Deviation (A Defined Series Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Deviation (A Defined Series Book 1)
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Chapter Seventeen




It’s the crack of dawn and I’m standing in the kitchen, bundled up with hot coffee, scarf, jacket, and flip flops. The only way Jack let me get away with wearing them is because I’m going straight from the house to the car to the airplane. I figured my logic was sound, seeing as I thought it was ridiculous to pack furry boots when the weather would be in the seventies in Miami. Jack’s answer was to buy me a bigger suitcase. I pulled the pouty face out and told him that Shelby was wearing flip flops, which did not earn me any brownie points because Jack called Aiden, who went all doctor on us for wearing improper clothing in a New Jersey winter.


Shelby threatened to withhold blowjobs and, voila. I’ve got cute red flip flops gracing my feet. Boys ain’t got nothing on coercion.


As we wait for everyone to get here so we can get to the airport, I’m getting nervous. I’m twenty-two and have never stepped outside New Jersey. I once ventured near the river in Camden, getting a good glimpse of Philadelphia, but that’s as close as I got. The past few years have been nothing but school, work, and preparing for the day I could support myself in some measure of comfort. Flying to Miami with my friends and my boyfriend is like my first spring break, only it’s December.


Jack rented a well-stocked beach house, so all we have to do is show up and relax. I’m not sure I’m going to be able to fully let go, but Jack assures me I’ll get the hang of doing nothing for a few days. I’m filled with immeasurable gratitude, but I wish Jack didn’t have to work while we were on vacation. He promises it won’t be for long.


“Ready, baby?” Jack comes into the kitchen and pulls me close, nuzzling my ear, taking a long smell of my hair. “I can’t wait to see you on the beach.”


“I hope the sharks stay away. Shelby convinced me to buy this red two-piece suit that makes me sparkle like a human shish kebab. I don’t want to be a snack.”


“I think we can find some activities to keep us away from the sharks, but if you want me to feast on you, just let me know…” He starts to suck on my neck in loud smacking kisses, making me laugh and squirm.   


“Jack, stop!” I lean back and push him away. He growls and acts like he’s going to bite me. I get away, but he chases me around the kitchen island. The doorbell dings once before the door opens and I scream, running for it, Jack hot on my tail.


“Whoa. Who let the wild things out?” Aiden catches me and puts me behind his back, pretending to protect me.


“Just a little pre-flight shenanigans.” Jack halts, shrugging. He shakes Aiden’s hand, pulling him in for one of those awkward “bro-hugs” Shelby is always lamenting. She’s a hug or die kind of girl, forcing her love on everyone.


Shelby walks in behind him. “I brought gum, iPod, and ear phones for the in-flight movie.” She opens her big ass hippie bag, which is filled with every distraction I can imagine.


Half-jokingly, I peer in her bag, asking, “I hope you brought tequila, too.”  


“Tsk…tsk… No need to be hungover. I brought the Dramamine,” Aiden says, holding up the box.


“You, my friend, are a godsend.” I hug Aiden and snag the box of pills from his hand, stuffing them in my bag for easy access. I had already grabbed Jack’s migraine pills, just in case. Since seeing Daniel at the Grease Lounge, I’ve been sleeping poorly, tossing and turning each night until I passed out from sheer exhaustion, then I would sleep most of the day away. Either Jack doesn’t suspect much, or he’s being overly polite with my newfound laziness.


“Okay. Let’s get rolling.” Jack ushers us all to the car, we pack, and he drives us to the airport.




The flight is uneventful. After taking the Dramamine and sipping from Shelby’s wine glass, Edith snores lightly, her head on my shoulder. I wasn’t a fan of her taking the pills with the alcohol, but Aiden assured me a sip wouldn’t hurt. I’m glad she’s actually getting some real sleep for a change, instead of tossing and turning all night long. Pretending to sleep next her as I watch her struggle has been taking its toll on me, as well. 


I put my arm around her, kissing the top of her head. She’s with me and she’s safe. We’ll deal with the issue of her not wanting to testify later. Before we left, Sam called me and I assured him I was working on it. I said I would support whatever she wanted to do, but this is a criminal matter. If he gets out, it also voids the No Contact order, meaning he’d have free reign to come near her again. I cannot allow that.




“Ladies and gentlemen, please prepare the cabin for landing. Stow away all baggage, and place tray tables in their upright position.” I had briefly closed my eyes, but when I opened them again, I don’t see Shelby and Aiden. “Please return to your seats, as the captain has turned on the seatbelt light for your safety.”


One of the first class lavatory doors opens and out walks a grinning Shelby. I look away, hoping we don’t make eye contact. I’m glad Edith is asleep. She’d be mortified to learn that Shelby and Aiden are Mile High Club members.  


I pretend to read the
Cloud Miles
magazine, shopping for outdoor garden lights, and feel rather than see Aiden plop down in the seat in front of me. Shelby has her iPod on, earbuds in her ears.


“Dude, thanks for not saying anything.” Aiden pokes his head around the aisle to my seat. I don’t want to look up and discuss this with him.


“Won’t hear me talking about it, although I do question the sanitary conditions of such a place.” I flip through the magazine, deciding I will buy the entire patio set if Aiden doesn’t shut the fuck up.


“Don’t ask.”


“Wasn’t planning on it.”


The pilot smoothly lands our plane, not even disturbing Edith when we touch down, jolting on the runway for a fraction of a second.


Leaning over, I whisper in her ear, “Baby, we’re here.”


Chapter Eighteen




Miami is home to palm trees, the Monroe Matchmatchers, cruise ships, and the beach. I feel blissfully numb and groggy in the midday heat.


Shelby is bouncing around excitedly. “I love the beach. Promise me we’re going there first.” She grabs my arm, pulling me toward our waiting car.


Thirty minutes later, Jack pulls up to a pink house with white trim on a private beach, and I’m pretty sure I’m in love. Shelby and I hold each other up as we get out of the rented SUV, and I look around. Nothing could be better right now. There’s no pending court testimony, no looming semester, and no one who can identify Jack as my former professor. It’s finally all good.


“Last one in sleeps on the beach!” Aiden races into the house. Shelby leaves me to chase after her boyfriend who has a good lead on her.


“Please tell me there are bedrooms at either end of the house,” I say, pleading.


Jack looks at me, smiling. “Don’t worry. After getting to know your friends, I got a house with bedrooms on different floors.”


“Thank you, God,” I joke, laughing, as we walk into the house. Cool blues and greens decorate the walls, and white furnishings look out a big bay window towards the ocean and private beach.


I look at Jack, smiling. “It’s absolutely perfect.”


“Hey, perfect house for my perfect girl.” Jack and I hug in the open foyer.


Hearing laughing, we pull apart to see that Shelby and Aiden have stripped most of their clothes off and are heading back up from the water in their underwear, completely soaked and smiling.


They both nod, challenging us to their game. “Last one in the water is rotten, like the turnpike.”


They playfully push each other out the door, and all we can do is shake our heads. A few days in the sun should have me thinking clearly and figuring out what to do when we get back.




Tonight is Christmas Eve and I want so badly for everything to go right. I went to a jeweler who does custom work, designing a necklace for Edith. It’s platinum and the wor
, in my handwriting, is hanging from the chain. I didn’t think it had enough flash to it, so I had him add small diamonds so it would sparkle. The box feels like it’s burning a hole through my messenger bag right now.


We’ve been out to dinner already, a restaurant Aiden chose because of the tables on the beach under candlelight and tents. I couldn’t argue with the incredible surf and turf on their menu, either. Music plays on a patio above us, some Latin jazz that forces your body to move to the beat. Aiden and Shelby seem engrossed in their sexy dance on the sand, and Edith watches them, slowly swirling the wine in her glass.


“Babe, wanna dance?” Her eyes glow, reflecting the moonlight, and she seems much more relaxed. Nodding, she gets up from the table and leads me out to the sand.


A part of me shouldn't encourage her bad behavior, but this is the first time we've been able to spend together without the pressure of being discovered. I'm almost waiting for the other shoe to drop, but I figure what the fuck is one more drink, one more kiss into oblivion? Especially when she's grinding that sweet ass of hers into my pants.


When Aiden finally nods, indicating he wants to head back to the house, I couldn’t agree more. We drive back, the two tipsy girls hanging on each other and giggling. When we get there, we quickly say our good nights and head to our separate bedrooms.


“Finally.” I let my hands run down her bare shoulders. She’s wearing the red dress she tried cooking me dinner in back at home. The halter top of the dress, plus the fact I know she’s not wearing a bra, demands my undivided attention.


“I’ve been waiting all day to have my way with you.” Edith leans into me, rubbing her tight body against my straining one.


“Have you now?” She’s being a tease, but I don’t say anything, fearing it might trigger something from the past. I’ve never really let go with Edith before. I like things a bit rougher, gritty, and hot. Since her attack, it’s basically put my usual libido on reserve. Sexy little moans and whimpers have teased me this entire week and, if she’s willing, I’d like to have my way with my beautiful girl. 


Edith also rarely initiates things. This is a novelty I’d be crazy to pass up. I look into her face, cupping her cheeks. “Mmm, your hands feel so good,” she moans.


“How much did you drink, sweetheart?” If she is even a hair over tipsy, I’m not going to touch her, no matter how much she begs or how hard my dick is.


Stepping away from me, I let her go, ready to face my disappointment. Instead, Edith reaches behind her neck and gives the halter dress a little tug. Two quick pulls and the dress flutters down her hips and onto the carpet. It looks like rose petals have fallen from her full, puckered breasts, down her sharply pointed hips. She’s almost ethereal in her red heels and red lace panties. She crooks her finger in my direction, pulling on my shirt.


“I had two glasses of wine with dinner, but not enough to make me fall down drunk, my love.” Ah, that word…love. It’s like a balm after the storm we’ve been through. I wonder how my gift will rest between her breasts.


“Then you better come over here, my naughty little pupil.” Groping hands pull at clothes. It’s never been this rushed or this natural before. Edith yanks on my belt, pulling my shirt from the waistband. Several buttons go popping in various directions as I pull it open for her.


“Jack, I want this so badly.” Her plea sounds desperate to my ears. I will give her anything she wants, no questions asked. We tangle and hobble over to the bed, my pants caught around my ankles. “You. Bed. Now.” Edith gives a push against my chest, becoming a little cavewoman. The only thing missing is a leopard print dress and a rock necklace, like the Flintstones. 


“Demanding little wench.” Teasing her, I let her tug my pants and shoes off before I pull her up and over my lap. Her hot pussy rests against my bare dick, which is pulsing. The lace of her panties rubs against me, making me feel hyperaware of her.


She lowers herself over me and I pull her panties, tugging them until they give, ripping. She arches her spine as she rides me, her eyes closed, mouth parted, the tips of her long curls tickling my thighs. Nothing could feel more intense then thrusting my cock inside her. “Yes, baby. Yes.” I move her hands up to her own breasts, squeezing them, playing with her dusky, rose-colored nipples. Pinching them between my fingers, she moans long and low, her mouth parted. “That’s it, my love.” She is almost there. I want to feel her body wrap around mine when she comes. Reaching between her spread legs, I play with her slick nub, rubbing in a slow circle between our rocking bodies. She’s a perfect fit. A hot, wet glove barely taking my girth. Her guttural cry tells me how good it feels to her.


“Jack…” My name is drawn out on her lips, her arms dropping to my shoulders to support her. I give my hips a roll to thrust deeper within her, my balls slapping her ass, becoming tighter. I don’t want this with anyone else. She is the only woman who can satisfy my needs, even if I’ve had to wait painfully to show it to her. Her pussy clenches hard, milking my dick as I come too. She falls against my chest, panting, sweat glistening on her skin. As we both come down from our highs, trying to catch our breath, I think that it could never be better than this. 


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