to stop thoughts like that. He closed his eyes again and saw more. Fuck, this was a sick invasion, but he couldn’t stop himself. He couldn’t have her in real life, so he would steal this small pleasure.

He saw goose bumps blanketing her tanned skin, and they were covered with sweet drops of liquid he wanted to lick off. He saw faint lines from where she’d obviously tanned in a very tiny bikini, and he wanted to rub his face all over that small triangle between her thighs. Her smooth flesh was shaved or waxed so that he could see every inch of her mound but not further from her perspective. He pumped his dick, feeling like he might blow the roof from the cavern when he finally came. His cock throbbed, and he ached to come.

She firmed the water to a pulsing spray that pounded over her mound and lower, the water moving, tracking as her hips shimmied. Her slick body writhed in pleasure. His breathing was ragged, and sweat was beading on his chest. He could almost feel her heat through the bond. It was faint, but enough that his beast sent sparks of pleasure to his cock. Thank fuck for that. She tilted her hips up, and he caught sight of a small sparkle. He groaned so loud it echoed through the cavern.

His breathing was erratic when she moved the spray. It looked like she was pushing back and forth from her clit to her opening. Was she imagining him as she masturbated? Did she wish the water was his mouth gliding over her wet flesh? He shook off those thoughts. It didn’t matter. His balls were pulling tight, and the fact that he was watching her get off made him the biggest of tools, yet it didn’t stop him. Nothing could. He was too mesmerized by what he was seeing.

She slowly moved the water over her thighs and stomach, teasing herself. He knew her sweet little pussy had to be aching like his dick, yet she still hadn’t taken her orgasm. He pumped harder and swirled his thumb over the pre-come that was seeping from the tip of his cock. She tilted her hips, giving him another view of that sweet little piercing that made his dick pulse. He couldn’t take his eyes from that tiny sparkle at the top of her clit, and he knew there would be another one lower. Damn, he wanted to see it, lick it. Son of a bitch, the thought of putting his mouth and teeth over that piercing made him ache. He knew how she smelled now, ached to have that scent all over him and down his throat. At the manor it had taken everything in him not to lick her liquid from his finger after painting it over her lips. Fuck.

The taste of her lips and mouth had him salivating. Her sweet come would set him on fire, might even fuel him more than the energies coming from inside his cavern.

He had to snap the fuck out of this. Imagining was fine. Watching and fantasizing while he stroked his dick to the sight of her, like some pathetic Peeping Tom, wouldn’t forge them closer. She wouldn’t even know he was there unless he spoke through their link. He wanted to. He wanted to order her to give him more, show him more. He wanted her to find a mirror and position it between her spread thighs. He’d tell her to use her fingers or a fake cock, watching it slip in and out coated in her slick honey. Why wasn’t she using her fingers? Fuck, she was tormenting him, teasing them both, though she didn’t know it.

She teased the water over her breasts again, then back down. If he were there, he’d fill her pussy with the water she liked to play with. He could get it so much deeper, rushing inside her channel and sliding it back out to cascade over her ass. His muscles shook as he watched. He needed to stop the madness, but couldn’t, not until he saw her come.

She’d said he hadn’t earned the right to her, and she was right. He hadn’t earned it, and he had no intention of trying. She was sexy as hell and had spirit. He knew there was more just under the surface, but he wouldn’t ever know what that was. He didn’t deserve to know.

He pushed those thoughts away as he watched her back arch and her body tremble as she finally came. His dick jerked at the sight of the water riding her pussy and gliding over her torso, bringing her down. Fuck. He pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head. Everything had gone dark. She’d probably closed her eyes.

He opened his and pulled on his dick, thoroughly disgusted with himself. His dick throbbed, but he knew it would stay that way. Painful blue balls were to be his constant companion until he found a way out of this fucked-up situation. His dick hurt, and all he could do was lay there and try to think of anything else. He couldn’t stop himself from looking again. He gritted his teeth as he searched, only to see plain tan tile walls.

He was fucked. He didn’t want to think about what would happen if he couldn’t find a way out of the mating.


Chapter 6

Kane’s Compound, Tetartos Realm


He hated the redheaded bitch with a passion. Kane truly wished she would fuck up and refuse to use her gift. Her ability was the only thing keeping her alive. He didn’t want anything to do with her, but it was the only choice he had unless she decided not to work for him.

“Elizabeth.” He infused the name with the disdain he felt for her. “You either use your power to contact Cynthia as I’ve instructed, or I finally kill you.” She was testing him, and it was irritating. “Either way I’ll get what I want. If you’re unable to get me more females from Earth Realm for Ian and the others to work on, I will take my chances with finding some here on Tetartos. Ian is the new head of the labs, and as such, we get him what he needs to do his job. I don’t care how.” He would rather not risk getting test subjects in Tetartos again after the last massive failure.

The blame for that had fallen completely on Cyril’s arrogance in taking the young Hippeus that interested the Guardian Gregoire. He’d had a bad feeling about taking her, and it ended up with the Guardians descending on Cyril’s old compound. With the bastard dead, it fell to him to make decisions on how the place was run. He hadn’t worked his way through the ranks and done vile things only to allow the research to fail now. Cyril had been a sadistic bastard, and he didn’t mourn him in the slightest. He only wished the son of a bitch hadn’t taken his knowledge with him to the grave.

Elizabeth’s silver eyes swirled with a mixture of madness and calculation. She made his skin itch. He had been made her keeper by Cyril before he’d died, but it wasn’t a pleasant task. She was a twisted and demented female. He’d fucked her during that initial punishment, but he’d not been able to stomach touching her again.

She grinned evilly before purring, “Yes, you could get other females here, but you’d never be able to contact the Tria without me.”

“I don’t give a fuck about the Tria. That was Cyril’s shit. They mean nothing to mating research, which is the only thing I care about. You really are expendable to me,” he spat out. He’d never liked dealing with the sadistic fucks in Hell. It had always unsettled him, and he’d be damned if he shipped any other females to them. Their bodies couldn’t go, those were trapped on Tetartos like all the other inhabitants, but Cyril had no qualms about sending their souls to the demented beings. That was one thing he wouldn’t do now that he was in command. Elizabeth’s grin fell, and he saw the moment she realized just how fleeting her existence could be under his reign.

He grinned wide at how pale her skin had grown.

He hated her with a passion that ran deep, but he would rather use her power than attempt to get more Mageia in the cities of Tetartos. Her ability was the one thing that kept her alive when Cyril was the leader, and it would be the only thing that kept her alive now. As long as the bitch used it. If she screwed with him, he’d kill her and be happier after having finally rid the Realm of her existence.

“Fine, Cynthia will be in desperate need of a fix by now, and she’ll be in an entertaining amount of pain.” Elizabeth’s eyes shone with pleasure at the thought of the Earthbound Mageia suffering.

He clenched his jaw at having to work with such a disgusting creature. She’d treated him and his men sadistically for the centuries he’d worked for Cyril. That changed when Kane had been charged as her keeper; it was the only good thing Cyril had done in his reign. Kane had allowed his males to dole out some pain of their own, and she seemed only more twisted for it. She’d more than earned every bit of suffering she’d experienced, though, and those males had deserved the retribution he’d given them. She’d tormented them while under Cyril’s protection, and before, when she was Apollo and Hermes’ pet. None had dared to raise a hand against her, fearing that Cyril would punish them. He’d been a scary bastard.

He gritted his teeth, needing to focus on the task at hand. Ian and the others were going through the samples he’d taken before they’d left the lab. The male was attempting to understand why Cyril had ordered Kane to find more Mageia with rare offshoot powers. Not the normal air, earth, water and fire, but some mutation of the ability. Anticipation filled him. He knew Cyril had been close; he may have even found the answer before he was killed by the female he’d taken and secreted away. In the back of Kane’s mind he knew that the only way she could have killed him was if she’d gained Cyril’s power as a mate. He didn’t believe even an ounce of the story the Guardians had fed to the cities. They were hiding the truth of that death. He wanted to know why. If Cyril really had mated the female, it would explain the Guardians’ lies to the others in the Realm. They wouldn’t want the others to know that Cyril succeeded in finding a way around the mating curse.

He glared at Elizabeth. After all the decades he’d suffered with Cyril’s maniacal behavior, all the time he’d spent working his way through the ranks, the answers he needed were almost his.

“I’ve already made arrangements to transport payment. Do not screw this up.” He gave Elizabeth a deadly look that promised pain if she went against him. He truly would enjoy ending her. The fingers of one hand wrapped around her throat, and he lifted her off the ground to make his point. So easily he could snap her delicate neck. They were both Aletheia, but he’d been honed and battle ready for longer than he could remember, whereas she was merely a sick whore that spread her legs for any that would keep her safe from the Guardians’ wrath. There were more Immortals than he could count that wanted her dead for her part in Apollo and Hermes’ labs before the Immortal exile. She was hated nearly as much as Cyril had been. Her death would eventually be his gift to the Realm.

She looked at him, defiance bright in her silver eyes. Her long curly red hair ran down his arm and over her bare chest. He’d not allowed her clothing as part of her punishment. His cock twitched, and the response disgusted him.

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