Devoted (10 page)

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Authors: Kira Johns

BOOK: Devoted
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“Will you wipe that stupid fuckin’ grin off your face?!” Tank orders, rolling his eyes at me. “I swear, you’re acting like you just got laid for the first time,” he huffs as he reaches for the ratchet beside me.


“Fuck off,” I grumble, narrowing my eyes at him. “Don’t even try to pretend like you didn’t act the same fuckin’ way with Britt.” When Tank and Britt officially became an item, he walked around with a permanent smile etched on his face.


“You tryin’ to tell me you’re in love?” he chuckles.


“Yeah, that’s exactly what I’m telling you.”


“Oh yeah? With who?” he smirks.




“Whoa…” Tank says. Standing abruptly, he allows the ratchet to fall from his fingers onto the ground. “You fuckin’ serious?”


“Serious as a fuckin’ heart attack.” There’s not a doubt in my mind.


“Blake…” his voice trails off as he takes a seat on the wobbly metal stool. “I know you and Bella have become close, but love? Those are mighty big words, Blake. You barely know each other.”


“I know her better than anyone,” I shrug. “And I know how I feel.”


“I’ll be the first one to admit, I’m no expert on the whole love thing. It took me a long time to find a woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Your first piece of pussy shouldn’t be your last.”


“She’s not a piece of pussy!” I shout, becoming defensive. “And she damn sure isn’t my first!”


“I know that,” he says, rolling his eyes at me again. “I’m not sayin’ you don’t love Bella, but there’s a difference between loving someone and being in love with them.”


“Don’t you think I know that? I’m not some prepubescent jerkoff. I know what fuckin’ love is. I see it every goddamn day,” I groan, leaning against the hood of Mom’s car. What she and my father share is what I want, and I’ve found that with Bella.


“I just want you to think about what you’re getting yourself into. Bella’s got a dark past, Blake.”


Shaking my head, I look at Tank in disbelief. “So does Mom. That didn’t stop Dad from loving her, or you for that matter. Besides, without the dark, we’d never get the chance to see the stars.”


“That’s all I needed to hear,” he grins. Rising from the stool, he firmly slaps me on the back. “If you can see that at your age, you’re doing better than me. I never opened myself up to fall in love before Britt. I always said it was because I was in control, but when it comes to love, your heart holds the reigns. Love ain’t all unicorns and rainbows, but when it’s right, you know it.”


And with Bella, it isn’t just right, it’s fuckin’ perfect.


“Yo Tank!” Maze calls from the open bay door. “Viper needs ya.”


“Of course he does,” Tank mumbles as he walks towards Maze. Looking over his shoulder he nods in my direction. “You got this covered?”


“Pearl?” I ask, raising my brow. Glancing down at the torn apart carburetor on the bench, I almost regret the words before they exit my mouth. “Yeah, I got it.”


Giving me a chin lift, he turns and heads towards the compound. All but forgotten is Mom’s car, I let out a ragged breath as I take a seat on the stool. This isn’t how I pictured my life, but I wouldn’t change a damn thing.









I can feel the color instantly drain from my face. Looking from Viper to Tank, I look for any indication that this is some kind of a sick joke, even though the proof is sitting right in front of me. “Does Blake know?” I manage to choke out.


“No,” Viper replies, shaking his head. “Not yet.”


Somehow, I find a slight sense of peace in his words. “I don’t want him to,” I whisper, looking down. “At least not until we know for sure.” I don’t want to believe my own mother could be so cruel. There’s got to be more to this, something no one is seeing. And if this is true, I don’t know if Blake can handle it. He brought her here thinking he was healing me.


“We already know, Bella. It’s all there in black and white.” There’s a hint of sympathy in Viper’s voice, but it does nothing to mask the anger that is present. “I already talked to Hawk. We can’t risk putting you on a plane, but we damn sure can get you safely to Spokane in three days.”


“Then what?” I ask, finally tearing my gaze from the clenched fists in my lap. “Am I supposed to keep running forever?” Running is never an option. Blake taught me that.


“Just until we get our hands on Flame.”


“No,” I shake my head vehemently. “I won’t run and hide. Not again.”


“This isn’t about running away. This is about protecting you. We don’t have many options here. You’ve already foiled their first plan by refusing to go home. You change your mind all of a sudden, they’ll know something’s up. We need to get you out of Rockingham before they take you.”


“Then let them take me,” I say, barely recognizing my own voice. “She won’t be able to do it alone. She’ll need help, and that’s what you need, isn’t it? For my father to surface.”


“Yeah, but…” Viper’s brow creases with concern. “I can’t let you do that, Bella.”


“Why not? That’s what they planned on doing anyway. So let them take me. If you know it’s coming, then you can take them both out.” It sounds cold and callous, a daughter plotting the demise of her own parents, but if everything I’m seeing and hearing is fact, it’s either them or me.


Viper stays quiet for a moment, silently deliberating our options. “I want you wearing a wire. Taze’ll hook you up with a tracking device just in case things go south. We want to know where you are every second,” he says, nodding at Shadow who stands and heads towards the exit. Turning his attention back to me, Viper’s eyes widen in disbelief at what we are about to do. “She wanted you to go out with her tonight, right?”


“Yeah,” I say, my voice the epitome of calm, but inside I am trembling in fear.


“Then tonight’s the night. You need to keep your wits about you. Be aware of everything going on around you.”


“I will,” I say in a reassuring tone, even though I’m second guessing my decision to go through with this.


“They may try to drug you, Bella. Maybe even worse.”


“They can’t do anything to me that hasn’t been done before,” I admit, swallowing hard. The only difference is that this time, I’m a willing participant, and I’ll be the one in control. At least that’s what I hope.


Rising to my feet, I make my way towards Shadow, who waits patiently for me by the door. Drawing in a deep breath, I turn one last time to face Viper. “In case something goes wrong, I just want you to know how much I appreciate everything all of you did for me.”


“Nothing’s gonna go wrong Bella,” he says in a firm voice. “I promise you.”


“I know,” I say, smiling at him reassuringly even as a knot forms in the pit of my stomach.






I will not cry.
I repeat the same four words inside my head over and over again, hoping if I say them enough, I can stave off the flood of emotion that threatens to overtake me.


Following behind my mother, I step inside her hotel room, closing the door gently behind me.


“You can sit down,” she laughs, as she walks towards the vanity, eying me in the mirror.


“OK,” I mutter, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.


Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as she fumbles with two plastic cups, filling them with ice from the bin on top of the counter. Reaching into the small refrigerator, she pulls out a can of soda, filling both cups to the rim. I catch sight of the tiny vial she has clenched in her hand, but I say nothing, watching as she pours the contents into one of the cups.


With both drinks in hand, she makes her way over to me. Taking a seat across from me, she sets them on the nightstand beside her. “Did something happen with you and Blake?”


“Why do you say that?” I ask, lifting my eyes to meet hers.


“There’s no disguising the sorrow in your eyes, Bella.” Reaching over, she grabs a cup from the nightstand and passes it to me. “Here.”


Hesitantly, I take the cup from her extended hand. Looking over at her, I note the smile that tears at her lips as I take the first sip.


“I know that look all too well,” she says, giving me a sympathetic smile as I down half the glass. “I saw it every day in the mirror after your father left.”


“My father?” I ask, trying to maintain some sort of composure. “But I thought…”


“I know what you thought,” she says, cutting me off. “It was easier to tell you that I didn’t know who he was than to admit the truth. But I think it’s time I came clean with you. I loved your father, and he loved me.”


Her eyes glaze over and there’s no doubt in my mind that she speaks the truth.


“I knew the first time I laid eyes on Flame that he would be the one to steal my heart. He was a bad boy, much like Blake is, but with the heart of a poet. I loved him more than life itself and would’ve done anything for that man.”


And still would.
“What happened?” I ask, pushing aside my own heartache. Maybe she will unwillingly give me so much needed answers.


“I got pregnant,” she says, her voice a mere whisper. “And he was locked up because of it.”


Inhaling sharply, I look at my mother in disbelief.


“If I had just been a little older…” she says, her voice trailing off. “I was fifteen at the time and he was thirty-two. My mother turned him in the moment she found out, calling him a monster and a rapist. No one, not even her, cared that we were in love. A week after you were born, he was tried, convicted and sentenced to fifteen years.”


I don’t know what to say. My heart literally hurts because I see the torment in her eyes over losing her first love, but even I know that what she is describing is wrong on so many levels. Draining the remainder of the glass, I set it on the nightstand before looking over at her expectantly, waiting for her to continue.


“On my eighteenth birthday, I drove nearly three hours to see him. I’ll never forget the look on his face when he saw it was me seated in the visitation room. He despised me, believing I was the one who put him in there. I wanted to testify on his behalf, but the state wouldn’t let me. In their eyes, I was his victim and they had all the proof in the world to prove that I was. It didn’t matter that I wanted it as much as he did. They ruined my life.”


“I’m sorry,” I mutter, not knowing what else to say.


“Don’t be,” she smiles, happiness replacing all sorrow. My breath catches as she looks over her shoulder just as the bathroom door opens. Rising to her feet, she rushes over to the man as he enters the room and stares up at him in admiration.


“Hello Bella,” he says, his cold gaze locking on me.


I quickly rise to my feet, panic taking hold. I tried to mentally prepare myself for this moment, but seeing him like this, the hatred in his eyes, is too much. My heart begins hammering inside my chest, my breath becoming gasps as the room starts to spin. Staggering backward, I shake my head in disbelief, allowing my pleading gaze to fall on my mother. If there is a shred of dignity in there, she will help me. “Please…”


“This is how the story must end,” she whispers, not an ounce of remorse etching her face as I fall in a heap onto the floor.







Letting out a panicked breath, I push open the large wooden door and step inside the large meeting room. I can feel all eyes on me, watching my every move, as I cross the expanse until I am seated in one of the vacant chairs near the front of the room. Drawing in a deep breath, I force my gaze to meet Tank’s.


“I think this goes without saying,” he begins, honing in on me. “But anything said behind these four walls doesn’t leave this room.”


I say nothing, simply nodding my head in response.


“How much do you know about Jess?” he asks, narrowing his eyes at me.


“Not much,” I admit, feeling like there’s a lump lodged in my throat. I don’t belong here, at least not yet. Church is for brothers who’ve patched into the club, not prospects.


you know?” I turn in my seat, my eyes meeting those of my father.


“Bella hasn’t talked much about her,” I shrug. “But I don’t trust her,” I add, muttering under my breath. 


“Why’s that?” he probes, looking at me pointedly.


“I can’t put my finger on it.” In fact, Jess portrays herself as a loving mother but my gut tells me she’s not. “It’s like everything’s an act. That she’s not who she pretends to be.”


My dad looks over at Tank, giving him a knowing look. As he turns his attention back at me, I can see the concern etching his face. “Must run in the family,” he chuckles, a grin forming on his otherwise stoic face. Just as quickly as the smile appears, it vanishes, a grim look taking its place. “Something about Jess didn’t sit well with your mom either and she asked me to do a little digging. So I did.”


The lump in my throat suddenly feels like a boulder. “What did you find out?” I manage to choke out.


“Have you ever heard of the Hell’s Hunters?” When he sees me shake my head, he continues. “Their former prez, Flame, is Bella’s father.”


“So?” It doesn’t come as a complete shock. From what little I do know of Jess, she’s always been a club whore, hopping from one biker’s bed to another her entire life.


“Jess was just a kid when Flame got his hands on her. In her eyes, the two were in love. Only problem was her mama didn’t see it that way, especially when she found out her fifteen year old had gotten knocked up by a thirty-two year old man. She went out for blood and the state sentenced him to fifteen years right after Bella was born.”


“Shit,” I mutter, trying to take it all in. In a way, I feel sorry for Jess. “So what’s all this got to do with Bella now?” I ask, my mind reeling. My issue is with Jess, not the father who’s never been a part of her life.


“Flame was released a few weeks before Bella’s disappearance,” my dad continues, his brow creasing. “I don’t have all the facts, but I know enough to put two and two together. Flame lost everything when he went to prison.”


Shaking my head, I try to wrap my head around everything that’s being said. “What are you trying to say?” I probe, suddenly feeling sick to my stomach.


“I’m saying Flame never wanted Bella and ultimately blamed her for his downfall. Rattletop getting his hands on Bella wasn’t a coincidence. He paid a pretty penny to get his hands on her, and Flame suddenly got fifty grand richer.”


“And guess who never filed a missing person’s report?” Tank pipes in.


“Jess?” I whisper, bile rising in my throat.


“Nope, Dog did. Two weeks
she disappeared. Got that little tidbit from Demon. Told me that Jess had shrugged it off, acting like Bella had just run away from home, but Dog knew something wasn’t right. Started asking questions around town and that’s what led him to Rattletop. You already know how that ended.”


Grief. Anger. Despair. Heartache. Pain. I am overcome by a plethora of emotions as I let his words sink in. Flame and Jess sold Bella… to Rattletop of all people.


“We’ve got bigger problems,” dad continues, not giving me a chance to recoup. “Flame’s in town and he’s lined up another buyer. They plan on taking her… tonight.”


“And you’re just now telling me!?” I shout. “
With my hands fisted at my side, I stand, knocking the chair to the ground behind me. Fire laces my veins as I head towards the door, ignoring the sound of my father’s voice calling from behind. He is intent on stopping me, something I refuse to let happen.


Reaching for the handle, I jerk the door open harshly. I am fueled by emotions I have never felt. They are powerful, soul wrenching and terrifying. I have never felt as much rage as I do at this moment, and it’s all aimed at two people.


Storming up the stairs, I find myself standing outside of Bella’s room, pounding on her door like a wild man. “Bella!” I roar, my fists and shoulder impacting the door relentlessly.


Suddenly, I am grabbed from behind. Everything becomes a whirlwind of color as I am slung around and slammed into the adjacent wall. Only then do my eyes come into focus on my father’s daunting eyes staring back at me, his forearm pressed tightly across my throat. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he seethes, his nostrils flaring at me.


It takes a moment for my eyes to zone in on the splintered pieces of wood lying on the floor in front of Bella’s room. “Where is she?” I breathe, my eyes widening in horror.


Slowly, I feel his grip loosen as he takes a step back, giving me a warning look before turning towards the stairway, my eyes landing on my mother’s shocked expression. “She’s gone,” she whispers, her words knocking the wind out of me.


It takes a moment for her words to sink in and then I react, lashing out at everyone and everything in my path as I rush towards the staircase, taking two steps at a time until I reach the front of the compound. Wasting no time, I push forward, stopping only when Mom rushes in front of me, blocking the exit.


“Stop,” she says in a hushed tone, her eyes pleading with me. She extends her arms, obstructing my escape as she looks past me.


“This could only go one of two ways,” my Dad’s voice seems to echo through the room.


When I feel his heavy hand resting on my shoulder, I jerk away. Turning around, I bow up at him for the first time in my life. He doesn’t flinch as he takes a step towards me. My fists clenched tightly, I lunge at him, my knuckles impacting his jaw.


A sudden rush of pain jolts through my body. My stomach aches, my arms lose tension and my legs weaken as I drop to the ground, the taste of my own blood soaking my tongue. Hands suddenly seize my arms, trapping them behind me and as I lift my gaze to that of my father, I see Shadow and Tank restraining him as well. Jerking free of their hold, he takes another step towards me, his hands at his sides. Nodding at Taze and Spike, they suddenly release me.  Saying nothing, he extends his arm to me. Gripping my hand tightly in his, he lifts me to my feet.


“You let them take her?” I seethe, despising the man standing in front of me for the first time in my life.


“Is that what you really think?” he asks, shaking his head at me, disappointment in his eyes. “I guess Bella has more faith in me than my own son does,” he mutters as he pushes his way past me and out the front door.



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