Secret Seduction (4 page)

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Authors: Aminta Reily

Tags: #Interracial, #Vampire, #Paranormal, #erotic Romance

BOOK: Secret Seduction
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Without giving them a chance to say more, Cage left without another word.


* * * *


Kayla heard the door open and she knew her lover had returned. They had decided to sleep at Logan’s home tonight because Cage was in town. They needed more people to watch him and to make sure that he didn’t hurt anyone.

The door to the bedroom opened and she smiled. Her dark lover had returned.

“Did you find him?”

Ian sighed.

“I take that as a

“We found him alright, but he had been to Amanda’s home.”

“What? Did he hurt her?”

“I doubt that he did. Maybe a little pain from sex, but I think that’s about it.”

“Sex? Amanda just doesn’t have sex with anyone. Noah will be crushed. He likes Amanda.”

Ian began to strip out of his clothes.

“It’s like what you felt with me. I think they are mates, because his concern with her is more than just a release. Once she said
to him in the club, it interested him. But he’s not going to hurt her, if she is his mate.”

“That’s good. But why couldn’t Julia remember him tonight? She completely forgot who he was.”

He toed off his shoes, then pulled off his pants.

“Cage is unique. I can control you to do my will but I can’t make you forget me as Cage can. He could make everyone in the room forget him the moment he walks out. I don’t know any other vampire who can do that.”

“So he did that tonight, and made everyone there forget him?”

“I’m sure of it.”

“But I remember him. You remember him.”

“It’s a little more difficult to erase our minds. He probably could, but I’m sure he’s not doing it because it exerts a lot of energy.”

“Well, I will talk to Amanda in the morning. For now, come join me in bed, my handsome hunk. My pussy is very wet and my fingers will not do the job.”

Ian moaned, then climbed in bed and up to her until she lay on her back.

“You never need your fingers when you have me. I will make love to you anytime you want and need.”

“I love the sound of that.”

Ian kissed her deeply and spent the rest of the night showing her just how much he loved her.


Chapter Four



The bright sunlight shone through the blinds of her window. Amanda groaned, waking from her deep sleep. She looked over to the clock. It was noon already.

How did I sleep the morning away?

It didn’t matter. She didn’t have to work today, so no problem.

She swung her legs over the edge of the bed and looked down. Immediately, she noticed the bruises on the sides of her waist. Finger marks. She stood and went to the full-length mirror. There were marks everywhere—on her waist, thighs, sides, and even her breasts. Those didn’t concern her as much as the feeling of something running down her thighs.

“What the fuck?”

Amanda reached down, gathering what had to be cum seeping from her body.

Amanda thought back to last night. Had it been a dream? Cage did say that his
would be left inside her as evidence. Amanda moved closer to the mirror, looking at the small red pinholes on the side of her neck.

“What the hell is Cage?”

Vampires are not real, are they?

I am real, my lovely and I want your tight pussy wrapped around my cock again. Tonight.

“No! Stay the hell away from me. If you come near me I’m going to kill you!” Amanda didn’t know if Cage could hear her, but she didn’t want him to talk to her telepathically. It was creepy.

After a few moments of silence, she sighed, thinking that he couldn’t hear her.

Kill me? You would kill the man who makes your body tremble with each thrust of his dick?

“Tremble? Never. I don’t want you.”

Amanda heard Cage’s laughter in her mind before heat wrapped around her body. Invisible hands lifted her from the floor.

“Hey, put me down.”

Your wish is my command.

Cage had said those same words last night and when he had, she was experiencing one of the most powerful orgasms ever. She frowned. Maybe last night wasn’t a dream.

One second she was lifted in the air, the next she was on her bed, legs spread apart, and her hands above her head. She couldn’t move at all.

“Cage, don’t do this,” she pleaded when she knew that she was trapped by what had to be an invisible man.

A heated sensation wrapped around her right nipple, teasing it right before the feel of warm lips covered her nipple, sucking them into a warm mouth. The feeling was warmer than when he actually was touching her in what she’d thought was a dream. The heat of his touch sent little electrical waves through her body. He made her feel like she was on fire all over.


I am pleasing.


Let’s see just how much you don’t want my touch.

A large invisible body pressed against hers. She couldn’t see him, but she could feel him lying on top of her. How could he do this? Was he really a vampire? Did they really exist?

I told you what I was. I am a very old, strong, magical, and wicked horny vampire.

Amanda shook her head from side to side. “I believe you. Just let me go.”

Too late. I want to feel your pussy for myself. Even in this form, I can make you cum around my cock, and I would feel every pulse. I would feel your juices sliding down my dick. You want that, Amanda?

“No!” she lied. Hell yeah she wanted Cage, but she had to fight him.

Amanda tried to close her legs but his body—well, his invisible body—stopped her.

She trembled when two fingers probed at her slit. They were hot, sending a burning sensation through her body. She bit her lip to not cry out in pleasure. She didn’t want Cage to think she was enjoying this. She closed her eyes, enjoying his probing fingers as they slid into her.

You are very wet, my lovely.

Amanda fought as much as she could. She rotated her hips, feeling his fingers sliding deeper. She kept her eyes closed until the feel of his cock pressed against her.

Her eyes snapped open. “Oh. No. Wait!”

Moisture betrayed her need as it rushed from her body, preparing her to take Cage. She cursed herself.

Just one thrust. If you are not wet with need, I will leave you be, forever, but if you can take me inside you easily, then you will be mine again. Now and tonight.

Amanda knew she would lose, but what could she do? Her body had betrayed her.

“No. No penetration. I will see you tonight, Cage. Just let me go and I will meet you at the club.”

Amanda tensed when warm lips pressed against hers briefly. She waited until she felt the body move from over her. Then, and only then, was she able to move again.

See you tonight, my lovely. I can’t wait to taste your cream on my tongue.

Amanda almost said
fuck you
to him, but then she was sure he would take her up on that offer.

“Bite m…”

Damn it, can’t tell him to bite me either. He just might.

She decided to just not say a word. Cage’s laughter once again filled her mind.

Once she’d composed herself as best she could, Amanda called Kayla, hoping she and Julia could go shopping with her today. She needed something to keep Cage off her mind.

Why did she find that she wanted to be with him?


* * * *


Meagan Deville took her bag off the belt. She let out a low frustrating growl at the thought of why she had to fly four hours to Florida. She couldn’t believe that Ian would leave her for a human. He had to be going through something she didn’t understand, like what human males went through. What was it called again? Oh yeah, a midlife crisis. That was what Ian had to be going through. There was no explanation for him wanting to be with a human over her. She was full-blooded, not some half-breed like this girl Ian ran behind.

Meagan had spent ninety years, ninety long years with Ian, and she would be damned if she would give him up to some human. Their kind was not made to mate with humans. She and Ian were meant to be together forever. Sure, her infidelity had been a short-lived phase, and now she saw the errors she’d made. Ian would forgive her for what she did and they would live a long life, happily together.

Now she had to find out where this club
was located. Once she found Ian, she would get him back, and if that human female stood in her way, she would be one dead human.

She walked through the terminal, wanting to make it to the hotel before the sun rose. She would have more time to go out and find the club later tonight.

Now she just needed a ride, which would be another task all of its own. With Ian, she’d had unlimited funds. He had called and cut off all her credit cards.

Now she didn’t have money for her apartment or to buy anything. She had saved a few hundred, stashed away for emergencies and gifts so Ian wouldn’t see what she bought him. Now that she’d taken the trip to Florida, she barely had enough money to pay for her room for the night. She had to find Ian and soon. This was a living hell.

Knowing a ride would deplete the last of her funds, she decided it would be better to walk to the closest hotel. This wasn’t how she wanted to visit Florida.


Chapter Five



Amanda drove up to the large home at the address Kayla had given her. She’d said she and Ian had something to tell her, and the only way was face-to-face at their home.

She got out of the car and strolled up the long flight of stairs. Once at the top of the steps, she took in the beauty of the home. She rang the doorbell.

Moments later the door opened, but no one stood on the other side.

“Hello,” Amanda whispered before peeking inside.

“Come in and close the door,” Kayla said from the top of the stairs.

Amanda walked inside and closed the door behind her. She saw Ian descending the stairs behind Kayla.

“We are glad to have you here,” Ian said.

“I’m glad to be here,” she told him.

“Come, follow us to the library,” Ian told her.

They walked through two rooms before reaching the library. Amanda didn’t like the feeling going through her. Heaviness weighed on her like something sitting on her chest, making it harder to breathe, and she didn’t know why. It was like a pull of some sort, trying to get her to go in another direction. Frowning, she wondered why she was having this feeling and more importantly, how to stop it.

“Have a seat,” Kayla told her.

Amanda sat down on the black recliner. Ian stepped in front of Kayla, leaned down, and pressed a kiss on her lips.

A smile spread across Amanda’s face. They were really in love, and she could feel it.

“I’m going to fix something to drink. Amanda, would you like anything?”

“No thank you, Ian.”

“All right, I’ll be back soon.”

“Hurry back, baby.”

Kayla smiled, then sat on the sofa next to her.

“So,” Kayla began. “I heard you had an encounter with Cage last night.”

Amanda blushed brightly at the thought of what had happened last night. With what Cage did to her, could it be considered an encounter? That wasn’t just an encounter—it was mind-blowing sex, if she had to put it into words.

“Well, yeah. I thought I was dreaming.”

“Did you tell him to stop or leave?”

Amanda shamelessly shook her head. She’d encouraged him rather than tell him to stop.

“Again, I thought it was a dream, and I kinda encouraged him.”

Kayla smiled. “He rocked your world, didn’t he?”

Amanda chuckled. “Sort of.”

“No need to be ashamed of what he did to you, Amanda. Their kind can be very persuasive.”

Amanda frowned. “What do you mean by
their kind

Kayla looked down a moment. “I have to get used to saying
. Amanda, I have to tell you something, and I don’t want you to freak out, but before I do, did Cage show you anything that made you think that he’s not normal?”

Amanda remembered a few things—like being able to talk to her by mind, being able to touch her when he wasn’t in the same room. But one thing did stand out. She reached up and rubbed her neck. She paused when she felt something strange. A bump? She thought back to last night and remembered that during their love making, Cage had bitten her and she let him, even enjoyed it.

“Please, Amanda, this is a time where you can be completely honest with me.”

“Kayla, last night, he bit me. Not the usual nibble here and there—he left marks, what has to be fang marks on my neck.”

“That’s because he’s a vampire.” Ian walked into the room with a tray with drinks on it. He set the tray on the table in front of Amanda. “We are all vampires.”

Amanda frowned. “

“Yes, we,” Kayla confirmed.

“But…” Amanda opened her mouth, then closed it.
Kayla isn’t a vampire. Is she?
“No,” Amanda said. “I can’t believe that Kayla’s a vampire! She’s my friend. How could that happen? Why did it happen?”

“Amanda we don’t ask why things happen. It just happens,” Kayla spoke low and smiled. “As for when I was turned, a couple of weeks ago. Haven’t you noticed that you haven’t seen me out during the day?”

“I have, but I just thought you were busy with Ian here. Does Julia know about this? What about Noah?”

“Julia knows, but not Noah, and I want to keep it that way.”

“Then, why are you telling me, Kayla? What does this have to do with me?”

“Because you need to know.”

Ian sat up in the seat. “We are telling you this because of Cage. I thought that it would be a good idea to let you know what you are dealing with.”

“I know what I’m dealing with. Cage is a man who doesn’t take
for an answer.”

Kayla chuckled but Ian only shook his head.

“No, he’s a vampire, not a man, who doesn’t take
for an answer.”

“Amanda, I can’t believe you are taking this so calmly.” Kayla spoke softly.

Amanda sighed. For some reason, this all didn’t seem strange. In fact, this seemed like a normal day to her.

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