Secret Seduction (2 page)

Read Secret Seduction Online

Authors: Aminta Reily

Tags: #Interracial, #Vampire, #Paranormal, #erotic Romance

BOOK: Secret Seduction
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“That’s more information than I needed to hear.”

“You don’t want her hurt, and I promise not to do anything to that sexy body of hers unless she wants it. Now, leave me be.”


* * * *


Amanda Barton sat next to Noah in the booth. She was glad Noah had asked her out because she was bored staying at home watching television shows. Kayla had dropped off the radar for a while. She hadn’t talked to her lately, but she knew Kayla and Ian were having some problems. When she asked Logan about it, he seemed to be hiding something. Everyone seemed to be hiding something, even her other good friend, Julia.

“It’s not as good as the upstairs, but it will work,” Noah told her as they got comfortable.

Amanda only nodded.

“Hey guys! I didn’t know you would be here,” Julia said, then slid into the booth next to Noah.

“Julia, what are you doing here?” Amanda asked.

“Well, I came here for
,” she explained, then pointed to the dance floor.

Amanda looked on the dance floor, trying to see who Julia pointed at. When she spotted Kayla and Ian dancing on the dance floor she smiled. At least her friend and boyfriend had made up. Ian was the type of man you just didn’t let go. He was tall, handsome, strong, and very well put together. When the gods made him, they made one hell of a sexy man.

“That’s great. They made up, I see.”

Julia leaned closer to Amanda. “They did more than make up. I asked Logan where they had run off to a moment ago and he said that they were in his office having sex, or as he said,
rekindling their first date

Amanda sniffed and pretended to wipe tears from her eyes. “I’m so proud of her. Kayla finally got rid of that pesky virgin thing to a handsome hunk of a man.”

“I am hoping this handsome hunk you speak of is me,” a deep voice startled her.

No, it didn’t startle her. That voice did something to her that had never happened before—it turned her on.

Amanda looked up at the sound of the voice. Her heart beat rapidly against her chest. Her body tensed at the sight of the man behind the dark, dangerous sounding voice.

Lights danced around his form. He was tall, very tall, maybe around six-two. His dreadlocks were bound together with a band except for a few loose strands here and there. His skin was a very light cocoa color. Then his eyes, they seem like they were glowing with the lights. They looked to be the color of a quarter. Not only did his voice sound dangerous, but he looked dangerous.

“Hi there.” Julia spoke first.

Amanda looked over to Noah, who was also staring at this newcomer. But Noah had a frown on his face.

“Hello,” the guy said, then looked directly at her. “Would you care for a dance?”

“No she wouldn’t,” Noah cut in and jumped up in the booth.

The man snarled at Noah, then stared directly into Noah’s eyes. They were silent for a few moments before Noah sighed, then nodded as if they’d spoken silently to each other before sitting down.

“I was asking the young lady if she would like to dance. It’s rude to interrupt.”

Amanda stared at Noah for a moment and he seemed to be looking off, not paying attention to them any longer.
What had this man done to him?

“No,” Amanda snapped.

?” the man repeated.

“That’s what she said, sir. You got your answer, now go away,” Julia jumped in,

The man smiled, placed both hands on the side of the table, then leaned closer to Julia. Amanda had the impulse to jump in front of Julia to stop this man from doing to her what he’d seemingly done to Noah, if anything. Maybe she was just over thinking things again.

“I am not going away. Shouldn’t you two go for a dance?” The man spoke low, but his voice was very powerful to Amanda.

Julia blinked a couple of times, then both Julia and Noah slid out of the booth without a goodbye from either of them.

“What…what did you do to them?”

The man looked at her and she turned away from him. Maybe he was a type of hypnotist.

His dark laughter made her turn back to him. “You can look at me, lovely one. I have done nothing to them.”

Amanda watched as he moved a strand of dreadlock from his face.

“Now, would you care for a dance? Since your friends rudely left you.”

Amanda looked toward the dance floor at her friends, then back to the man. She wanted to say that he’d made them leave. She didn’t know why she thought that way, but she had a deep feeling that this man caused her friends to leave, and she was sure he would do the same to her if she danced with him.

Amanda drew in a deep breath, then said, “No thank you. I don’t dance.”

“My lovely, I usually don’t like being told

Amanda began to yell at him. “Well, tonight you will get used to it. No! No! And No! I do not want to dance with you. Now go away.”

She ended her sentences with a smile, then turned to look away from the man.

Damn, that felt good.

Amanda didn’t know why it felt good to tell him
when she clearly wanted to say
, but it did.

The man let out a loud snarl, making her look at him again. Amanda knew that was her first mistake. If he could do mind control, as she suspected, she knew she would end up on the floor dancing with him with him in moments.

The longer she looked into his eyes the more she felt the pull of something inside her mind. Something, no, not something,
was trying to force himself inside her mind to make her say
. Instead of giving into the feeling, she pushed back. A groggy feeling took her quickly but just as quickly she pushed through the layers until she could control herself again. Finally, she was able to force the feeling away. She blinked a couple of times and was able to look away from him.

The man’s hand shot out and he grabbed her hand. “How did you do that?”

He had this look in his eyes, confusion and frustration, but even deeper in his eyes, need.

Amanda snatched away from him, not caring what she saw. Or even what she
she’d seen. “Don’t touch me and what did I do?”

The man let out a loud, dangerous growl and grabbed the edge of the table. Amanda watched his arm muscles tense from the pressure he had to be applying to the table. If she didn’t feel like her life was in danger, she would be turned on from how good he looked. He snarled again and even through the loud music, she heard the wood splintering under the pressure before the table snapped in half.

“What the fuck?” Amanda screamed, then jumped up from the booth’s seat.

The man looked at her. His eyes were as bright as the sun. He stared deeply into her eyes, a smirk formed on his lips, then without a word he dropped the other half of the table and walked away as if nothing happened. She watched as he moved through the crowded dance floor. Everyone seemed to part ways in an effort to not touch him.

How the hell did he do that?

Chapter Two



Kayla pressed her body against her lover, enjoying the way his cock lengthened and began to take shape against his pants. They had just made love and she wanted to make love to him again. His hands moved down to her ass, pulling her closer to him.

“Hmmmm, I remembered a couple weeks ago we danced this way for the first time and I was as hard as stone.”

“I also remember it. I was a virgin who didn’t know she was dancing with a sexy vampire who makes my pussy soaking wet when he’s nearby.”

Ian let out a low chuckle.

“Kayla, I know we started off a little rocky and I should have told you what I was from the night we danced here. Now that you know who I am, I want to be with you every moment of the day. I want to show you how much I love you, crave you, and need you in my life.”

“I want that also, Ian. I love you so much and in a short time. I never knew I could love this much. Even the first day we met I was in love, but had to abide by the human rules and not feel that way so quickly.”

Ian ran his fingers through her hair. “I am glad you finally came into my life, no matter how it came to be. You will be my love for the rest of our lives.”

Ian moved his hands to her waist, turned her, pulled her back to his chest, and moved with the tempo. He bent and placed a kiss on the side of her neck that sent a tremble throughout her body. Ian would drive her crazy if they didn’t get out of here soon.

“Then how about we go to your home and spend the week together and never come out,” he whispered against her ear.

Kayla was about to say
, in a teasing way, until his hands slid under her shirt, touching her bare skin. Their bodies moved in time with the music. Anyone would think they were just dancing when in fact she was trying to make her new mate go to the point of no return.

“I have to tell Julia to fill in for me.” She moaned as his hand glided quickly up and cupped her breast, then quickly went back to her waist.

“Then hire someone, because I’m telling you that the next couple of weeks will be hell to keep me away. If you don’t mind me coming over and stealing you away after every patient, then I don’t mind either.”

“Ian, I can’t stop being a vet. I love helping animals.”

“I’m not asking you to stop working. I want to steal you away for a while. I would never ask you to stop what you love.”

“I don’t have the money to pay someone to run the business yet.”

Ian spun her around to look at him. “I can give you whatever you need.”

Kayla shook her head. “I didn’t say that to ask for money, Ian.”

He bent his head until their lips were only millimeters away. “I am your mate, and I am here to help you in any way possible. If you need a million, I will give you that. I don’t care. I would do anything to be with you, even if that takes every penny I have. I’ve worked for the hunters to be able to live without worries for years.”

“You are so sweet,” she managed to say before his lips crashed down on hers.

They kissed for what seemed like an eternity until Ian pulled away from her, his fangs extended in his mouth. He released her and looked in the direction of a man with glowing silver eyes making his way through the crowd.

Ian pushed her behind him, but instead of walking in their direction, the man turned and walked out the door.

“Stay here,” Ian told her and followed the man out the door.

Kayla nodded and was shocked at the quick change in Ian’s emotions.
The man must be dangerous or something for Ian to get upset.
She was new to being a vampire. She could sense a little anger from the man, but that was about it.

She looked around the room until she saw Amanda standing in front of a broken table.
Did the man who just walked out do that? What happened?
She had to go check on her friend.


* * * *


Amanda saw Ian, Logan and a couple other men running behind the guy who broke the table. Apparently, they saw what happened and would probably kick this man’s ass. Wait, they don’t know what that man was capable of. He had made Julia and Noah go dancing by mind control and cracked what had to be a solid oak wood table with his bare hands. This man could kill them. Amanda moved to go help them, but was stopped by Kayla walking up to her.

“What happened here?”

“That…” Amanda said, pointing to the broken table, “Was the result of me not wanting to dance with that guy. He gripped the side of the table and broke it in half.”

“Wow, really?”

“Yeah, and he did something to Julia and Noah.”

“What about Julia and Noah?” Julia asked as she walked up to them.

Amanda looked at them and decided not to say what she suspected. That guy had to be a vampire or some other type of creature.

“That guy that came up to the table, broke the table,” Amanda explained to them.

“What guy?” Noah asked.

Amanda frowned. “You know—the black guy with the long dreads and the unusual silver colored eyes. He was tall, very well built, and kinda handsome. Sex—” she stopped talking as she felt the heat rising in her cheeks.

“Huh?” Julia asked. “I don’t remember any guy like that. And if he’s as yummy as you say he was, I’m sure I would have remembered him.”

“You don’t remember the guy coming to the table and telling you and Noah to go dancing?”

Both Noah and Julia shook their heads. Amanda turned her attention to Kayla.

“You saw him, right, Kayla?”

Amanda hoped Kayla had seen this man because if she hadn’t, then she would need to explain to Logan how the hell she broke this table. Then drive herself to a mental facility and check herself in, because she must have lost her mind.

“Yeah, I saw him. I think that’s the guy Cage, that Julia told me about,” Kayla said.

Julia frowned. “I don’t remember anyone named Cage. What’s going on here?”

Okay, now this was going crazy. No one remembered this guy, no one but she and Kayla so far. Had this guy been trying to erase her mind? Did he erase Julia and Noah’s mind? If so, why ask her to dance? Why even come over to the table, if he only wanted them to forget him?
Maybe he takes advantage of females and makes them forget so they can’t report him to the police.
Oh geez, she had already made this man out to be a rapist, and she didn’t know anything about him. But it was all so weird that no one remembered him.

“You remember, you came to my house, Julia, and told me about how strange and dangerous he was, and how he did certain things that can’t be explained,” Kayla said.

“Things? Julia asked. “What things? When did I talk about this Cage guy?”

“That’s strange,” Amanda whispered.

“Don’t worry about it, I am sure that we will get to the bottom of this,” Kayla assured.

Amanda smiled when Logan and Ian walked through the doors and up to them.

“Did he touch you, Amanda?” Logan asked immediately.

Amanda looked down at her wrist. “Well, not long and not painful. He gripped my wrist when I wouldn’t agree to dance with him.”

“I’m sorry,” Logan apologized. “I never should have invited Cage here.”

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