Destiny's Whisper (16 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Moynihan

BOOK: Destiny's Whisper
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“I’ll remember that,” Chloe whispered breathlessly, her blood singing in her veins, her heart hammering in her chest.

“You do that,” he warned in a low voice and with a final devouring look that had Chloe reeling dizzily, rose to his feet.

Sergei managed to make it a whole two feet, before Chloe’s gentle voice calling his name had him turning to look at her. The forgotten phone lay in her palm, water running down the sweeping curve of her arm and over the gentle swell of her breast. “Don’t you want it?” she asked innocently.

Sergei blinked in amazement at her question and nearly choked at the innuendo so innocently voiced. “More than you could imagine,” he stated darkly, his voice full of desire and mystery. The thought that more and more frequently the subject of ravishing her entered his mind had him running his hands through his hair in frustration. With a final wistful glance at the damp beauty surrounded in fading bubbles, he took the phone from Chloe’s outstretched hand, careful to keep from touching her and made a quick exit through the door, pulling it closed behind him and leaning heavily against it.

On unsteady feet, he made his way back to his room and waited impatiently for Chloe to exit the bathroom. The five minutes it took her to dry off, and begin her short trek to her bedroom dressed only in a pair of boxers and skimpy tank top had Sergei groaning in frustration. With a low growl, he scooped her into his arms, carried her into her room and dumped her unceremoniously into the middle of her bed.

Without a word, he headed for the bathroom, slammed the door closed behind him, stripped off his clothes and jumped into the shower. The cold water that cascaded over his heated body did little to still the raging emotions that continued to race through his blood.

Twenty minutes later, he was thoroughly chilled, his fingers and toes looked like prunes and his mind still swirled with images of Chloe, flushed, beautiful and looking more desirable than he’d ever seen her.

With a low curse at females in general, and Chloe in particular, Sergei made his way back to his room, a thick towel wrapped around his narrow waist. He’d just reached the door to his room, when Chloe’s door opened and she limped forward into the dim light of the hall.

Chloe’s eyes devoured Sergei’s body, taking in his muscular, bare chest covered in dark hair, his wide, gorgeous shoulders, the towel knotted at his waist that only reached mid-thigh; thighs thick and muscled and tensing as he shifted his weight under her close scrutiny. Sergei watched her breasts rise and fall as she breathed erratically, noticed her teeth tugging her lower lip and barely restrained himself from going to her, taking her in his arms and gently sucking on her lower lip himself. Her eyes glowed brightly as she watched him, yearning clear in the dark blue depths of her eyes and he felt his body respond to her unspoken plea.

“Good night, Chloe,” Sergei stated quietly, his voice deep and sexy, and slightly dangerous, his tone sending shivers through her, before he entered his room and leaned against his closed door, closing his eyes as he sought to stop the overwhelming need to go to her.

So much for the power of a cold shower!



leksei leaned back against the plush upholstery in the limousine, closed his eyes and sighed in relief as the driver expertly maneuvered his way through the traffic as they exited the airport. After traveling for so many days, it was nice to not have to worry about dealing with all the other idiots on the road; it was much better leaving the driving to someone else. With the push of a button, classical music gently filled the car and Aleksei closed his eyes and let the soothing music wash over him.

The cellular phone that suddenly vibrated silently in his pocket had him reaching for the phone, flipping it open, and shaking his head in amazement, as he looked at the phone, smaller than his palm. Technology had certainly come a long way! A small frown appeared as ‘Private’ showed itself on the caller identification display screen. “Aleksei Rocmanov,” he answered sternly, his business tone in place.

“Don’t use that tone with me, Rocmanov! I’ve had enough
today to last me a lifetime!” Jordan growled into the cellular phone speaker that allowed her to drive without worrying about dropping the ridiculously small phone she carried in her purse. Who in their right mind needed a phone the size of a packet of gum?

“Bad day at Bull Run?” he asked, trying to lighten her obviously dark mood.

Jordan snorted in disgust, “Don’t even ask! I’ll simply say, after the scene Chloe and I witnessed, upon returning home from the doctor’s office, was the last straw. The wild Indians have taken over the fort. Tonight they can fend for themselves; I’ve run away from home!”

Aleksei’s eyebrows lifted in surprise and a smile began to curve his full lips. “Oh! Mind if I come with you?” he asked softly, his voice a sexy purr.

“Why do you think I called you?” Jordan returned softly.

Aleksei’s deep laugh made her smile and her eyes darkened to a deeper green as she listened to her husband’s suggestions as to what she had to look forward to. With only his words, her blood was singing and her heart had doubled its beat, making her breaths shallow and quick.

“I hope to God you’re able to fulfill your promises, Rocmanov, because in my present mood, if you’re not, I’m kicking your butt right out of my bed and finding a younger man who can!” Jordan growled sexily, looking forward to the time she would be able to feel Aleksei’s arms surround her, his mouth against her own; she could already taste him.

“After five days away from you, my sweet, you’d better hope you can keep up with me because I fully intend to ravish you until you beg me to stop!” Aleksei growled sexily, his body already responding to her voice, her image so clear in his mind she may as well have been sitting beside him.

“Aleksei, I never beg,” Jordan taunted, her tone low and sensual, licking her lips in anticipation of the night ahead.

“Jordan–never say never!” Aleksei stated deeply, his voice tinged with a dangerously seductive tone.

“You know where to find me,” Jordan stated mysteriously.

“Don’t I always?” Aleksei’s sensual voice made her skin tingle.

“I’ll be waiting.”

“Not for long.”

“I love you, Aleksei,” Jordan purred softly, her eyes softening with emotion.

“I love you, too, Jordan. I’ll see you soon.” With a quick snap of his wrist, the connection was ended; the phone was closed and then slipped back into his pocket. Pushing the intercom button, Aleksei redirected the limo driver and then sat back to enjoy the ride.

Crossing his muscular arms over his broad chest, he closed his eyes and his imagination filled with visions of Jordan. A dangerous smile tugged at the corners of his mouth and the chuckle that escaped was decidedly wicked. Never had God created a more passionate woman than his wife and in her present mood, he knew before the night was over, he’d be thanking that same God for giving him such a gift.

Twenty-five minutes later the limousine pulled up in front of a stately Victorian Bed and Breakfast and Aleksei alighted from the vehicle, accepting the suitcase the driver had pulled from the trunk. With a gracious thank you, Aleksei handed the driver two-hundred dollars, chuckling at his astonished expression, and thanked him for tolerating the sudden change of plans that had taken him out of his way.

With a jaunty wave, Aleksei effortlessly picked up the large suitcase, and made his way up the brick walkway, taking the stairs two at a time and found himself before the exquisite oak and leaded-glass front door. Before he could even press the bell, Eugenia Belfaur was opening the door and ushering him inside in welcome. All of fourfoot-eight, her rounded frame boasted of every sweet treat she had ever eaten (which she happily recounted if given the opportunity), and her pure white hair made her lilac eyes all the more startling. Her non-stop chatter had him smiling broadly and when she smacked him on his shapely bottom, and urged, “You keep your wife waiting much longer, I can’t be held responsible for what happens,” had him looking at her in amusement.

“Do you know something I don’t?” Aleksei asked softly, casting his gaze toward the wide staircase that led to their favorite room.

“You know me, I don’t know anything,” Eugenia offered with a wicked smile and airy wave of one hand.

“Miss Eugenia, I know for a fact that you have aided my wife, on more than one occasion, when her escapades have been more than, shall we say, seen by some, as ‘unladylike’. The short hairs on the back of my neck tell me you’re in cahoots with my lovely wife this very moment! My only concern is, will it bode well for me?”

“If the thought of being sexually decadent, thoroughly ravished and pleading for mercy tempts you in any way, then I would say–yes– the evening bodes very well for you,” she offered, her eyes twinkling merrily.

Aleksei shook his head back and forth, his chest rumbling with a low laugh as he imagined the conversation between his lovely wife and this woman who looked more like a sweet old grandma, but who spoke candidly enough to be a madam. “Please tell me too many details weren’t discussed about my forthcoming seduction,” Aleksei asked quietly.

“Mr. Rocmanov, we’re ladies, we don’t discuss things of such a personal nature!” Eugenia gushed dramatically.

“Of course not, my apologies for even suggesting such a possibility!” Aleksei pleaded, bowing slightly and smiling as he watched her eyes light with approval at his old-world manners.

“Off with you now, Mr. Aleksei. You’ve kept Miss Jordan waiting far too long already!” She urged, giving him one final pat on his rump and sending him on his way.

“I assume we have our usual room?” Aleksei called as he began his ascent up the long stairs.

“Of course and tell Miss Jordan the oysters should be there within thirty minutes!” Her wicked laugh had him shaking his head at her affectionately and he licked his lips, both in anticipation of the forthcoming oysters, but especially, the delicacy of his wife’s gorgeous mouth.

Aleksei traversed the long hallway, following the subdued lighting to the last room on the left and knocked lightly. The door opened slightly, only Jordan’s face peeked around the door and her eyes sparkled brightly, a deep emerald green.

“Hi,” she greeted softly, her soft, full lips drawing his attention to her mouth.

Pushing gently against the door until the opening was big enough for him to slip through, he leaned against it, pushing it closed and pulled her silk-covered form into his arms, “Hi, yourself,” he answered, their mouths coming together voraciously.

She melted against the steel of his frame, her scantily covered breasts flattening against the defined muscles of his chest. His hands splayed over her rounded bottom, gently squeezing the firm globes as she pressed against the front of him; eliciting a deep groan that she happily swallowed.

His mouth was heaven, hot and demanding, gentle and persuasive, giving and taking and Jordan found herself dissolving at the onslaught of his sensual kiss. The kiss ended far too soon, as far as Jordan was concerned, and her wistful sigh had Aleksei chuckling wickedly.

“Eugenia wants you to know the oysters should be here soon,” his deep voice intoned, the low timbre of his voice making her blood race, his knowing look making her cheeks blush a soft pink. Even after all these years, he still had the ability to make her blush!

Jordan pulled on his tie, leading him toward the love seat that rested before a gently burning fire and smiled at his faked gasp. With a gentle push, Aleksei fell backwards into the overstuffed cushions and growled deep in his throat as Jordan fell to her knees between his spread thighs and kneeled between them. With a light shrug, the silken robe slipped from her shoulders, baring her full, pale breasts to Aleksei’s heated gaze. Slipping her arms from the sleeves, she ran her hands lightly up her husband’s torso, taking pleasure in his hitching breath and the way his eyes glazed to a fiery ebony.

Unable to stand her subtle torture any longer, Aleksei’s hands grabbed her waist, and suddenly Jordan found herself seated on his lap, her knees on either side of his muscular thighs, proof of Aleksei’s passion pressing evidently against her. “Maybe we won’t need those oysters after all!” Jordan suggested on a shaky whisper, her words fading away as Aleksei’s mouth worshipped her breasts, her hands sliding through the dark waves of his hair.

Together, they were transported to a world filled with magic and wonder. Each touch sweeter than the next, each touched filled with fire and need until suddenly their cocoon burst apart in a shower of glittering diamonds against a backdrop of black velvet. All that existed was the pounding of their hearts as they beat together and a cape of euphoria that wrapped them in a safe haven.

When a discreet knock on the door sounded twenty minutes later announcing
Room Service
, Aleksei’s deep voice calling, “Keep them on ice–we’ll call when we need them!” echoed through the cozy room. Jordan’s light laugh turned to a low purr of satisfaction as her husband proceeded to show her some of the wicked things he planned to spend the night doing to her.

Dani couldn’t sleep and spent several hours checking the clock over and over, half expecting the phone to ring and dreading the thought of explaining to her father why his wife was missing. Punching the pillow mercilessly, she tried to find a comfortable position and groaned in frustration as she flopped around and tried a different one. One forty-five a.m. and still no call, her father never called later than eleven o’clock and yet her mind still raced with explanations that might sound reasonable, or at least semi-reasonable, if that fateful call should occur.

Her thoughts flipped back and forth, she’d go with her original plan and let Sergei explain. But, what if he refused to answer the phone at all? The last thing she wanted to do was cause her father worry. If no one answered the phone, Aleksei was sure to think there was a something wrong and then he’d be worried and that would only lead to more problems when he found out that his children had simply refused to answer the phone. Terrific, first they’d upset their mother to the point of her running away and now they could really piss their father off by acting like immature children by ignoring a ringing phone. Of course, it wasn’t a far stretch considering the way she and her brother had been acting lately. Everything turned into a war: a look, a word, a gesture. How she longed for everything to be the way it was before her brother had decided it wasn’t so bad that Chloe was a girl. And she really had no one to blame but herself. She’d been all for the pairing. Only somewhere along the line, she’d become jealous–yes jealous she acknowledged–of the connection Sergei and Chloe had together and she wanted to feel the same thing herself. It wasn’t fear of losing Chloe; she would simply become a
member of the family, Dani was so sure of the relationship developing between her brother and her best friend, she just knew it would last forever! But the sudden thought that she might never experience the same strong feelings for a man made her so frustrated she couldn’t see straight and she was a great believer in
misery loves company
. Heaven knew she’d done her best to make everyone around her miserable!

But no more! She was tired of always being cranky and finding fault with everything and everyone. Come tomorrow, things would be different and she’d do her best to keep a smile on her face, hope in her heart and find something to celebrate each day. On that final thought, she cast a final glance at the red numbers on her clock, frowned at the late hour–or early, depending on how you viewed things–fluffed up her pillow and snuggled into the cloud of feathers. Pulling her favorite stuffed bunny into her arms, she whispered softly, “Night, Mom, night, Dad. I love you.” Closing her eyes, within moments she drifted into a peaceful sleep.

The flash of lightning and loud clap of thunder that made the windows shudder, didn’t even phase her.

Chloe’s reaction to the thunderstorm wasn’t so serene. With a startled scream, she bolted upright in bed, closing her eyes tightly and covering her ears with her hands as another flash appeared, followed almost immediately by a horrendous
that shook that house. Her heart pounded in her chest, and sent her blood rushing through her veins, her breathing became shallow little puffs as she tried to stem the rising fear as the thunder crashed around her.

Another flash of light eerily lit the room for only a second; it’s blinding whiteness casting strange shadows that danced demonically around her. The rumble of thunder rolled ever closer, vibrating the very walls around her and when it finally arrived, even Chloe’s hands pressed against her ears couldn’t muffle its ferocious roar and another scream escaped her lips.

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