Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10 (32 page)

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Authors: Evangeline Anderson

BOOK: Divided: Brides of the Kindred 10
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I,” Truth said.

don’t either.” Far nodded at the small bottle. “Go on, Becca—drink the juice.
If Truth and I have to fill you with our cocks and our cum in order to put out
the fire it starts inside you, then we will do so. We won’t leave you
unsatisfied or hurting.”

know you won’t.” Becca turned her head, meeting both their eyes. She saw
nothing but love there—love and desire. “All right.” She took a deep breath.
“I’m kind of in a bad position for opening bottles right now—Truth, could you
help me?”

comment, Truth pulled out the small flower shaped stopper and tilted the blue
bottle towards her lips. Becca took a long, deep swallow and the dark twin
replaced the stopper carefully before setting the bottle down beside the bed.

wondered if it would disappear, if it would meld back into the gray mist that
surrounded them as the quilt and the pizza had. But her musings were
interrupted by a warming tingle that seemed to run all through her body. Kat
had said that the juice acted fast and it was—it was acting even faster than
the cake she’d eaten which had gotten her into this mess in the first place.
She felt better now—more open somehow. More able to take what Far and Truth had
to give.

right,” she murmured, looking back at the light twin. “I…I’m ready.”

am too,” Truth growled, sitting back and watching with narrowed eyes. “Do it,
Brother. Let me see you enter our lady.”

pleasure,” Far said softly, stroking over Becca’s hips. “But I would ask one
favor of you, Truth. Would you be so kind as to spread our lady’s pussy for me
that I might enter her more easily?”

caught her breath at his words as she realized what the light twin was doing.
He was not only asking his brother to watch as he made love to her—he was
asking him to participate, to ease the way for his entrance.

was a tense silence and she wasn’t sure how the dark twin was going to react.
Then she felt another set of large, warm hands on her skin. Truth was kneeling
beside her and reaching around to cup her inner thighs.

you wish,” he growled softly. And then Becca felt his long fingers parting her
outer pussy lips, spreading her wide for his brother’s penetration.

you, Brother,” Far murmured and then, at last, she felt the soft kiss of his
crown to the entrance of her pussy.

moaned softly as she felt Far nudge just the head of his cock inside her. The
bonding fruit juice was really working on her now, making her ache to be
filled—not that she hadn’t been aching before but now it seemed like she might
die if she didn’t have him inside her. But still he lingered with just the head
breaching her entrance.

you watching, Brother?” he murmured to Truth. “Do you like what you see? Does
it bring you pleasure to see my cock entering our lady’s pussy?”

Truth swallowed hard, his throat making a dry clicking noise. “It does,” he
admitted at last. “A
of fucking pleasure, actually.”

you want to watch me enter her more?” Far asked, his deep voice seductively
smooth. “Do you want to see me fill her to the hilt?”

damn you.” Truth sounded conflicted—filled with both desire and shame. “You
know I do. Fill her, Brother. Fill her cunt with your cock.”

you wish.” Far echoed his brother’s words. Then Becca gave a low moan as she
felt the thick shaft slowly but surely sliding inside her.

of God, he was
But thanks to the juice she’d taken, she
accommodated him easily. She could feel her inner walls stretching around him
but stretching in a good way—a way that was pleasurable, not painful. A bolt of
pure pleasure lanced through her when he finally hit bottom within her. She
moaned and tilted her hips upward, trying to get more of the delicious
sensation of being so thoroughly and completely filled.

good, Becca,” she heard Far murmur. “So good of you to take my cock deep inside
your tight little cunt. How does it feel,
Do you like to feel my
shaft filling you?”

Becca admitted in a low voice. “I…I can’t help it. I feel like I
you in me, Far.”

you, Brother?” Far asked, looking at his twin. “How do you feel seeing my shaft
buried to the hilt in our lady?”

fucking turned on than I have ever been in my life,” Truth growled. “As you
said—I cannot help but get pleasure from watching you pleasure the female we
both love.”

the Twin Kindred way,” Far said simply. He stroked Becca’s ass and pressed a
little deeper into her, making her moan. “Gods, you’re tight,
pussy feels so good all around me.”

moaned and looked over her shoulder to catch his eyes. “Are we going to try and
form the OneMind? Are…are you going to…to come in me?” she asked.

wasn’t sure what she wanted the answer to be so she was surprised at the rush
of disappointment she felt when he shook his head.

he murmured. “Not yet. It is Truth’s turn in your pussy now,
cannot think of filling you with my seed until he has also had a chance to
thrust deep in your cunt and feel your sweet walls surround his shaft.”

nearly cried with disappointment as she felt the light twin withdraw his long,
thick shaft. She had never felt so empty before—so desperately in need of being

don’t have to do this, Brother,” Truth murmured as Far slid all the way out of
her. “You can finish inside her if you wish—it’s clear that she needs you.”

she needs
of us,” Far said firmly. “Come, Becca,” he added, taking
her in his arms and pulling her back against him again so that they were in the
same position they had been when Truth had tasted her. “Lie back against me and
let Truth fill your pussy with his cock.”

need was beating inside her like a second heartbeat, making Becca more than
willing to do as he said. She didn’t care what happened at this point—didn’t
care which of the brothers slid their cock deep inside her. She only knew she
needed to be filled and

bonding fruit juice is making me crazy! How is it working so well if we’re just
in the Mindscape? How…
but the wondering questions were swept
away by the fire growing inside her.

she begged, as Truth pulled down his tight black trousers and got into position
between her legs. “Please, I need…need it so much.”

know what you need.” The dark twin’s voice was both rough and tender. “And I
want to give it to you, Rebecca. Try to relax against Far and let me enter

down between them, Becca saw that if anything, he was even longer and thicker
than his brother. But again, she didn’t care. She only knew she wanted him in
her, filling her to the limit.

moaned eagerly and reached for the dark twin as she felt the thick head of his
cock breach her entrance. At the same time, she heard Far give a low, hoarse
exclamation as he watched his brother enter her.

you’re beautiful, Becca,” he murmured in her ear as Truth pressed deep inside
her, stretching her open. “So beautiful lying there with your legs spread to
accept Truth’s cock deep in your pussy.”

good,” Becca moaned as she felt the dark twin bottom out inside her. “Feels
Amazing but not quite right,
whispered a little voice inside.
is missing…but what?

course it’s good,” Far said softly, stroking her cheek. “You were made to be
between us,

them—that’s it!
Suddenly she knew what she needed, what she was so hungry for.

she said, looking up at the dark twin. “This is good but I need…need

He pulled back a little and pumped into her, his hips
flexing and his biceps tensing with the motion.

Becca threw back her head with a little moan as the pleasure arched through her
like lightening. It felt so incredible, and yet something was missing. No, not

she heard Far murmur in her ear. “Is that what you need? You need Truth to make
love to you? To fuck you?”

no,” she managed to gasp out. “I
want him to make love to me but,
well…I want you too, Far.” She tipped her head up to look into his bottomless
black eyes. “I want you both. At…at the same time.”

couldn’t believe she’d had the nerve to say it out loud but she couldn’t help
it. Something told her she wouldn’t be satisfied until this request was
met—until she had both of her men filling her at once. Filling her and fucking
her at the same time.
This is wrong…so wrong,
whispered the little voice
but Becca pushed it away.
It’s the Mindscape—it’s not real,
she reminded
It’s all right—we need to do this.

Truth was frowning. “I…cannot, Rebecca,” he murmured, withdrawing. “I am sorry
but even in the confines of the Mindscape, that is too much. I cannot touch my
shaft to that of another male. It is…not right.”

don’t think Becca is talking about full bonding sex,” Far said gently, watching
his brother slide all the way out of Becca’s pussy. “And I think we can give
her what she needs without ever once touching if the idea still disturbs you,

does,” Truth said shortly. “But what do you mean, Far? How can we satisfy her
need without merging?”

Chapter Thirty-one


word from Becca and the wonder twins?” Kat asked as Sylvan walked into the

was spending time with Sophie and Liv and their babies in anticipation of her
own impending twins. Sophie called it taking a hands-on Mommy class and Kat
couldn’t deny that it was true. After all, she’d never been much of a baby
person so she was trying to learn everything she could before her own two
popped out.

afraid not.” Sylvan shook his head. “Frankly, I’m getting a little worried
about them. They reached orbit around Orthanx hours ago and contacted us
once—then nothing.” He frowned. “The strange thing is, they never went down to
the surface. When we send a message their shuttle sends back a ping—a standard
automated reply showing that it's still in orbit—but none of them answer the

mean they're just
up there,
doing nothing? Why haven't they gone down to Orthanx? You think there’s
something wrong?” Sophie looked up at her mate anxiously.

don’t know.” Sylvan sighed. “I’ll give them another few hours before trying to
contact them again. If they don’t respond, we may have to send a shuttle after

you really think they can bring back the solution to our, uh, Unmated Male
problem?” Kat asked.

by ‘problem,’ you mean the fact that every single Kindred warrior without a
bond to a female to anchor his mind is demon-possessed,” Liv said dryly.

yeah. It’s kind of a big problem, wouldn’t you say?” Kat said, frowning. “I
mean if those guys got out from behind the shield barrier…”

whole area is heavily guarded,” Sylvan said. “But you know you’re free to relocate
to Earth until we get the situation solved. A lot of Kindred brides are doing
that—especially those with small children.” He gave Sophia a significant

way,” she said stubbornly. “I’m not going anywhere. Besides, Liv thinks she has
a solution to the problem. At least, a temporary one until Becca and her guys
get back.”

Sylvan had great respect for his sister-in-law who was one of the most
competent nurses he knew. “What is it, Olivia?” he asked. “Please tell me and
I’ll be happy to bring it before the Council.”

I’m not exactly sure it would work,” Liv said hesitantly. “But it might buy
some time. I know we don’t want to hurt the Unmated Males permanently in any
way. After all, it’s not their fault they got possessed by demons. But we can’t
have them trying to get out of the Unmated Males area either. So I thought…”

Sylvan gestured for her to go on.

since they got possessed by that creepy Donald guy using the air ducts to
spread the shadow stone in the first place, I thought why not use the air ducts
again for something else.”

him what, Livvy,” Sophia said excitedly.

think we should blow some kind of air born chemical—some kind of knock-out gas
into the Unmated Males area,” Olivia said. “It probably won’t evict the demons
but if the bodies they’re inhabiting are down for the count, it’ll make it a
hell of a lot harder for them to cause trouble.”

you’re a genius!” Sylvan’s normally stoic face broke into a wide smile. “Why
didn’t I think of that?”

because you’ve been up for days trying to take care of the entire Mother Ship
ever since this all started,” Sophia said, frowning.

truly I am.” Sylvan pulled her close and kissed her
forehead gently. “I know I haven’t been around much. But with everything that’s
been happening…”

know, I know…” Sophia put her arms around him and snuggled close so that her
head fit under his chin. “I understand you have the weight of the world on your
shoulders. I just wish you’d come home and let me take care of you once in a
while.” She brightened. “So—do you think Liv’s plan could work?”

don’t see why not.” Sylvan sounded thoughtful. “Of course, one of the air ducts
can only be accessed by going into the Unmated Males area but we shouldn’t have
to do that. The main ventilation system that feeds the sector is outside the
shield barrier. It should be simple enough to pump some kind of sleeping agent
directly into their area and put them all down—temporarily, of course.”

course,” Sophia agreed. “So you’ll try it, right?”

frowned. “I’ll have to run it by the Council first. We’re completely unbalanced
right now since Chancellor Terex is still unable to lead.”

is he still in a coma?” Kat had only met the head of the Kindred Ruling Council
once and thought him a kind but distant male. He was a Blood Kindred, which
explained his cool demeanor. Sylvan was the only Blood Kindred Kat really knew
well and as far as she could tell, every other Kindred of his kind had ice
water running in their veins.

afraid so.” Sylvan shook his head. “We don’t know if he’ll ever come out of
it—let alone be able to resume his normal functions. But the Council has voted
to give him more time before replacing him so we’re doing the best we can
without him. It’s not easy though—he casts the deciding vote on every issue and
has the power to veto majority decisions although he has never used it.”

a wise male,” Liv said thoughtfully. “Though he always seems sad to me.”

he lost his wife,” Kat reminded her. “He—oh!” She put a hand to her belly.
“Wow, these guys are
kicking today.”

can’t wait to get out and meet their mama.” Sophia smiled. “Speaking of which,
I need to get my own twins up from their nap or they won’t sleep tonight.”

with my little guy,” Liv said, rising. She offered Kat a hand up. “Are you
going to stick around?”

Lock is cooking Thai food tonight. I have to go make sure Deep doesn’t sneak in
too many peppers and make it spicy.” Kat looked at Sylvan. “Keep me posted
about Becca and her guys, will you? I like her a lot and I have a worried
feeling about them.”

are not the only one who is worried,” Sylvan said gravely. “We have our hopes
pinned on them finding the solution to our problem. Even the priestesses of our
Sacred Grove have been unable to cast these beings—these demons out. If Far and
Truth and Becca don’t bring back a cure…” He shook his head. “I’m not sure what
we’re going to do.”

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