Secret Seduction (8 page)

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Authors: Aminta Reily

Tags: #Interracial, #Vampire, #Paranormal, #erotic Romance

BOOK: Secret Seduction
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“Kayla…” she whispered.

“Is all right. Now get some sleep.”

Chapter Ten



Amanda awakened to the feel of someone stroking her hair. She took in a deep breath before opening her eyes. The hand on her hair stilled for a moment, then began to move again.

“How long was I out?”

“Almost two days.”

“What? How did I stay out so long?”

“The poison in your blood must have taken longer to get out.”

“What about Kayla? Is she okay?”

“She’s just fine. She woke earlier today and Kayla and Ian have been rekindling since then, and it’s driving me wild.”

Amanda laughed. “Why?”

“Because it just is. How are you feeling?”

“I’m ok. It feels like I have been asleep for a week. What happened to that Meagan vampire?”

“After Ian and I left, about five minutes into the drive looking for her, he said he didn’t feel right. He knew Meagan and he knew that she would be somewhere close. So, we decided to come back home.”

“How did she get inside the house without you knowing?”

“Powers—she had to have some powers over her to cloak her from us detecting her.” Cage let out a deep breath. “When we got back, we saw her standing over you, and Kayla curled up against the cabinet. Ian didn’t hesitate. He snapped her neck before I could say a word.”

“Good, she was crazy.”

“More than you know. Now we are going to have to establish some rules here, my lovely.”


“For one, no more dying on me. You are going to give me a heart attack.”

Amanda didn’t want to move, she wanted to lie in his arms and let him pamper her.

“That’s a deal if you promise me something.”

“What’s that?”

“That wall you have built around that thing we call a
, drop it just a tad. You don’t have to be a push-over to show feelings. No one would think less of you if you ask questions before kicking their ass. Also, no more erasing my friend’s memories of you.”

When he didn’t speak, she called his name. “Cage?”

“Fine. Only for you, Amanda. Geez I feel like such a pussy.”

Amanda laughed and lifted her head to look into his silver eyes. “You are not a pussy. You are in love. It’s emotions that everyone feels now and then. It’s nothing to be afraid of. I am going to say this and it’s from the heart. I think I’m falling in love with you, Cage.”

Cage stiffened.

“I’m not expecting you to say them back to me—at least not yet—but sooner or later, I would like to hear them.”

She pressed a kiss on his lips.

“I will try. We leave in the morning to return to my home town. I have been gone long enough, and I don’t doubt that Kristian Morganti is tired of doing my job. He lives in North Carolina but is living in my home for the time being.”

“I am sure he is. Oh wait, what about my job? I need to let them know and give them a two-week notice. I need to pack and get some things.”

“No need to worry. I am capable of taking care of you until the end of times. You never have to work unless you want to. We can get Logan to make sure your place is secured, and get everything packed and stored so when we return it can be moved out of storage and into our new place. I will buy you any and everything you need to wear once we get there.”

Amanda frowned at him.

“If that’s what you would like, Amanda.”

Amanda smiled—at least he was trying. “I would love that.”

“Then tomorrow is the start of our new life. You and I together. Forever.”

Amanda knew that for the first time in a very long time, she was making the right decision. They would be together for all eternity. This ring would keep her young forever. If she should ever lose it, which was impossible since it was fused to her finger, even though they hadn’t discussed it, Cage could turn her and make her into a vampire. That was something they would have to discuss later. Now, she only wanted to love and feel loved.

Today would be the start of a love made in heaven. She only hoped that the secret she was holding back would not ruin them in the long run.




About the Author



I have been a writer all my life. As a young girl, I remember reading books and writing my own short stories. I have an active imagination, and over the years, I learned to bring those emotions and pictures to life. I love all types of books, but my favorite books are paranormal romance.


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