Secret Seduction

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Authors: Aminta Reily

Tags: #Interracial, #Vampire, #Paranormal, #erotic Romance

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Amanda’s past comes back to hunt her but at the same time gives her a start at a new life.




Amanda Barton never knew expected do the unthinkable by betraying her culture. After seeing her future and falling in love with one of the most dangerous vampires of this time, she does the unexplainable and plans to make sure her future is full of

Cage Vasser
doesn’t like being out of control and the moment he lays eyes on Amanda he is no longer in control. He doesn’t want a permanent relationship but can’t seem to let go of Amanda and her powers.

In this struggle of sexual desire verses emotional need, both know that the magic between them is impossible to withstand.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


Secret Seduction

Copyright © 2013 Aminta Reily

ISBN: 978-1-77111-724-1

Cover art by Angela Waters


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Secret Seduction

Night Hunters 3





Aminta Reily

Chapter One



Cage Vasser’s fangs exploded in his mouth, pressed painfully against his bottom lip as yet another drunken human male tripped and brushed against him. Cage clenched his fist tightly. Long, sharp, deadly nails dug into the palms of his hands until he thought they would draw blood. A mental scream bubbled inside of him. His lips trembled as fury raced throughout his body, heating his very core, igniting a flame so hot inside his heart he thought at any second he would explode into a raging fire.

Cage let out a loud snarl when the human braced himself on his shoulder. The strong smell of alcohol oozed from his pores, assaulting Cage’s senses. Not able to take being touched any longer, Cage grabbed the collar of the human’s shirt and yanked him from the ground, hauling him up to face him. Cage opened his mouth, exposing his fangs, which he knew would have little effect on the drunken man. This human was so wasted that he tilted his head and squinted his eyes to look through the haze of intoxication and into Cage’s mouth. The man lifted his hand, but before his fingers touched Cage, he slapped the man’s hand away.

“Dude, what’s your problem?” The shorthaired man slurred his words.

“My problem is you, human. Watch where you are going and don’t touch me again, or next time I will snap you in two.”

Cage released his grip on the man’s shirt the second his feet touched the ground. Cage shoved the man hard. The guy stumbled across the dance floor and into another couple who were dancing together. The female yelled at the guy and her partner pushed the drunken man away from them. Cage waited and prayed for the man to come back and challenge him, but instead he stumbled to the other side of the room and as far away from him as possible.

Tonight, Cage knew his aggression was higher than usual. He had a deep ache inside him to sink his teeth into some female’s neck and drink until she was so weak she couldn’t move or fight him. Then he would use her body to recharge his powers if he deemed her worthy. Until he found that special woman, he had to use other females to take away a little of the ache. But when he did feed, the ache returned, stronger than before. It became harder to fight the urge to feed again and much harder to not kill them.

Cage did notice that he couldn’t feed off just any human. No, she had to be the right one with the right source of blood to sustain his growing needs. She had to have a power within her, psychic powers. He ran his tongue over his fangs at the thought of draining a psychic. Their blood sustained him more than any other.

Cage looked around the room, taking in all their scents, and not one stood out to him. Not one female called to him. No one had any powers here. This town was not only dull, but the women here were simply not worth his time.

He stepped to his right when a human walked backward toward him, obviously not paying attention to where he was going. This human’s attention was clearly on who he was trying to talk to on the other side of the room. Unmistakably, the loud music meant nothing to him. Cage could hear clearly by drowning out a lot of sounds, but he doubted this human had any capabilities to do it, or common knowledge to know that no one could actually hear him from across the room while the music was blasting through the speakers.

Cage had had enough of these drunken humans for one night. He snatched his glasses off and squinted until his eyes adjusted to the lighting of the club. He exerted the power he needed and reached out mind to mind, connecting to every human’s mind in the club.

The moment he was connected, almost like a computer uploading data, he knew all of their wants, their needs. His eyes fluttered as he consumed them, learning them.

Cage made sure to hold onto each and every one of their minds. Once he was full of knowledge of every human in the club, he sent out commands to them, which he knew they would not be able to reject.

No one would touch him again this night. Even in their drunken state, they would move away from him. His body shivered at the feel of having every human’s mind in this bar under his control. Their mental connection to him gave him a little of their life forces. But not enough to fill his growing hunger.

Cage looked around the room, hunger clawing at his insides again. He knew he had depleted more of his powers after exerting so much energy, but he had no choice but to do it. If he didn’t take over the minds of these humans, then he would end up breaking one of their necks, and he was sure the council would try to punish him for it. Cage chuckled to himself at the thought of anyone trying to punish him.

Cage drew in a deep breath and knew he had to feed, and soon. One of these lucky women would feed his spirit tonight. And if she was good enough, she would feed him for a couple of days until he returned to North Carolina.

Heartbeats pounding in his ears were like music to him. Bodies of all shapes and sizes swayed back and forth to the music. Their bodies generated heat that beckoned him to do what naturally came to him, drink their blood and recharge his powers from their climaxes. He inhaled the musty scent of human sweat in the air. But also the aroma of release from his own kind having sex upstairs, mixed with the aroma of sexual need from humans, lingered in the room. Both scents mixed together sparked his need to fill both his hungers. He would feed this night and soon, very soon. Sadly, she wouldn’t remember a moment of it tomorrow.

Cage always covered his tracks no matter whom he met or where he lived. If he thought any humans needed their minds erased, he did so. So far, that had been every human he’d come into contact with. The fewer who knew about him, the easier it was for him to live and not need to watch his back. It was safer, and he would keep it that way.

He moved slowly across the dance floor, heading for the bar. He knew that drinking wouldn’t help his frustration. He had come to Florida to help the young vampire named Logan and the day before he arrived, they had found and killed the wolf who had been killing the locals.

During this time, Logan’s older brother, Ian, had also found his mate. He had gotten a look at her when Logan escorted her out of his home a couple weeks ago. She was a beautiful newly turned vampire. Too bad she was taken.

Once Cage found out that everything was taken care of, his next move was to go back home. Logan, on the other hand, had other plans and asked him to come hang out at his club for a couple of weeks. Being here wouldn’t be so bad if he found someone to take to his bed for a couple of days. He had so much build up that he knew he wouldn’t last long the moment he sank into some hot, wet pussy.

As he walked through the crowd, his eyes burned. The bodies parted as he moved, leaving a path for him to make it to the bar without anyone touching him.

Not many vampires possessed the power to do what he could do. To control so many at one time would almost kill another vampire, and yet Cage could do it with ease.

As he made it up to the bar, a female with the name
on her tag walked up to him.

“What can I get you?”

Cage tilted his head, took in a deep breath, then snarled under his breath. Logan had a claim on this one.

Where the hell can I get laid around here?

All these bodies, and not one interested him enough to fuck. Maybe he had to just lower his standards again and simply fuck the first woman he picked.

“Give me the strongest drink you have.”

The waitress smiled at him. “You must be one of Logan’s friends.”

Cage let out a low, threatening snarl. The woman’s eyes widened and he smelled fear rolling off her as she backed away from the counter. He stopped a smile before it could spread across his face when the woman’s heart started to pound, her blood running through her veins begging to be tasted.

“Go get my fucking drink and don’t question me or try to find out anything about me, or I’ll wipe your pathetic mind of everything you ever knew.”

“Whoa! Don’t do that,” Logan pleaded with Cage, appearing at his side.

Cage turned to him, snarling as his fangs burst through his gums.

“I am not pleased, young vampire,” Cage told him. “This place is not what I expected it to be.”

“What did you expect it to be, Cage?”

Cage turned around and spread his arms out. “Look at this place, a bunch of teenagers who can’t keep their emotions under control.” He growled louder as Kayla and Ian walked passed him, the scent of their recent encounter strongly on them. “And newly made couples who don’t know how to take their emotions home to fuck instead of doing it in a mystical being environment.”

Logan nodded, but didn’t say a word. Cage couldn’t help that his own emotions were being overwhelmed this evening. He didn’t know why, and to a point, he didn’t care. Something in his life had to change before he wiped this world of every living thing on it.

Cage knew his powers were not that strong yet. But if this pain, anger and his needs grew stronger, he would be able to destroy anything with just a thought.

“Her…here’s your drink,” the waitress stumbled getting the words out. Some of his drink spilled onto the counter when she sat it down before she rushed off in the other direction.

No matter if she feared him now, neither she nor anyone in this club would remember him anyhow once he left. He would make sure to wipe every human mind of him. He would have done the same to the other beings, but it would take more power. Power he didn’t want to use tonight.

He grabbed his drink, downing it.

“Cage, I know it’s not what you want, but please don’t scare my customers or my girl tonight. There are many girls here who would do anything to please you.”

“I know,” Cage snapped. “I jus—”

Cage stopped speaking when the door opened to the club and an overwhelming sense flooded into him like a dam bursting on a river. A short woman with jet-black hair and sensuous curves walked in with another male human. Her body moved with sexual calling to anyone who watched.

“What’s wrong, Cage?”

“See that woman who just entered?”

Logan turned, then nodded. “Yes, Amanda. What about her?”

“Ah, so you know of this human who will have the pleasure of being in my bed tonight?”

Cage stood but Logan grasped his shoulder, stopping him.

Cage snarled and immediately Logan removed his hand. “Don’t touch me unless I want you to, and trust me that will never happen.”

Cage knew he was being a dramatic vampire, but he was in need. And since the shadow demon had stopped him before, his need had doubled since he saw the woman who would warm his bed for the next couple of days.

If he could get his hand on that shadow demon, he would strangle him. If he could touch him. Shadow demons were known for being exactly that, shadows. They were only touched if they wanted to be.

“No disrespect, Cage. This woman is a friend of ours and I don’t want her to get hurt.”

Cage chuckled. “There is no need to worry about me hurting this human, well, unless she can’t take all of my cock inside her. Not many women can, but they claim it’s a painful pleasure.”

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