Desire (13 page)

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Authors: Ember Chase

BOOK: Desire
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“You know what happens if you do.”

“Yeah, I do. We have been friends
for a long fucking time, I couldn’t live with myself.” She reaches across the table and grabs my hand. I give it a squeeze and pull it away, running them both through my hair.

“So, you don’t have to worry about me fucking Gloria and I can’t play with your
harem anymore because…” Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes, I just spit it out. “I have a girlfriend now. I fell in love with my last client and the last three weeks have been the best of my life.” I peek at her through one eye and see her mouth gaping open. “And I have a major fucking problem, obviously, because she belongs to Luke. Officially.”


“As in, they’ve been together for more than a year, she’s met his parents, and he wants to marry her.”

Eyebrows raised, Sloane takes another bite of her pizza.
“Shit, dude. That is a lot more official than a fucking collar,” she mumbles.


“Well, congratulations.”

“That’s it? You’re not going to ask if I have her tied up in a shipping container somewhere or if I have any idea what I’m talking about?”

“No,” she scoffs. “I take it you told Jace first.”

This is why I love Sloane. Aside from Maya, she is the only person in the world that knows me, that doesn’t think I’m like the bastards I work for
. She isn’t waiting for me to show up at her place with a body in my trunk, not that she’d be completely surprised if I did. But she trusts me more than I trust myself.

“I had to. He’s spying on her from an apartment across the street from her right now.”

“Really,” she says flatly, taking a big gulp of her drink. “That was proactive. Where do I come in?”

I don’t even have to ask. “I need an alibi for Gloria, who is going to be very difficult to deal with.”

“Man, I am less than ideal. She has to know what we’re doing.”

“I know. It’s a
pretty big complication, but I don’t have a lot of options. The fact that your club doesn’t look like a giant lesbian sex dungeon anymore should help.”

“Probably not that much
, if you don’t want her to think you’re fucking around behind her back. It would look better if we had a big fight or something.”

Holy shit. That is a great idea.”

“We could pretend that you bailed me out from the massive amount of debt I’m in and strong armed me into taking
51% or something. The place is going to look like it’s yours anyway, it shouldn’t be that hard to convince her.”

s too high, there would be a paper trail. It might set my dad off.”

an off the books deal, maybe 25%. Everyone knows my ego wouldn’t be able to handle that, I would totally cut you off from the Pussy Palace.”

For Gods sakes, stop calling your harem that, Sloane. It sounds like a porno from the seventies.”

She completely ignores me. “
Since it won’t be in the black for a while, it will make sense that you’re there all the time. And once we open, you could meet her there sometimes. If she’ll go for that.”

“You’re that fucking sure the place is clean?”

“You are going to be even more fucking paranoid now, aren’t you? Yes. Clean as a vegetarian nun’s asshole. Have Jace sweep the place every week if it will make you feel better, I don’t care.”

“She might
go for that, I don’t know.”

he already gave you the ultimatum, huh? I knew this day was coming, I just didn’t think it’d be so soon.”

“No ultimatum.

“Oh. So you didn’t tell her?”

“I told her,” I say, but Sloane obviously knows I’m leaving something out. “Okay, she sort of tricked me into telling her, I probably would have kept it to myself. It upset her quite a bit, but I think that was mostly from the shock. I don’t really know how she feels about it, and honestly, I’m not sure how I do. Because it feels… wrong somehow. Though the naked homecoming present might have been the real problem.”

“If you and Jace had ever tag teamed some chick, it wouldn’t be an issue even though your balls were rubbing together.”

“That is a good point and thank you so fucking much for that visual. It’s still different, though, because we have
tag teamed,
” I shoot back condescendingly, “quite a few chicks. Plus, Jace and I never considered fucking each other.”

“It was an experimental phase, I just wanted to see what it would be like with a guy.
It isn’t unheard of for dudes to be curious, too.”

“I guess. But Maya didn’t ask me to stop seeing you, so it’s not an issue

“Maya. Cute name.
” One I didn’t mean to say yet. I am really fucking tired. “So how would that work if she did ask? Like, would you listen to her?”

“I do not want to end our friendship, no. But if it tore her heart out every time I saw you, I don’t know what I’d do.”

“You’d tell her to get over it because you’re in charge.”

is definitely not how it works. No one’s in charge. There are no rules.”

“So you’re just going to let her do whatever she wants?”

“Yes, Sloane.”

“Dude, that
is going to get old fast. Tell me you’re not vanilla now.”

“A little bit, yeah,” I laugh. “I guess it’s more like a swirl or a sundae. Sometimes there are a
lot of toppings, sometimes not.”

“Toppings? Nice pun.”

“Thanks. But it’s only in bed, not outside.”

“Huh. I couldn’t do that.”

“You can’t be monogamous, either.”

“Shit, I can’t even wrap my head around that one. You can still fuck around, she wouldn’t know. But you are one honest motherfucker.”

” Okay now I’m pissed and she can see it. “
is way too literal. I’m moving back in with Gloria, remember?”

. You’ve been gone for so long you, I’m not used to self-editing. And this is just weird for me.”

“It should
n’t be that much of a surprise.”

“Well it is. I’m happy for you, I really am, and I will help you in any way that I can, I swear. But this is just bizarre now that it’s real, not some fantasy. I can’t even picture it, I need some time to get used to the idea. And my girls are going to be
disappointed. Like, totally, completely devastated. Sure you don’t want a farewell party? No one will find out,” she teases, grinning at me.

“You don’t get it. I have no desire to cheat on her, this is not a struggle. I don’t feel like I’m giving anything up.” I may as well be speaking Greek, she looks so confused I start to laugh. “At all. Not even a little bit.”

“If you say so...” she replies skeptically.

“And you can use their disappointment to our advantage.
Forbid them to even speak to me, act really pissed, but don’t tell them exactly what’s going on. The just have to think we’re at odds and the rumors will spread like wildfire. They’ll get to Glory fast, once she comes back.”

“Do you have any idea how long she’ll be in Tokyo?”

“It would be awesome if I got the rest of the summer, but I doubt I’ll be that lucky.”

“Are you going to live with Maya? Isn’t that a little risky?”

“Yes. Risky is the word of the day, Sloane. Every single time I go over there. Which reminds me… you’re never going to believe this, but Kim lives in her building. And I sort of need her to move out so Jace can move in. And he’s your head of security now.”

“Woah, woah, woah.” She shakes her head.

“You said you’d help.”

“Okay, I know, but try to phrase it in a way that makes it seem like I have a decision here. Jace handling security is an obvious choice.”

“Please. I need him in that building. Luke could fucking beat her to death in the time it will take him to cross the street. It’s like fate is giving me this one, along with doing me about a hundred other favors.”

“Such as…”

“Her best friend is the daughter of the District Attorney and a State senator. Which is why my father actually wants Luke to ditch her, he asked me to chase her away. One of my best friends is in private security, the other owns a soon to be thriving nightclub relatively close to her house, and her girlfriend actually lives in her fucking building. I sort of feel like I’m getting a little help here from the Universe or God or something because without any of that, this would be almost impossible.”

“Dude, the
is not your friend.” She rolls her eyes at me. “It also sent you Gloria and a shit ton of other obstacles. I’m just going to say what I know you’re thinking. You should let this girl go after you get Luke off her ass. You will be putting her in a far more dangerous situation than the one you just got her out of. Not to mention psychologically torturing her every single time you step out her door and go to Gloria. You think seeing me is going to tear her heart out? You know how jealous girls can get.”

Do you think I don’t know that I’m probably going to ruin her life?” I snap, slamming my clenched fists down on the table. “I can’t help it. I care, I really fucking care, but it is out of my control. I can’t stay away and even if she wanted me to, which she doesn’t, I’d still show up at her door every chance I get. Maya is
now. Mine.”

satisfied grin that Sloane is wearing is seriously starting to piss me off. “Well, nice to finally see you, Isaac. I was wondering when you’d show up.”

“I’ll give you twenty grand if
Kim moves out.” After all, I paid the pothead ten and I don’t even know him.

“Deal. Consider it done. Now let’s go back to the club and look at the artist
’s conception of how the inside will look. I want to know if we got it right.”

“I’ll give you an hour. I need to get some sleep before I see her.”

“When do I get a picture?”

Despite laughing when she does, I’m dead serious, but on the ride over I can’t resist showing Maya off. And getting ridiculously jealous when Sloane thinks she’s cute.



I don’t want to tell her that the artist’s drawings weren’t quite what I’d imagined. They were better, mostly because she added her style, something she just doesn’t trust anymore. I try to feign enthusiasm, but I’m just fucking exhausted and resist the urge to literally jump for joy when Jace pulls up. I don’t want to sleep at the stoner’s house, I want to see Maya.

“Look, don’t freak out.” Nothing good ever follows that lead in. “All of the sudden there were like five guys voices in her apartment.”

hat?” I think my heart is exploding.

“Don’t worry,
nobody was there, but we almost ran over and fucked up the whole operation on the first day. She was logged onto some game where she is apparently the baddest ass mage ever. A bunch of fifteen year olds and two stay at home moms really missed her while she was on vacation.”

“Seriously?” Maya didn’t mention anything like t
hat and I can’t tell if I’m more intrigued or betrayed. The worst part is, I’ll have to trick her into talking about it somehow because I can’t ask her. This sucks.

She was still playing when I left, apparently with her brother.”


“I knew his name wasn’t really Shockwave. Everyone calls her Spark,” Jace explains. Maya should have told me that herself. This is going to be difficult. “But you need to seriously reconsider the video feed. Somebody might sneak in and even if we do hear them, it will take us a minimum of 45 seconds to get there. We timed it.”

“Not anymore
. I convinced Sloane to move Kim out.” I leave out the fact that it cost me twenty grand, the last thing I need is him worrying about money or figuring out just how much I have.

“Well, that’s good to hear.
Oliver is already starting to drive me insane. But, Isaac, we really need to have eyes over there, preferably in her room. We switched on the living room cam and still had no idea what was going on.”

“It’s out of the question.
One day she is going to find out about this and if she doesn’t, I will tell her. I need to honestly say that I tried to keep it as minimal as possible.”

Jace shakes his head, but doesn’t push it.
Okay, so this apartment building does kind of look like a frat house and I’m not exactly thrilled about it. I have to force myself to follow him into the building even though my body is screaming to walk across the street into hers. I suppose I should at least see this gross violation of her privacy with my own eyes.

The hallway reeks of marijuana.
Jace is trying to quit, no wonder he can’t stand it over here. “I’m guessing there were more than a few stoners to bribe?”

“Only one with a record, but
his unit is on the ground level with a clear view of their front door, that’s the main reason we chose it.”

“I’ll make sure
Kim is out within the week. We’re keeping her name on the lease and officially, you’re her roommate. She will keep paying the rent.”

“Don’t you think that’s a little risky? What if your father checks up on it?”

“It’s less risky than you not being there and I don’t think that he will. Luke doesn’t know you.”

“But he knows who Sloane is.”

“A paper trail leading to her was already there, it’s not like anything will change. Sloane has a lot of girlfriends.”

“Yeah, I guess. Here we are.” Somehow I was expecting this place to look
like the back of a van in a cop show. “We kept the loser’s furniture.”

“I can see that.”

It looks like a normal college kid’s place when you’re in the living room or kitchen, but open the bedroom door and it becomes extremely obvious what’s going on here. Oliver, who doesn’t exactly inspire a lot of confidence in me when I look at him, is sitting with a pair of headphones in front of a few monitors. One of the cameras is pointed at the street, the other is just a shot of a closed door.

“Is that the back entrance of the building?”

“Yep. From the hall.”

“Does it get a lot of traffic?”

“Yes, the parking lot is back there.”

“Is that where she came in?” I ask. Jace nods, flopping down into his chair. They have an entire apartment and they have to spend all day in a ten by ten cell. For a second, I almost feel guilty until I remember just how much this is costing me.

There’s a third, blank screen. I guess it would be a lot less annoying to have it on, even if it was just an empty living room. But Maya would be on that screen if she was watching TV or cooking in the kitchen. I suddenly realize that one of the real reasons I don’t want them watching is because they’ll get to see her when I can’t. Fuck. I’m tempted to tell them to flip it on, but I want to see her place with my real eyes first.

“Do you want to hear her?”

“I do.”

Jace hands me a pair of wireless headphones and I walk into the living room. This feels so fucking wrong. She isn’t saying anything, but I can hear her frantically clicking her mouse and breathing. I have no idea wh
y the hell everyone is laughing about the fact that someone named Puttblug rage quit again. Apparently if they wipe one more time on this boss, they’re going to call it. I’m going to call her as soon as she’s done playing. I don’t care if it’s a little suspicious. I could be over there right now and the fact that I’m not is killing me. But then everyone that was playing logs off except for her and her brother.

“So you’re back?”


“Is Luke?”


you ever tell me where you really were?”

“Not a chance in hell.”

Their laughs are nearly identical. That is so crazy. “Are you logging off?”

“Um… maybe. I have a friend coming over in a few hours. I should clean up and grab a shower.”

“Okay.” He sound like her when he’s disappointed too. “Are you still coming up next weekend?”

“I am!” she
squeals. “Already booked the hotel room.” I will convince her to let me pay for that somehow and upgrade them to a suite. “But I don’t have many ideas to keep you entertained. What do you want to do?”

“I don’t know. Wanna go sailing?”

“There will be people on the boat that actually know what they’re doing, right?”

“Yes,” he laughs. “It was really cool, you’ll love it.” Maya’s been sailing with Luke, but she doesn’t mention it to her brother. That’s pretty cute. I need to call Taylor soon. “So, uh, do you want to run a few
randoms on your druid? I haven’t leveled my warrior since you left.”

“Awww, you waited for me?”

“Of course I did.”

“Um…” She really wants to say yes. I hope she does.
Run a few randoms with your brother, baby, whatever the hell that means. I can wait.
“Okay. He won’t care if the place is a little messy.”

“Awesome! Hey
, what do you mean ‘

“Girls and boys can be friends, Garrett.”

“Are you cheating on Luke?”

“I just got back!”

“Yeah, but you sound different. What’s up?”

“Nothing that I’m telling you about.”

“You’re breaking up with him, aren’t you?” he asks. She doesn’t answer. “It’s about time.”

“I didn’t say yes!”

“Yeah, you did. Just not out loud.”

“Okay Garrett, we are
sort of fighting right now and it’s probably over, but you
say anything,” she says firmly. “At all. To

“Okay, geez. You always sound so freaked out whenever you talk
about him, I am going to kick his fucking ass one day.” I like this kid already.

“Garrett, stay the hell away from him and do not answer any of his phone calls

“Does he even have my number?”

“Of course he does. But this is a delicate situation and I do not want you involved. It would kill me if anything happened to you.”

“Luke would never—”

“Yes, he would. Trust me.”

Maya… Did he hurt you?”

She draws in a
hitched breath. “Yes,” she whispers. “He did. But it’s over now, I think.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?
” her brother screeches. “What the hell did he do?”

“I can’t tell you and I really don’t want to talk about it.”

“Fuck that. What did he do to you? I’ll fucking kill him.”

Calm down
,” she tells him authoritatively. Weird. Big sister voice. “No, you won’t. I’m handling this.”

“By yourself?”


“Is Piper’s Dad involved?”
Don’t say yes.
My heart starts to pound. The last thing we need is her brother calling him.

“Not exactly, but sort of. I have it covered and you don’t have anything to worry about.”

“Is this
that’s coming over going to help you?”

She huffs and I can practically see her frustrated face. “Yes. And if Luke finds out about anything, I’m really in trouble. So
your mouth

“Okay, okay. I won’t tell your old boyfriend about your new one.”

“Or anyone else Garrett, I’m so fucking serious right now.”


“Let’s run a few
dungeons. I have to log at nine.”

“So you
do have two boyfriends.”


“Okay, okay.”

“No more real world talk. Invite me.”

Invite her to what? I never do figure it out, or basically anything else they’re talking about. It’s so great to hear her voice, especially when she laughs. But mostly they’re silent and it’s just clicking and typing along with a bunch of annoying sound effects that I can’t
interpret. Reluctantly, I peel off the headphones even though I can’t stand the idea of missing a single word that comes out of her mouth. Two and half hours of sleep sounds pretty good though, and I’ll be less likely to crash as soon as I see her.

This couch smells like ass
and these guys will be sleeping on it way too often to put up with that bullshit. We are buying a new one. Tomorrow.

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