Read Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 Online

Authors: Evangeline Anderson

Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (30 page)

BOOK: Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10
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Far shook his head, his attention drawn away from Becca and Truth. His younger
self had emerged from the storage unit where he had been rummaging around for
some time. Apparently he had found what he was seeking.

made a low sound of horror.

that in his hand?”

kind of a blaster, isn’t it?” Truth’s deep voice was grim.

nodded, unable to speak as his younger self climbed back onto the sleeping
platform beside his dead pet and contemplated the sleek, silver weapon.

seemed much too large for the hands that held it—the intent of that silent
silver muzzle too deadly for a young adolescent.

felt the calm despair of his younger self as he lifted the blaster and pressed
the barrel to the side of his head.

no!” Becca gasped. “This can’t be right! He’s—you’re so
would you even get such a thing? How could you think of…of…”

ending the pain?” Far asked softly, still watching his younger self. “I thought
of it a lot, Becca. That was why I stole my adopted father’s blaster in the
first place. I never really thought I would use it but after losing Blix…” He
shook his head. “I just wanted out.”

have to stop this!” Becca exclaimed. “Hey, Far—stop!” she shouted at his
younger self. The boy made no sound that he had heard her. “I…I want to go to
him,” she gasped, struggling as though against unseen hands. “But I

Truth rushed across the room and knelt before the sleeping platform. He was
almost at eye level with the younger Far now and though it was clear the boy
couldn’t hear him, he spoke anyway. “Don’t do this,” he said earnestly. “Stop
now, Far. There is much to live for—much to see and do and find. You have…” He
cleared his throat, his voice hoarse with emotion. “You have to find Rebecca.
And you have to find
He put a hand on the boy’s knee. “Come and
find me, Brother. Whether I know it or not, I’ll be waiting for you.”

felt his heart thud painfully as he watched the scene before him. How he had
longed to hear such words from his estranged brother! He had never believed
that Truth would admit to caring for him. Could it be that his dark twin was
finally ready to have some kind of relationship? Or was he just reacting to the
scene in front of him? To the pain and despair in the younger Far’s face—the
pain and despair he could still feel, even all these years later?

unseen force holding Becca seemed to break and she rushed forward as well and
gathered the boy into her arms.

Far,” she murmured. “Oh, baby, stop and think about this. Don’t do it.
do it.”

don’t think he can hear us.” Truth was still gazing at the adolescent Far in

maybe he can
us. Hug him,” Becca ordered the dark twin. “As tight
as you can—try to make him feel it! He needs to know we care. He needs to know
we’ll be waiting for him in the future.”

just a memory—isn’t it?” But Truth did as he was told, sitting beside the
younger Far and putting an arm around his shoulder gingerly. “I’m not much good
with this, Brother,” Far heard him say. “I never learned to comfort…or to be
comforted. But I want you to know this—you are loved.”

are loved,” Becca repeated earnestly. “Oh, Far, you are loved so

young adolescent Far made no sign that he had heard their words but slowly he
lowered the blaster. He held it in his lap and looked down at it as a single
tear fell to its shiny silver surface.

thank God!” Becca looked ready to cry with relief. She hugged the boy even

didn’t know if his younger self could feel her or not but strangely enough,
could. He could feel the pressure of her slim arms around his neck as well
as Truth’s arm around his shoulders. He could feel…

gave a muffled exclamation of surprise as the bedroom faded and he found
himself suddenly in his younger self’s place, being held between Becca and
Truth. The three of them were back on the bed, in the staging area where they
had started, once again surrounded by the formless gray mist.

Truth looked confused. “What happened? Where are you—the younger you, I mean?”

you understand?” Becca asked, still keeping her arms firmly around Far’s neck.
“He’s here—that scared, hurting boy is
right here.
Inside.” She tapped
Far’s chest with her fingers. “Just like the little boy Far comforted still
lives in you. And the girl that lost the man she was going to marry lives in
me. Those memories are part of us—they made us who we are.”

right.” Truth sat back, but kept an arm around Far’s shoulders.

was grateful for the warmth and closeness. He dared to put an arm around his
brother. With the other arm, he gathered Becca close.

you,” he said hoarsely. “Thank you both. Going through that again was…it was
almost more than I could bear.”

was that exactly how it happened?” Truth asked. “Apologies but I do not understand,
Brother. What stopped you when you were about to use the blaster?”

shook his head. “I don’t know. I just remember that the feeling of hopelessness
somehow lightened and I somehow decided not to pull the trigger.” He shrugged.
“I put the blaster back in my father’s storage unit and never took it out
again. Instead, I started trying to learn more about the attack on our parents’
ship the night we were born.” He looked at Truth. “I guess that was when I
started my search for you in earnest, Brother. Though I didn’t find you for
years to come, I never completely lost hope again.”

you think you felt us?” Becca asked, her eyes wide. “Is it possible that this…”
She gestured with one hand to the formless gray mist surrounding them. “All
this that the Mindscape showed us really happened? That we weren’t just seeing

frowned. “I don’t know. Before we all relived these bad times, I would have
sworn that the night we witnessed in my old home was the worst beating my
father ever gave me. Now I seem to have another memory—one of a tall man with
blond hair who made him stop and…” He cleared his throat. “And comforted me
after.” He shook his head. “I don’t know what happened to your shirt though,

in the mists of time, perhaps,” Far said. He looked around. “So, is the
tutorial over? Did we pass?”

still here, aren’t we?” Truth growled. “If the tanks had dissolved us, don’t
you think we would be gone by now?”

suppose…” Far shook his head. “It’s all very confusing.”

it’s not,” Becca said suddenly. She pulled out of their three way embrace and
got off the bed to stand there, facing them. “It’s not confusing at all—in
fact, I think I finally understand.”

Chapter Twenty-nine


what?” Far and Truth asked as one. They were still sitting side by side, their
arms loosely draped around each other’s shoulders. Becca could see the tension
in the dark twin’s body but he hadn’t pulled away when she left the bed. It
made Becca glad—after the pain Far had just witnessed and felt through his
younger self, he needed his brother close.

understand what we need to get out of here,” Becca said. “We need
she continued, seeing their confused looks. “Remember before when we were…were
touching each other before? I mean, here on the bed…you know…” She could feel
her cheeks getting hot but the twins simply nodded.

know,” Far said gently. “We did it to raise power in order to make

what if it wasn’t power we were getting from our, uh, contact at all?” Becca
asked. “What if what made us able to project, not because we were more powerful
or energized or whatever, but because we were more
Think about
it, that weird airline hostess voice kept talking about the OneMind. We didn’t
know what it meant but maybe…”

meant the merging of all our minds,” Far said, nodding.

convergence of all our thoughts and desires.” Truth sounded thoughtful.

Becca said excitedly. “And how do we get closer mentally?”

twins look at each other and then back at her.

think we know,
Far said quietly. “But we’d like to hear you say

nodded. “Yes.”

took a deep breath. “The way we get closer mentally is by having empathy and love
for each other. Caring about the pain the others have gone through and sharing
it to ease the load. But that’s not enough.”

raised an eyebrow at her. “And what else do you think is needed, Rebecca?”

gathered her courage.

stepped forward and put one knee on the bed, right between Truth and Far. She
slipped one arm around Far’s neck and the other around Truth’s. Slowly and
deliberately, she kissed each of them in turn—first the light twin and then the
dark. When she pulled back, both sets of eyes were on her, Far’s filled with
need and uncertainty and Truth’s with desire.

Far asked, making her name into a question.

need to get closer physically in order to get closer mentally,” Becca said.
Truth frowned. “You’re saying in order for us to merge our minds, we need to
merge our bodies?”

felt like each separate heartbeat was shaking her body and her cheeks were hot
with shame and desire. Deep inside, she could hear a little voice—the voice of
guilt and fear—saying that she shouldn’t do this. That she would lose one or
both of the men she loved if she gave in to the raging fire sweeping through
her—if she gave in to lust.

if I don’t give in, we’ll never get out of here! We have to do this—I’m right.
I know I’m right!
she argued.
And besides, none of this
is real. We’re all still trapped in the Mindscape. No matter what we do, we’re
not really touching.

comforting thought gave her the courage to nod her head.

she said softly. “I’m saying we have to bond. Not as in
bonding sex,”
she went on quickly, seeing the uncertainty in the dark twin’s face. “I don’t
know that we’re ready for that yet. But we have to get closer if we’re going to
find the way out of here. And this…seems like the best way. The
Do the two of you agree?”

black eyes blazed with need but he kept his voice even and low. “You’re saying
you’re willing to let us share you,
Share you sexually?”

felt a rush of heat go through her. Under the scratchy, patchy sweater she wore,
her nipples tingled and between her legs, her pussy throbbed.

she whispered. “If…if you want to, I mean.”

if we agree?” Truth asked, his deep voice a growl. “How far are you willing to
go? How much do you want to give us, Rebecca?”

don’t exactly know.” Becca’s breath was coming fast and the weird fabric of the
clothes her men had projected for her felt too tight and irritating suddenly.
“Maybe…maybe we should just start, um, touching each other and see…see where it

Truth slid one large, warm hand under her sweater and cupped her right breast.

moaned and jumped a little but didn’t pull back. In fact, she pressed forward,
rubbing the hard point of her nipple against the dark twin’s palm. Then she
looked at Far.

you want to…?” She couldn’t finish the sentence but she didn’t need to. The
light twin was already sliding a hand up her sweater to cup her other breast.
He thumbed her nipple gently, watching her reaction with hungry eyes.

full, lovely breasts,” he murmured and looked at Truth. “I think I want to
taste them again. Do you agree, Brother?”

yes,” Truth growled. He looked at Becca. “If our lady would allow it.”

on,” Becca murmured breathlessly. “Do what you want. Anything you want.”

raised an eyebrow again as he and Far lifted the scratchy sweater over her head
in a mutual effort. “That’s a dangerous offer to make, Rebecca.”

know.” Becca lifted her chin. “But…but I’m not afraid. After what the three of
us just went through together, I know you—the two of you—care for me the same
way I care for you. I know you’ll be gentle with me.”

course.” Far rubbed his rough cheeks gently against the slopes of her breasts.
“We would never hurt you,

Truth rumbled and sucked her right nipple into his mouth.

gasped at the sudden, sweet shock of pleasure. And then Far did the same with
her left nipple and all she could do was arch her back and let the two of them
suck her.

The hot, wet suction of two large, male mouths on her
sensitive buds at once. The feel of two sets of big, warm hands roving over her
body, sliding around her waist, caressing her hips, sliding her trousers off…

gave a little gasp when she realized that she was now completely naked. She
hadn’t been wearing panties or a bra under the strange outfit the twins had
projected for her but now to find herself completely naked was both frightening
and strangely freeing at the same time.

least I’m not cold this time,
she thought hazily. Apparently having her
men touch her at the same time warmed her right up.

released her left nipple with a final, soft, sucking kiss and looked up at her.

he murmured softly, caressing her side with one
hand. “Tell me, do you like giving yourself to both of us at once? Does it make
you wet?”

bit her lip. “You know it does,” she whispered. “But why don’t you see for

don’t want to just
Truth growled, looking up at her.

Becca took a panting little breath. “Well then,
for yourself,” she
said boldly, spreading her thighs a little to bare her pussy for him. She
didn’t know how she had gotten so brave but somehow it felt right to offer
herself like this, to open herself for her men.

Truth shook his head, his gray eyes flashing. “I don’t want to just

Brother?” Far asked in a low voice, looking at his twin. “Tell us what you want
to do.”

frowned, a look of uncertainty on his chiseled face.

know I should not want this but…” He took a deep breath and seemed to come to a
decision. “Do you remember, Brother, that you promised to teach me how to
pleasure our lady with my mouth?”

course,” the light twin drawled. His black eyes were lazy with desire. “So you
want to learn to eat pussy? To suck and lick and taste our sweet lady’s cunt
until she comes for you—comes all over your face?”

of God!
Becca caught her breath as his hot, dirty words washed over
her, filling her mind with all kinds of naughty images.

Truth looked uncertain. “Yes, that is
what I want though I know
I should not. And I do not know….if I should.”

Far looked up at Becca. “Would you allow
me to teach Truth the proper way to bring you pleasure with his tongue? Could
you spread your legs and let him taste your sweet pussy?”

heart was pounding and every inch of her skin felt sensitive and exposed. Could
she really do this? Could she really lay back and let the dark twin suck and taste
and lick her pussy while the light twin told him exactly how to do it?

tried to take stock of herself. Here she was, kneeling naked on the bed between
two huge warriors, her nipples hard from their sucking, her pussy wet from
anticipating their touch. Could she open herself to this new pleasure—something
she had never done before, even with Kenneth?

told them anything,
she reminded herself.
Anything at all.
And besides, we’re in the Mindscape. It’s not real—it’s okay.

she heard herself saying. “Yes, please, I…I want you to. If…if you really want
to, that is,” she added, looking a little anxiously at Truth.

you have no idea how much I want to,” he growled. “On Pax it is forbidden—the
touching of the mouth to the lower parts. But somehow, when I look at you,
Rebecca…” He shook his head. “It’s all I can think about. All I want to do.”

perfectly natural, Brother,” Far said softly, watching their exchange. “We
Kindred like to scent mark our lovers with the glands around our lips and
mouths. Tasting our lady’s pussy is the best, most effective way of doing that.
Well, other than penetrating her with your cock, that is,” he added.

felt her stomach do a slow flip of desire. “I don’t know about that,” she said
hastily. “But…I don’t mind you penetrating me with your, uh, tongue if you
really want to.”

shook his head. “I do not know if I should go so far—though I want to, it still
feels…” He shook his head. “I’m not certain about it.”

you like to try kissing her first?” Far asked gently. “Even a female’s outer
pussy is a very delicate, sensitive area. I’m certain our lady would derive
much pleasure from a closed mouth kiss to her outer petals.” He looked down at
Becca. “Wouldn’t you,

felt like a thousand butterflies had taken off inside her stomach at once.

think so. I’ve never done this—never had anyone, uh, kiss me there before,” she

it will be the first time for both of you,” Far said smoothly. He looked at Truth.
“What do you say, Brother?”

say yes,” the dark twin growled. “It is forbidden by my people and yet…I find
myself unable to resist.” He looked at Far. “But I’ve never performed this act
before and I want to make sure I give our lady pleasure. Brother, you must
guide me.”

pleasure.” Far nodded, a slow smile twitching the corner of his mouth. “A great
deal of pleasure, actually. I can’t wait to see you kiss Becca’s sweet, little

felt like she was drowning in lust. Before she knew it, she was lying with her
back to Far’s chest as he directed Truth to place a pillow under her bottom to
elevate her.

sure she’s comfortable, Brother,” the light twin instructed. “She must be
completely relaxed in order to receive the pleasure you’re going to give.”

didn’t know about being completely relaxed—she had never been so full of sexual
tension in her life. And yet, feeling the light twin’s broad chest at her back
while the dark twin hovered over her, making sure she was comfortable, made her
feel surrounded by love and tenderness. She knew that Far and Truth would treat
her like a lady, no matter how deeply sexual things got between them. That
knowledge made her able to open herself to them with confidence and give what
all three of them so desperately needed.

spread her legs,” Far said, nodding at his brother to continue once Becca was
settled. “Coax her open gently, not too wide at first. You want her pussy to be
exposed slowly and gradually so as not to startle her.”

dark twin did as he was told, running his large, warm hands up and down Becca’s
bare thighs in a slow, gentle caress until she moaned and let her legs fall
open for him.

looked between her legs and caught his breath.

fucking gorgeous,” Becca heard him mutter. He looked up at her. “Every time I
see you I remember all over again how beautiful you are, Rebecca,” he said
hoarsely. “I love the deep color of your inner petals and the way you get so
wet even your outer lips are soaked with your honey.”

BOOK: Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10
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